The New World: Arcadia

Game Master Molly Narr

A series of storms has led the ships you were traveling on astray. Instead of landing on the shores of Varisia, you find yourself adrift without a navigator and dwindling food supplies.

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Male Advanced Flame-Infused Legion Archon Bloodrager 4

"Does it truly matter what drove the murderer to plunge his blade into his victim? And the blood debt between you was drawn because of defensive action, nothing more. You stumbled upon her, and she was obviously willing to violently defend herself, so that she may complete her nefarious schemes."

Azrielan doesn't seem to back down much at all, her gauntlet still extended towards the halfling, demanding she turn over her weapon. Her stance is still aggressive, mace in hand at her side, and she almost appears to be threatening the little one.

"I do not agree with your sentiment to forgive her crime, because make no mistake, it is a crime, with the simple promise of an explanation. I wish nothing more than to exact Chelish law, as is my right, and give the Paralictor the justice he so deserves. However, if she turns over any weapons she may still carry, and returns your trinket, then I may be persuaded to stay my hand long enough for you to quench your curiosity."

GM Molly:
Intimidate: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

Male Gnome Bard (Archaeologist)

Nymarchemadias watches the argument in thoughtful silence before coughing to get everyones attention, taking a deep breath and speaking with a loud rush not pausing,"I have never been on a Jury before and certainly want to proceed with this experience carefully the Paracount said she should get a trial and that we would decide and the Paracount said that we ALL should decide and just because Azrielan is big and pretty in a scary kinda of way doesn't mean she gets to decide all on her own especially if we have not heard the whole story yet because I bet it is an interesting story and if we don't hear the tale it could be LOST and not everything is always as it seems because I once tried to pet a cute little bunny and it bite me really hard and scratched me and it hurt really bad but everyone always thinks bunnies are cute and harmless but they can be really dangerous not to say this halfling lass is like a cute dangerous bunny because I don't know what to think other than I would like to hear what she has to say and would like to ask questions..."

Nymarchemadias pauses to take a deep breath and it seems as if a thought has suddenly interrupted his previous train of thought,"What is in those barrels?"

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

"I would agree, we need to know the whole story, or at least as much as we can get, in order to exact the best and fairest justice."

Oh, aren't titles fun? Dominicus' oble title is Paracount while his Hellknight ranking is Paralictor

Nilfy shrinks back at Azrielan's demand for her weapon and carefully withdraws a dagger from her belt. She then points under the bed and looks to Nick, "Your bow is under there... sorry for stabbing you..."

She sits backs and takes a deep breath. "Okay, so where to begin... The Paracount's cousin see, he decided to put an arrow in my sister's back. She wasn't even running away, that's just what the Lord Mayor said. Now what the Lord Mayor did to my sister... that was murder, even under Chelish law! You can't kill a slave without good reason. Not that he would have ever been charged that no good..." Nilfy allows a colorful stream of language to flow through her mouth in the halfling tongue. "Anywho, soon after the Paracount here made it know he was leaving Westcrown, I was contacted by some folk from Andoran: Eagle Knights. They were a bunch of worshipers of uh... Cayden Caileen, that's right! so they wanted me to come onto this ship and well... sink it. Lot's of bigwig slavers on this ship you see. Well, I was going to go through with it too, but then the storm hit and well, I didn't want anyone else to die and so decided not to. You see, the barrels are filled with Galtan fire! It burns and burns and doesn't go out, even when spread onto the water. It would have been perfect to take this ship down. I was still going to get revenge for my sister, however, and well... look where that's gotten me..."

Male Human Divine Hunter 1 --- HP 10/11 -- Smite Evil 0/1

Nick picks his bow and arrows from under the bed and sits again "Thank you, Nilfy. I'm sorry for shooting you."

He hears the whole nine yards of story and after meditating for a few seconds, Nick speaks. "I understand. And I forgive you. You aren't a bad person, just a confused one." He is half talking to the halfling, half to himself "You confused revenge for justice and almost lost your life in the process. Even worse, you almost lost your soul. The storm was a curse for the rest, but it has saved you."

He stands up and speaks yo his companions "I don't think she must die, but she must pay nonetheless. She have to learn of justice as to never make this mistake again, she have to so she can be part of whatever we build wherever we arrive." and then he speaks to the Paracount "The rest are yet to speak, but if they agree with me there's still one question left: Nilfy is a slave. I hate slavery with every inch of my being, but as the only relative of his owner present... and possibly the only one she sees until her last days... she is yours, Paracount. As I said, Nilfy and I have a blooddebt between us, and I want to balance it... so I'd like to buy Nilfy from you."

Male Advanced Flame-Infused Legion Archon Bloodrager 4

Azrielan takes the dagger, and then backs her stance up as she listens to the halfling' story.

"While your statement warrants an investigation into the circumstances of your sister's death, criminal, that is something none of us are able to accomplish."

"What we can do, however, is enact justice on the crimes you have so far committed, and the ones you intended to commit. That includes attempting to murder the Paracount, attacking and wounding Nick, and an attempt on the life of everyone aboard this ship." she states in a very serious sounding manner.

"Nick, your persistence in insisting that this halfling isn't a criminal is beginning to annoy me. We must not allow her attempt at covering her crimes with a sob story move us from the path of justice. She is no longer a slave, she is a criminal. Under Chelish law, she must be punished for her attempted murder and slaughter of this ship."

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (13) - 1 = 12

I do not believe any of her actions thus far warrant execution, certainly if she had in fact attacked the Paracount, however, she is lucky that I had the cunning and foresight needed to discover her plans*. Her other victim on this day has made it clear that he has no intention of pressing any charges. It would be safe to say that her actual crimes are actually quite minor. Akkad waxes eloquent, seeming to address the entire group assembled.

Ignoring the fact of course, that he wasn't the only one to do that.

Female Eidolon (Psychopomp) -

Assuming she was summoned before Nilfys defense speech. Ignore roll if not.

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

The skeletal creature speaks somewhat quietly addressing the Paracount himself It would appear that perhaps this woman is not trustworthy enough to keep aboard this ship. If, my lord, you do agree to sell her to Nicholas, I feel it would be a benefit to us all if she were relocated. Turning her burning blue gaze to the halfling on trial she adds At the very least, she's provided us with useful weaponry. Isn't that right?

Male Advanced Flame-Infused Legion Archon Bloodrager 4
GM Molly wrote:

Dominicus has been silent thus far, standing in the room with calculating eyes. He finally speaks up. "Chelaxian law dictates that in the absence of a legal system, such as on the high seas, a Hellknight Paralictor -such as myself- has the right to dictate who shall serve as a makeshift jury... I believe I will leave that to you all. However first and foremost..." He points to the halfling. "Nilfy Shortwick, you stand accused of attempted murder, passing yourself off as a deceased relative, escaping the bonds of slavery, and conspiracy. These fine people will act as officers of the law."

The Hellknight steps back and takes a look at the party. "I leave it to you all to question her, judge her, and punish her as you see fit. I am not disinterested in seeing what you all decide to do."

Not sure that qualifies as "no intention of pressing charges".

"So it is by our own hand stopping the crime that she is deemed innocent?"

Seeing that the rest of the group is not likely to allow her to pursue her course of justice, Azrielan backs down.

"Very well. I will not demand the execution of the criminal. If, however, whatever plan you do have for her fails, and she falls back into her criminal ways, I will not be persuaded to stay my hand again."

Figured the argument has gone on long enough, and the rest of the group won't change their minds, so Azrielan must be the one to do so.

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

No intention, meaning Nick. That's the "her other victim" part. I know the paracount probably thinks differently, but he's deliberately not involving himself.

Male Human Divine Hunter 1 --- HP 10/11 -- Smite Evil 0/1

Nick smiles to the hellknight "Thank you, Azrielan. And don't doubt she will pay, but there are other prices than blood... but were she to break my trust, I would have failed and won't be the one to judge that time." he turns back to Nilfy and tells her "Do you have any objection before the Paracount speaks?"

Your sense motive checks find that she is being entirely honest, probably because she assumes you'll know she's lying if she attempts it.

Nilfy shakes her head when asked about objections she may have.

The Paracount stares at you all before the smallest of smiles appears on his face. "The burden of keeping order in a place without civilization whatsoever can be trying... and I fear we must soon do exactly that soon enough. I just exposed you to one scenario in which we must make difficult decisions, and I expect many more will come in the upcoming days. What is right and what is most important? Punishing a criminal with retributive justice, or try a more merciful approach. I've learned in my years that both methods must be used given different circumstances.

Azrielan, you have found that you had difficulty getting your point across. I was expecting that. The bureaucracy in Cheliax is very similar, so the day you end up heading back there, you must remember that your methods must be more subtle, and perhaps with a gentler touch. Do not compromise, but learn to work within the system in place. Then, and only then, can you change it to your liking, and can order be established. As for the rest of you, I still do wonder... how exactly WILL you punish this halfling? A crime must not go unpunished after all. I cannot sell her to you because she is not mine to begin with... for now she remains my cousin's property, but in his absence... she is the equivalent of a free person."

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Well, time in jail will hardly be any different from what the rest of us are dealing with. For now. After landfall, perhaps. I advise use of manual labor. Until we reach the shores of Arcadia, at which time she must meet with proper confinement.

Female Eidolon (Psychopomp) -

Vimana sits down by now, looking to the jurors.

For what it would be worth, she was entirely honest in her confession.

Male Gnome Bard (Archaeologist)

Nymarchemadias nods as the Paracount speaks and is openly happy that the human seems infinitely reasonable.

"I once knew of a wizard that lived high in the sky in a magical house kept aloft by his powerful magic. The wizard summoned a demon, a really nasty mean demon, that had particular knowledge that the wizard longed to possess. The demon was less than pleased to be summoned and bound within a protective circle. The demon begged the wizard for release and the wizard calmly replied that release was not an option because the demon would kill him. The demon simply stated that he would not kill the wizard because doing so would cause the magical house to plummet to the earth far below killing the demon too. Faced with such logic, the wizard agreed and released the demon. The demon promptly stabbed the wizard in the heart and as the house began to fall the wizard looked at the demon and asked why he would doom them both? The demon simply replied that the wizard knew what he was when he summoned him."Nymarchemadias smiled as he finished his cautionary tale,"This halfling planned to kill us all and may have but for a chance storm and a change of mood. Is it safe to expect her to be reformed just because Sir Nick has a crush on her? I am not saying she should be killed since that is a very final solution. What about banishment? Perhaps we cast her off with some supplies and let the winds of fate determine her outcome."

Male Human Divine Hunter 1 --- HP 10/11 -- Smite Evil 0/1

"I have no crush on nobody, Nym. I have faith. And banishment here is simply delayed death, don't lie to yourself. I do this because I think she can be saved... and even if that's the hardest path I won't have it otherwise."

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Akkad listens to Nym's long winded tale and Nicks unconvincing denial

So, putting her to work as I stated it is then? He responds simply.

Male Human Divine Hunter 1 --- HP 10/11 -- Smite Evil 0/1

"I suppose that could work. But she shouldn't just be a worker, she needs guidance and she needs to learn from her mistakes. Starting by learning that the Paracount isn't the evil man she thinks. How can we do that? I'm open to suggestions." Nick feels really calm now that the tensions have been solved, to say something.

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

I am always happy to have another servant, temporarily or not. Akkad suggests.

Female Eidolon (Psychopomp) -

However, Vimana is quick to add it sounds to me that the paladin would like to keep Nilfy around himself, so that he may be the one to tell her what to think. After all, we can’t leave her around the paracount, none of the others here save possibly Grunyar would be an especially strong influence in the manner he wishes.

Male Gnome Bard (Archaeologist)

Nymarchemadias grins slyly and winks at Nick, "The heart wants what the heart wants and who am I to stand in the way. I knew a sailor once that was infatuated with a buxom doxy and spent all of his shore time with her even when she had crabs and not the crabs you eat mind you although she served crabs too at the tavern but he kept going back despite the crabs not for the crabs so as I said the heart wants want the heart wants. If Nick wants Niffy to be his ward then I won't say otherwise. Of course it seems that Akkad might have something to say. I guess Nick is not the only one with a fondness for dangerous women, eh?"

Love always causes problems. Erastil and his promotion of happy families always causing these humans to try and tame women and have them settled at home. No wonder Nick wants to save the lass even after she stabbed him.

"I don't want to distract from this strangely fascinating courtship but I think we probably need to make sure the deadly barrels of fiery death that could sink the ship are well guarded and safe?" Nymarchemdias states in a serious tone with an ominous visage before smiling in a self congratulatory manner. He then turns to whisper to Grunyar, "I think the air must be thinner up there for these humans and it would explain all their crazy ideas."

Dominicus looks around and nods, listening to everyone's argument. I will assume you all told him your final votes. "Well then, I think we have consensus as to what we are doing with Nilfy. As Nick here almost soundly defeated her the first time they encountered each other, I can see that having all of you watching over her should be no problem. Granted, any one of you left alone with her might have more difficulties but... I trust you not to make such a poor decision. Even if one of you may be a bit enamored." Dominicus finishes him comment giving an aside glance to Nick.

"The only problem of course is the fact that she does possess magical abilities. I may have something to help with that." The Paracount walks over to his chest and looks through it. "I know I have one... ah, there we go." He lifts a plain bronze necklace from the chest and walks over to the halfling. "I've had to transport spellcaster prisoners before, so this is something I have taken to carrying. This necklace here can only be removed with by a command word known only to me. It allows for her to speak, but only truly at a whisper. This will ruin any somatic components her spells may have, and from the sound of that prior explosion downstairs that is liable to be a good thing.

"As for the barrels downstairs, you need not worry about them. I will have at least one guard posted at all time. Azrielan. I am trusting you to keep an eye on Nilfy here. Speaking of which." He kneels down to face the halfling at eye level. "These fine lot could have voted to have you executed and would have been within their rights to do so. I expect you to show some gratitude and not attempt anything particularly... stupid. Do we have an understanding?" With that he places the necklace around her neck, which seems to shrink almost like a collar. She turn to you and manages to mouth a 'thank you' before Dominicus continues speaking.

The lot of you solved this mystery relatively quickly. Much more quickly than I could have anticipated in fact. I think you all deserve some form of reward... I don't think you should be sleeping in the cabins anymore. There seems to be space for you lot in the officers' quarters. You'll also find the other officers on board much more agreeable to your new positions. Very well. you all may be off."

from here you all may decide exactly what to do for the next...

1d10 ⇒ 5


Male Gnome Bard (Archaeologist)

Nymarchemadias watches in wide-eyed wonder as the Paracount places the magical necklace around Nilfy's neck.

I wonder where that came from? It must have all kinds of wonderful uses. What could the command word be? I bet it is something dramatic.

"That is such an interesting necklace. It looks rather plain but what wonderful magic it has. I knew a half-orc baker of sweets that married a beautiful woman with a sweet tooth. Everyone called them "Beauty" and "Beast" until she got quite plump and when I say plump it is a kindness because she was truly the widest woman I have every seen even wider than a fat dwarf I once saw at a carnival. Anyway, "Fat Beauty" was not soft spoken and became even louder as she became wider. I wonder if that is related? I bet that half-orc would have paid a pretty penny for a necklace like that!"Nymachemadias rambled to no one in particular as if everyone was hanging on his every word, which he assumed they were because he is after all very amusing.

After hearing the Paracount's offer for better accommodations the gnome bows in thanks and states grandly, "Thank you M'lord for your kind words and gracious offer. Of course I will most humbly accept your invitation to relocate into the officer quarters so that I can keep an eye on Nick. Not to say that I would not afford Nick and Nilfy some privacy to get to know each other and what not!"

After being dismissed by the Paracount, Nym goes below deck to gather his belongings then hurries to explore his new home in the officer quarters.

I knew the Paracount would be most delighted to have me aboard. To think I almost worried about joining the ship without getting permission first. What a grand and wonderful turn of events!

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Akkad makes his way down to his cabin without excusing himself first. Nodding his head in approval.

Yes, very good. This is far better. There's even enough room for you here Vimana.

Female Eidolon (Psychopomp) -

Vimana nods but says nothing and sits by the doorway, waiting for others.

Male Gnome Bard (Archaeologist)

Seeing Akkad enter their new quarters, Nymarchemadias feels the familiar itch of mischief tingling in his pointy ears. It is almost a tickle that causes the gnome to silently chuckle. He pointedly ignores the noble Akkad and pretends to be absorbed in some idle fancy despite watching the half-elf from the corner of his eye. As soon as Akkad begins to take a seat, Nym uses the innate magic of his gnomish heritage for mischief to make the sound of flatulence emitting from Akkad's seat.

Casts Ghost Sound

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

Not really having much to add to the conversation Grunyar agrees with keeping her alive, but says little else, as he generally listens much more than he talks. Happy with his relocation, he begins to move what belongings he has into his new residence.
Grunyar doesn't really have anything to do over the five days. Being a generally helpful person with a fairly wide array of skills, he'll probably help with a few minor tasks along the way. One thing that people might have forgot is that Grunyar and the others who weren't there don't know where were going yet, so that might be a good thing for someone to mention.

Male Human Divine Hunter 1 --- HP 10/11 -- Smite Evil 0/1

I assume that over these 5 days somebody helps Nick take care of Nilfy.

"Thank you, Paracount. I swear by Old Deadeye that I won't make you regret your decission." he then signals Nilfy to come with him reallocate his belongings to the new dorms.

"Nilfy, I trust you won't do anything. I don't know why but I trust you. Let's see how we can help around the boat, lf we work hard the Paracount will free you of that pendant in no time."

Nick spends the next days helping around, explaining Nilfy -trying not to be boring- Erastil's meaning of community and why he helped her because of that. He also looks for some spare wood to craft a shortbow for Nilfy, and if she is interested he tries to teach her how to eork wood.
"I like working the wood with my hands... it makes me feel useful, and I'd rather create than destroy something using them."
Crafting: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

Grunyar will help as well, as this kind of thing is kind of what he does.
Craft: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

Female Eidolon (Psychopomp) -

Grunyar, are you excited? We're on a course for Arcadia you know. Vimana mentions, as the whoopee cushion effect is heard through the room.

...Times like these, I'm glad I don't have lips to curl anymore in amusement.

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

As Akkad takes a seat, the resounding sound of flatulence takes root in the otherwise peaceful room.

Perception check to see who's smiling: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16

I see that some of us have immature senses of humor. That is fine, I advise you though, that this is not a battle that you will win.

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

To Vimana "Arcadia? Isn't that a myth? Although... I suppose it is to the the west of Avistan and Garund..."


In the days that passed, Nilfy was relatively well behaved, mainly because she has been unable to cast spells as of late. She looks especially happy when she is learning to work with her hands, and especially enjoys not being chained up all the time, glad she has some degree of freedom.

Moving into the officers' quarters has been a big change for the lot of you. Instead of cramped quarters with various bunks stacked on top of one another, you actually find yourselves each with one (small) bed and a chest. The other officers raise an eyebrow about you being here but quickly shrug and get back to their duties.

As the days pass, you note that the Paracount seems to be getting more and more anxious. On the fifth day, he gathers you all together. "Iomedae has given me a vision. We are to be in danger very soon. I do not know the source, but it will come from the depths. Should we survive this, we should make land within another day, but until then, be on the lookout. Do you understand me?"

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

"Yes. Do you need us to inform others?"
Otherwise/after alerting who he needs to, Grunyar will keep a sharp, lookout for something from the depths.
perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Or not...

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Oh, I can assure you that with my expertise, we'll pull ourselves through yet. Akkad states confidently to the paracount.

As luck and foresight would have it, I happen to bring a second pair of eyes with me. Vimana?

Perception: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5 Akkad keeps a lookout as well, if only because a threat to the boat itself means a threat to him as well. Unfortunately, he seems distracted. Possibly his reflection in the water. He will not however follow suit with the namesake of his most noticeable personality trait. Drowning oneself is very unattractive.

Female Eidolon (Psychopomp) -

Vimana gets up to search the boat herself at the call of her name.

Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9 Not very thoroughly though, since the implied order was more to stay alert, rather than search well.

Two sets of eyes. One set carefully observing a deep waste chute embedded within oneself.

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

wow... these rolls are just sad

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

I know! I expected it from Akkad at least, but if no-one gets to double digits, I think we'll be in for a rough combat. Course, I don't really expect us to get much chance for preparing anyway.

Male Advanced Flame-Infused Legion Archon Bloodrager 4

Not doubting the power of visions, Azrielan wonders if she has received any similar portents from Asmodeus. Gm? What do ya say?

Recovering her shield and drawing her mace, Azrielan responds quickly, "Of course, my lord. I will initiate a patrol around the boat for the next few hours."

My turn!

Perception: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Boom! I got the highest xD

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Oh yeah, nevermind. It's okay everybody. Azrielan nailed it. With an 11.

Up on the deck, Akkad remarks Quite a good job shaving, today. A more serious look grows across his face.

Though this ocean is vast. Quadira owns the Obari. How much of this shall be mine? He looks out to the open waters. He keeps Vimana close by, though she is more interested in the ship itself, evidently.

Akkad partially extends his arm, twists has arm to show his palm to the skies. He then closes his fingers, save for the index and middle fingers, which he raises. The nonchalant behavior causes a circular pattern with simple runes along the edges, appearing within the water, a dolphin quickly begins swimming freely by the boat. Curiosity more than anything else keeping it closeby.

Female Eidolon (Psychopomp) -

Vimana listens to Akkad speak, though surprised.

You would not say all of the ocean would belong to you? He watches the sea mammal glide through the water.

Or is it simply that only creatures like that can call themselves the masters of such a domain?

Male Human Divine Hunter 1 --- HP 10/11 -- Smite Evil 0/1

Nick waits to think for a while then speaks "An attack from Deep below? I wonder what could be... anyway I'll stand watch. But first, how's everybody's days going? I've been busy these days." he says with a wide smile.

Perception for the Watch later: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

Finally, a decent roll. Thank you, Nick

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Akkads up top already, unfortunately, so no answer for Nick. His work halfling should be down there, maybe?

Female Human Lvl. ? Bard

1d12 ⇒ 4
1d20 ⇒ 8

Four hours later, as you are all patrolling the ship, looking out for possible threats in the water, you find yourself growing tired as the sun beams down on you. Just as there is a call for you all to get something to drink, Nick and Nick alone sees a brief shadow in the water.

Just as he squints to get a better look at this you hear a scream as someone on the other side of the deck suddenly goes overboard. Just as there is a splash, another scream follows. Nick, quickly realize what is happening and now can clearly see that the creatures causing this chaos seem to be goblin in form, but with a lower half similar to an octopus. They begin climbing the sides of the ship, laughing in some strange language as move upwards.

Nick, you are able to act in the surprise round. They are still climbing the sides of the ship and none of them are on deck just yet. There seems to be about ten of them total. Everyone else roll initiative. If more than half of you beat a 10, you can all act first.

Male Half-elf Master Summoner (Unchained)/3|| HP: 21/21, AC: 18 (FF: 14 T: 14) || Init: +10, Fort: +4 Ref: +6 Will: +6 || Per: +2

Akkad Initiative: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

Vimana Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9

Male Human Divine Hunter 1 --- HP 10/11 -- Smite Evil 0/1

As he sees what's happening, Nick yells to the others "We're under attack! Everybody who can fight prepare, the rest dash below deck!"
Initiative: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12

He runs to the center of the boat and prepares to shoot the first monster to appear.
"They are some kind of octopus goblin things"

Male Gnome Bard (Archaeologist)

Nymarchemadias walks dutifully around the ship acting like some sort of ceremonial guard. His steps have become significantly less enthusiastic as the sun takes it's toll. The shouts and ensuing chaos revive Nym like a cold shower and he jumps into action.

Initiative: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Male Dwarf Inquisitor (Preacher) 1

Initiative: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

Female Human Lvl. ? Bard

Two more initiatives needed, but it looks like you will be going first

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