People's Avatars

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

Isn't it funny what you think of when you look at a picture in Dragon.
I just recieved my Back Copy of Dragon 339 today (btw thanks Customer Service) and opened it up to the index. There on page 5 is a picture of a Bariaur with little round glasses and the first thing that popped into my head was "Oh there's Fatespinner". Then as I was reading I ot to page 90, the Divine Class Acts and thought "and there's Lady Lena".

Just thought it was an ammusing anecdote =)

Oh yes, I get that all the time..."Ooh, Sebastian is in this adventure!"

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

flash_cxxi wrote:

Isn't it funny what you think of when you look at a picture in Dragon.

I just recieved my Back Copy of Dragon 339 today (btw thanks Customer Service) and opened it up to the index. There on page 5 is a picture of a Bariaur with little round glasses and the first thing that popped into my head was "Oh there's Fatespinner". Then as I was reading I ot to page 90, the Divine Class Acts and thought "and there's Lady Lena".

Just thought it was an ammusing anecdote =)

I have noticed however that it doesn't work with D&D Minis at all =(

Heh. I'm still trying to find myself in an adventure. I've found some of my previous avatars before, but I can't seem to find this guy.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

flash_cxxi wrote:

I have noticed however that it doesn't work with D&D Minis at all =(

I've got a couple of Fake Healers, three Tegans and a couple of Celestial Healers. Just recently I got a secreturchinman.

The Exchange

Daigle wrote:
flash_cxxi wrote:

I have noticed however that it doesn't work with D&D Minis at all =(
I've got a couple of Fake Healers, three Tegans and a couple of Celestial Healers. Just recently I got a secreturchinman.

I have a James Jacobs, an F2K, a Cosmo, a couple Tegans, a Fakey, a Heathanson, and several others, but I am trying to get all the Paizo guys in mini-form (those that use them).


gotta catch em all!

Liberty's Edge

Please stop sticking needles in mine. I have a bad corn on my toe. I know it's your doing, fakey.

Go Fakey! Stick a few more needles into the were-poodle's foot for me! Also, stick him where the sun does't shine too!

Hay guyz, wuts going on in this thread?

(Actually, there's a story behind my current choice of icon: It was around the time of the demise of Will Save, and I was using one of the "assassin" icons... Same as about a hundred other people at the time. Not that I was exactly sad to see it go, but I wasn't fond of the way Will Save went, so, in tribute of and respect for the series that wasn't, this became my icon. I think it fits me, goofy grin and all, and... Uh... I never found a better icon to replace it with...)

Liberty's Edge

It's cool tho. People pick up this little werrwoof and sez tadem selves, "Heathansson!!!" It's my Warhol fiteen minnits. I always wanned ta be an action figger.

here's something i'm wondering: do we get to keep these nifty avatars after the WotC license is fully gone?

Liberty's Edge

I think one of the perfessional types around here said that WOTC wouldn't make a stink out of it.
There's internet sites all over with avatars out the wazoo; I don't think many people get to huffy about copyright infringement-IMHO it's more like free advertisement.

Liberty's Edge

But---I always personally thought that "WOTC would never do something as nonsensical as discontinuing Dungeon and Dragon magazine," so what do I know?

Heathansson wrote:
But---I always personally thought that "WOTC would never do something as nonsensical as discontinuing Dungeon and Dragon magazine," so what do I know?

Yeah, you never know with them, do you?

But I think someone (Gary Teter, I believe...avatar business generally seems to surround him) mentioned that Wizards said they would let them keep the avatars just as they are.

Heathansson wrote:
But---I always personally thought that "WOTC would never do something as nonsensical as discontinuing Dungeon and Dragon magazine," so what do I know?

Well... technically, they aren't "discontinued"... they're being delivered in a "new format"...

somnamancer wrote:
Well... technically, they aren't "discontinued"... they're being delivered in a "new format"...

Kind of like how falling from a height of 30,000 feet without a parachute is just sky diving "in a new format"?

So it's not my best metaphor. It is descriptive, no?

El Skootro

in that case, i think i'll be the first to claim Mr. Maedar. ;)

Scarab Sages RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32

BOZ wrote:
in that case, i think i'll be the first to claim Mr. Maedar. ;)

And may I say what a dashing fellow you look to be now!

err... not that you weren't a dashing looking fellow before.

well, the Xvart *is* a hottie. ;)

I'm a leprechaun with a tan. Heheheheheheee!

BOZ wrote:
here's something i'm wondering: do we get to keep these nifty avatars after the WotC license is fully gone?

If WotC takes away my baby silver dragon avatar, it would make Pelor cry.

And that's never good. Don't turn Mr. Sunny's smile upside down, WotC... it would start raining and stuff. Dark clouds and no rainbows, for weeks!

Considering I actually am a spawn of Kyuss, I would feel slighted if my avatar was recalled. It's a close likeness, except my hair's a little shorter.

In fact, courtesy of several illusion spells to both suppress my fear aura and undead countenance, I was able to pass through Origins unnoticed this year, spreading Kyuss' Gift to all the wonderful folks at Paizo I got to shake hands with. (Look out, Nic Logue!) Too bad none of them had true seeing up...or did they?

Liberty's Edge

Laeknir wrote:
BOZ wrote:
here's something i'm wondering: do we get to keep these nifty avatars after the WotC license is fully gone?

If WotC takes away my baby silver dragon avatar, it would make Pelor cry.

And that's never good. Don't turn Mr. Sunny's smile upside down, WotC... it would start raining and stuff. Dark clouds and no rainbows, for weeks!

"The Silver Dragon goes; everybody elses' stays. It's too vallible an icornic image to the cupneh. And the warwoof--we're signing the trademark over to Heathansson--to quote Vin Gasohol, he's 'owned it, made it his own.'"

Gerby McDwibble, WOTC Vice Assistant Overseer of Avatars


this has been a reenactment of a teleplay made up in Heathansson's head just now. There is no Gerby McDwibble who works for WOTC.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Heathansson wrote:

"The Silver Dragon goes; everybody elses' stays. It's too vallible an icornic image to the cupneh. And the warwoof--we're signing the trademark over to Heathansson--to quote Vin Gasohol, he's 'owned it, made it his own.'"

Gerby McDwibble, WOTC Vice Assistant Overseer of Avatars

** spoiler totally unnecessary **

I knew Gerby McDwibble. And you, sir, are NO Gerby McDwibble!

Liberty's Edge

Hawaii is an island. In the Pacific Ocean.
What, do I look like a wereqayle to you? ;)

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