Jubilex vs. Juiblex


Anyone know when Jubilex--which I remember from 1st edition--became Juiblex, and why the spelling change? Just curious why the "b" and "i" got transposed.

I know what you mean. I suppose you have to ask the designers, starting with Monte Cook (since the first change in the spelling I can recall is in the BoVD).

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

They had to change it for legal reasons.

See they found out there was a real demon lord of oozes named Jubilex, and he threatened to sue...

Phil. L wrote:
I know what you mean. I suppose you have to ask the designers, starting with Monte Cook (since the first change in the spelling I can recall is in the BoVD).

It'd be funny if the mistake was made and no one caught it, and it just...caught on as the new spelling. If that's really what happened.

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Matthew Morris wrote:

They had to change it for legal reasons.

See they found out there was a real demon lord of oozes named Jubilex, and he threatened to sue...

Just goes to show you - lawyers are the true evils of the multiverse*.

*Legal Disclaimer: no offense is intended to any actual lawyers or paralegals. Any similarities to any actual or fictional lawyers is purely coincidental.

Liberty's Edge

BenS wrote:
Anyone know when Jubilex--which I remember from 1st edition--became Juiblex, and why the spelling change? Just curious why the "b" and "i" got transposed.

It was always Juiblex. I just checked my AD&D 1st Ed. MM.

The letter combination is not a common one in English, so it's pretty easy to read it incorrectly.

Heck, I never noticed it was Juiblex until the second D&D movie.

MaxSlasher26 wrote:
Heck, I never noticed it was Juiblex until the second D&D movie.

That's actually the first time I heard someone mispronounce Juiblex as Jubilex was in the movie.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber
MaxSlasher26 wrote:
Heck, I never noticed it was Juiblex until the second D&D movie.
Vicious One wrote:

That's actually the first time I heard someone mispronounce Juiblex as Jubilex was in the movie.

Darn you! Darn you All!

...now I have to go watch that blasted movie. 'Cause Juiblex... Jubilex... J-Oobleck... Jujube... Jube-chan... whatever's in it!

Darn youuu!

Sovereign Court RPG Superstar 2009 Top 32, 2010 Top 8

Drakli wrote:

Darn you! Darn you All!

...now I have to go watch that blasted movie. 'Cause Juiblex... Jubilex... J-Oobleck... Jujube... Jube-chan... whatever's in it!

Darn youuu!

It's actually a decent B movie. The actors seem to be pretty inspired for their parts, and the women are pretty cute. It's sprinkled with classic D&D refererences, and the commentary track is cute. Don't go in expecting LotR and you'll enjoy it.

Matthew Morris wrote:
It's actually a decent B movie.

I'd say C at best, and that's if you can get past things like a white dragon in the middle of a temperate setting. And (what I consider) to be a terrible representation of Obad-Hai. And... Falazure? Could they have chosen a more obscure deity?!

Nevertheless, it's better than the first one, and I agree- sit down expecting to laugh. You will and you'll enjoy it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Saern wrote:
I'd say C at best, and that's if you can get past things like a white dragon in the middle of a temperate setting. And (what I consider) to be a terrible representation of Obad-Hai. And... Falazure? Could they have chosen a more obscure deity?!

Absolutely. They could have gone with Khostren.

(3 geek points for the first person who figures out where Khostern is from.)

"Isn't he an evil god of insects and plague mentioned in Ghostwalk?"

Well, 2 geek points for Google for knowing the answer and 1 for me for having looked it up...

James Jacobs wrote:
Saern wrote:
I'd say C at best, and that's if you can get past things like a white dragon in the middle of a temperate setting. And (what I consider) to be a terrible representation of Obad-Hai. And... Falazure? Could they have chosen a more obscure deity?!

Absolutely. They could have gone with Khostren.

(3 geek points for the first person who figures out where Khostern is from.)

errr-is that Khostren or Khostern?

Anonymous User 141 wrote:

"Isn't he an evil god of insects and plague mentioned in Ghostwalk?"

Well, 2 geek points for Google for knowing the answer and 1 for me for having looked it up...

...and 1 point to me for doing what 141 did but he beat me to the post...twice

Doug Sundseth wrote:
BenS wrote:
Anyone know when Jubilex--which I remember from 1st edition--became Juiblex, and why the spelling change? Just curious why the "b" and "i" got transposed.

It was always Juiblex. I just checked my AD&D 1st Ed. MM.

The letter combination is not a common one in English, so it's pretty easy to read it incorrectly.

While I don't own the 1st ed. MM any longer, I don't believe my memory is that bad. There are other products that listed it as "Jubilex" (e.g., Monster Mythology/1992 by Carl Sargent), as well as a reference in Polyhedron #43 (article "New Rogues Gallery: Hodgepodge" about 4 NPCs waging a war against Jubilex).

Doug, I wonder if your copy of the MM is a later printing? I can't explain it...I suspect a chronomancer holed up at Tovag Baragu has been having a laugh at us all...

BenS wrote:
Doug Sundseth wrote:
BenS wrote:
Anyone know when Jubilex--which I remember from 1st edition--became Juiblex, and why the spelling change? Just curious why the "b" and "i" got transposed.

It was always Juiblex. I just checked my AD&D 1st Ed. MM.

The letter combination is not a common one in English, so it's pretty easy to read it incorrectly.

While I don't own the 1st ed. MM any longer, I don't believe my memory is that bad. There are other products that listed it as "Jubilex" (e.g., Monster Mythology/1992 by Carl Sargent), as well as a reference in Polyhedron #43 (article "New Rogues Gallery: Hodgepodge" about 4 NPCs waging a war against Jubilex).

Doug, I wonder if your copy of the MM is a later printing? I can't explain it...I suspect a chronomancer holed up at Tovag Baragu has been having a laugh at us all...

i am humbled by your Greyhawk knowledge...

I have a 6th printing edition that says Juiblex


Liberty's Edge

BenS wrote:

While I don't own the 1st ed. MM any longer, I don't believe my memory is that bad. There are other products that listed it as "Jubilex" (e.g., Monster Mythology/1992 by Carl Sargent), as well as a reference in Polyhedron #43 (article "New Rogues Gallery: Hodgepodge" about 4 NPCs waging a war against Jubilex).

Doug, I wonder if your copy of the MM is a later printing? I can't explain it...I suspect a chronomancer holed up at Tovag Baragu has been having a laugh at us all...

Third printing*, from Dec. 1978. Certainly before the Monster Mythology and Polyhedron references. As I mentioned, it's an easy letter combination to misread. 8-)

* It actually says "3rd Edition". 8-)

Good lord, have I been dyslexic (*) all these years?! I even have memories of my old gaming buddies pronouncing it "Jubilex". Now it appears that it went from Juiblex to Jubilex back to Juiblex again.

Vicious One: please don't be humbled by my Greyhawk knowledge. I have an old Roger Moore file about all things Greyhawk, an Index, and I did a keyword search for "Jubilex" and found those 2 references. For all I know, he made the mistake and the 2 references have it spelled as "Juiblex"--I own neither of them to verify one way or the other.

Ah well, the eternal mysteries of memory...

(*) Favorite t-shirt logo, as seen in my Berkeley days: "I'm not as think as you drunk!"

Next thing I know, I'll be questioning my spelling of DemoOrcus :)

BenS wrote:
I have an old Roger Moore file about all things Greyhawk, an Index, and I did a keyword search for "Jubilex" and found those 2 references.

Which two? Maybe someone has them. Then we can poke fun : )

Dark Archive

It is easy to mispronounce things. I know a player who has been playing since the mid eighties who still thinks there is an "N" in kobold. He pronounces it with a silent "K", as in "knobold." Don't kow exactly where he picked that one up.

tdewitt274 wrote:
BenS wrote:
I have an old Roger Moore file about all things Greyhawk, an Index, and I did a keyword search for "Jubilex" and found those 2 references.
Which two? Maybe someone has them. Then we can poke fun : )

Sorry, I meant the Monster Mythology/1992 book and the Polyhedron issue, as noted in my 3rd post in this thread.

To threadjack my own thread...anyone know what became of Roger Moore? He's been my idol since his old story, "The Day of the Dwarf" (which I ripped out and still own to this day) back in the early Dragon days. Best Dragon short story ever :) Though it helps if you started out w/ either OD&D or 1st edition.

Doug Sundseth wrote:


Third printing*, from Dec. 1978. Certainly before the Monster Mythology and Polyhedron references. As I mentioned, it's an easy letter combination to misread. 8-)

* It actually says "3rd Edition". 8-)

My second edition also says "Juiblex".

-- Dyslexic since '78!

On the WotC website, under the art section - the listing is "Jubilex" for BoVD and Juiblex for Fiendish Codex 1. My 1st edition MM is Jubilex.

Wow. I can't believe I've been reading and pronouncing it wrong for all of these years. And Juiblex is my absolute favorite demon lord.

The discussion page of Juiblex's wikipedia entry confirms that many people have the same problem...

El Skootro

> It is easy to mispronounce things. I know a player who has been playing since the mid eighties who still thinks there is an "N" in kobold. He pronounces it with a silent "K", as in "knobold." Don't kow exactly where he picked that one up.

That’s a weird one, Kikai. Thumbing through a German/English dictionary a few years ago, I discovered that “Kobold” in German means “goblin or imp”. As you say, I wonder where the silent K, plus n comes from?

Daniel Petrocelli wrote:
On the WotC website, under the art section - the listing is "Jubilex" for BoVD and Juiblex for Fiendish Codex 1. My 1st edition MM is Jubilex.

Yes! Sweet vindication. I knew I remembered it as "Jubilex" in my old 1st ed. MM! Thanks for that, Daniel.

Liberty's Edge

So what is Jubilex's %Liar?

(There might be somebody here who understands that reference. 8-)

Doug Sundseth wrote:

So what is Jubilex's %Liar?

(There might be somebody here who understands that reference. 8-)

Since the thread has been about transposed letters, I'm guessing "Liar" should have been "Lair"; don't know what to make of the "%". As for where that's printed...you got me.

Liberty's Edge

BenS wrote:
Since the thread has been about transposed letters, I'm guessing "Liar" should have been "Lair"; don't know what to make of the "%". As for where that's printed...you got me.

OD&D intended to put the probability of finding a monster in its lair when it was encountered. The column was headed "%Liar". It was not clear to everyone who read it that this was a typo, which made for some confusion (and appearances in various comic strips over the years).

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