Disarm attempts per round?


The rules say a disarm is in place of a melee attack. SO if you have 3 attack per round, can you make three disarm attempts?

Shadow Lodge

Orcwart wrote:
The rules say a disarm is in place of a melee attack. SO if you have 3 attack per round, can you make three disarm attempts?

Per the d20 SRD:

d20srd.org wrote:
As a melee attack, you may attempt to disarm your opponent.

So yes, multiple attacks per round allow multiple disarm attempts provided the attacker uses all decreasing bonuses. That is, his BAB decreases on successive attacks, thus so should his disarm modifiers. This applies to other "special attacks" who's actions also replace normal melee attacks (grapple, sunder, and trip to name a few).

Multiple disarm effects once saved my character. A high-level fighter, he was disarmed by a nightwalker, which has the ability to crush any weapon it holds. On my turn I attempt to disarm, fail, and take an attack of opportunity. I still have two attacks and the nightwalker only gets one AoO per round, so I try twice more and on the last attempt manage to snatch back my weapon. Hurrah!

This is great! I'm going to use my monk with multiple attacks to grab items off of enemies. With 3 attacks per round, I might just end up with their pants!

Sovereign Court

I've used this with a fighter to truly frustrate a marilith.

On another note, you can attempt a Slight-of-Hand check to take something from your opponent that he is not holding, provided you have a hand free, if you succeed on a DC 20 skill check. By taking a -20 penalty, this can be done as a free action. So if your PC has close to a +40 modifier, you can go through your enemies' pockets without waiting for the end of the fight.

Yea! lets use all the stupid combat rules they made! Yea! Lets ruin all the fun! Fine disarm this!
done playing with the stupid combat manevers they threw in as an after thought????

Stupid designers...why is it easier to (insert stupid trick here) than to stick a sword in them and kill them?

Stupid rules

Sovereign Court

Your post seems to have a very negative tone. I'll see if I can offer a new perspective.

I would not say that disarm, sunder, and grappling are easier than a normal attack; after all, many classes let you start swinging a sword at level 1 without feats. To be good at these abilities (or any other abilities, really) a PC has to invest time and experience and sometimes feats.

These options are available to players for several reasons: Some players like to engage in melee combat that is more interesting and dramatic than "I hit, it takes damage." Some opponents are very difficult to defeat by normal combat methods (see Hydra). And some DMs like to have rules already written for when their players come up with an oddball idea, like knocking the wizard's staff out of his hands with a well-aimed chop.

very nicely put Vendle

I am a relatively inexperience player playing with a very experience group so for the second time I am going to play a fighter type and want to do more than swing slash and poke. Here is a way to make a fighter more fun to play. Cheer when the monster with 4 attacks with their bleeding whip is laying 15ft away, yaaaa. Then the unseen servant can pick up the weapon.

The disarm is an actual option at least at lower levels. I am curious how it will work at higher levels. I am going to start the King Maker module which is outside a lot so enlarge will actually work I think. It should be interesting.

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