almost complete set of KISS trading cards (missing #44 and 61)
Complete set of Garbage Pail Kids trading cards (minus the gum of course).
four bananas, some dark rum, sugar, cinnamon, and vanilla ice cream
A betamax tape of the 1979 Superbowl
a dead skunk in the middle of the road--stinkin to high heaven!
Bread, Korn, Bizkit, Meatloaf, Flying Burrito, Moldy Peaches, Apples in Stereo, and Cake for dessert.
Two cups of sugar.
Thanks guys. I haven't added to the list in forever.
the sneer of a conqueror, the edge of an axe blade, the smell of smoke
Left over luggage from the last boyfriend.
A used tooth brush used as a toliet brush
bag balm
preparation H
box of tampons
teenage cashier giggling too much to talk on his iphone
bag balm snicker, heeheehee, preparation H hahaahahahaha, box of tampons chortle gafaw hohoo, PRICE CHECK ON TAMPONS, heeheehaahaha.
Two hamster wheels (with hamsters), powering...
the Beverly Hillbillies episode where Granny painted the cuts of meat on the hippo cos she thought it was a hog
Heathansson's Daisy Dukes
Who needs the whole leg?
Heathansson's ankles.
Heathansson's cock-a-doodle-dooo
Kreulaid's peter-peter-pumpkin-eater
Great Green God's Great Green God