The List

Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge

8ball pimpcane


Liberty's Edge

Kane Roberts cd

C and H! Pure Cane Sugar! From Hawaii! Growin in the Sun!

canned hakarl

Liberty's Edge

a ticket to Iceland
a box of condoms

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

And a Partidge in a Pair Tree...

Liberty's Edge

two dragonturtle doves

Liberty's Edge

a tinfoil hat

Liberty's Edge

juicy juice

Liberty's Edge

eggs from a fiendish chicken

Liberty's Edge

purina hyena-gnoll chow

Liberty's Edge

beguiler overcoat

Liberty's Edge

kobold spray

lizard mace ?

Liberty's Edge

snake oil

Liberty's Edge

turtle bombs

terrapin munitions

Liberty's Edge

anti-gecko claymores

Liberty's Edge

iguana seeking missiles

Liberty's Edge

tuatara tnt

Liberty's Edge

gila monster

Liberty's Edge

tarantula socks-4pp

Liberty's Edge


footie pajamas

Liberty's Edge

Why they don't make footie pajaminers for a 38 y.o.?

Heathansson wrote:
Why they don't make footie pajaminers for a 38 y.o.?

Oh Heathy, they do dear, they do! :o)

yep they do; they surely do

a grilled troglodyte's musk gland with shallots and lemon on a heated plate with a side of succotash

my bladder

a strumpet, an epaulet, and a trumpet

a stand-up arcade DigDug game with 99 credits

Liberty's Edge

a condom catheter


Liberty's Edge

massaging stool

a stool softener

Liberty's Edge

a suppository

a juicy burger with cheddar and a thick slice of tomato (and a MGD to wash it down) yeah, I know its early, but its only one beer..)

drunken_nomad wrote:
a juicy burger with cheddar and a thick slice of tomato (and a MGD to wash it down) yeah, I know its early, but its only one beer..)

an Alcoholics Anonymous group

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

a permission slip from my priest

Liberty's Edge

nilla wafers


Heathansson wrote:
nilla wafers

Dipped with that Philadelphia Cheesecake Filling. Mmm...

Rock Lobster

dessicated goldfish wafers

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
nilla wafers
Dipped with that Philadelphia Cheesecake Filling. Mmm...



a Chief Chirpa POTF coin

Liberty's Edge

ewok fur muff

McDonalds, McDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken, and a Pizza Hut!!!!

good luck getting this ditty out of yer head!

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