Luna eladrin |

Strange, I was thinking along the same lines as Kain. Avner was flattering Lavinia, but she does not want him. That was the reason that he is on the Sea Wyvern. And I am also thinking about Avner having something with Lirith, perhaps even make her pregnant. Hopefully it will stir things up a bit, because my PCs have taken Lirith into their confidence and are sort of friendly with her.

Kain Darkwind |

Kain Darkwind wrote:Tamec wrote:Exalted characters would have to save him. They aren't allowed to stand by and allow evil to happen if they can stop it.Kain Darkwind wrote:They are good aligned, most of them.To quote Batman "I won't kill you, but I don't have to save you."
And I remember having to pull avner's butt out of the fire alot on the trip to Farshore. Oh, and my group is beyond good, we're exalted, well at least half the party has exalted feats.
Well, sure, if they stand around and watch him bleed to death or whatever, but usually, the decision of how to allocate healing resources are made on a triage basis. It’s not a morality call if, for example, in the middle of a battle, you see Avner drop in the same round that the Paladin and Mage drop and you prioritize the Paladin and Mage over Avner. It’s just tactics – We’ll all die without the Mage’s protection spells and we’ll all die eventually if we don’t have the paladin to mow down the baddies. Of course, that’s a minimum of two rounds that Avner’s going to bleed out. Add movement through a combat zone and avoiding attacks of opportunity, well, Avner could just be dead by the time you get to him. Wouldn’t that be a shame?
Of course, this is just one hypothetical situation. There are plenty of reasonable situations that even the Best-of-the-Best might be completely justified in “not saving” Avner. Not that I’m advocating the players to actively seek such justification, mind you. I’m just warning DMs not to dismiss the possibility out of hand.
Exalted characters pretty much have to do everything in their ability, even sacrifice their life, to save his. They certainly can't make a conscious choice to let him expire.
I don't have any exalted players in my game though, so I don't need to worry about that. (Using Pathfinder) Basically, if Avner dies and they tried to save him (or were prevented due to circumstances from saving him), no foul. If they let him die, that isn't good alignment anymore. The difference is conscious choice and circumstances will dictate whether or not the PCs are turning neutral/evil.
Luna, it is funny you say you are going to use Lirith that way...I'm choosing to use her there because my party hasn't bothered to get close to her this trip. I'm trying to make her leave an impact before she dies at the end.
Lavinia and Heinrick (the party fighter) are already lovers. His opening impression on her in There is No Honor was a natural 20 Diplomacy check, so things sort of blossomed from there. He lost his brother to Rowyn, she lost her brother to Rowyn, one thing led to another...
Oh yeah, and Lavinia was pregnant. Until Drevoraz stabbed her in the stomach. So Heinrick and Lavinia lost their unborn child to the Crimson Fleet...Heinrick hadn't even been told yet, she found out while he was gone to Kraken's Cove. He was remarkably upset with Drevoraz about that.

Kain Darkwind |

Kain Darkwind wrote:Exalted characters would have to save him.Yeah 3p0 (see above) considers killing any living thing an evil act so killing Temauhti-tecuani was something he argued against the whole time we were hunting him.
Ouch. That turns the entire Isle of Dread into a rough situation.
Although I can understand. My players know that rats are something to be protected, not killed in my games. Or horrible things will happen to them. But that's just because I have rats as pets.
A T-rex, not so much though. Self defense and all that.

Luna eladrin |

My players thought they had the situation with Avner nicely under control until the group reached Renkrue. The group was received kindly by the Olman and a feast was prepared. When everybody was sitting around the camp fire and eating, Avner suddenly asked whether he could buy a young girl from the village. One of the players at once defended her, and they managed to smoothe the situation. The girl then more or less attached herself to the character who defended her, and they sort of got romantically involved with each other.
We ended the session with the ships leaving Renkrue. I am now thinking about letting the girl swim to the Sea Wyvern, climb on board and hide herself in the bed of this PC. Not only will this give him a problem, but it will also make Avner furious. He will be offended that the girl that he was not allowed to have, is now "given" to someone else, and throw another tantrum again. And perhaps he will try to seduce the girl anyway. I am curious to see what they will do to solve this one...

Luna eladrin |

Well, I have played out the scene as described: the PC in question found the Olman girl in his bed. Avner first went to thank the PC captain because "she had still managed to buy the girl for him". The captain did not really react, but just smiled. Later the other PC warned the captain not to touch "his girl".
Now the PCs are on a mission near the isle of Ruja. The Sea Wyvern and the Blue Nixie are lying anchored near the isle. So there is no PC on board at the moment.
The PC who found the Olman girl in his bed, asked Amella to protect her against Avner while he was away. Moreover, this PC has a close friendship with Skald, who will also not allow anything to happen to the girl. Avner therefore will probably not dare an open confrontation. But neither will he do nothing. He will want to make use of the absence of the PCs somehow.
What would Avner do in such a situation?

Turin the Mad |

Well, I have played out the scene as described: the PC in question found the Olman girl in his bed. Avner first went to thank the PC captain because "she had still managed to buy the girl for him". The captain did not really react, but just smiled. Later the other PC warned the captain not to touch "his girl".
Now the PCs are on a mission near the isle of Ruja. The Sea Wyvern and the Blue Nixie are lying anchored near the isle. So there is no PC on board at the moment.
The PC who found the Olman girl in his bed, asked Amella to protect her against Avner while he was away. Moreover, this PC has a close friendship with Skald, who will also not allow anything to happen to the girl. Avner therefore will probably not dare an open confrontation. But neither will he do nothing. He will want to make use of the absence of the PCs somehow.
What would Avner do in such a situation?
Depends really - Avner is pretty clearly a chickenshite piece of poo, so unless he can corner the girl in question while the other two are distracted - theoretically, Avner could arrange such a distraction of course. Given how much of a womanizing pig he is, I recommend he distracting the other 2 NPCs ... then getting the snot kicked out of him by the 'wisp of a girl'. Cohort-in-training, yep yep. Even if she isn't, Avner needs such a whuppin' to suck the wind out of his hyperinflated sails.
The characters can return and deal with a young woman about to kill him, for example... ^_^

Canadian Bakka |

Btw, Canada.....wtf? You have a party full of evil characters or something? I just read through that and....geez...that's beyond nasty. Sounds like something out of the BoVD playbook.
My apologies for not replying to this earlier (took a leave of absence from gaming for nearly a year). In regards to my players' choice of characters, they are not evil pcs but rather CN. Granted, their actions against Avner is nowhere near honourable behaviour among men, but they are not evil. Cruel, yes. As I mentioned before, they're former pirates who are trying to reform. I could explain (and defend their position) in more detail but that's rather beside the point of this thread. Suffice to say, the pcs are, to quote Chris Jericho, "ass-hats."
Anyhoo, I suppose the squeaky-cleans among us here will be thrilled to hear that they have made an improvement as of late in their efforts for rehabilation. When the pcs exited the Olman tomb, Avner was killed by one of the monstrous crabs. In an act of unexpected goodwill, the druid reincarnated Avner (free of charge too). :)
Of course, the hooligans among us here will no doubt be laughing to hear that Avner was reincarnated as an orc and the pcs now refer to him as "Orcner." The druid was crestfalled though. She was hoping that Avner would have been reincarnated as a shocker lizard that she could have adopted as an animal companion to show him what it is like to be someone else's property. Understandably, Orcner is now somewhat...er, not himself, and has taken to long periods of depression and sulking. Only time will tell when the rage will burst forth from the depths of his tortured soul.
This saturday I will run the group through the mountain highway and the beginnings of Fogmire. I expect nothing in the hopes that whatever my players do will not either gross me out or cause me to question their sanity more than I already have. ;)
CB Out.

The 8th Dwarf |

Our Avner survived through shear luck - he went through a bit of transformation. Instead of being a bigoted, sexist arrogant useless fop, He became a arrogant, sexist effective cavalryman.
The party had refused to allow him to bring his horse on-board... when he insisted trying to pull rank the party introduced him and Thunderstrike to Churtle the ships cook. Churtle then described how tasty barbecued horse was. Thunderstrike was left in Sasserine.
After Surviving all the horrors on the way to Farshore and watching the Olman druid Zacote tame a terror bird and use it as a mount. Avner decided he was going to raise and command the First Farshore Terror bird company, only 5 were ready for ToD but they were dashing and helped take some pressure off the party at the right time.
It meant he had to work with the Olmans and he kind of went a bit native. The party hates it but they had a grudging respect for him.

Canadian Bakka |

The group's priest (who really hates Avner) took the dead human body of Avner (who got reincarnated into an orc by the group's druid) and decided to use it to spring traps in the Shrine of Demogorgon (HTBM). Avner naturally objected to the taking of his original body but the priest made a strong point (specifically, he made his point by using the sharp end of his dire pick).
So, every 10 feet, the priest throws the corpse 10 feet. He even used the body atop the altar (where the mirrors are) and knowingly set off the fire trap. He threw the body against the stone thrones, propped the body in the stone throne as it becomes covered with fresh blood. He even threw the body against the mirrors, to do what, I don't know, except maybe to pulverize the bones.
The end result (and they have only just finished figuring out how to use the mirrors properly) is a bodysack full of burnt and shattered bones. I honestly don't know why he does this. Well, I mean, I do know why but I have never seen the players have this much contempt for a npc. I've roleplayed really evil npcs in the past and the treatment they got is nothing compared to what Avner, a mere arrogant noble npc, is getting. What the hell did I do wrong (right?) when I roleplayed the introduction for Avner? I seriously feel bad for Avner as the trials and tribulations of his life is not over yet. :(
CB out.

Turin the Mad |

The group's priest (who really hates Avner) took the dead human body of Avner (who got reincarnated into an orc by the group's druid) and decided to use it to spring traps in the Shrine of Demogorgon (HTBM). Avner naturally objected to the taking of his original body but the priest made a strong point (specifically, he made his point by using the sharp end of his dire pick).
So, every 10 feet, the priest throws the corpse 10 feet. He even used the body atop the altar (where the mirrors are) and knowingly set off the fire trap. He threw the body against the stone thrones, propped the body in the stone throne as it becomes covered with fresh blood. He even threw the body against the mirrors, to do what, I don't know, except maybe to pulverize the bones.
The end result (and they have only just finished figuring out how to use the mirrors properly) is a bodysack full of burnt and shattered bones. I honestly don't know why he does this. Well, I mean, I do know why but I have never seen the players have this much contempt for a npc. I've roleplayed really evil npcs in the past and the treatment they got is nothing compared to what Avner, a mere arrogant noble npc, is getting. What the hell did I do wrong (right?) when I roleplayed the introduction for Avner? I seriously feel bad for Avner as the trials and tribulations of his life is not over yet. :(
CB out.
While I find your players' antics with Avner's carcass highly entertaining, having such callous disgregard for the deceased - especially since his reincarnated self has apparently lodged a strong protest - sets two concerns to mind.
First, the alignment concern - what impact in your campaign will doing so have?
Second, and far more important, in a demon-themed campaign what will these actions towards Avner's "former body" have on his psyche? Will Avner perhaps become more open to demonic possession - say, by Olangru once the PCs smite him mightily, or as an avenue for Malcanthet or worse - creating a potentially powerful Agent of Evil, one created by their own hand?

Canadian Bakka |

Oh, the priest is definitely turning evil. Which is not that big a deal yet. No one in the party is actually good. Most are CN or N (well, that one is dead now). And the priest turning evil doesn't go against his faith yet (he worships the oceans and the ways of being a sailor as a model of how to live your life piously).
The npc survivors are indeed horrified by that pc's actions. But they know they need the party in order to reach Farshore. Avner will definitely get some payback and methinks Lavinia will not be thrilled to hear the stories. Furthermore, the mayoral election will be difficult as the priest's actions will come back to haunt the party.
And in the later adventures, when Lavinia and the party are absent from Farshore for extended periods of time, guess who will be making his move (possibly with the help of an Agent of Malcanthet, hrm)? ;)
Oh, that player will get a lovely surprise when the group also encounters the couatl. :D I got so much in store for him.
I'm keeping track of everything he does. ;)
CB out.

Turin the Mad |

Oh, the priest is definitely turning evil. Which is not that big a deal yet. No one in the party is actually good. Most are CN or N (well, that one is dead now). And the priest turning evil doesn't go against his faith yet (he worships the oceans and the ways of being a sailor as a model of how to live your life piously).
** spoiler omitted **
I'm keeping track of everything he does. ;)
CB out.
Awesome! ^_^

Orthos |

As of a recent shift in my party makeup - went from being a mostly mercenary type party except for one LG Dvati Monk team to a couple of VoP chars and a highly honorable/Lawful "ninja" type Rogue, with only the greedy assassin-ish Gnome Lurk remaining of the original group - I have a feeling my party will have little patience for an arrogant noble fop with too much money on his hands. Heck, they're only working for Lavinia because they've decided "it's the right thing to do" and Vanthus needs to be brought to justice for his many crimes (which the Gnome happily plans to expound upon in greater detail when she gets a chance).
We're a ways away from Avner yet (wrapping up TINH) but I already imagine he will give them quite a lot of frustration, especially given the two VoP types will not be able to silence him violently so they may have to get creative as to how to deal with him without "breaking the rules".

Luna eladrin |

Avner is really fun to play. Enjoy!

Mykull |

At first the captain, the halfling Orbee, gave up his cabin to Avner and didn't pitch much of a fit about Thunderstrike.
But Avner got bossier and bossier. Orbee, being an ex-slave doesn't cotton to nobility too much and started to make very public threats. The crew, out in BFE, not sure of where they were or were going, clung to anything familiar, even Avner's aristocracy over an ex-slave captain.
Lavinia came over and tensions eased off of the explosion, but tempers were still very close to the surface.
Then they got to Renkrue. The Olman chief wanted two-months of servitude for Avner's insolence. The PC's let them have Avner. And didn't tell Lavinia. As she was on the Blue Nixie, she didn't find out (and she sees Avner as a necessary evil anyway, so she doesn't ask after him). Then they got separated. She doesn't know and won't find out until the PCs get to Tanaroa (Lavinia has reason for waiting there instead of Farshore).

Luna eladrin |

My group had similar problems with Avner on Renkrue. They pulled off a clever trick. First they bluffed that the captain of their ship (one of the PCs) would punish Avner in front of the Olman. And then they used a clever illusion to make it seem that they punished Avner. They pulled it off. It was a great scene.

Canadian Bakka |

You know, that is an interesting observation....what if Avner turns out to the evil monster they equate him to be?...What if "Avner" had a hand in making Vanthus become the villian that he is today? What if "Avner" was just really a mortal guise? Ooooo, I think I am going to enjoy that train of thought very much.
CB Out.

Luna eladrin |

You know, that is an interesting observation....what if Avner turns out to the evil monster they equate him to be?...What if "Avner" had a hand in making Vanthus become the villian that he is today? What if "Avner" was just really a mortal guise? Ooooo, I think I am going to enjoy that train of thought very much.
I would like to hear how that idea turns out!

Orthos |

I think what I'm going to do is:

Orthos |

Though it might be a bit of an overload for SWW, with Rowyn running around impersonating people, the fake priest with a slaad in his belly, and the hideous encounters there. On the other hand if the party is having a too-easy time with anything - and with my group, I expect the Sargasso to be a cakewalk, there's a pretty rough Druid|Barb in the team if he doesn't die between now and then - having someone be telekinetically shoved somewhere inconvenient by the possessing demon might add some otherwise-lacking challenge.
We'll see. :D

Orthos |

Too true! I'm thinking I'll have it interfere whenever it seems things are just going too darn easy for the party and have it play patient whenever they're taking it rough already. A little DM-fiat maybe but no one ever expects demons to play fair, and I'm confident it doesn't want to kill them off too quickly. Stretch out the torment a bit and all. :D

Canadian Bakka |

I finally figured out what I am doing with Avner. >:)
After the group exited the Tomb, they were attacked by monstrous crabs and Avner was killed during that battle. The party druid reincarnated Avner, who returned as an orc. What the party failed to realize, is that his soul did not return alone. The fiend that had been trailing them since the underground passage finally saw an opportunity before they got too close to Olangru's domain. The fiend rode Avner's soul into his new body and has remained there.
Now that the group is at Farshore, Avner is actually nicer, more of a proper noble than before. They still hate his guts but he no longer puts himself in a position to be abused by the party. Furthermore, all of the party's special defenses for Farshore gets noted by Avner and the fiend within sends the information via dreams to Vanthus. Why? Because the fiend is no other than the same fiend who originally helped turn Vanthus down the path of evil (not that it was hard since Vanthus was easily influenced). The information provided is not enough to help Vanthus win but rather, it will seem that the Crimson Fleet were somehow more prepared, as if they knew Farshore was more fortified than initial reports had indicated. Thus the war for Farshore will be a hard-fought battle, with no clear winner at the very beginning.
Thus, when Enemies of My Enemy arrives, they will find Avner waiting for them in Wat Dagon.
What do you think? :)
CB Out.

Malachi Tarchannen |

My party did the usual with Avner...gripe about him, ostracize him, suspect him. They let his horse on the ship, but he was relegated to the Blue Nixie. Half-way through the ocean voyage, a trickster rogue in the party spread crushed poison ivy leaves all through his bed. Too bad I randomly rolled (honestly) that he had a deadly allergy to poison ivy...nearly killed him.
They nearly left him behind on the Sargasso, that's how much they loathed him, and one guy nearly killed him during the trek across the Isle of Dread. But when they got to the little shrine (that caused the dense fog over the island), Avner had one chance to prove his worth, or they would have disposed of him for good. He hung on to see another day.
Finally, in Farshore, just as the ensuing war was coming, Avner used that scenario of heightened fear and dread to demonstrate how Lavinia was not a "fit" leader, and so he got on his bully pulpit and campaigned to become Lord Mayor. Funny thing is, the PCs were so tired of him by then, they didn't do a thing to help Lavinia win.
So now Avner is Lord Mayor, and plans to turn the whole Isle of Dread into a vacation paradise / trading mecca. He'll be filthy rich, that's for sure. Some in the party still want to bump him off, but there's a couple of good guys who won't stand for that. So, looks like I'll have a recurring selfish prig to harrangue them with.

Luna eladrin |

After the group exited the Tomb, they were attacked by monstrous crabs and Avner was killed during that battle. The party druid reincarnated Avner, who returned as an orc. What the party failed to realize, is that his soul did not return alone. The fiend that had been trailing them since the underground passage finally saw an opportunity before they got too close to Olangru's domain. The fiend rode Avner's soul into his new body and has remained there.
Now that the group is at Farshore, Avner is actually nicer, more of a proper noble than before. They still hate his guts but he no longer puts himself in a position to be abused by the party. Furthermore, all of the party's special defenses for Farshore gets noted by Avner and the fiend within sends the information via dreams to Vanthus. Why? Because the fiend is no other than the same fiend who originally helped turn Vanthus down the path of evil (not that it was hard since Vanthus was easily influenced). The information provided is not enough to help Vanthus win but rather, it will seem that the Crimson Fleet were somehow more prepared, as if they knew Farshore was more fortified than initial reports had indicated. Thus the war for Farshore will be a hard-fought battle, with no clear winner at the very beginning.
Thus, when Enemies of My Enemy arrives, they will find Avner waiting for them in Wat Dagon.

Canadian Bakka |

My players have only just started Tides of Dread and they're complaining a bit about the lack of magical gear (they have not gone to the volcano yet) and treasure per se. I'm considering adding Rana Mor (Dungeon 86) as a side-trek adventure in the Isle of Dread for them. The theme certainly fits. Just requires a bit of change here and there. I am not going to bother increasing the difficulty (except for the traps) since they do need a short adventure where they are not getting their butts handed to them every time they encounter something in the Savage Tide, ;)
CB Out.

Orthos |

My group just got to TBWG which I started with the banquet from the end of TINH. Faelyn, the Feytouched Healer|Spirit Shaman, decided she wanted to spend most of the banquet dancing with the young noblemen, so after a while I had her approached by Avner. He played very suave and flattered her and such throughout the whole ball, while her "partner" - Tibbit Warlock|Rogue who tends to stay in cat form - watched grudgingly from the edge of the dance floor. He could guess all Avner was interested in was getting her into bed, a suspicion semi-confirmed by Lavinia later when Faelyn asked her who Avner was, but being Fey she really didn't see much of a problem with it... in fact I believe her exact words were "So what? Pleasure is pleasure as long as no one gets hurt". She also had no qualms about using her at-will charm person racial SLA on attractive gentlemen during the dance.
I'm curious how this is going to play out when TSWW comes around. Given the looseness of Fey morality and opinions regarding the sort of thing Avner's interested in, I may have the first party to actually -like- having him around.

Squark |

My party hasn't even finished the fight with Vark on the Nixie in TINH, but I've already got several pranks for Churtle to play on poor Avner... Like putting a napkin around her neck and drooling on him with fork and knife in hand in the night... I also plan to have an incident with a thieving "Skald"
Yeah, this is going to be fun...

Orthos |

So just started SWW tonight. The party had just had a near scuffle with a Summoner who kept his humanoid-looking Eidolon on a leash (he claimed it was "her idea", yeah it's a long story, he has problems) and the half-fey Healer saw this as a perfect way to kill two birds with one stone. When Avner started fussing about not getting his own quarters, she convinced him that the summoner - who Captain Amalla had sent below decks for the trouble he'd caused with his Eidolon - was training to be a manservant and would be spending the trip learning from Avner. Pleased to be getting a third person to wait on him hand and foot - and this one he didn't even have to pay! - Avner happily shared quarters with the unfortunate summoner and gleefully spent the first day on the ship shouting orders at him.
That said, about two-thirds of the party really don't like Avner all that much and the Ninja and Totemist would both probably happily throw him overboard if it wouldn't cause problems for Lavinia.

Kain Darkwind |

Some classic Avner for you guys to enjoy. (Some characters use vulgar expressions, you've been warned)
First meeting with Avner
<Arien> "You've got to be kidding me..."
<Avner> "Also, where will Thunderstrike be staying?"
<Heinrick> "Considering that the only private room on the ship goes to the Captain, I believe they'll be staying with you, sir. As for... Thunderstrike, I'm afraid there's no room on the ship for a horse."
<Arien> "Not to mention horses get sea sick."
<Avner> "What? Nonsense! Outrage! Thunderstrike is going with me! I'd never leave her behind! I'd rather toss Sara and Renald into the ocean than be trapped for a year on some horrible island without Thunderstrike!
And what is this business about only one private room? Surely I am not going to be bedding with....others, am I? A room for me with a spot on the floor for Renald and Sara shall do nicely."
<Arien> "You'd rather toss two human beings overboard then be without your horse?"
<Avner> "Absolutely. She cost more than they did, for starters. Plus she's my friend, while they do...work."
<Heinrick> "Sir, it's simply a matter of space; passengers go three to a room. Naturally, you can room with your servants if that's what you desire."
<Arien> "Actually its 15 to a room."
<Heinrick> "You can share a bunk with them, but it's not possible to have a room all to yourself."
<Avner> Avner's face goes pale. "Who...what....else will be taking up my room?"
<Heinrick> "The horse... there may be room in the hold for him, but we weren't told to expect one. I'll have to ask the Captain; I may be representing Lady Vanderboren, but Captain Amella runs the ship.
<Arien> "We have a number of other passengers, they're a mixed bag, at least one gnome, several elves, several humans. You'll be sharing a room with them."
<Avner> "Well, you'll just have to have them sleep someplace else. I can't be expected to share my room with rabble!"
<DM> The commotion brings some of the passengers to the deck to observe.
<Heinrick> "Sir, I'm sorry, that is the one and only room aboard the ship for passengers. Every bunk is filled."
<Arien> "I assume you know how small a boat is Sir?"
<Avner> "Well, have them sleep where you are going to be stabling Thunderstrike. Surely if it is good enough for my beloved steed, it is good enough for...commoners, no?" Avner speaks as if his request were the most reasonable in the world to be making. "I mean seriously, you don't really expect a noble to share his room, do you?"
<Heinrick> "...sir, it's the cargo hold. We may not even be able to quarter an animal safely there. And on board a ship, I'm afraid that is what's expected. It's just a matter of practicality."
<Arien> Arien goes to speak then stops himself.
<Urol> Urol the gnome sneaks down and begins looking at Thunderstrike. "My gracious, this is a magnificent animal! What is her pedigree?"
<Thunderstrike> The horse shies away from the smelly gnome.
<Avner> "Watch it, cur! Thunderstrike is no 'animal'! She's a queen!"
<Feres> Father Feres strides down the plank. "Come now friends, Iomedae has given us her blessing, let us not soil it with earthly matters."
<Avner> "Get your nasty bald head and hairy ears away from me!" Avner is starting to lose his composure. Father Feres' eyes widen and he stalks off, back onto the ship.
<Heinrick> "Mr. Meravanchi, that 'cur' is our navigator. And I'm going to have to ask you to be polite to the other passengers, who've as much right to be here as you."
<Amella> "What in the gods' fracking truenames is going on here?" Amella stalks down the gangplank, clearly pissed. "Why the fracking hells aren't we loaded up? Why the fracking fracks aren't we gone from port an hour past? And what the frackity fracking frack is taking so fracking long?"
<Heinrick> "Captain, Mr. Meravanchi here wants to know where we're going to put his horse." Heinrick's tone makes it clear that he knows full well how idiotic it is.
<Amella> "His horse? His fracking horse? Why doesn't it fracking sleep in my room, for frack's sake? By Besmara's shaven pu.ssy, if I find out that some pencil dicked idiot's horse has been the cause of us leaving late, I'm going to go on a killing spree." Amella is snarling. "Jaxr! Yestl! Rig a fracking pen for a horse in the hold!"
<Heinrick> Heinrick discreetly tries to hustle Meravanchi's servants onto the ship.
<Arien> Arien gets onboard the ship and tries to avoid commenting on the noble.
<Avner> Avner smiles at Amella's last words, although his lips grew very thin at the term 'pencil dick' being applied in his direction. "Thank you, Captain. Glad there is a soul of reason on this vessel."
<Amella> Amella glares. "Anything else, your magnimoniousness?"
<Avner> Avner strokes his mustache. "Just my private rooming accommodations I need room for me and my two servants No one else."
<Amella> Amella's eyebrows flare.
<Heinrick> "Once again, sir, that's simply not possible."
(One dual failed diplomacy check by Heinrick later....)
<Amella> Amella explodes. "I'll tell you what, you pile of landlubbing lard! You get your ass up on that ship and you bunk with the rest o' th' folk, or I'll attach a fracking rope around yer neck and we'll drag yer lubbin' ass to th' Isle!" To emphasize her point, she snaps her rapier out of her sheathe and taps it none too gently on the inside of Avner's thigh.
<Heinrick> Heinrick puts his face in his hand and shakes his head.
<Avner> He gulps. "I guess I can slum it...." He glares at Heinrick as he heads up the gangplank, rubbing his crotch where she smacked him.
<DM> An hour is lost trying to rig a pen for Thunderstrike, but finally the voyage is underway. The Sea Wyvern hoists anchor and heads off, following the Blue Nixie.
<Heinrick> "Anything else I can do for you, sir?" Heinrick asks, struggling not to grit his teeth.
<Avner> "You can leave your betters to their better affairs."
<Heinrick> Heinrick leaves. He waits to mutter until after he's shut the door: "maybe if I had any betters around here..."
<Heinrick> "Mr. Meravenchi?" Heinrick catches up to Avner as the funeral is breaking up.
<Avner> Avner looks up. "Yes?"
<Heinrick> "I... forgot to thank you. Despite the disagreement with Arien, you probably prevented a general panic among the crew and passengers during the events yesterday. I should have explained my intentions better before going off to search the ship."
<Avner> Avner sniffs. "Yes, you should have. You shouldn't be giving nobles orders anyways, you know. You aren't a bad chap, for commonborn scu..er..person, but you definitely are a bit rough around the edges."
<Heinrick> "I've been working on that."
<Avner> Avner smiles. "Well, you keep at it. It is hard working against the failings of one's blood, but I've always believed that one can do anything they set their mind to. Even a commonborn mind."
<Heinrick> Heinrick smiles, nods, and takes his leave gracefully before doing what's really on his mind.
<DM> His commonborn mind.
After Avner forced one of his servants to give up his bed for a noblewoman
<Avner> Avner shakes his head. "I realize they are just servants, Heinrick, but would it kill you to recall their names? Sara. And they slept fine, thank you for asking about them."
<Heinrick> "Ah, so they did keep their own bunks then? I suppose I owe you an apology in that case. This may sound silly, but I was sure you'd take one of theirs."
<Avner> "Of course, Heinrick. I don't know why you would think otherwise." Avner moves on away from Heinrick.
<Heinrick> "Have a nice day, you pretentious, stuffed-shirt prick," Heinrick mutters.
<Avner> "What was that, Heinrick?" Avner turns back.
<Heinrick> "What was what?"
<Avner> "I thought you said something. And you know me, despite your common comments probably not being worthy of my time, I choose to acknowledge them anyways. That's the kind of guy I am."
<Heinrick> "Are you feeling okay, Avner? They say that long days at sea and too much sun can start to play tricks with the mind."
Avner tries to buy the girl on Renkrue
<Heinrick> Heinrick looks over towards the fight, starting to get worried.
<DM> He has good reason. Avner's face has the same cool look it had when he suggested that the passengers be thrown off the ship to make room for his horse. Meanwhile, Chief Ixawhani's face is bright red.
<Jaxr> "Uh, Boss? I've been thinking about what you said. Are you sure it isn't your job to babysit our favorite noble?"
<Heinrick> "Oh, gods... I don't think I can anymore..."
<Joliet> "Now then, it looks like Avner is getting in trouble." Joliet jogs over to where Avner is.
<Heinrick> He looks around to see if Liw is still available to translate.
<Jaxr> "Or did you mean Lady Vanderboren is our favorite noble? Or maybe Katrinia...raarhr."
<DM> Liw is already across the village talking with the war party. Brother Quintal is nearby, but Heinrick remembers that the Chief speaks Common.
<Joliet> "What's going on?"
<DM> Avner and the chief are arguing back and forth. Voices are rising and it is clear that a clash is evident.
<Avner> "Nonsense! No price is too high, I assure you!"
<Joliet> "Ahem!"
<Chief> "You filth man, no disgrace daughter of He Who Rides the Jaguar! You no find our trade to your liking, you go home! You no make offer for filth!" The chief is furious.
<Heinrick> Heinrick gets back up and heads toward the confrontation. "Friend chief, Avner; what seems to be the problem?"
<Avner> Avner turns. "Miss Joliet, would you tell this savage that I am making a good offer?"
<Heinrick> "An offer for what, Mr. Meravenchi?"
<Joliet> "Don't call them savages, Avner. And what kind of offer are you making?"
<Chief> The chief explodes. "This man offers money for the daughter of my younger brother! Money! This disgrace is filth!"
<Heinrick> "Avner... you really need to apologize to the man, right now. Please. What you tried to buy wasn't for sale. I'd apologize to the girl, too."
<Avner> "What? Nonsense, Heinrick, it is more money than this little hovel will make in years."
<Joliet> Joliet's eyes suddenly go wide with rage. "You PIG!"
<Heinrick> "They don't care about your money, Avner, you insulted them."
<Avner> Avner huffs. "Excuse me?"
<Heinrick> "She's the chief's niece, think of her as nobility if that's what it takes to get the apology out, but you really need to say it."
<Avner> "I'm not speaking to you, little man, hold your tongue for a moment. What precisely do you mean, Miss Joliet?"
<Joliet> "You disgusting monster, and after all I tried to do for you! I hope you choke on your money! I never want to see you again!" Joliet storms off
<Avner> "Hmmph." Avner sniffs. "Guess a common trash romp wasn't in the works after all. Now, now, what were you saying again, Heinrick? Nobility in this village? Three of them, and I'm the only male. That puts me in charge. Make this man understand what an opportunity I'm offering him."
<Heinrick> Heinrick stares at him for a moment, then takes a deep breath, and turns to the chief. "Friend chief, I apologize on behalf of L, uh, Queen Vanderboren for this man's deplorable ignorance of your customs, and I wish to say that the insult he offered you is in no way the thinking of anyone else in our party. If you can see fit to offer him mercy, I will do my utmost to make him see the error of his ways."
<Katrina> Kat waits for Jo to get back, or rather storm away, and catches up with her, "What was that all about?"
<Joliet> "He...that...pig...he wanted to BUY that girl!"
<Katrina> Kat's face twists in outrage. "Uh oh..." Kat looks over at the red faced chief. She heads over to see if she can assist in smoothing things over.
<Avner> Avner's face loses its cool and he snarls at Heinrick. "Listen you commonborn uppity pretentious fool! I didn't say to apologize to this savage."
<Heinrick> Heinrick says without taking his eyes off the chief, "Avner, I'm trying to save your life, though I can't for the life of me think why, so if you can't see that, then please just stop making this worse."
<Avner> He looks at Katrina as she comes up. "Katrina! Tell this cur to have off, if he won't listen to his betters."
<Katrina> "I heard there was some kind of misunderstanding..."
<Avner> "Yes. I offered this fat man good gold, a huge sum, for this girl, and he turned it into some sort of insult. Which Heinrick is playing into."
<Ana'd> Ana'd just smiles as Avner gestures towards her, a blank look on her face.
<Katrina> "And you can't understand how that could be offensive?"
<Heinrick> Heinrick is trying to keep a polite face towards the chief, while his knuckles are clenched white with anger at the blundering noble.
<Avner> "Offensive? Katrina, the money is more than they'll ever see. And as my servant, she'll have a better life than this dingy place can offer her. An education, real clothing, opportunity. She's clearly already trained to take care of people, why not do it in style, rather than poor and without agency?"
<Chief> The chief stares back at Heinrick. "Your man insult the people of Renkrue. What will you do to redeem honor? Empty words?"
<Heinrick> "Well... I have been badly wanting to punch him in the mouth for months now, if that would help."
<Katrina> "I understand that you meant well, but their customs aren't our own. Not everyone wants to leave their home just because it might be better elsewhere. She has her family who she cares for, to say nothing of any traditions they may have here."
<Chief> The chief betrays no emotion on his face. "Are your words empty?"
<Avner> "Oh, for pity's sake, Katrina, not you too? Are you seriously going to take their side?"
<Katrina> "She turns to the chief. "I think this has all been a misunderstanding. He didn't mean any insult by it, his ways are not your own and your ways are not ours."
<Heinrick> Heinrick turns to Avner. "Mr. Meravenchi. I don't expect you to understand, but this is for your own good. I'm sure Lavinia will understand." With that, Heinrick rears back, and decks him.
<Avner> The punch catches Avner on his chin, lifting the man up off the ground. He stumbles backwards, trips and falls on his arse. "You cur!"
<Joliet> Joliet turns at the sound of the punch. "Whoa..."
<Heinrick> Heinrick shakes his hand. "You're one to talk. Damn, but that felt good."
<Chief> The chief smiles. "Our ways are not your ways, Madam. We do not allow our women to be insulted without recompense."
<Avner> Avner rushes to his feet and swings at Heinrick, ducking the man's counterpunch and clipping him on the chin. (4 nonlethal) "Felt good, filth? I demand satisfaction!"
<Lavinia> "What on earth!" Lavinia's voice splits the rucus.
Some other classic Avner lines.
<Avner> "No one cares when you step on an insect, Heinrick. But when the insect bites you, you exterminate them all."
<Avner> Avner snaps his fingers and Renald goes to his hands and knees. Avner promptly sits down on his back. "Good that you are here, sir. I have long waited a chance to make the case against this incompetent fool that Lavinia has seen fit to saddle us with. I realize it is his little boat, but I fear that with him allowed to take part in a decision making process, our mission is doomed to failure."
During the becalming at Journey's End
<Avner> "Unhand me, scum. One day we will be back in civilization, and you will be taken to task for what you've done here."
<Heinrick> "Still thinking actions only have consequences for commoners, I see." Heinrick removes his hand with a smile. "I'd have thought after our little... discussion, after the party, you might have had second thoughts about that."
<Avner> "You are a common brute, Heinrick, while I am noble. In civilization, your ability to hit me with those hams will mean very little. While my ability and legal right to actually marry your so called woman will mean...possibly your entire little world."
After the wreck of the Sea Wyvern
<Heinrick> Though he tries to argue, it's clear his heart isn't in snarking at Avner; he's too upset over the loss of so many. His voice is flat and matter of fact as he goes on. "We're on the Isle of Dread, just the wrong side of it. Unless anyone wnats to build a raft that can survive those reefs, we walk."*
<Avner> "Hmph. You may walk, or crawl, as befits your common nature, but I shall ride, Heinrick. While your incompetence failed to preserve Sara and Renald, Thunderstrike at least has been saved."
<Heinrick> Heinrick's fists clench and he takes a step towards the noble before stopping himself, and visibly swallowing his anger. "I'm so glad for you, Avner. I'd hate for you to have lost something you gave a rat's ass about."
<Avner> "Don't you dare, Cur. My servants were worth more to me than you, who shirks their responsibilities, will ever know." Avner's face is beet red in anger.
After terror birds attacked the camp
<Avner> "Hmph. I knew I should have taken a watch. Can't trust a commoner's eyes, after all."
<Avner> Avner rolls his eyes at Heinrick and replies to Katrina. "And do you trust this savage's magic?"
<Heinrick> "It's saved my life at least once already."
<Avner> "No one asked you, Commoner."
In Dark Mountain Pass
<Heinrick> "And a big mess of skeletons."
<Avner> "I knew it was your fault," Avner calls weakly, his eyes still closed. His hands play over the wound given to him by the skinwalker... the potion has not closed it all the way. He shudders.
<Heinrick> "Amazing... even half-passed out from pain, he can still criticize." Heinrick sounds genuinely awed.
<Avner> Avner's wound is tinged purple.
When confronted about sneaking extra food after Olangru stole their packs. (Avner was sneaking extra as well)
<Avner> "Katrina, I've never taken more food than I deserve, you should know that. We're marching all day, I wouldn't have time to make myself anything to eat anyways."
<Katrina> She resists the urge to kick the nearest destructible object, barely. Instead she heads for her bed.

The 8th Dwarf |

When our party started Curse of the Crimson Throne, half the party decided that they were going to be members of a snooty minor noble family and were trying to think of a good name for a arrogant, ambitious, family and somebody laughed and said how about Meravanchi and we all had a good laugh went silent for a few seconds and we now have Marcus, Mariana and Ariadnae Meravanchi.

Vzis |
In my Savage Tide campaign, Avner actually became a Player Character. No really!
He started off as an NPC, played pretty much like he was described, and fulfilled the roles of annoying foil/pain in the neck/punching bag for the party. One of the characters even threw a harpoon at him ("First! Officer! We do not throw *harpoons* at passengers!").
He gained a little bit of depth during "Here There Be Monsters," when the party got caught in a trap just inside Olangru's temple. They pretty much blew all of their saving throws and were in very bad shape. Not wanting to kill off the party that easily, I had Avner get over his fear and enter the temple just far enough to dig them out. He passed it off as arrogant self-interest ("I expect better service in future, Captain!"), but the party was taken aback and one of them, who had been secretly planning to kill Avner before they reached Farshore, changed his mind.
About a session later, a new player joined the game. I gave him the option of either creating a native or taking over one of the NPCs. I described them and he looked them over- and chose Avner. The player ran Avner as a bit less annoying, but still arrogant and just as foolish and bumbling- and it worked. The player and I decided that saving the party had been Avner's moment of truth.
Over the campaign, Avner grew more heroic- and gained a tendency towards "clever" tactics. Although these had mixed success, Avner did mastermind the defeat of Saint Kargoth and fought Demogorgon alongside the rest of the party.
The end of the campaign saw Avner taking up the reins of the Meravanchi family in Farshore (his uncle died during the campaign) and marrying a native girl (who he did *not* attempt to buy this time).
In sort-of sequel campaign set twenty years later, the same player ran Avner's son, who had inherited a lot of his father's personality.

Hagor |

A little thread resurrection...
My group is slowly but steadily making progress in the modified STAP that I run & I am having a lot of fun with Avner (also thanks to other suggestions from this forum)!
Little Background:
Setting: Forgotten Realms; group includes: Halfling druide (from Chult), Human Barbarian (from Chult), Halfling bard (follower of Sharess & priestess of Sharess as cohort & some other girls as followers – Sea Wyvern is basically slowly being turned into a night club...); water genasi Fighter/Rogue, Human sorcerer (an outcast member of the Merovanchi-family, uncle of Avner & brother of Manthalay) & a dwarven Ranger.
So far, they still heed Lavinia’s words not to harm him (much)…
Some highlights from a recent session:
* the attack of the hydra killed one of the temple maidens of Sharess (& a servant of Avner – it is unclear if Avner pushed his servant to save himself). When after the attack they were mourning her, Avner interrupted & commented angrily about the inaptitude of the PCs as guards of ‘his’ expedition & his person. The Halfling Bard went for Avner’s throat & tried to strangle him; the other PCs only interfered when Avner started having difficulty breathing (natural 1 on one of his opposed grapple/str checks)…
* a couple of days later at Renkrue: the “discussion” between the chief & Avner was very quickly cut short: the water genasi knocked him out & together with the barbarian brought him back to the ship (where he was tied in a net & hung at the mast) (meanwhile the halfling bard was apologizing & giving gifts to the chief). The sorcerer tried later to reason with his nephew, but got turned away (“you clearly lived too long with the other lowlifes”).
I think Avner is almost ready to make a deal with a devil (or rather a demon…)…

Hagor |

Chris P wrote:My players hate him as well. <snip> Although they still refer to him as Magnum PI.He looks more like Freddy Mercury to me. Which has soooo many obvious subplot opportunities....
For a picture of Avner that I showed my players:
google "Chris Dane Owens" in Google images...This immediately put my players in the right mind about our favorite npc.

Kraven_Redcloak |
Avner actually played a rather small part in our campaign and wasn't really used more than necessary for the adventure, in fact I believe he got knocked out at some point on the Wyvern during our encounter with Rowyn. Once we got to Farshore he pretty much just faded out into obscurity like most of the NPC's, however we started going back and making plans to use noteworthy NPC's after the campaign finished.
Avner's fate was sealed when he accompanied our binder on an expedition into the jungle surrounding Farshore for a little excitement and was infected with a mind seed, personality wound up being erased and replaced with the binder's so that he could gain a foothold in House Meravanchi and fianance a few projects he's running when he goes back to Sasserine while under the guise of a "reformed" Avner.

Hagor |

When Olangru was stalking the party & given his telepathic powers, I thought of the following setup
- Olangru telepathically convinces Avner that he will be spared if he 'proves himself (a life for a life)' (PCs have not noticed this)
- After the skull/rockslide Avner pushed his servant of the cliffs (he actually managed to conceal this while stumbling)
-Avner did mention to the PCs that it may be a good idea to try to make a deal with their stalker.
- Avner got captured by Olangru (instead of the gnome) (PCs think he will make a deal)
Any ideas how you would follow up on this to make it interesting later in Tides of Dread when Avner is rescued by the PCs from O's temple?
Have Avner become possessed?
Avner is now a shapechanging demon?