The Random Sh**e Thread

Off-Topic Discussions

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Sovereign Court

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:

This thread is for the off-topic things that don't fit in any other off-topic categories. Example:

Best. Quote. Ever. -

"Sticks and stones can break my bones and I have my Swiss Army knife if they hit me and if I kill them it will be self-defense and I won't go to prison."

Also, last night, I was sitting in my basement with all the lights off, watching my ever so precious Firefly DVDs, when I heard an ominous sound.

Someone was knocking on the basement door.

At two o'clock in the morning.

I grabbed a flashlight and a Bowie knife, and went to investigate.

I shined my light through the panes of glass in the door. There was nothing there.

I tentatively opened the door. I looked down, and I beheld...

...a f!~&ing TOAD! It had been f!~&ing slamming its warty little body into the door, scaring the living s%!!e out of me! I moved it away, and closed the door.

Fifteen minutes later, it was back. Five minutes after that, I gave up and went upstairs to bed.

Wierd! I had a very similar experience.

I was walking down this street late one night and I heard the line "Now for you my reputation is not gossip, is fact" and I knew someone was watching the Firefly series. I looked around and saw this glow coming through a partly opened basement window.

Well, being the Firefly fanatic I am, I had to see if the person watching would mind me joining them for at least one episode. So I went up to the door and knocked.

A minute or so later, this person comes up armed to the teeth and shines their flashlight in my face! I got blinded and disoriented and the next thing I know is I'm being physically escorted from the residence!

Well, let me tell you, as soon as my vision returned, I went back to that door and started knocking again, wanting to give that person a piece of my mind. After all, they could have seriously damaged my eyesight with that massively powerful flashlight ... and I really didn't like getting man-handled the way that I had been.

I must have knocked for a good five minutes when the lights went out and they apparently went upstairs and ... wait, that was YOU wasn't it!?!? Well, this is just awkward. Sorry for disturbing you ... thanks for not chopping me into little bits ... but you really didn't need to blind me you know.

The Exchange

I just read this weekend about a record sized wild-boar being killed by a hunter.
I have a question at the end of this info....
Boar was 9'4" long
Weight 1000lbs roughly
It took 8-9 shots with a .50 caliber handgun to bring it down.
In the picture the hunter was standing behind the body which was lying on the ground and all that showed of the hunter was his head, shoulders, and maybe 1/2 of his chest.
When I saw the picture in the paper I swore it was a hippo until I read the story.
The question.....
Would this be considered a Dire Boar?!?
Has anyone else read this article or heard this story, cause I was just blown away by the size of this creature?


Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

I just read this weekend about a record sized wild-boar being killed by a hunter.

I have a question at the end of this info....
Boar was 9'4" long
Weight 1000lbs roughly
It took 8-9 shots with a .50 caliber handgun to bring it down.
In the picture the hunter was standing behind the body which was lying on the ground and all that showed of the hunter was his head, shoulders, and maybe 1/2 of his chest.
When I saw the picture in the paper I swore it was a hippo until I read the story.
The question.....
Would this be considered a Dire Boar?!?
Has anyone else read this article or heard this story, cause I was just blown away by the size of this creature?


My crazy, cat-shooting grandfather just mailed me the article, and I must say it looks more like some kind of sea creature than any member of the pig family.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

I just read this weekend about a record sized wild-boar being killed by a hunter.

I have a question at the end of this info....
Boar was 9'4" long
Weight 1000lbs roughly
It took 8-9 shots with a .50 caliber handgun to bring it down.
In the picture the hunter was standing behind the body which was lying on the ground and all that showed of the hunter was his head, shoulders, and maybe 1/2 of his chest.
When I saw the picture in the paper I swore it was a hippo until I read the story.
The question.....
Would this be considered a Dire Boar?!?
Has anyone else read this article or heard this story, cause I was just blown away by the size of this creature?


Yeah, I saw and read it - and my immediate reaction was also "Dire Boar!"

But the guy who killed it was an 11 year old kid (apparently... I have doubts), thats the hunter you probably saw in the photo, so adjust the scale accordingly.

Hey Mothman ever seen that old Aussie movie Razorback? That's what it reminded me of. The grizzled old pig hunter in that movie can't have been all that great if an 11 year old pistol packer can bring one down.

Liberty's Edge

kahoolin wrote:
Hey Mothman ever seen that old Aussie movie Razorback? That's what it reminded me of. The grizzled old pig hunter in that movie can't have been all that great if an 11 year old pistol packer can bring one down.

Heh, yeah. And this one might even be bigger than the one in the movie.

The Exchange

Fake Healer wrote:

I just read this weekend about a record sized wild-boar being killed by a hunter.

I have a question at the end of this info....
Boar was 9'4" long
Weight 1000lbs roughly
It took 8-9 shots with a .50 caliber handgun to bring it down.
In the picture the hunter was standing behind the body which was lying on the ground and all that showed of the hunter was his head, shoulders, and maybe 1/2 of his chest.
When I saw the picture in the paper I swore it was a hippo until I read the story.
The question.....
Would this be considered a Dire Boar?!?
Has anyone else read this article or heard this story, cause I was just blown away by the size of this creature?


Found the article online. Here is the link-DIRE BOARS INVADING!!!!


Total. Dire. Boar. That's the image I'll be pulling out for "here's a scale for the mad boar coming your way."

Liberty's Edge

The stories of what the hunting cats leave behind reminded me of this one.

Years ago I was staying at a friend’s house after a big night out. In the morning, my friend walked out into her backyard, bare-foot to get something from the garden, and next thing I heard a scream. Running out, I discovered that she had stepped on the decomposing body of a rat – sans head – lying in the grass. It looked like it had been there for a while. This was particularly traumatic for her (apart from the obvious gross factor) as she is really superstitious about rats.

Anyway, about six months later we were both at a New Year’s Eve party at another friend’s house. Sometime after midnight, a group of us were lying on the grass outside, looking up at the stars and talking shit. The girl who had previously trod on the rat got up to go inside, walking barefoot across the grass to the house, when she suddenly started screaming that she had trodden on something sharp. We all got up, carried her over to the house so we had some light – and discovered that she had trodden on a rat’s skull, it’s teeth embedded into the fleshy part of her foot.

The Exchange

Mothman wrote:

The stories of what the hunting cats leave behind reminded me of this one.

Years ago I was staying at a friend’s house after a big night out. In the morning, my friend walked out into her backyard, bare-foot to get something from the garden, and next thing I heard a scream. Running out, I discovered that she had stepped on the decomposing body of a rat – sans head – lying in the grass. It looked like it had been there for a while. This was particularly traumatic for her (apart from the obvious gross factor) as she is really superstitious about rats.

Anyway, about six months later we were both at a New Year’s Eve party at another friend’s house. Sometime after midnight, a group of us were lying on the grass outside, looking up at the stars and talking s@~&. The girl who had previously trod on the rat got up to go inside, walking barefoot across the grass to the house, when she suddenly started screaming that she had trodden on something sharp. We all got up, carried her over to the house so we had some light – and discovered that she had trodden on a rat’s skull, it’s teeth embedded into the fleshy part of her foot.

...which pushed her over the edge and she now works at a research lab, experimenting on felines and rodents specifically. Occasionally a lab rat will turn up dead, it's skin removed and skull left, teeth up, on the linoleum floor by the chemical storage area. Just a few more years and her rat outfit will be complete. Then she will RULE THE RODENT POPULATION AND ENACT A GENECIDAL WAR AGAINST THE FELINE OPPRESSORS!!!! HHAAAAA-HA-HA, HEEEEHEEEE, mmuuuwwaaahhhhaaaahaahahaahhaaah!!!!!


Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

I just read this weekend about a record sized wild-boar being killed by a hunter.

I have a question at the end of this info....
Boar was 9'4" long
Weight 1000lbs roughly
It took 8-9 shots with a .50 caliber handgun to bring it down.
In the picture the hunter was standing behind the body which was lying on the ground and all that showed of the hunter was his head, shoulders, and maybe 1/2 of his chest.
When I saw the picture in the paper I swore it was a hippo until I read the story.
The question.....
Would this be considered a Dire Boar?!?
Has anyone else read this article or heard this story, cause I was just blown away by the size of this creature?


Found the article online. Here is the link-DIRE BOARS INVADING!!!!


It was the part about the 700 pounds of sausage that really got me.

My husband is an active duty Marine and was crossing a mall parking lot a couple weeks ago. He was wearing his uniform. A woman called to him from her car. She looked to be in her forties maybe, fairly well dressed. She had her passenger side window down and when my husband leaned down to speak to her she literally lunged at him, grabbing his arm and attempting to drag him into the car through the window. Desperately, she says, "Don't vote for Bush! He's killing our kids!!". My husband extracted himself from her grip as gently as possible and said the standard line about being proud to serve his country or whatnot. When he called and told me what happened I was like, "What..?". I'm constantly amazed how stupid some seemingly normal people can be! Like - maybe you haven't been keeping up on current events, lady, but...

...we can't vote for him again, because he's serving his second term, and that's the legal limit? Oy vey.

People are incredibly uneducated about how our government works. Sad, and a little scary.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

I just read this weekend about a record sized wild-boar being killed by a hunter.

I have a question at the end of this info....
Boar was 9'4" long
Weight 1000lbs roughly
It took 8-9 shots with a .50 caliber handgun to bring it down.
In the picture the hunter was standing behind the body which was lying on the ground and all that showed of the hunter was his head, shoulders, and maybe 1/2 of his chest.
When I saw the picture in the paper I swore it was a hippo until I read the story.
The question.....
Would this be considered a Dire Boar?!?
Has anyone else read this article or heard this story, cause I was just blown away by the size of this creature?


Found the article online. Here is the link-DIRE BOARS INVADING!!!!


I'd've jumped up on that hog's back all Legolas-style, and held on to one of it's bristles between my teeth, and "pang pang!!! Pang pang!!!" spanked about 27 arrows into the back of it's head like that oliphaunt, and slid down its skull to it's nose, and did a flip off it's snout like a diving board. THEN, Ida ate that big fat chunka pork chop with a watermelon in it's mouth for an apple.

Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

...which pushed her over the edge and she now works at a research lab, experimenting on felines and rodents specifically. Occasionally a lab rat will turn up dead, it's skin removed and skull left, teeth up, on the linoleum floor by the chemical storage area. Just a few more years and her rat outfit will be complete. Then she will RULE THE RODENT POPULATION AND ENACT A GENECIDAL WAR AGAINST THE FELINE OPPRESSORS!!!! HHAAAAA-HA-HA, HEEEEHEEEE, mmuuuwwaaahhhhaaaahaahahaahhaaah!!!!!


Oh, so you know Louisa?

The Exchange

Mothman wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

...which pushed her over the edge and she now works at a research lab, experimenting on felines and rodents specifically. Occasionally a lab rat will turn up dead, it's skin removed and skull left, teeth up, on the linoleum floor by the chemical storage area. Just a few more years and her rat outfit will be complete. Then she will RULE THE RODENT POPULATION AND ENACT A GENECIDAL WAR AGAINST THE FELINE OPPRESSORS!!!! HHAAAAA-HA-HA, HEEEEHEEEE, mmuuuwwaaahhhhaaaahaahahaahhaaah!!!!!


Oh, so you know Louisa?

I may have ran into the type before.


Liberty's Edge

Sebastian wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I rescued a gopher tortoise from a guy in the Army who tried to do the tortoise a favor by throwing it in the water.
You scored a literal LOL on that one Heathy. Poor tortoise.

I was laughing too. He had this serious look on his face, and just

"ker plunk!" threw the tortoise into the water.

We were also at the beach one time, and there was a pod of about 10 porpoises; everybody thought they were sharks. Who swam by undulating and curving their backs. Like Patrick Duffy in Man from Atlantis.

Liberty's Edge

I have been compared to my friend Mike's brother more than Mike has.

Liberty's Edge

I have begun to rip out chunks of my own hair in my sleep. Last week, it was part of my left sideburn. Last night, it was a clump from the back of my neck, as well as a clump from my temple. I look like a victim of radiation poisoning.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I have begun to rip out chunks of my own hair in my sleep. Last week, it was part of my left sideburn. Last night, it was a clump from the back of my neck, as well as a clump from my temple. I look like a victim of radiation poisoning.








Liberty's Edge

Cosmo wrote:








I know. It's f#*!ing freaking me out.

Defragging my computer while on Paizo and seeing bizzare things in the "what we are doing now" box at the bottom of my screen. It took me about three minutes to figure out that "moving file: ModernArmyDeath" was referring to my civIII game.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I have begun to rip out chunks of my own hair in my sleep. Last week, it was part of my left sideburn. Last night, it was a clump from the back of my neck, as well as a clump from my temple. I look like a victim of radiation poisoning.

You have issues.

Liberty's Edge

I heard on the History channel that in Hungary, sending someone an odd number of carnations can be construed as a death threat.

Heathansson wrote:
I heard on the History channel that in Hungary, sending someone an odd number of carnations can be construed as a death threat.

Saw that last night too. I like the "using caves as a road system" idea - I may have to use that in a game somewheres.

Liberty's Edge

Dirk Gently wrote:
Defragging my computer while on Paizo and seeing bizzare things in the "what we are doing now" box at the bottom of my screen. It took me about three minutes to figure out that "moving file: ModernArmyDeath" was referring to my civIII game.

That's the funniest thing I've heard all day. XD

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I heard on the History channel that in Hungary, sending someone an odd number of carnations can be construed as a death threat.
Saw that last night too. I like the "using caves as a road system" idea - I may have to use that in a game somewheres.

Yup. Budapest is all ate up with caves and cellars and store rooms.

It's awesome.

Silver Crusade

Heathansson wrote:
Lilith wrote:
Heathansson wrote:
I heard on the History channel that in Hungary, sending someone an odd number of carnations can be construed as a death threat.
Saw that last night too. I like the "using caves as a road system" idea - I may have to use that in a game somewheres.

Yup. Budapest is all ate up with caves and cellars and store rooms.

It's awesome.

Hey! I just got around to watching that program a few hours ago (I had it recorded). It's a good show, but I think that host is annoying.

Liberty's Edge

He's too excited about stuff or something.

Liberty's Edge

He's like Rachel Ray of dungeons.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I have begun to rip out chunks of my own hair in my sleep. Last week, it was part of my left sideburn. Last night, it was a clump from the back of my neck, as well as a clump from my temple. I look like a victim of radiation poisoning.

Put oven mitts on your hands at night, you're wound up too tight dude, I'm telling you catnip and chammomile tea before bed, heavy on the catnip. I used to wake up with my jaws clenched so tight little flakes of tooth were in my mouth. Catnip and chammomile, ahhhh.

The Exchange

Lady Lena wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
I have begun to rip out chunks of my own hair in my sleep. Last week, it was part of my left sideburn. Last night, it was a clump from the back of my neck, as well as a clump from my temple. I look like a victim of radiation poisoning.
Put oven mitts on your hands at night, you're wound up too tight dude, I'm telling you catnip and chammomile tea before bed, heavy on the catnip. I used to wake up with my jaws clenched so tight little flakes of tooth were in my mouth. Catnip and chammomile, ahhhh.

Or just shave it all off. But then you would probably just tear your ears!


Lady Lena wrote:
Put oven mitts on your hands at night, you're wound up too tight dude, I'm telling you catnip and chammomile tea before bed, heavy on the catnip. I used to wake up with my jaws clenched so tight little flakes of tooth were in my mouth. Catnip and chammomile, ahhhh.

That sounds incredibly familiar. I think I'll have to try that sometime, or at the very least the chamomile, which we ought to have around the house somewhere.

Liberty's Edge

I'm reading Watchmen. It says that the only place gold is made is in supernovas.

So after the big bang there was a golden shower?

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Liberty's Edge

Ayy Carumba!!!

Liberty's Edge


This morning, I woke up with a chunk of hair in my fist. The corresponding spot on the crown of my head has the approximate diameter of a golf ball.

I am soooo lucky I didn't get my monthly haircut two weeks ago.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Red Mr. Shiny needs therapy badly.

Red Mr. Shiny is about to go bald.

Liberty's Edge

Fatespinner wrote:

Red Mr. Shiny needs therapy badly.

Red Mr. Shiny is about to go bald.


The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:

Red Mr. Shiny needs therapy badly.

Red Mr. Shiny is about to go bald.


you know you pulling your hair out

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:

Red Mr. Shiny needs therapy badly.

Red Mr. Shiny is about to go bald.


Fatespinner is making a 'Gauntlet' videogame joke. "Wizard needs food...badly."

And as been mentioned before, catnip and chamomile tea before bed. And the oven-mitts, although as bad as your...condition...seems to be getting, you might want to consider duct-taping them on...

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

Magikcat wrote:
Fatespinner is making a 'Gauntlet' videogame joke. "Wizard needs food...badly."


In that game, you got to choose a color and a class. If I remember correctly, the colors were blue, green, yellow, and red and the classes were warrior, valkyrie, wizard, and... I dunno the other one. There were four.

Anyway, food was used to replenish health. When you ran low on health, the game would let you know this fact verbally. If you were playing the Red Wizard, for example, the game would say:

"Red Wizard needs food badly. Red Wizard is about to die."

Now you know.

Fatespinner wrote:

In that game, you got to choose a color and a class. If I remember correctly, the colors were blue, green, yellow, and red and the classes were warrior, valkyrie, wizard, and... I dunno the other one. There were four.

Elf? I remember thinking "Sheesh, it's like going back to basic..."

Knowing is half the battle. ;)

Liberty's Edge

Fatespinner wrote:
Magikcat wrote:
Fatespinner is making a 'Gauntlet' videogame joke. "Wizard needs food...badly."


In that game, you got to choose a color and a class. If I remember correctly, the colors were blue, green, yellow, and red and the classes were warrior, valkyrie, wizard, and... I dunno the other one. There were four.

Anyway, food was used to replenish health. When you ran low on health, the game would let you know this fact verbally. If you were playing the Red Wizard, for example, the game would say:

"Red Wizard needs food badly. Red Wizard is about to die."

Now you know.

Dayum. I should have known that. I guess I pulled out a little grey matter along with my hair.

Fatespinner wrote:
Magikcat wrote:
Fatespinner is making a 'Gauntlet' videogame joke. "Wizard needs food...badly."


In that game, you got to choose a color and a class. If I remember correctly, the colors were blue, green, yellow, and red and the classes were warrior, valkyrie, wizard, and... I dunno the other one. There were four.

Anyway, food was used to replenish health. When you ran low on health, the game would let you know this fact verbally. If you were playing the Red Wizard, for example, the game would say:

"Red Wizard needs food badly. Red Wizard is about to die."

Now you know.

I think sorcerer.. i could be wrong... YEAH i remember that game know... i loved that game

Khezial Tahr wrote:
Fatespinner wrote:

In that game, you got to choose a color and a class. If I remember correctly, the colors were blue, green, yellow, and red and the classes were warrior, valkyrie, wizard, and... I dunno the other one. There were four.

Elf? I remember thinking "Sheesh, it's like going back to basic..."

Knowing is half the battle. ;)

Yep. Thus, my typical AFK message when I go to grab a snack on WoW:

"Blood Elf needs food, badly!"

OK, here's something completely random (and yet somehow on topic, funny how these things work out):

I just banged my head on my keyboard (no need to know why, but it wasn't here, it was in Microsoft Word) and typed B nb nb bh hb hb . I don't know why that is useful, it just looks so funny I had to share it.

Also, I recently saw in the store a bag of chips of the "Flat Earth" brand. Their slogan is "impossably good" and the bag is adorned with the ever popular flying pig.

Dirk Gently wrote:
Also, I recently saw in the store a bag of chips of the "Flat Earth" brand.

The chips are quite tasty. Try the mango ones. :)

I have a sixteen year old boy, at the rate he's going, I will not allow him to reach seventeen. I was perusing my readers digest when an ad caught my eye.
"Defiant Child?" Then it goes on to promise how they can help you get control of your child, home, etc. I was interested, until I read the name. "TOTAL TRANSFORMATION PROGRAM" Doesn't that sound a little, um, stepfordish? Kinda like a cultish, brainwashing scheme.

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