The Random Sh**e Thread

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Liberty's Edge

Is it nec'ssary to drink my own urine? No, but it's sterile, and I like the taste.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Is it nec'ssary to drink my own urine? No, but it's sterile, and I like the taste.

Love it!

No one makes me bleed my own blood! ;)

Fatespinner wrote:
Arctaris wrote:
One of our cats does that. She kills mice and then eats all of them except for the heads which she leaves staring up at you on the floor in placs that you're likley to step in the early morning.
I had a cat who did something like this. She didn't eat them, though. She would messily disembowel them all over the welcome mat at the front door. It was, well, very UNwelcoming to walk up to a house with scattered mouse guts all over the entryway.

When I was really little we had a cat who would do a very strange thing. She was quite the hunter and we lived in South Carolina then but she would catch and eat many mice and various small animals in the night, and would eat all but the feet and then line them up on the back porch. Very disconcerting, especially when you are 3 years old and very impressionable!

Eyebite wrote:

A little over a week ago, my friend called me and wanted to form a band. Just a little something something in the garage, screwing around, nothing serious.

We talked about other people we knew that we could get over on a semi-regular basis to play with.

Then the subject of what we would call ourselves came up.

My friend suggested we name our little group "Dr. Coleslaw"

. . .

I had second thoughts about forming Dr. Coleslaw. I still have not played with my friend. I don't see it happening in the near future.

Me and some friends are doing something similar. I came up with the name Ages Dreamt. I seem to be the only one who likes this name. Am I crazy? What are your suggestions?

Technically I came up with it by rearranging Scrabble tiles but that's besides the point. I still think that 'Guttersnipes' is a better name.

Liberty's Edge

A scout attending the camp I work at (also one of my friends there) wrote this gem for an 'ecology of the yak' essay. (note the incongruous words--the instructor wanted him to include certain 'humorous tidbits'):

Finnius pulled harder on the tether that went around the neck of the yak he was leading. The yak sped up slightly, finding a sure footing on the rocky floor of the Bandan Pass while Finnius struggled on ahead. Finnius came gasping to the top of a rise. He stopped, hands on his knees, and glanced at the small town at the far side of the pass. Even though he was about halfway through the pass, the town looked no closer than when he had started. He gazed up at the sky, which was darkening to night rapidly. Dark clouds were hurrying across the sky, heralding the first snowstorm of the almost year-round winter that gripped the cold Northlands. The clouds were following the chill wind that howled through the pass and cut through Finnius' clothes like a knife. Finnius pulled his cloak tighter about himself and turned to look at the yak that carried all of his possessions. The yaks were the only animals in the world, as far as Finnius knew, that could withstand both the thin mountain air and the long, brutal winters of the north. It was the beasts' long, shaggy coats that made it possible for them to withstand the intense cold. At the moment, his yak was grazing on some of the sparse lichen that, along with coarse mountain grasses, made up its diet. Finnius' yak lay down in the middle of a snowdrift, its belly full. He moved to the side of the yak and began to push, trying to make it move. Yaks weigh nearly a ton, so Finnius didn't think he could move it, but it was easy to goad the beasts. However, the yak refused to budge. Finnius straightened, wonderng why the people had bothered to domesticate them in the distant past. He glared at the crature for a few seconds, then unsheathed his longsword and slapped the yak's rump with the flat of the blade. It failed to have the desired effect. He poked the yak with the blade's tip. The yak grunted loudly, then began to amble down the hill towards the village.
"I want to watch The Big Lebowski with Mr. T while eating SnoKones and drinking Orange Julius, while definitely not listening to Limp Bizkit," thought Finnius suddenly. He shook his head, wondering what all the strange words meant.
"The cold must be getting to me," he thought, then started after his yak as the first snowflakes began to fall.

-Atticus Cullinan, August 4, 2007

Silver Crusade

That reminds me of the "free writing composition" I used for my state English exam in high school. We had a list of titles, and had to pick one and write an essay, personal reflection, short story, or whatever.

One of the titles was "Keepsakes," which lends itself to all sorts of personal essays about treasured possessions or whatnot.

I wrote a short story about a female serial killer who cuts off men's heads and keeps them in her freezer as a sort of "scrap book."

On my state exam.

I got an A, by the way.

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:

That reminds me of the "free writing composition" I used for my state English exam in high school. We had a list of titles, and had to pick one and write an essay, personal reflection, short story, or whatever.

One of the titles was "Keepsakes," which lends itself to all sorts of personal essays about treasured possessions or whatnot.

I wrote a short story about a female serial killer who cuts off men's heads and keeps them in her freezer as a sort of "scrap book."

On my state exam.

** spoiler omitted **

I used to pull s&~@ like that in all of my classes.

Aaah, the memories.

Something else I used to do for book reviews was to crucify classic novels, just for fun.

Liberty's Edge

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Is it nec'ssary to drink my own urine? No, but it's sterile, and I like the taste.

Who are you, Mike Van Patton?

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Is it nec'ssary to drink my own urine? No, but it's sterile, and I like the taste.
Who are you, Mike Van Patton?

Who's Mike Van Patton?

Liberty's Edge

He (was?) the lead singer of Faith No More. I probably spelled his name wrong, but he did crazy stuff on stage...

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

I don't recall the 'Van' in there, but yes, Mike Patton is the genius behind Faith No More, Mr Bungle, Fantomas and many other 'experimental' projects.

At a show in Texas, if I recall properly, he pissed into his boot and drank it onstage. Despite his antics he is actually a brilliant human being. His lyrics are strange but can certainly resonate with intelligent gamers as far as topic and tone.

Silver Crusade

That's weird. I only piss in other people's boots.

Scarab Sages

Celestial Healer wrote:
That's weird. I only piss in other people's boots.

So you're the one who keeps doing that!!

Liberty's Edge

Daigle wrote:

I don't recall the 'Van' in there, but yes, Mike Patton is the genius behind Faith No More, Mr Bungle, Fantomas and many other 'experimental' projects.

At a show in Texas, if I recall properly, he pissed into his boot and drank it onstage. Despite his antics he is actually a brilliant human being. His lyrics are strange but can certainly resonate with intelligent gamers as far as topic and tone.

Dude. It's been a long time. I guess a misfiring neuron in my head added the Van. I don't know.

This 'comic' makes my week better.


Heathansson wrote:
Dude. It's been a long time. I guess a misfiring neuron in my head added the Van. I don't know.

Perhaps you're confusing him with Dick Van Patten?

Liberty's Edge

Daigle wrote:

I don't recall the 'Van' in there, but yes, Mike Patton is the genius behind Faith No More, Mr Bungle, Fantomas and many other 'experimental' projects.

At a show in Texas, if I recall properly, he pissed into his boot and drank it onstage. Despite his antics he is actually a brilliant human being. His lyrics are strange but can certainly resonate with intelligent gamers as far as topic and tone.

I was gonna say...

I know who Mike Patton is, but the 'Van' kinda threw me off.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

I've got a worm inside my head,
It's got to set itself free.
I've got a wind inside my head,
A wind of understanding.

I'm a-loadin' my war machine,
I'm contributing to the system of a breakdown scheme.
I'm a-shuttin' down your crazy dream.
I am here to shut it down, shut it down.

I see little flowers at my feet,
Cool breeze, clean air, hospitality.
Oh pretty please, pretty please,

I'm a-loadin' my war machine,
I'm contributing to the system, the brilliant scheme.
I'm a-shuttin' down your green machine,
I am here to gun it down, gun it down.

I've got a war inside my head,
It's got to set itself free.
I've got a wheel inside my head,
A wheel of understanding.

I'm a-loadin' my war machine,
I'm contributing to the system, the breakdown scheme.
I'm a-shuttin' down your green machine, baby.
I am here to gun it down, gun it down.

I made veggie pasta bake tonight and it was utterly bland. :( So I smothered it in chilli and it rocked! :)

R-type wrote:
I made veggie pasta bake tonight and it was utterly bland. :(

Spices! You must add spices! No dish is bland unless you make it that way on purpose...

Lilith wrote:

Spices! You must add spices! No dish is bland unless you make it that way on purpose...

I must have a special knack for it. Seriously, I don't get much chance to cook these days and when I do it turns out rubbish!? I used to be a connoisseur of the kitchen -now I just suck! I'm in a culinary slump! :O

Liberty's Edge

R-type wrote:
Lilith wrote:

Spices! You must add spices! No dish is bland unless you make it that way on purpose...
I must have a special knack for it. Seriously, I don't get much chance to cook these days and when I do it turns out rubbish!? I used to be a connoisseur of the kitchen -now I just suck! I'm in a culinary slump! :O

Don't worry. I've never been much for the cookin'. I basically subsist on turkey sandwiches and coffee.

wow; I read cookbooks for fun; I probably own like 200; am a kitchen fanatic :) well; I mosey to the grill a lot too :)

Silver Crusade

Cookbooks are key. I'm not very good at improvising, but I can follow a recipe, and that's all you really need to get by.

I think I'm going to stop even sending out resumes and cover letters and just barge into a building without an appointment, run in to the nicest office there and just scream,"You're fired!" and then kick whoever is there in the face. And they'll be like,"Ah! You kicked me in the FACE!" And then I'll laugh in derision and sit down in their nice swivel chair and start rearranging their desk and stapling things together. I'll take the photo of their family out of the picture frame and slap on a photo of the Kool-Aid man with boobs drawn on him. "Buy! Sell!",I'll shout into the phone, at whomever picks up. By the time security arrives to escort me from the building, I'll have pocketed sixteen boxes of ball point pens, three erasers, every post-it note I could find and the knobs from the bathroom fixtures. I'll keep doing that until someone says,"At least he's better than the other guy." And I'll be allowed to stay.

Paizo Employee Director of Game Development

"You're hired!"

James Keegan wrote:
I think I'm going to stop even sending out resumes and cover letters and just barge into a building without an appointment, run in to the nicest office there and just scream,"You're fired!" and then kick whoever is there in the face. And they'll be like,"Ah! You kicked me in the FACE!" And then I'll laugh in derision and sit down in their nice swivel chair and start rearranging their desk and stapling things together. I'll take the photo of their family out of the picture frame and slap on a photo of the Kool-Aid man with boobs drawn on him. "Buy! Sell!",I'll shout into the phone, at whomever picks up. By the time security arrives to escort me from the building, I'll have pocketed sixteen boxes of ball point pens, three erasers, every post-it note I could find and the knobs from the bathroom fixtures. I'll keep doing that until someone says,"At least he's better than the other guy." And I'll be allowed to stay.

I'd hire you if you did that (and of course if I was in a position to hire people).

Today I took a sock off to get a splinter out of my foot and now I can't find the sock so I've been wandering around all day wearing one plaid sock. I hate it when I have to raid dad's socks.

Liberty's Edge

I know what you're thinking: "Zombie chef, eh? I bet he only knows how to cook brains." Well, Mr. or Ms. Smartypants, I'll have you know that this particular zombie chef was awarded the Diplôme de Cuisine from Le Cordon Bleu Academie of Loathing, and he is a master of all manner of gourmet delicacies. The fact that everything he serves is brains is a complete coincidence.

Lol; I hardly ever follow a recipe unless i am baking; I am always like; hmm, this would be better if we....I just like to read cookbooks; especially family cookbooks that have cooking stories that go back 100 years or more.

I have several recipes for brains by the way; not that I would eat them; I have recipes for all kinds of things that are not commonly eaten in our modern sanitary society; hehe got some good ones for raccoon and woodchuck to :)

Celestial Healer wrote:
Cookbooks are key. I'm not very good at improvising, but I can follow a recipe, and that's all you really need to get by.

For some odd reason I wore my dad's step counter this morning as I walked to work, and I figured out that walking to work and walking around at work (I work in a restaurant, as a cook) amounts to about 9 point something miles! Wow! If I were payed by the mile I would be rich!

Thanks to this little thing I have discovered that I officially need to gain 15 pounds to be on the low end of normal body weight, with a whopping index of 16.7. Whee, this will be an adventure, I've never gained more than five pounds in a short-term period before (for all those wondering, I lost it again faster than I got it, god I hate being skinny).

Liberty's Edge

Dirk Gently wrote:
Thanks to this little thing I have discovered that I officially need to gain 15 pounds to be on the low end of normal body weight, with a whopping index of 16.7. Whee, this will be an adventure, I've never gained more than five pounds in a short-term period before (for all those wondering, I lost it again faster than I got it, god I hate being skinny).

Mine's 22.8. The exact center of the 'normal' range. I feel special.

Dark Archive RPG Superstar 2013 Top 32

I'm well over the 'obese' marker with a BMI of 40. :(

Liberty's Edge

Fatespinner wrote:
I'm well over the 'obese' marker with a BMI of 40. :(

The BMI is a crock. It's based on weight, rather than mass--fat is less dense than muscle, so muscular people frequently register as obese (as well as really tall, normal-weight-for-their-size people), and 'normal' people (like me) with close to zero muscle and a moderate amount of fat register as OK.

In other words: don't feel bad. It's probably wrong.

Grand Lodge

Fatespinner wrote:
I'm well over the 'obese' marker with a BMI of 40. :(

OK? You didn't look all that "obese" to me when I met you.

Liberty's Edge

We are building a religion we are building it bigger. We are widening the corridors and adding more lanes. We are building a religion, a limited edition. We are now accepting callers for these pendant keychains...

I know this is a late comment....Eldritch, you need a bigger coffee cup. Mine drains a whole pot of coffee in two full cups. Then again....My Coffee Cup is larger than a cereal bowl. It fits my hands. ^_^

Liberty's Edge

Yasha0006 wrote:

I know this is a late comment....Eldritch, you need a bigger coffee cup. Mine drains a whole pot of coffee in two full cups. Then again....My Coffee Cup is larger than a cereal bowl. It fits my hands. ^_^

My old boss had one that held a liter of coffee.

I'll repeat that.

My old boss had one that held a liter of coffee.

That makes mine look weak. I'll just have to start drinking directly from the pot. But then, I've never met a coffee drinker that could compete with my old drink from Starbucks. The straight 20 shot espresso. I told the people I worked with to call 911 if I was not back from my break in 10 minutes, as I went off to drink that. Certainly not healthy I'm sure, but man was I wired.

Coffee is for sucks. Tea is better. Losers.

Liberty's Edge

Dirk Gently wrote:

Isn't that the "pot / kettle / color black" thing?

*Without moving lips* "The shed!"

My cat is afraid of chickens.

Liberty's Edge

Arctaris wrote:
My cat is afraid of chickens.

My friend's brother actually has a morbid phobia of chickens.

Liberty's Edge

AWED wrote:
*Without moving lips* "The shed!"

Are you referring to the 'workshed' line from Evil Dead II?

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
AWED wrote:
*Without moving lips* "The shed!"
Are you referring to the 'workshed' line from Evil Dead II?

Damn it i messed it up:(

Arctaris wrote:
My cat is afraid of chickens.

heck; so am I for that matter; birds give me the creeps; I feel much better after I chop off their heads and dunk them in boiling water and pull off all the feathers and gut em; then they are not creepy anymore.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
Dirk Gently wrote:
Isn't that the "pot / kettle / color black" thing?

Yes. But sometimes the kettle is also black.

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