In the Eye of Stormreach


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"We could also go to the Sinkhole tonight and then Sari, myself and perhaps another one of us can go back to the House Deneith enclave and be there by dawn so we could meet up with the proffessor. Then the rest of you could explore ahead of his party and we could make a few covert attempts to slow him down. Although, poisoning will probably put him out of the picture for longer."

M Goblin Cleric (Evangelist) 3

"Do you have any poison? I'm warming to the idea."

"While I'm not in possession of any, I imagine that in a cosmopolitan area such as Stormreach it shouldn't be hard to come by. If we can't afford it I have talents regarding the aquisition of items."

Female Human Fighter/3

"Ruuz, do you have any poison among everything that you carry? Do you know were we can get some that won't draw attention to ourselves? I agree with Merreck that we could go down to the sink hole tonight and still meet up with the Professor in the morning. As far as the contact, Merreck and I didn't actually sign anything but rather the contract is through the House and the Professor." I am assuming this is correct, let me know if it is not

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1
Sari d'Deneith wrote:
"Ruuz, do you have any poison among everything that you carry? Do you know were we can get some that won't draw attention to ourselves? I agree with Merreck that we could go down to the sink hole tonight and still meet up with the Professor in the morning. As far as the contact, Merreck and I didn't actually sign anything but rather the contract is through the House and the Professor." I am assuming this is correct, let me know if it is not

You haven't signed anything, yet, but you do have the weight of over a thousand years of family history and tradition to live up to, You were hired to protect this guy, not to roll him like a hobo...

Male Wildhunt Shifter Ranger / 3

This whole talk of dishonor and poisoning is putting a taste of bile in Beren’s mouth. If it wasn’t for Valessa mentioning that this Morgrave associate was bad news, he may have ridden off the mission entirely. Instead he just sits there until there is an opening for him to speak. “Once we have a plan, I will lead the way with my swords, but I will not be a part of this subterfuge. Also, even though I have no love for the houses, I don’t want to piss them off either.” After Beren says his peace, he sulks in a corner awaiting any decisions.

"Fine. I and perhaps someone else here will take care of the poison and you can take a lead role in the fighting." I turn to the rest of the room and say "I need a volunteer or two to accompany me to aquire a poison."

Male Changeling Artificer 4rd

"I have an idea that might work, I could pose as an agent for the Korranberg Library and Rokko and Valessa could be my associates with Brick as our muscle. We could arrive at the enclave with you 'looking' for help and see if we could join forces with this professor. With the weight of Korranberg we can claim about half the loot maybe more? What do you think?"

Female Human Fighter/3
Ruuz wrote:
"I have an idea that might work, I could pose as an agent for the Korranberg Library and Rokko and Valessa could be my associates with Brick as our muscle. We could arrive at the enclave with you 'looking' for help and see if we could join forces with this professor. With the weight of Korranberg we can claim about half the loot maybe more? What do you think?"

"I like this idea better. I do not want to cause trouble with the House of Deneith. I will show up and do my job just as I am required to. If we do plan anything else it will look that Merreck and I are not involved and we will be able to give you cover if you need it. Will that be alright with everyone?"

There is a knock at the house door, assuming you are having this meeting in your living room, and whoever answers it is greeted by a diminutive blue kobold, with a strangely bulky pack on his back.

"Greetingssssez," he 'says', "meez repressentz the intersstssz of ze masster. I am here for to be sseeingz if you be having ze rent moneeysz. Two hundred and fiftysz of the goulden coinsz."

M Goblin Cleric (Evangelist) 3

"It's rent day already?! Anyone got any cash?"

"I think I like Ruuz's idea too. Poisoning is, well, almost evil. Even for this guy."

"Yes, that is a better alternative. What we don't claim as members of Korranberg we can always just steal later. This brings me to an unavoidable question; do we give the loot to Korranberg for free, require a finder's fee or keep it for ourselves. I would prefer to give it to Korranberg in exchange for a small finder's fee."
"Like I said earlier, I'm rather strapped for cash; I spent most of my money getting here, finding you guys and buying healing potions and scrolls. I have perhaps 10 gold on me. Not much help I'm afraid." I say with an apologetic shrug.

Male Wildhunt Shifter Ranger / 3

Beren sits there listening to the discussion. His ethics are somewhat settled by the change in tactics. As he starts to say, "I like this idea better ..." There is a knock at the door. "Rent due? Was wondering how that got collected." He looks around at his companions, "Should we tap into the bounty money then just split the rest?"

"Well, if we're going to split the bounty money between us, just take my share of the rent money out opf my share of the bounty money. Now, if no one has anything else to add to our planning session I'm going to the Giant's Larder."
I'm going to the Giant's Larder to see if they'll hire a bard needing flexible hours.

Male Changeling Artificer 4rd
Merreck Greenbottle wrote:

"Yes, that is a better alternative. What we don't claim as members of Korranberg we can always just steal later. This brings me to an unavoidable question; do we give the loot to Korranberg for free, require a finder's fee or keep it for ourselves. I would prefer to give it to Korranberg in exchange for a small finder's fee."

"Like I said earlier, I'm rather strapped for cash; I spent most of my money getting here, finding you guys and buying healing potions and scrolls. I have perhaps 10 gold on me. Not much help I'm afraid." I say with an apologetic shrug.

Ruuz turns to Sari, Beren, and Merreck "Wasn't actual going give any of our findings to the Korranberg Library unless they are the highest bidder, but our Morgrave professor doesn't need to know that. This option should allow you three to keep the Deneith enclave happy and that source of employment open and we hopefully get a little more profit out of the deal."

Ruuz looks over at Valessa "Are you in? I think it will be just worth the look on the mans face when he sees you part of a Korranberg Library funded expedition, especially after I tell him about how you were selected from a long list of prestigious Xen'drik experts."

M Goblin Cleric (Evangelist) 3

"I see little point in giving stuff to Korranberg just becuase we are claiming to be from Korranberg. But a good plan - we should use your natural talents!"

"Alright. How should we address the sale of whatever we may find? Does anyone know of someone through which we could sell them? Someone we can trust?"

Male Wildhunt Shifter Ranger / 3

Beren watches the exchange. Without any real knowledge of Xen'drik antiquities or the sale of artifacts, he simply says, "Let's see what we find first. Interested parties may differ depending on what we find." The shifter lets it stand at that. He starts to pace a bit, feeling anxious to be released from the bonds of civilization.

Female Human (Aundairian) Rogue 3 / Ranger 1

Valessa sits with her head in her hands, listening to the discussion she has generated. She hadn’t meant to let go with that outburst, but Professor Ghorkin was certainly a sore point. She perks up briefly at the mention of poison, but is actually somewhat glad when it is dismissed, it does seem a little too … immoral, even if used on as nasty a piece of work as the Professor.

When the Korranberg idea is raised, she is about to protest that the Professor will recognise her, until she hears Ruuz’ explanation of ‘why she is there’. Brilliant! That could work!

“Yes!” she exclaims. “That’s a fantastic idea! We’ll do that. And if we’re rejected out of hand, the rest of us can still follow along anyway. We don’t let the Morgrave team know that we know Merreck and Sari either. Brilliant idea Ruuz! And no, I’m not hugging you.”

“Well, I guess we better get our rent money together, and sign the lease. Yes, lets take it out of Tessik’s cash for now. We shouldn’t keep the kobold waiting too long, I somehow don’t think this ‘Q’ character would like to be kept waiting.”

As the rent money is collected, and the contract dug out and signed, Valessa goes over to the blue kobold. “So who exactly is your master?” she asks. “And what’s in the pack?”

"Ze pack issz me dissguissesz, no onessz recogniszes Vogu."

"Masster issz masster, he bosszes Vogu, you call him 'Q', issz good 'nuffsz, me needsz ze gold, and ze papersz sssigned, yesssz"

Female Human (Aundairian) Rogue 3 / Ranger 1

“Riiiight, a disguise….” Says Valessa, rubbing her forehead. “We’ve got the gold right here, and we’re just finishing up signing the contract, it will be ready in a minute. But how do we know you really work for Q? What if we give you the cash and you just take off, and Ein or someone turns up tomorrow, asking for the rent we gave to you? Got any identification papers or anything?”

"Youssz are sstrong, youssz are ssmart, but masster issz sstrongersz, and masster issz ssmartersz. If thief comessz to thissz door, yousz or hesz be dead makingsz them."

The little kobold seems incredibly confident. If you want to detect if he is lying, go ahead and make a sense motive check.

I watch the kobold as he talks, trying to get a feel for him and to determine if he's lying.
Sense Motive 19 (12+7)

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

He does not appear to be lying, or even remotely capable of guile

"Thankssez yousz," he says after receiving the gold and the contract, "to ze masster I takess itsz now."

He then appears lost in thought for an instand, then simply disappears, leaving an acrid scent of sulfur.

Spellcraft: DC 19 or Know Arcance DC: 24


He apparently made use of a dimension door, but did not cast a traditional spell, perhaps it was silent, or a magical item...

M Goblin Cleric (Evangelist) 3

"Hm, nifty spell. I wonder what it was."

"He just used Dimension Door, although the way he cast it was unlike anything I've heard of before. I wonder how he did that." I say with a slightly puzzeled air. "Well, now I'm off to see if I can make a little extra cash performing." and then I walk off in the direction of the Giant's Larder.
Spellcraft 21 (17+4). Knowledge (Arcana) (untrained) 4 (2+2)

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1



The owner of The Giant's Larder meets with you about employment, but he says sadly that if you aren't endorsed by the Entertainer's Guild, he simply can't hire you. Doing so would alienate his other performers.

M Goblin Cleric (Evangelist) 3

<disgruntled muttering> "Smart-arse halfling...."

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

If no one has anything else to accomplish tonight... tomorrow begets the trip to the sinkhole.


How does one join the Entertainer's Guild?

Rokko wrote:
<disgruntled muttering> "Smart-arse halfling...."

"Thank you. I try."

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1
Merreck Greenbottle wrote:


** spoiler omitted **
Rokko wrote:
<disgruntled muttering> "Smart-arse halfling...."

"Thank you. I try."


You have to sign on through house Phialarn, basically they give you a test, and the more you suck, the more you have to pay. A relatively minor, but RP signifagant, complication...


I make some inquiries about how I go about signing on to the House and, if possible, about the nature of the tests. Gather Information 19 (14+5). After our sojourn to the Sinkhole I'll pursue joining the Guild.

Male Wildhunt Shifter Ranger / 3

After doing a series of stretches and breathing excersises, Beren turns in early to enjoy a fresh body and mind for tomorrow's journey.

Female Human (Aundairian) Rogue 3 / Ranger 1

“Yes, I have to go pack for the morning,” says Valessa, stifling a yawn. “Anybody got any good suggestions for hang-over avoidance? I shouldn’t have had that last drink…”

Valessa returns to the room she now shares with Sari, and begins packing for the morning and preparing for bed. She’s nervous about seeing the Professor in the morning, but kind of excited too – especially if Ruuz’ gambit works.

Female Human Fighter/3
Valessa Marr wrote:

“Yes, I have to go pack for the morning,” says Valessa, stifling a yawn. “Anybody got any good suggestions for hang-over avoidance? I shouldn’t have had that last drink…”

Valessa returns to the room she now shares with Sari, and begins packing for the morning and preparing for bed. She’s nervous about seeing the Professor in the morning, but kind of excited too – especially if Ruuz’ gambit works.

Sari meets Valessa in the room that they share. "I hope you are feeling up to tomorrow, it should be interesting. If it makes you feel better I am feeling a little nervous as well. It has been a while since I have felt a part of a group and it will take a while to get use to this. Well enough about all of that. I hope we are able to get some sleep tonight without any trouble."

Dreamweaver and I have family in town starting tonight so it will be sketchy about posting but we will try. If need be post for us please.

Male Changeling Artificer 4rd

Ruuz wanders down to his lab practicing his best Zilargo accent. 'I hope we aren't going to deep into the jungle not a big fan of sleeping on the ground.'

Ruuz fills a large bowl with water and uses the reflection to test his gnome looks as he changes through different hair color and distinguishing marks.
"This should be fun!" Ruuz says to himself his gnome voice echoing off the walls.

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1
Ruuz wrote:

Ruuz wanders down to his lab practicing his best Zilargo accent. 'I hope we aren't going to deep into the jungle not a big fan of sleeping on the ground.'

Ruuz fills a large bowl with water and uses the reflection to test his gnome looks as he changes through different hair color and distinguishing marks.
"This should be fun!" Ruuz says to himself his gnome voice echoing off the walls.


You are going to be a darn tall gnome, since changelings can't change size. There are humans and others attached to Korranberg.

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

BTW, I am gonna rein in the game until Monday sometime. It is getting towards evening, and you have a dawn appointment, but feel free to meander about.

M/n Warforged Cleric 3 / Paladin 1

Could I have a quick recap please? It's been a long week.

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1
Brick wrote:
Could I have a quick recap please? It's been a long week.

I am sure someone who isn't scurrying to write up the next segment will be happy to oblige

Recap posted on discussion thread.

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1

For the Morgrave Group:


You awaken early, and set out for the Deneith Enclave right after a light breakfast at the Giant’s Larder. You arrive almost a full hour after dawn, which seems to have irritated the Denith agent, who has been waiting for you.
To secure your payments, you must both sign some contracts. Merreck has at least a dozen extra forms, since he is not a house member, but at least he can specify a beneficiary should he not make it back.
A few moments after you finish, with near clockwork accuracy, Ghorkin and his troupe arrive. From their age and attire you can tell the four are students, and this will be their first field experience. They struggle under heavy gear and poorly fitted packs. Given what Valessa has told you, you are not surprised by the fact that they are all young, and attractive women.

Ghorkin seems to have established a map in his head, taking compass readings from time to time, but never looking to any paper. He keeps quiet during most of the trip, only keeping council with one of the girls, the apparently senior Jyra, a fiery red head who has heaped several disfavoring looks on Sari. She seems content with how she earned the professors favor, and looks to hold on to it.
When Ghorkin does stoop to speaking to the hired help, he exclusively addresses only Sari. Aside from clumsy flirtations, the only matter of consequence he mentions is that it should take about three hours to walk to the site.

An hour into the trip, you hear a distant sickeningly sweet song coming from one of the nearby trees.
Make Will saves please

For the Korranberg Group


After sharing a light breakfast with your companions at the Giant’s Larder you set off for the location of the sinkhole. The distance is actually minimal, but you will be severely slowed by cutting a path through the jungle. To help maintain your ruse you also start from an unfavorable position, just to make sure your track doesn’t bring you too close to the Morgrave explorers.
Your trek is nearly uneventful, until you step unexpectedly through a wall of vines and fine a slightly charred clearing. You find yourself standing about one hundred feet from a pair of massive creatures. Their skin is dark green, and they are covered in leaves and other jungle flora. Exceptionally, one of them is wearing a human sized back pack on a vine over one shoulder, and the other has a blanket wrapped around its waist like a dress.
Just as you think you may have a chance to back a way, a large jungle bird squacks nearby you, and the foragers turn your way, and howl.
Roll Initiative

M Goblin Cleric (Evangelist) 3

I'm not sure what group I am in.

Liberty's Edge

Male Engineer Geek 6/Engineer 5/Engineseer 1
Rokko wrote:
I'm not sure what group I am in.

Sari and Mereck are commited to being in the Morgrave group. Valessa and Ruuz are deffinetly in the Korranberg group. The rest of you (Beren, Brick, and Rokko) can go either way, though I think the plan was for all 3 to go with the Korranberg group

Male Wildhunt Shifter Ranger / 3

Initiative Roll (9+4=13)

Male Changeling Artificer 4rd

Initiative roll 15 + 2 = 17
Ruuz is in the form of a small grey haired human.

M Goblin Cleric (Evangelist) 3

OK, Korranberg it is.Initiative = 23.

Female Human Fighter/3

Will Save: 18 Bring it on big guy!

Will save 19 (14+5)

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