The real reason Dragon and Dungeon in print died

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Full Frontal Nerdity Tells All!

That's right - it's your fault!

No. Not you - the other guy.

Dark Archive Contributor

PsychoticWarrior wrote:

Full Frontal Neridty Tells All!

That's right - it's your fault!

No. Not you - the other guy.

Ah yes, the dwarven ale combat modifiers article... Alas, we'll never get to run it now... :(



Liberty's Edge

You guys it's one more special Phil and Dixie cartoon in the works, innit?

Dark Archive

Somewhat humorous, but kidding aside, lack of sales are not what did them in. It was WotC's greed. They wanted Paizo's market share and wanted to eliminate the stiff competiton Dungeon gave to WotC's adventures. Let's face it. Paizo's stuff was better quality for less money, and WotC put a stop to it.

Oh, har-dee-har-har. o_o
I'm still so infuriated over the cancellation that it's hard to type about it without my vision blurring from anger and sadness. Even though according to its attempt at humor, I (as a subscriber) am guilt-free, right now that strip still just feels like salt in my wound. ;_;

Cory Stafford 29 wrote:
Somewhat humorous, but kidding aside, lack of sales are not what did them in. It was WotC's greed. They wanted Paizo's market share and wanted to eliminate the stiff competiton Dungeon gave to WotC's adventures. Let's face it. Paizo's stuff was better quality for less money, and WotC put a stop to it.

Hear, hear. I agree.

I HAVE been buying Dungeon when I might, just possibly, have bough an official product that came up to scratch. Of course that requires that official product comes up to scratch.

As an extension of your line of thought, I thought maybe in quashing Paizos market share, they might force staff lay-offs there and thus reap some excellent writing talent from unemployment queues.

Just a thought.


Durand Durand wrote:

As an extension of your line of thought, I thought maybe in quashing Paizos market share, they might force staff lay-offs there and thus reap some excellent writing talent from unemployment queues.

Just a thought.


Half the WotC writers for D&D books are freelancers anyway, with Paizo's staff and regular contributors among them in past, present and future endeavors. I saw Nic Logue's name on the cover of one of the upcoming products, and I'm pretty sure he's on board to help with Pathfinder. Not to mention James Jacobs.

My dilemma is that my subsciption for Dragon runs out on issue #358... And as you can imagine I cry myself to sleep every night about it...

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
PsychoticWarrior wrote:

Full Frontal Nerdity Tells All!

That's right - it's your fault!

No. Not you - the other guy.

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