Dag Hammarskjold |

I just ran the encounter with Temauhti-tecuani (I won't spoil it for those not in the know), and I just had to tell how my group handled it. PCs are always throwing a curveball to the DM.
One of the finesse fighters (a swashbuckler mix) managed to be the first one targeted. He tried to duck for cover and go full defensive. Didn't work. He got swallowed whole. He didn't have a dagger on him to cut his way out, but he did have a jar of "shark repellant" purchased way back in Sasserine. When I gave it to him, I tried to emphasize how noxious the stuff was to keep him from using it too often. He played on that to try to sicken Temauhti-tecuani, and dumped his remaining 8 applications. One low Fortitude save later and the swashbuckler exited the way he went in.
The captain, another finesse fighter, took advantage of time Temauhti-tecuani was nausiated to run up his back.
When Temauhti-tecuani recovered, he was still hungry. The party tank was the closest and she too was swallowed whole.
The captain was hanging on with one hand and wailing away with the other, taking his frustration out on Temauhti-tecuani. He was cursing. What he actually said is inapropriate and a spoiler, but it ended with the word "ship." (Anyone that has gotten this far in the game will understand)
Next up was the tank. She didn't have a light slashing weapon, so I ruled that her bastard sword would only be partially effective in the confined space of Temauhti-tecuani's gullet. She was near death and things were looking grim. She took a quick look at her character sheet to assess her options.
That's when she noticed the Quaal's Feather Token - swan boat. She activated it INSIDE Temauhti-tecuani.
The watching (spoiler deleted) think the captain conjured the boat, instantly killing Temauhti-tecuani.
Gotta love those players!

The Black Bard |

My party has thrown some curveballs on me as well: in the raid by the Rat's End Pirates on Farshore, the Ice Troll Hulking Hurler saved the woman from the burning storage shed by tearing the entire shed out of the ground and tossing it into the harbor. Took twenty points of fire damage, but it's weight was well within his load (hooray for carpentry experience helping with calculations).
But Quall's Tokens are just rad. My best experience with that was a player playing Quarsh, a hadozee rogue/barbaian pirate that was just awesome. Fighting a purple worm, and he gets swallowed. After cutting his way out, but knowing its just going to happen again, he readies an action to use a Tree Token on the ground when the worm bites him.
Worm bites, readied action occurs, final results were one dead worm, one dead monkey. I had to reward that with something though, and they were battling in a giant geode full of life energy. So the monkey fused with the tree, and got the woodling template. Stupid woodling. Thats a really strong template!