Maps of Mystery

Dungeon Magazine General Discussion

Grand Lodge

Dungeon #147 does it yet again...

another fabulous Maps of Mystery.

You guys do realize that with every one of these maps I HAVE to do somethng with them. I imagine you guys sitting behind your desks snikkering as you look them over. "Oh, yeah, this one will do the trick. Yep, who can resist?"

And you are right I just can't resist. Since issue #130 I have had to do something for the maps, in EVERY SINGLE ISSUE! It's addictive!

BTW who is the cartographer? I'd love to drop him a line someday.

Liberty's Edge

The very talented Christopher West. He frequents these boards too, so you can probably contact him here.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks very much for the kind words! I'm glad you've been enjoying the maps. :)

If you like Kharadad, stay tuned. The Map of Mystery coming up in #148 is, in my opinion, one of the 'prettiest' maps I've done. I hope it's also useful in a game, of course, sure to pick up that issue to see what I mean.

Kharadad is a vertical dwarven city. In #148, the elves get their turn.

Grand Lodge

So, any chance you will be at GenCon this year? I'd really like to meet you sometime, and I'd kill to get you to sign some of my Maps of Mystery. Ok maybe not kill... maim a little, is more like it.

Liberty's Edge

There's a chance. I'm still sorting out my schedule and finances for this year to see if I can make it. I didn't make it last year and really missed the experience. Gen Con is addictive.

If I do, it might only be Friday and Saturday, or something like that. I'll post my plans as soon as I have them set, one way or the other. :)

I think I'm in lurv. Funny, I find maps more attractive than pictures of female efreet monks. Now that is weird ;-)

Grand Lodge

Well, Chris' maps, yeah.

I assume Chris, you use Photoshop to make your maps. About how long does a map take you (roughly)?

Here is a book idea...

Christopher West: Maps of Mystery Tips and Tricks

Mr West references different maps in the collection and educates us mere mortals in how certain things were drawn.

I do agree with the OP, your maps do inspire DM's with the need to do something with your maps.

Liberty's Edge

Thanks guys!

Yep, I use Photoshop. The time a map takes from start to finish can vary considerably, however. If I get on a roll, I can knock out a simple one in a few hours--but my work time isn't usually available in one big chunk, so most of them take a couple of days to finish. One of the maps in #150 took me about a week. You'll know why when you see it. :)

A book of tips and tricks might be a cool thing for me to work on, but I have a feeling my time would be better spent just making more maps and selling them as a game accessory book. I have tentative plans to start working on a volume of all-new maps this year after the magazines are finished, perhaps with a page of plot hooks, background info, new monsters, or other related game stats to accompany each map. I've never self-published, though, so I have a lot to learn if I go that route.

By the way, Dungeon #149 won't feature a Map of Mystery because I was too busy preparing something extra special for the final issue. Stay tuned in #150 for the conclusion of the series and my Maps of Mystery "masterpiece".

Christopher West wrote:
Stay tuned in #150 for the conclusion of the series and my Maps of Mystery "masterpiece".

At last, the 3-D holographic map we've been craving! :-P

Liberty's Edge

LOL! Not exactly.

If I had the technology, though, that WOULD be a pretty spiffy finale. :)

Christopher West wrote:
By the way, Dungeon #149 won't feature a Map of Mystery because I was too busy preparing something extra special for the final issue. Stay tuned in #150 for the conclusion of the series and my Maps of Mystery "masterpiece".

Double page spread? That's be cool!

Grand Lodge

Christopher West wrote:
I've never self-published, though, so I have a lot to learn if I go that route.

Something to consider when self-publishing is the pdf route. I am working on a gaming website right now that will feature something I think is cool, you'll find out what later when the site is ready, and will also feature some adventures and maps and stuff as PDFs for immediate downloads. Being PDFs and the printing costs on the buyer, I can afford to charge very little and still make the money I wanted.

Books are super nice and all, but in today's world, of limited use. First I have the expense of printing them (lots of $$) find a distributor (who takes lots of $$) to distribute to the retailer (gets a bit of the $$) and what is left is my tiny bit of $$. It gets really great distribution, but there is a lot of money involved. For less expense I can make the same money with PDFs getting less headaches. AND it is actually more usable also. In a book, the map is beautiful for the GM, then he draws a crappy map on the battle map and all that art is lost to the players. A PDF could be sized to scale and printed out by the DM and used as is. The DM does not have to try drawing the map and fix it when he makes a mistake, and the Players get to see the real pretty map.

The trick is driving traffic to your site or hooking up with online PDF retailers. Both routes work well.

And I can't wait for the Masterpiece Map. Hey if you go to Gencon maybe I can track you down and get an autograph on it!

Don't ya love cartography groupies :) Now if I were just a hot babe you'd be all set, but alas I am not :)

Liberty's Edge

Orcmonk220 wrote:
Double page spread? That's be cool!

Yes, that map will be pretty special, too. :)

Krome wrote:
The trick is driving traffic to your site or hooking up with online PDF retailers. Both routes work well.

I've thought about the PDF thing, and may go that way as well, but there's something very special to me about a finely-produced physical book. I'm leaning towards incremental online releases collected in a yearly printed volume, but I haven't made any decisions about this yet. Still weighing my options at this point. Print-on-demand is another such option, of course, and I think it would be ideal to provide all of the above.

Anyway, if and when this starts happening, I'll be sure to get the word out. :)

Krome wrote:
And I can't wait for the Masterpiece Map. Hey if you go to Gencon maybe I can track you down and get an autograph on it!

I'd be happy to. :) Still not sure about Gen Con this year, but I'm trying to arrange it.

Krome wrote:
Don't ya love cartography groupies :) Now if I were just a hot babe you'd be all set, but alas I am not :)

That's probably for the best. My wife and kids will probably be with me. :-D

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