
David Jones's page

24 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


I am getting ready to run a campaign also that is entirely underground, the first thing I found I needed was/is a map covering enough area to run a campaign and not just a single adventure type thing. I know I could of easily pieced things together but felt that was more like just jumping from adventure to adventure and less like a real campaign setting. So about 4 months ago I started drawing maps for my campaign, if you want them they are freely available for download at http://www.rpgattitude.com/joomla/forum-rpgattitude/maps-of-an-uncharted-wo rld.html

I am also starting to pick or develop the content I want for the campaign and plan to sharing that on the website next month.

Sebastian Elliker wrote:

- Consolidate Listen, Search, and Spot into Perception.

Here is my problem with all this consolidation, is suddenly because you can see well you can also hear well. While deaf people might enjoy this cross over it does not allow one to leverage the skill system to help/better define characters, non player characters or monsters.

Personally in my game, we have not only the three skills from the OGL but also added "Perception" as another skill since it does cover different subject matter.

As I read a few of these threads I am already asking myself, why change? Oddly enough was the same question I asked regarding 4e and the answer is still "Don't change".

I also feel the need to keep skill points in place but in addition to stop the generalization of skills as well, just because you have balance does not mean you can jump. Perhaps for a short adventure with throw away characters it doesn't matter but for a long term campaign skills help define not just players but also the critical or common npcs encountered.

When they stated they were signing up, I canceled my subscriptions. As people state, vote with your wallet.

Good luck though...

(Correct, I have no interest in 4e because I enjoy 3.5e)

So your spell list is 10 thousand years old, you haven't been running around the outside world and your origins are tied to the one of the greatest magical empires in history...and it is the same as any run of the mill spell list.

Now Stephen S. Greer showed in the back he can create some very unique spells full of flavor so why stop there..For one issue you could have passed on new monsters (we already have 24 from previous Pathfinder issues) and put some enchantment into an AP that's seeping with magic from a 10,000 year old empire.

I think this is the other side of the coin, WotC faces the challenge of living up to the high standards you achieved for Dungeon and Dragon Magazines. You also have to learn how to bring a world to life and not just release material with the fire and forget mentality.

Here it is friday so figure I would ask...

Web Enhancement?

James Jacobs wrote:
David Jones wrote:
Where is the Web Enhancement?
We'll be trying to get the web enhancement for Pathfinder 5 up and online sometime next week; it's in layout, but we have to get a big stack of other things moving before that. Hopefully by next Friday, though!

I figured those downloading would be reading that before it was even available but wanted to check.

(Save the 5k, 3.5e is as enjoyable as ever)

Where is the Web Enhancement?

I have to agree here, I really expected to be "wowed" and even I dare say impressed by the depth of the magic from this fabled era. If Pathfinder has fell short in one area is has been on this very topic. Every issue I open I keep hoping to find glimpses of this time of magic but instead bored and just presented with monsters that don't add that much flavor to the background of this world.

Also where is the promised Web Enhancement, I looked at the link provided in issue #5 and nothing seems available?

Handy potion bottle
This bottle is typically fashioned of a hard metal and designed to have negligible weight. It is usually about three inches in length and one inch in diameter with a hinged stopper. Inside the bottle is a nondimensional space allowing it to hold up to six doses of a potion, each dose must be of the same kind of potion. When it is empty the bottle can be refilled with either the same or another kind of potion.
Drinking a dose from this bottle does not provoke an attack of opportunity and is considered a swift action, refilling the bottle is a standard action for each dose.
If the bottle is placed inside a bag of holding or portable hole then a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in the space, both items are sucked into the void and forever lost before the rift closes.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price 2,600 gp (Price is for an empty bottle)

(Second attempt at posting)

Honestly curious with the hope of learning something.


bcgambrell wrote:
David Jones wrote:

Handy potion bottle

This bottle is typically fashioned of a hard metal and designed to have negligible weight. It is usually about three inches in length and one inch in diameter with a hinged stopper. Inside the bottle is a nondimensional space allowing it to hold up to six doses of a potion, each dose must be of the same kind of potion. When it is empty the bottle can be refilled with either the same or another kind of potion.
Drinking a dose from this bottle does not provoke an attack of opportunity and is considered a swift action, refilling the bottle is a standard action for each dose.
If the bottle is placed inside a bag of holding or portable hole then a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in the space, both items are sucked into the void and forever lost before the rift closes.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price 2,600 gp (Price is for an empty bottle)

I like it. I guess you could put water in it, too. You seemed to be aiming for what I thought would be a "superstar" item: an item like the Handy Haversack or a portable hole that no adventurer would dare leave town without.

So did I, I figure I was not selected based on personal taste of the judges and that's something I can live with and be happy about.

Handy potion bottle
This bottle is typically fashioned of a hard metal and designed to have negligible weight. It is usually about three inches in length and one inch in diameter with a hinged stopper. Inside the bottle is a nondimensional space allowing it to hold up to six doses of a potion, each dose must be of the same kind of potion. When it is empty the bottle can be refilled with either the same or another kind of potion.
Drinking a dose from this bottle does not provoke an attack of opportunity and is considered a swift action, refilling the bottle is a standard action for each dose.
If the bottle is placed inside a bag of holding or portable hole then a rift to the Astral Plane is torn in the space, both items are sucked into the void and forever lost before the rift closes.

Moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Craft Wondrous Item, secret chest; Price 2,600 gp (Price is for an empty bottle)

Dungeon Grrrl wrote:

This thing is totally going into my game, right now, but with changes.

1: whoever uses the anvil must be of high enough level to make an item in order to destroy it or charge the anvil with it. they don't have to have the feats or pother prerequisites, just be high enough level

2: it takes a craft weaponsmith check to successfully imbue (but not destroy and charge). check DC is euqla to cost of items powers / 1,000. Thus a +4 weapon bonus (32,000 gp) takes a DC 32 craft weaponsmith check to imbue. If the check is failed, the magic is lost

3: If you change the size or category od weapon, you lose 1/2 the gp value of the charged enchantments (randomly losing powers and bonuses until you hit that level). thus a light weapon's powers taken into a two-handed weapon, or a large weapons powers being taken into a medium weapon, loses one-half of the value.

4: Thinking weapons get a Dc 10 will save to resist being destoryed.

This is because I think both erik and Wulf are right. This is cool and flavroful, but will wreck my game without these changes.

Not saying I will ever let the players see this but we had the same idea with a few additional notes:

4: DC 10 + the ability bonus of the item for a save DC

5: Cannot be used on intelligent items.

Here is a book idea...

Christopher West: Maps of Mystery Tips and Tricks

Mr West references different maps in the collection and educates us mere mortals in how certain things were drawn.

I do agree with the OP, your maps do inspire DM's with the need to do something with your maps.

I am pretty open to what has already been stated above but I must add this does need to have either an online or download version. This will allow many of us to sort them how we please. I view this as critical since there is no way to please everyone except by this method.

I'd get it just for the maps alone if West does it...

+3 for West

His maps go beyond showing you a level with rooms, they become art when he does it.

Nice to see another of these online resources available, Great job.

There is also a tool for creating NPCs called NPC Designer, located at http://www.rpgattitude.com

I must say, you finding Tharizdun something so small in passing is mind blowing. Dragon issue 300 was no small issue, in fact Dragon made a big deal about it. How about Dungeon issue 100?
Tharizdun marks 2 spots in your top 30 adventures in Dungeon issue 116. There is a column in every issue of Dragon that you can do what you wish with I would think, it is called "From the Editor", perhaps you have heard of it. Why not take a moment and explain the novelty of 333 or something else.

I have to agree with the opinion above concerning Under Command..
I may be the only one, so I don't try and preach but I kind of keep everything modern out of my games. Steam punk, gunpower and the such are all discarded without a thought. In my world, we have this thing called.. magic.

Now the ecology and such related, I use them from time to time so I can't say it is totally a bad thing, just not your thing perhaps..

As for your article Amber, was pretty good, those sections are small and I feel meant to bring something more to an aspect of the game that is usually missed. You did just that :)

Getting my dragon earlier then normal, I feel it was santa's way to saying, You have been a good person this year. *chuckles* I kind of look at it now as I am lucky I got it and don't worry if late or not.

Please let Eric know, we do accept Web Enhancements as donations to help the victim's family and friends of this dreaded monster.

Thanks for the reply

Though I did find some decent material in the issue I must say, you have me always waiting for Spellcraft and now it is gone? What gives? Are you dropping it or just short on material? If you are short on material just give the word.. *chuckles* I can more then fix that myself. In any event, please say what is going on with the column.


PS: Great shipping time, hope it continues :)

I can say this, for me (I live in the midwest) there has been a drastic change in shipping which started about 4 months ago. Before that time, if you shipped on at the beginning of the week, I would get the issue that friday. Worked like clock work. Then a change happened somewhere in your system, this was also the same issue where I was told by you Jeremy that it had shipped only to find out 10 days later during a phone call with someone in Paizo, it hadn't shipped yet and "might" ship in a few days. (I do not blame you for the information, I know you told me what they told you) I hope someone is looking at what changed in that time period and get things back to "normal". If I recall the verbal conversation, I was told you had changed how you were shipping magazines and this caused the delay. Safe to say, this change was not for the better.

Hoping for a solution :)

Still nothing here...
Amazing when I send them money, it gets there promptly without an issue. Paizo had no issues about asking people to come back and try the new format. Whom ever handles shipping, I want his job because it is clear I cannot do much worse and in the effect I screw up... no one cares, heck might even get a raise.

Still don't have it but no shock there, seems they hade a change a few months ago and now the local book stores get it before me. I learned my lesson about asking Paizo, each email seems to be a different "story" as to why. Almost 40 years old, I think I understand the mail system by now. What Paizo's customer service doesn't realize, most of us use the mail system every day and know it doesn't take this long to get something inside the same country.