Me No Happy with WotC

Dragon and Dungeon Transition Discussion

This is a good place to complain about WotC's decision:
Yes, online reaches the world easier, but so what. Just provide a downloadable PDF every issue for those folks abroad. I am tired of globalization. I cannot curl up with my laptop -- I read every issue cover-to-cover; this usually occurs at night when the baby and wife are asleep. What am I to do now? You expect me to print out a PDF!? Have you seen ink prices these days? Okay, reference may be easier, but I could do that with a set of PDF's on my hard drive. How can you cut Paizo loose!? The format of Dragon/Dungeon are in their prime/never better...I worry about narrative ecologies, too much fiction, and (gasp) other past incarnations. If they wanted to talk to their baby again, why couldn't the folks at WotC just submit content like the rest of us?

Here's an analogy:

D20/OGL = Windows
Hasbro/WotC = Microsoft (they hope)

Feel free to discuss.

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