Dragon 355 never arrived

Customer Service

After a flawless execution of my dual Dragon & Dungeon magazine subscriptions since Paizo took over, I find myself suddenly missing my very first issue. Dragon #355 never arrived and it is now past the date where it will appear on the newsstand. I would appreciate some assistance in the matter. Thanks!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Jester wrote:

After a flawless execution of my dual Dragon & Dungeon magazine subscriptions since Paizo took over, I find myself suddenly missing my very first issue. Dragon #355 never arrived and it is now past the date where it will appear on the newsstand. I would appreciate some assistance in the matter. Thanks!

I'll get a replacement sent out.


Cosmo wrote:

I'll get a replacement sent out.

Thanks. I will post again when it arrives!

I returned from Borders yesterday with the new Buffy comic in my hand...but also with the knowledge that the new Dragon was on newsstands. I looked around, but I haven't received mine yet. Could you help out? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Steev42 wrote:
I returned from Borders yesterday with the new Buffy comic in my hand...but also with the knowledge that the new Dragon was on newsstands. I looked around, but I haven't received mine yet. Could you help out? Thanks.

I'll get a replacement sent out.


The Exchange

Like others I have not recieved my Dragon 355. Since the next issue (356) should arrive soon can I get a replacement sent for my missing issue.


Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Bret Koontz wrote:

Like others I have not recieved my Dragon 355. Since the next issue (356) should arrive soon can I get a replacement sent for my missing issue.


I'll get a replacement sent out.


Hate to do this to you, but I've been waiting for me last issue (355) and I haven't seen it yet. (But I have seen it at my local Barnes and Noble)

Also, I'm spazzing a bit regarding my subscription: as of today, do I still have an issue of dragon left, or was 355 my last one? It says Expired, but it also says 356 is the last issue of the subscription. I'm a little confused.

I to have not recived my issue of Dragon 355. I was a little suprised to see that it was supposed to ship almost a month ago. Any help in resolveing this problem would be greatly apreciated.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Black Bard,

I will get a replacement #355 shipped out. The final issue of your subscription is Dragon #356. The reason that your subscription is showing that it is expired is that we have already processed this issue and counted it off. It will ship out to you on 5/8/07.

In the meantime, if you want to make sure that you get the final three issues of Dragon, you will need to set up a month-to-month Dragon subscription before the second week of May (which is when we will be processing Dragon #357).

Also, don't forget to check out Pathfinder.
; )


I'll get a replacement sent out for you, too. Be sure to swing by your My Subscriptions page to check out your transition options for the remainder of your subscription after the end of the magazine.


Thanks Cosmo, that makes a lot more sense to me. And I will be getting my month-to-month, as soon as the next paycheck rolls in. I'm not jumping ship just yet!

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

The Black Bard wrote:
I'm not jumping ship just yet!


sadly, dragon issue 355 has not shown up. i'm starting to have a strong dislike for my regional postal system.

Paizo Employee Chief Technical Officer

Lord Flamewalker wrote:
sadly, dragon issue 355 has not shown up. i'm starting to have a strong dislike for my regional postal system.

Well, in this case it wasn't the postal system—you renewed about three days too late to get that issue. While I could fulfill it against your subscription, that would change the remaining issues used to calculate your Pathfinder subscription, and you might not get the best of that decision—that is, you could potentially lose a full volume of Pathfinder. (355 is, of course, available as a back issue.) What would you like us to do?

Vic Wertz wrote:
Lord Flamewalker wrote:
sadly, dragon issue 355 has not shown up. i'm starting to have a strong dislike for my regional postal system.

Well, in this case it wasn't the postal system—you renewed about three days too late to get that issue. While I could fulfill it against your subscription, that would change the remaining issues used to calculate your Pathfinder subscription, and you might not get the best of that decision—that is, you could potentially lose a full volume of Pathfinder. (355 is, of course, available as a back issue.) What would you like us to do?

ouch. a critical oversight on my part. i guess just leave things the way they are, and i'll have to pick up 355. thanks for the info vic.

My replacement copy of #355 arrived from Paizo today.
Thanks for the excellent customer service!

Cosmo wrote:
Steev42 wrote:
I returned from Borders yesterday with the new Buffy comic in my hand...but also with the knowledge that the new Dragon was on newsstands. I looked around, but I haven't received mine yet. Could you help out? Thanks.

I'll get a replacement sent out.


Received it in the mail today. Thanks again. You guys rock.

Jester wrote:

After a flawless execution of my dual Dragon & Dungeon magazine subscriptions since Paizo took over, I find myself suddenly missing my very first issue. Dragon #355 never arrived and it is now past the date where it will appear on the newsstand. I would appreciate some assistance in the matter. Thanks!

Don't feel bad. I have had this 4 different times over the past 5 years. However, since I often don't receive DVDs and other packages, I tend to blame incompetence (or dishonesty) of the USPS and their carriers.

When I brought the missing issues to the attention of Paizo, they were always prompt in sending replacements.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I, too must report a missing 355 . . .
But I only realized that it had not arrived when 356 got here yesterday.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

WampaX wrote:

I, too must report a missing 355 . . .

But I only realized that it had not arrived when 356 got here yesterday.

A replacement is on its way.


Just wanted to let you know, my replacement copy of 355 arrived today. Thanks again for the great customer support.

Ironically, I also got 356 yesterday.

Also, my copy of Dungeon 147 has not arrived yet. Its on newstands, but I'll wait till this Friday to see if its running late for me.

Paizo Employee Director of Sales

The Black Bard wrote:
Also, my copy of Dungeon 147 has not arrived yet. Its on newstands, but I'll wait till this Friday to see if its running late for me.

I'll just get a replacement Dun 147 shipped out to you, because it should have shown up by now.


Got it on Friday, thanks very much!

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