Dragon: Monster Ecologies

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I ordered one. I'm waiting (just barely). The notes say April arrival. When are they due to be shipped? Thanks.

Dark Archive Contributor

Skech wrote:
I ordered one. I'm waiting (just barely). The notes say April arrival. When are they due to be shipped? Thanks.

We have yet to receive our office copies, so... *shrug*

Should be soon, though. Very, very soon. :)

Scarab Sages

Mike McArtor wrote:

We have yet to receive our office copies, so... *shrug*

Should be soon, though. Very, very soon. :)

Hooray! Mine is already on pre-order :)

Thanks for the update - I love how incredibly responsive Paizo staff are here at the messageboards. You all do an awesome job responding to customer questions, comments, and complaints.

Dark Archive Contributor

grrtigger wrote:
Thanks for the update - I love how incredibly responsive Paizo staff are here at the messageboards. You all do an awesome job responding to customer questions, comments, and complaints.

It's because we love what we do. At least that's why I ply the boards. I can't speak for anyone else. :)


Here's the deal: they will be in our warehouse very very soon. BUT - because the ME is a special edition of DRAGON Magazine, and must be sold initially as a magazine product, it must also adhere to a very strict street date.

That date is May 23.

So, while it's true we'll have them in-hand shortly, we just can't sell them until the 23rd. CURSES! Foiled again by those meddling release schedules!!

/waves fist

Wish I had known that before ordering as I'm dying to get the Critical Hit deck I ordered with it. Would have paid the extra couple of dollars to have had that sent by itself.

Scarab Sages

Phil Lacefield Jr. wrote:
So, while it's true we'll have them in-hand shortly, we just can't sell them until the 23rd. CURSES! Foiled again by those meddling release schedules!!


Well, knowing is half the battle. Thanks for the update!

Is this available even as a pdf?

In 2007, during the First Great WotC Licensing Fiasco, the licence to publish Dragon Magazine, which Paizo had received in 2002, was withdrawn by WotC.

The license was not renewed, and Paizo could no longer sell the magazines. (It's my understanding that they were allowed to sell out physical inventory).

Thus, they could not keep selling, in perpetuity, digital versions of their earlier print publications.

So, no. No PDF versions of this are available from Paizo.

My fury at this continues.

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