End of Greyhawk....

Dragon and Dungeon Transition Discussion

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Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So, I lose the mags I have loved since about '79 or so. And I'm to assume it will also be the end of offical Greyhawk material too. Or are they letting you keep using Greyhawk in Pathfinder?

Nope, the Pathfinder blog basically says that they can't reference Greyhawk anymore. Kinda sad.

As a player and DM who never really accepted Forgotten Realms, this is another sad reality.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I had heard that Greyhawk was out of 4th ed. This seems to be the clincher.

Hell's bells

Well, that would just be speculation, Ben, since 4E hasn't been announced yet. That said, I wouldn't bet against it, unfortunately.

Err...a dark age for WotC and Hasbro will come.... my crystal ball sees this...

A curse on those burecratic/business/money minded @#$&^%!*!!!.

I can't believe it! I've that aweful empty pit feeling in my gut. I can't see the sense of this, it's utter madness!!!

Can nothing be done? Dragon and Dungeon mags have been a constant companion and synonimous with the game. Greyhawk was suspose to be core, they failed in this. With only Dragon and Dungeon being stout support. Stupid!!!!Stupid!!!!! Stupid!!!!

I got to go work out on the heavy bag for a few hours now. Bunch of freaking *$#@%^&!

Greyhawk? That's for OLD people. Like printed magazines!

-The Gneech ("No, I'm not bitter, why do you ask?")

Liberty's Edge

This is worse than when Dark Sun and Planescap got axed. I hope those neo-capitalist m#####*$~+~@s burn in hell.

Dark Archive

End of Greyhawk? Man WotC is getting more like GW every day....

Thats really really sad greyhawk is going away.

Well, it was obvios several years ago that Greyhawk was slowly being dropped from their prod ct line.

When was the last official Greyhawk material p blished (Not in D ngeon or Dragon Magazine)?

I think it's a mistake by WotC to try and add the cheesified material that so many people are b ying into.

Sorry, my "YEWS" aren't working here. :(

Dark Archive

Wizards' attitude to GH has been very negative for ages, like you say I don't think anyone's too suprised, just disappointed.

Maybe they'll sell the rights to it (hopefully), if they don't then it's probably got enough popular fan support to be propped up by them.

varagon wrote:
Sorry, my "YEWS" aren't working here. :(

I found something similar with the letter "" -- whenever I type it it dosn't appear, really messes things up with words like "row", "able", and "left".

Liberty's Edge

WotC still posts Greyhawk material as part of the LG campaign.
And it still supports the LG campaign.

Dark Archive

If this is all true then the writing is on the wall for Living Greyhawk. If you polled LG players I'm sure you would find that most are tired of the unending series of books that are being released and can't keep spending enough to keep pace. I've tried to set up numerous gamedays at retail locations and am constantly told that they don't offer the space for LG because the LG players don't spend. It's all miniatures now. 4.0 is on the horizon and I'm sure it will cater to the ranks of new gamers created by the miniatures game. The old school players that supported the hobby for years are going to be pushed out. Anyone who's ever even heard of Greyhawk will be pushed underground. It was a good 30 year run.

Rules Change, Greyhawk Endures.

While offical GH is probably dead, you can find fan support of the setting here:


There are many other sites (check out CF's links) that support it.

If WotC will not do it, the the fans will.

Bryan Blumklotz

If Expedition to Castle Greyhawk's sales suggest there's enough money in future Greyhawk products, they'll probably plan for some, though I don't anticipate many in any given year.

GH will never die, not until the old timers are all dead, anyway.

But it's bad that Greyhawk's been played only by old players !

Paizo are my official Greyhawkstuff retailer. I'm sure that Pathfinder will be good, since it's the same guys doing it, but I need my Greyhawk dose !
That's too bad.

I just have the feeling that the WotC Dragon and Dungeon issues are just going to contain Eberron and Forgotten Realms. Its just going to be what they post on their web site all ready but, call it a magazine. There is no signs that point that WotC will cover Greyhawk material or anything generic. Everything is going to be Eberron or Forgotten Realms.

Well, Paizo is on record at WoTC as very interested in the property, so I would hope that if anyone was to buy it, it would be them. Judging by the good relationship between the two companies, it may still be in the cards eventually.

Don't write any eulogies. It ain't dead yet.

The Eldritch Mr. Shiny wrote:
This is worse than when Dark Sun and Planescap got axed. I hope those neo-capitalist motherf~%&ers burn in hell.

No planescape really stands above all in my mind.. nothing like the opportunity to chose between doing the Balors or the Pitfiends job at 3rd level.. :)

Ofcourse the pitfiends were the only ones regularly paying.
And well too..
Never mind that the money required you to spend them selfishly..

Wow this is the first time this bit of news had realy hit me. No more oficial Greyhawk info in any form. That realy stinks. I will have to hope that pathfinder gives me an outlet for my D&D group.

Though I do have all faith in Paizo so I signed right up.

Liberty's Edge

selios wrote:

But it's bad that Greyhawk's been played only by old players !

HEY! I cut my teeth on Greyhawk, and I don't exactly consider myself old. I mean, c'mon, I've only been playing for five years or so...

By "old" I was just referring to the post above mine.

Liberty's Edge

selios wrote:
By "old" I was just referring to the post above mine.

Aaaahhh... that explains things. Sorry.

Saracenus wrote:

Rules Change, Greyhawk Endures.

While offical GH is probably dead, you can find fan support of the setting here:


There are many other sites (check out CF's links) that support it.

If WotC will not do it, the the fans will.

Bryan Blumklotz

Why thank you kind Sir! Sackio is pleased and full of many great yearnings of repaying you. Anything the King of DwarfSack can do... shall be done!

What do you think of the notion of greyhawk on the Wii? Blows my mind. Sack trembles.

greyhaaaaaaaaaaaaawk! Lets hear it fella's! GREYHAWK!!!!

Any word on the next generation of what we know is what we want?

Waldorf won

Liberty's Edge RPG Superstar 2008 Top 8

As Dave Arneson has been able to get his Blackmoor setting back, which is being fully supported and played as a Massive Multiplayer RPG (A Living Campaign without RPGA)at all the major cons, and is growing, and is about to enter it's 4th year of re-existance...

Perhaps E Gary Gygax could regain the Greyhawk property...

To the best of my understanding, no one will ever get their hands on official Greyhawk ever again, no matter how hard they try, and how much the owners of the license despise it as a campaign setting.

Also, high necromancers of Hasbro are planning a ritual which will banish the setting to the Seventh Night, so that the prophecy that Greyhawk will one day be queen will never be realized.

Doom, doom, doom!

Scarab Sages

David Witanowski wrote:
Also, high necromancers of Hasbro are planning a ritual which will banish the setting to the Seventh Night, so that the prophecy that Greyhawk will one day be queen will never be realized.

Cool, so all we need is a sword wielding Val Kilmer, a vertically challenged wizard trained by Billy Barty, and a talkng animal convinced it is an all-powerful sorceress, and we can foil their evil scheme.

Oh yeah, don't forget the skinned-mouse wearing, psychotic brownies.

We'll also need Hasbro's hot red haired daughter. And a somewhat antagonistic blond guy who will die during our siege of their headquarters to provide a sense of loss.

David Witanowski wrote:
We'll also need Hasbro's hot red haired daughter...

<heavy panting...>

Tatterdemalion wrote:
David Witanowski wrote:
We'll also need Hasbro's hot red haired daughter...
<heavy panting...>

Sackio King Of DwarfSacks wrote:
Tatterdemalion wrote:
David Witanowski wrote:
We'll also need Hasbro's hot red haired daughter...
<heavy panting...>

Sackio King of DwarfSacks can't help but admit... sack trembles!

I hold my DwarfSacks with a white knuckle grip of hope and faith by what "Lord of Grumpiness" said in a earlier thread/post:
"Greyhawk will return, and on the Wii in 2010. I know from a reliable source. Greyhawk is alive!"

Sackio would gladly slaughter a 1000 Pixes with the power of Forgiveness to see GreyHawk return to it's glory!

GreeeeeeeyHaaaaaaawk! Let's hear it fellas: GREYHAWK!

The Exchange RPG Superstar 2011 Top 32

Sackio King Of DwarfSacks wrote:
Sackio King Of DwarfSacks wrote:
Tatterdemalion wrote:
David Witanowski wrote:
We'll also need Hasbro's hot red haired daughter...
<heavy panting...>

Sackio King of DwarfSacks can't help but admit... sack trembles!

I hold my DwarfSacks with a white knuckle grip of hope and faith by what "Lord of Grumpiness" said in a earlier thread/post:
"Greyhawk will return, and on the Wii in 2010. I know from a reliable source. Greyhawk is alive!"

Sackio would gladly slaughter a 1000 Pixes with the power of Forgiveness to see GreyHawk return to it's glory!

GreeeeeeeyHaaaaaaawk! Let's hear it fellas: GREYHAWK!

Your sacks disturb me.

But now I'm thinking of a Greyhawk version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"...

Grey... ack!

Dead Horse wrote:
Grey... ack!

I'm gonna beat that guy!

Scarab Sages

Mmmm....dead horse.

Sect wrote:
Sackio King Of DwarfSacks wrote:
Sackio King Of DwarfSacks wrote:
Tatterdemalion wrote:
David Witanowski wrote:
We'll also need Hasbro's hot red haired daughter...
<heavy panting...>

Sackio King of DwarfSacks can't help but admit... sack trembles!

I hold my DwarfSacks with a white knuckle grip of hope and faith by what "Lord of Grumpiness" said in a earlier thread/post:
"Greyhawk will return, and on the Wii in 2010. I know from a reliable source. Greyhawk is alive!"

Sackio would gladly slaughter a 1000 Pixes with the power of Forgiveness to see GreyHawk return to it's glory!

GreeeeeeeyHaaaaaaawk! Let's hear it fellas: GREYHAWK!

Your sacks disturb me.

But now I'm thinking of a Greyhawk version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"...

Sackio King of DwarfSacks disturbs a lot of people... It's rather uncommon to be a King of such nature without casting fear amongst my fellow beings.

But back to "Romance of The Three Kingdoms!"

I did find Saracenus (Pathfinder Charter Subscriber)"Lord Of Grumpiness" post(s) about Greyhawk coming to the Wii, and he states it as being fact!!!! GREYHAAAAAAAAAWK!

To " Gre... ack!" : May the power of my mighty sack and sacks of all Dwarfs quite literally smack you into a land of no time, with only ESPN2 as your choice for television. Sackio shall swing my sack of extreme power!

GreeeeeeeeeeeyHaaaaaaaawk! lets hear it fellas: GREYHAWK!

Scarab Sages

Tobus Neth wrote:
Waldorf won

roflmao! I love that! I wonder how many others know about that?

You said Sack.

And Wii.

The bathroom humour circle is almost complete.

Something tells me sackio needs to have a visit from the Poon Tongue, Dwarf Bungler!!! Sack will be no more!

I too yearn for Greyhawk's glory days. Whatever with " Lord of Grumpiness", he pm'd me the same dribble about Greyhawk n the Wii.

May the power of those for which power has even merely been a desire, come together and be formed into they very own Bungle for which to suffocate all who's very own mind feels the pull towards the thinking of those who hold doubt.

GREYHAWK! I'll say it with you Sackio ( even though I find your sack to be most likely small yet stungle.)

Poon Tongue
Dwarf Bungler
(all shall be Bungled)

Poon Tongue, Dwarf Bungler wrote:
Poon Tongue, Dwarf Bungler, (all shall be Bungled)


Avatar names seem to have reached a new high (or low).


Poon Tongue is greyhawk big time!


allen trussell wrote:
Tobus Neth wrote:
Waldorf won
roflmao! I love that! I wonder how many others know about that?

God that goes back many moons!When was that?89-90?

Dear, Dragon
Recently my AD&D® game character, Waldorf, a 358th-level magic-user, created the nuclear bomb. Due to this action, all of Greyhawk has been utterly obliterated, except for a 3 × 4 mile island with a castle called Castle Waldorf. All creatures from the Monster Manuals were destroyed due to large amounts of nuclear fallout. All the deities work in a salt mine under Waldorf’s castle. I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would mail their character sheets to me so that I may tally up Waldorf’s experience. All of the game manuals and modules are now totally false and untrue. Any profit made from TSR’s merchandise from this day onward should be mailed to Waldorf’s castle (in gold pieces, of course).
From issue 137

Tobus Neth wrote:

Dear, Dragon

Recently my AD&D® game character, Waldorf, a 358th-level magic-user, created the nuclear bomb. Due to this action, all of Greyhawk has been utterly obliterated, except for a 3 × 4 mile island with a castle called Castle Waldorf. All creatures from the Monster Manuals were destroyed due to large amounts of nuclear fallout. All the deities work in a salt mine under Waldorf’s castle. I would greatly appreciate it if everyone would mail their character sheets to me so that I may tally up Waldorf’s experience. All of the game manuals and modules are now totally false and untrue. Any profit made from TSR’s merchandise from this day onward should be mailed to Waldorf’s castle (in gold pieces, of course).
From issue 137


Blasphemy! You have no castle, and Lord of Grumpiness will come down on you w/ the power of 5000 Dwarfs from the land of eternal Poon.

Dark Archive

Would that be Waldorf of the Coast?

Rules Change, Greyhawk Endures.

While offical GH is probably dead, you can find fan support of the setting here:


There are many other sites (check out CF's links) that support it.

If WotC will not do it, the the fans will.

Bryan Blumklotz

- Excuse me Sir, but you are the same who said Greyhawk is coming to the Wii. You Sir are a liar and may my power of Poon bungle you till you can no longer call on the power of the 7th sword to save you.

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