Here in the Age of.....Not Worms Yet?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Liberty's Edge

The Age of Worms is around the corner and the goal is to stop this from happening and preserve the current Age of....? What do the majority of sages call the current Age for Greyhawk? When did this Age start? What was the Age before that?

I'm taking the Titan's House portion of the Coenoby in The Champion's Belt and making it pretty clear it was an ancient settlement destroyed by some sort of cataclysmic event. The priest of Pelor and paladin of Sehanine Moonbow have visions of the ancient settlement being destroyed (in a rather cheesy rip off of Sara Conner's visions of doom from T2...but it works) and I'd like to link this event somehow to the end of one Age, perhaps the Age that the Flan nations imploded. These visions then can become the parallels to the visions of what may happen to Greyhawk if the Apostle is loosed on the populace.

I know there's something out there on the Ages but my search checks keep failing. Can anyone provide some insight, please?

Hi Rexx. New avatar, eh? Hmmph. Change is bad. ;-)

Sol posted some ideas for ages *here*. Maybe that will spark some ideas for you.

Liberty's Edge

Sol wrote:

The Opening of the Sky (round 1)

The Razing of the Earth (round 2)
The Breaching of the Underworld (Round 3)
The Age of Eldar (round 4)
The Age of Law (round 5)
The Age of War (round 6)
The Age of Dust (round 7)
The Age of Roads (round 8)
The Age of Empire (round 9)
The Age of Dissolution (round 10)

Thanks, Eltanin. Oddly enough, I've had Eligos refer to the current age as the "Age of Empire" with the implosion of the Empire of Aerdy and the Greyhawk Wars being the big warnings that a New Age is imminent.

I know I've read a treatise on the "ancient days of Greyhawk"; it was more a outline of Ages for Oerth. It may very well have been on Erik Mona's own site. Or was that his "eras" of the Multiverse going back to "The Beginning"? Senility has already begun to settle on this brain of mine. There are some true Sages of Oerth on these boards, I hope one will take the time to toss a link my way.

As for the change of avatars, there's an explanation under my profile. Besides, the sighing Doctor Lucky doesn't fit now that taxes have been done and Spring is going strong here in California. If Paizo would put up the "Beholder Tan Line" picture as an avatar, I'd use that. ::smirk::

Rexx wrote:
I've gone with the t-rex avatar in honour of my ranger, James, that was swallowed whole by one during the first round of the Champion's Game. Raknian wanted the PCs dead—immediately—and gave Joren a scroll with Summon Nature's Ally VII. The t-rex that arrived scared the poop out of the players, especially after it caught my own DMNPC with an AoO. Ouch.

Well, change may be scary, but scaring the poop out of your players is always a good thing. I'm excited to get to the Games.

If they survive their meeting with Zyrxog.

Do you have a campaign journal on your site Rexx?

Liberty's Edge

Not per se. The Domain of Greyhawk forum is the AoW stuff on the Difonix site. I broke up the portions of the campaign thus far that roughly match each adventure. There are some bits of "journalesque" material there, but mostly it's a bunch of friends rambling about available dates to game. ::wink:: And a bit of morbid humour. A lot of the "original" material I've written for the campaign I've posted on Paizo to some extent, but it's all in one spot on if you care to sift through Part I-IV and the campaign primer info.

I'll go with "Age of Empires" for the current age unless something more "canon" pops up before game time tonight.

Liberty's Edge

Hmmm, Wiki to the rescue..."Age of Great Sorrow" or "Epoch of Magic". I guess those will not infringe on potential "Age of Empires"© issues...

The big cataclysm that rocked Oerth before the Age of Worms was the Twin Cataclysms--the Invoked Devastation and the Rain of Colorless Fire. This was sort of a magical nuclear war that wiped out the Suel and Baklunish empires and paved the way for the great migrations of Oeridians and Suel into the Flanaess. It happened roughly a thousand years before the present CY 595. Before the Suel and Baklunish, there was a Sulm Empire that was associated with Kyuss somehow--I'm sketchy on how it ended, but its ruins are still visible in the Bright Desert. And long before that was the ancient battle on the Field of Pesh, which you know as much as I do about if you've read all the modules. Hope this gives you some searchable terms. I think there are actual dates for the Twin Cataclysms in one of the old Greyhawk box sets, but I can't recall them off the top of my head.

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