Grimmbold Manor


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Dwarf Rogue 1

I missed the last post by Anarath.

The dwarf agrees to any plan that involves getting money. He hasn't any.

Arodwumm pays attention when the table is loaded with treasure.

DM Arctaris wrote:

Yeah, wou haven't really held the game up. August seems to be a busy month for everyone.

Everything you just mentioned has an arcane aura; the notebook with it in it is at home and I'm at work, so I'll get it up tomorrow morning.

The only other thing I can think of is the armour that Corvin picked up (where is Shiny anyway? Shouldn't he have gotten back a few days ago?). Not sure if anyone else has any treasure squirreled away, or if there's something I've forgotten (I lost Anarath's original equipment / treasure list somewhere along the way)

The sword is a +1 longsword as stated.

The three scrolls are Sleep, True Strike, and Vampiric Touch.

Huh? I don't remember anything about a bloodstained tomb.
The bloodstained tome is full of complex diagrams, glyphs, and pages upon pages of cramped text in an unfamiliar, spiky text. Under his arcane sight, the book radiates an intense, light consuming darkness.
Strong Necromancy aura, moderate Transmutation aura.

The sheaf of yellowed parchment is covered in more diagrams and drawings, many of the anatomy of various creatures. It radiates a moderate transmutation aura.

The black iron rod has a moderate enchantment aura.

The small box itself does not register as being magical, but something inside possesses an extraordinarily strong aura of transmutation and necromancy.

Leveling time, everyone.

The Exchange


Yes, everyone.

Dwarf Rogue 1


Is there likely to be a market in this one horse town for a 2000gp+ item? If so, Anarath suggests that they sell the magical longsword (presumably getting somewhere in the order of 1155gp for it) and split the proceeds between the group.
Anarath will use his share to buy components to Identify the tome (I see you spotted my deliberate spelling error) and the rod.

A Gather Information check (or Knowledge: Local for Tzoltan) might tell you where, if anywhere, you could sell such a piece of equipment.

Also, I believe there was talk of switching to the Pathfinder rules when you leveled up. What's the consensus on that?

Male Human Fighter 3
Anarath Coldblood wrote:
§ large bloodstained tomb bound in pale leather

That's pretty hard to do... Yeah, anyway, I'm for switching to PFRPG rules. Beta or Alpha?

Corvin Killgannon wrote:
Anarath Coldblood wrote:
§ large bloodstained tomb bound in pale leather
That's pretty hard to do... Yeah, anyway, I'm for switching to PFRPG rules. Beta or Alpha?

I've assumed Beta. Arctaris, standard hit points for firt level, or one of the funky alternate methods?

Dwarf Rogue 1

Actaris I'm going to need a week or so if we are switching.

Yes, standard hit points and Beta rules.

Ok, no real rush; it seems like everyone's been pretty busy, and anything I do to move things along in the next week probably won't require a playable character.

DM Arctaris wrote:
A Gather Information check (or Knowledge: Local for Tzoltan) might tell you where, if anywhere, you could sell such a piece of equipment.

I'll ask Tzoltan if he might know.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Dohrlok shrugs when the suggestion is made that the magic longsword be sold. He clearly has no opinion on the matter.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan considers for a moment (Knowledge:Local=17). He will then expound on his best information as to where they might sell a magic weapon around here.

I know you already said that everyone gains a level, but Tzoltan hasn't even done anything yet. Does he raise a level before he even starts?

Male Human Fighter 3

Corvin's leveled and converted.

Male Human Fighter 3

Anyone home?

See my post on the discussion thread. In short no, I haven't forgotten about you, but school just started so things have been a little hectic.

Yes, even you should level up, Tzoltan.


There might be one man who’d have the coin and the contacts to be able to buy such a weapon. His name is Marcin Torvus, one of the few people in Greenhollow who regularly travels to far away Magnimar and Kovosa. He’s a merchant and, if local gossip is to be believed, a member of the Sczarni.

Ok, my posting should be a little more regular now. Let's get this game moving forward again.

Male Human Fighter 3

I'm still here. Question is, where is everyone else?

I'm still here. Since Tzoltan doesn't seem to be checking the thread atm, we'll assume he tells you what's in the spoiler. Everyone feel free to read it.

Will do. Sorry, been a bit busy, and lost my dot on this thread so I've been kind of missing it.

Sorry, I was waiting for Arctaris to let us know we were starting back up. My bad.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

"Umm. That's a lot of money. Marcin Torvus maybe could take it and sell it in a big city, but I don't think anyone around here could afford a magic sword. I don't know if you want to do business with Marcin, though." Tzoltan lowers his voice and whispers, "He's Varisian." Thinking perhaps he needs to explain further, he pushes the tip of his nose sideways and continues to whisper, "Scarni...but you didn't hear it from me."

Male Human Fighter 3
Tzoltan Devreen wrote:
"Scarni...but you didn't hear it from me."

"F!$~ it, we can take 'em."

“Who or what is a Scarni?” asks Anarath, who, despite having lived in Korvosa for several years, does not know that much about the culture of the native Varisians.

“Nevertheless, let us go and see this person.”

Male Human Fighter 3
Anarath Coldblood wrote:

“Who or what is a Scarni?” asks Anarath, who, despite having lived in Korvosa for several years, does not know that much about the culture of the native Varisians.

“Nevertheless, let us go and see this person.”

"Hot damn, finally."


Marcin Torvus can usually be found in his home, a small apartment above his general store just inside the town's southern gate. He's known for having the best prices on many items, and often has even more exotic ones in stock, earning the ire of some of the other local merchants.

Yeah. I forgot to tell you where he was the first time, sorry.

With Tzoltan leading the way, you exit the basement workshop into the cold morning sun and make your way down the muddy main street towards the southern gate of the village. The streets are mostly empty; and the few people you do pass rarely meet your eyes and only ocassionally acknowledge you with mumbled greetings.

Soon you arrive at the door of Torvus' Fine Wares, a tidy looking little shop with various merchandise displayed in the windows. You try the door, which is painted a bright red, but it seems to be latched.

Male Human Fighter 3

Corvin motions to Anarath.

"Hey, boss, you want I should kick the door in?"

"You want I should, eh, wipe the dead bugs off the windshield for ya?" - Elwood Blues

"I don't think that would start negotiations off on the right foot," says Anarath, reaching out and knocking at the door.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Tzoltan leans forward as Anarath knocks on the door. "Be careful when you negotiate with this guy. Remember...Sczarni." He touches the side of his nose again, and raises his eyebrows meaningfully.

Male Dwarf Warpriest 6, Orc Hewer (AC: 22 [26 against monsters of the giant subtype], HP: 56/60) Giants Slain: Cave Giant x1, Hill Giant x3, Hill Giant Skeleton x1, Marsh Giant x1

Dohrlok shakes his head from side to side slightly, and sighs.

For a long time there's no sign of movement within the shop. Eventually though, a man makes his way unhurriedly from a set of stairs in the back of the shop to the door. He fiddles with the latch for a moment before opening it enough for him to look out at you.
The man, who Tzoltan recognizes as Marcini, is of Varisian decent with jet black hair, grey eyes and a faintly arrogant bearing.
He looks at you for a moment for smiling slightly "Ah, the brave fools who went to explore the old Manor. To what do I owe the privilege of having fine gentlemen such as yourselves visit my humble shop?"

Male Human Fighter 3

Corvin cracks his knuckles and spits on the ground.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

"Umm. Mister Marcini, these men have something they'd like to sell." He lowers his voice and looks around, "They got it from the Manor. I told them you were the only merchant in town who might be interested."

Anarath nods. “We have in our possession a magical sword. We would like to sell it. It has value to at least 2300 gold pieces … would you be interested in buying?”

Marcini raises his eyebrows slightly and opens the door a little more, stepping aside to allow you in.
"And what makes you think I have that kind of money? I'm a merchant, not a mint."

A Diplomacy check, please. You can aid another, granting a +2 bonus if you get above a 10

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:

Marcini raises his eyebrows slightly and opens the door a little more, stepping aside to allow you in.

"And what makes you think I have that kind of money? I'm a merchant, not a mint."

A Diplomacy check, please. You can aid another, granting a +2 bonus if you get above a 10


Diplomacy untrained: 9

Male Human Fighter 3

Intimidate (if needed): 19 + 5 = 24
Diplomacy (untrained): 12 + 1 = 13

Corvin Killgannon wrote:
DM Arctaris wrote:

Marcini raises his eyebrows slightly and opens the door a little more, stepping aside to allow you in.

"And what makes you think I have that kind of money? I'm a merchant, not a mint."

A Diplomacy check, please. You can aid another, granting a +2 bonus if you get above a 10


Yes, you can try to Intimidate your way through this situation. Is that what you'd all like to do?

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:
Corvin Killgannon wrote:
Yes, you can try to Intimidate your way through this situation. Is that what you'd all like to do?

Considering the roll I got (above), I'd say yes. Well, if it helps, add in the Diplomacy to help Anarath. But yeah.

Corvin unnervingly holds the Sczarni's gaze, and speaks softly in his gravelly voice.

"You don't want to f&!# with us."

Marcini holds Corvin's gaze for a moment before finally nodding. "Come in, please." he says with a thin smile. "I met a man in Absalom a long while ago who might have the coin and the interest in such a sword. 2300 though. That's a lot of gold to spend on one weapon, no matter the quality."

Male Human Fighter 3
DM Arctaris wrote:
Marcini holds Corvin's gaze for a moment before finally nodding. "Come in, please." he says with a thin smile. "I met a man in Absalom a long while ago who might have the coin and the interest in such a sword. 2300 though. That's a lot of gold to spend on one weapon, no matter the quality."

"Good to know that you care."

Corvin pushes past Marcini, through the door.

Male Human Bard (Archaeologist Archetype) 1

Horrified by Corvin's manners, Tzoltan stands fidgeting on the stoop unsure whether to enter or not. Finally deciding he has no dog in this fight, he stays just oustide, looking around nervously but also trying to eavesdrop on what's going on inside.

“Excuse my companion,” says Anarath, entering the room. “I’m certain a skilled merchant could get that much for it, but I did not suggest that’s what we were asking for it. I believe the standard rate for middle-men such as ourselves is roughly half the object’s value.”

Tzoltan can hear everything that's said inside with a DC 10 Perception check. Anything said quietly requires a DC 15 Perception check for him to hear.

"And who says I'm a middle man?" Torvus says, drawing himself up and looking a little offended. "I am a business man, not some other man's lackey. If you came to do business, then do business, but if you came to insult my character, you can leave. Now."

Perception 21

Torvus appears to be feigning some of his anger. Why you can't be certain, but he's sizing you up, trying to draw you out.

Anarath blinks in surprise.

"Perhaps you misunderstood me. I meant that we," indicating himself and Corvin, "were the middle men, not you. The unfortunate wretch we aquired the sword from being on one side, you on the other, and us in the middle. What happens to this sword once it is in your possession is not of our concern."

Male Human Fighter 3

Corvin cracks his neck.

Torvus calms down slightly. "Perhaps I overreacted."
He pauses, considering for a long time before saying "Maybe we can do business. Give me a four days to see if I can find a buyer, and then come back here with your sword."

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