Rouge feat

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I had a friend tell me that there was a rouge feat that added your dex bonus to your damage roll? Is there such a feat he said that it was in Dragon Magazine what issue is unkown. If there is can I learn a little more about it.

Thank you


FAKEY!!!!!! 3 1/2 hours!!!!

I do believe that applying facial makeup would be a dexterity based skill, so I don't think a feat would be necessary to enhance the damage done by the chemicals in the tincture ;)

As far as your real question is concerned, I think that feat is in the Complete Adventurer, but I don't have my books with me as I'm out of town, so somebody please verify or correct me.

The Exchange

Sorry, game night I was slayin' crap.
There are no Rouge feats. There is no Rouge class.
ROGUE! R-O-G-U-E! It's a core class!


Excuses, Excuses, excuses! Stop going rouge on us, Fakie !!!

BTW, Fakey, how is the family doing?

Complete Adventurer sounds like a good place to take a look for it. :)

I have a perfect rouge feat for you.

Apply Makeup.

Sorry, I couldn't help it!

The Exchange

Sharoth wrote:
BTW, Fakey, how is the family doing?

Better. Working with early education therapy and some others. Seeing alot of improvement with lil' boy. He is responding well.

Thanks for asking.


farewell2kings wrote:

FAKEY!!!!!! 3 1/2 hours!!!!

I do believe that applying facial makeup would be a dexterity based skill, so I don't think a feat would be necessary to enhance the damage done by the chemicals in the tincture ;)

Oops! I didn't even read your message Farewell2kings. You beat me to the punch on that one.

I recommend Skill Focus: Profession (Beautician).

Basic gear would be a color wheel and a mirror; maybe a charisma roll to see if the applied colors enhance your bone structure or go with your outfit; maybe a knowledge roll for accessories to bring it all together. Hehe my errant wife was/is a Mary Kay consultant; I seem to have absorbed a bit, yikes.

sidenote: good to hear Fakey, good to hear, thanks for sharing.

Valegrim wrote:
sidenote: good to hear Fakey, good to hear, thanks for sharing.

Ditto and "a lot" is two words not one. My pet peeve.


Aldric wrote:

I had a friend tell me that there was a rouge feat that added your dex bonus to your damage roll? Is there such a feat he said that it was in Dragon Magazine what issue is unkown. If there is can I learn a little more about it.

Thank you


I haven't come across a Feat like this, but then I don't own everything. Lilth made a good call in checking the Complete Adventurer. You might try Complete Scoundrel too.


Moff Rimmer's been studly in adding feats to the DM Tools site, but I have yet to find one that gives damage based on Dex instead of Strength. Lots of "dex for melee attacks," but nothing yet. If it is in a Dragon Magazine, those aren't in the database yet.

Lilith wrote:
Moff Rimmer's been studly in adding feats to the DM Tools site, but I have yet to find one that gives damage based on Dex instead of Strength. Lots of "dex for melee attacks," but nothing yet. If it is in a Dragon Magazine, those aren't in the database yet.

Might try reading God's gift...the Player's Handbook II another book that has feats like that is the Book of Roguish Luck

you might check the crystal keep database; it has alot of good stuff like a feat index; and yes, I spelled it that way on purpose since I didn't even use them words before. It was hard to spell it that way too; Alost is a city in Belgium for what it is worth.

RPG Superstar 2009 Top 8

The feat, Dead Eye, in Dragon Compendium allows you to add your Dexterity bonus to the damage you deal with ranged weapons (with a few restrictions). It states that it was in Dragon #304.

Scarab Sages

Aldric wrote:

I had a friend tell me that there was a rouge feat that added your dex bonus to your damage roll? Is there such a feat he said that it was in Dragon Magazine what issue is unkown. If there is can I learn a little more about it.

Thank you


Well, I don't know about any R-O-G-U-E feats, but in Tome of Battle there is a feat called Shadow Blade, that allows you to add your Dexterity to damage to melee attacks as long as you are in a Shadow Hand Stance and using a Shadow Hand preferred weapon (spiked chain, dagger, sai, unarmed strike, short sword, and siangham).

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