Kyuss Spawn Defeated By...Candles...

Age of Worms Adventure Path

The Arms and Equipment Guide has a simple looking little candle (Candle, Insectbane) that keeps vermin 5 feet away for one hour. Is it possible to avoid the whole worm issue by buying a pack load of 1sp each candles?! All hail the candlewrights!

Well, the Spawn of Kyuss themselves aren't vermin, but undead. Theoretically, you could use these candles to prevent infestation, but that's a loose interpretation, I think. You might want to offer a variant ability when used with Spawns of Kyuss...say, something like a consecrate effect when used against Kyuss spawn.

Liberty's Edge

Where's the Mountain Dew? wrote:
The Arms and Equipment Guide has a simple looking little candle (Candle, Insectbane) that keeps vermin 5 feet away for one hour. Is it possible to avoid the whole worm issue by buying a pack load of 1sp each candles?! All hail the candlewrights!

As per this discussion (click here), in the strictest sense of "vermin", yes, such a candle should work. On the other hand, I'd likely squelch the candles for being effective against Kyuss worms. They may be "vermin", but not in the sense of being equivalent to a swarm of mosquitoes or deer flies. ::shrugs::

The time in the swamp annoyed the priest of Dumathoin enough to research/pray for the old 2E spell, anti-vermin barrier. Even this 1st level clerical spell wouldn't be enough to keep the Kyuss worms at bay as they're certainly "magical" and the spell only works against "normal" vermin. It would take more powerful magic, some of which were listed in that other thread, to keep them at bay. The same logic must apply to a 1 sp citronella candle.

In real life citronella candles don't keep all the bugs away all the time (sometimes I wonder if they help at all!)

Perhaps if you are going to allow their use, give the worms a Save throw to get past them. If you have lots of worms to deal with, split them up into x groups (maybe equal to the number of PCs) and make a save for each group. Some might get through, some might not.

Where's the Mountain Dew? wrote:
The Arms and Equipment Guide has a simple looking little candle (Candle, Insectbane) that keeps vermin 5 feet away for one hour. Is it possible to avoid the whole worm issue by buying a pack load of 1sp each candles?! All hail the candlewrights!

As a 'Old School' DM let them try and then tell them what happens. All too often my players ask 'Will X work?' my response is always 'Try it and find out.'

MattW wrote:
'Try it and find out.'

This is exactly what I did say...I can't wait to describe it. "The lemony fresh scent does little to cover the smell of decay. The worms seem to slow down just in front of you, as if noticing the scent. Then they squirm up your boots and begin to burrow into your legs..." Mwah ha ha ha ha.

well, I havent read about Kyuss lately; are the worms undead or not? Anyway, dragon 324 around page 57 if i remember right, item mummy mites; would kill kyuss or any undead with a corporal body. Not sure if It would kill the worms or not, but would kill their vehicle.

Valegrim wrote:
well, I havent read about Kyuss lately; are the worms undead or not? Anyway, dragon 324 around page 57 if i remember right, item mummy mites; would kill kyuss or any undead with a corporal body. Not sure if It would kill the worms or not, but would kill their vehicle.

From what I recall, the worms and the spawn have a symbiotic relationship. Dragon #336--I think--has the ecology of the Spawn of Kyuss, and should absolutely be included if AoW ever makes it into hardcover.

The symbiotic relationship is best manifested by the spawn's fast healing ability. This represents the animating powers the worms grant the spawn, all while feeding on the flesh of the spawn. There's even mention of the hypothetical possibility of extrapolating the animating potential of the worms, while depriving it of the need to feed on the spawn's flesh, suggesting that it could propagate at an alarming rate.

Nevertheless, all spawn of Kyuss are undead. Some minions of kyuss may possess/carry the verminous worms on their body, but the afflicted are undead. It's one of the most fascinating creature-type dynamics I think I've ever seen in D&D, really, as the worms are vermin--even though they hardly constitute as a creature--though they are almost more like a poison in function.

Liberty's Edge

Hierophantasm wrote:
It's one of the most fascinating creature-type dynamics I think I've ever seen in D&D, really, as the worms are vermin--even though they hardly constitute as a creature--though they are almost more like a poison in function.

Aye, indeed. I think of the Kyuss worms as being a macro-virus with the disease being spread is "undeath".

With the flu bugs going around this year, I think most of us can relate.

I can just hear my wife walking by, seeing the thread title, and misreading "Defeated by candies? Maybe I would like that game after all! Are they gummy worms?"

GM: "Congratulations--the worms refuse to move towards you! Unfortunately, the spawn keeps walking. And now that you've put those worms off their appetites, the spawn's regeneration has increased to 10."

Players: "Are you serious?!"

GM: "Nah, the candle just doesn't work."

Players: "..."

GM: :D

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