Black Dragon

Where's the Mountain Dew?'s page

38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.



That's how I initially thought of it until the player pointed out that the other player had the combined benefits of a 15th level fighter and 15th level ranger for a total of "30" levels and she only had the combined total benefits of 26 levels (13 cleric, 13 fighter with a level adjustment of 2). See my dilemma?! The 2 levels of adjustment end up denying her four levels of class benefits. That does that make sense? How does a template with a level adjustment apply fairly to a gestalt character?

Please clarify what is meant by Saint's Attack.

From the saint template, one of the supernatural abilities is Holy Touch. It reads:
"Any evil creature that strikes a saint with a natural weapon takes holy damage as if hit by the saint's attack."

Would the Saint's Attack be referring to the saint's additional 1D6 points of holy damage against evil creatures and/or 1D8 points against evil undead and evil outsiders

OR would this be referring to:

her damage using her +3 holy mace (weapon in hand) AND her additional 1D6 points of holy damage against evil creatures and/or 1D8 points against evil undead and evil outsiders?

The first option makes more sense, but the second option is a more literal translation of the rules.


I know, I know, it sounds crazy but I only have two players tackling this adventure path.

I haven't DM'ed in almost 4 years and could use a little help... When the player applies the saint template to a gestalt character, does the LA apply to only one half of the gestalt end character or to both? Can she apply the template to the cleric half and still progress as a fighter? If not, then is the LA not more like a +4 LA? Man, I never should have stopped playing for all these years!


Excellent. Belay the beheading request. Seriously though, thanks.

I've said it once, I'll say it again:

Where's the Mountain Dew? wrote:

My guess it no. I'm Canadian and did not receive 358 or the giant poster. My issue of 359 was totally sealed as well...I blame it on border guarding goblins...with scrolls of teleport...

Please add me to the growing list of people that require a replacement 358 and a giant poster.

Thanks. potions of patience are running out. When am I getting my poster and missing issue? Time to behead the parties at fault.

My guess it no. I'm Canadian and did not receive 358 or the giant poster. My issue of 359 was totally sealed as well...I blame it on border guarding goblins...with scrolls of teleport...

Please add me to the growing list of people that require a replacement 358 and a giant poster.


Hierophantasm wrote:

Actually, I wish my PCs had done similarly, but they were pretty concerned with the time constraints of the (mostly) event-based adventure.

Dungeon #129, in the AoW AP no less, has a listing for the monster known as a True Ghoul (on p. 62, with an example being Moreto, on p. 58). If I did it, I'd do a side quest featuring an underdark community of ghouls, ghasts, specters, and, of course, these true ghouls. True ghouls benefit from class levels, and I'd also check Libris Mortis for more cool things to slap on to them, like the swarmshifting(?) template.

The true ghoul description also mentions that Dungeon #70 had an adventure called Kingdom of the Ghouls, which might be of use, if you can dig it up. Otherwise, I'd use one of the maps of mystery for your side quest, notably the Underdark Caverns in #133, as well as #138's Ancient Catacombs, or #144's Forgotten Tombs.

All excellent ideas! Thanks for the research you did. I've looked at all the above and have some wonderfully dark and ghoulish ideas in mind. Thanks again!


Hey! Guess where my PCs insisted on going... That's right, to the part of the map that says 'bad guys are somewhere that way'. I'm just wondering if anyone else encountered the same decision. As '19. Ghastly Convention' puts it "the extent and exact occupants of these tunnels are beyond the scope of this adventure"...and the busy DM running it! So, any ideas, adventure modules, Dungeon Magazine adventures or even home brewed ideas would be much appreciated.

Update: Possibly the final one... It seems the parent has totally backed off. The child is still not allowed to join, which is too bad for him. But at least I'm forced to shut down the club. I was sort of looking forward to the big meeting. Looks like it's not even going to happen. The principal tried to arrange it with her but she hasn't returned his messages. The child has been back to school and all seems somewhat normal...
Thanks again for all the ideas and support, (even though it seems this was all for not...)

Thank you for the wonderful service. Hopefully the goblin raiders won't nab my replacement issues! Sorry I caused confusion through cross-email/messageboard responses and questions.
Thanks again...

Michelle Barrett wrote:
Where's the Mountain Dew? wrote:
I'm just wondering where all my magazines have gone?
I've sent you email about your subscriptions.

Thanks! The email answers my Dragon Issue #352 problem...but what about the others? Have they been it normal for it to take this long? I've never really noticed the gap between when it was shipped and when it arrives. Should I be worried about the other issues? I'm still missing Dragon 353 but I somehow got two issues of 351. I'm also missing Dungeon 143, 144, and if it's been shipped 145.

magdalena thiriet wrote:
(And I agree with other posters, is this legal? What kind of place is this?)

It's the kind of place where, believe it or not, people can lie to a secretary from the school that calls and asks why your kid is absent. Honestly I don't know if she lied and said the child was sick or if he really was sick. It's possible the secretary called and found out what happened but as the child is not in my class I don't know what happened. And today is an "inclement weather" day so buses are canceled. The school is open but parents can decide whether or not to send their children to school. The saga continues...

Fighting the Good Fight,

MattW wrote:
'Try it and find out.'

This is exactly what I did say...I can't wait to describe it. "The lemony fresh scent does little to cover the smell of decay. The worms seem to slow down just in front of you, as if noticing the scent. Then they squirm up your boots and begin to burrow into your legs..." Mwah ha ha ha ha.

Update: Again, only a 'sort of' update...but perhaps still indicative of the parent's thinking. Since the meeting was postponed the child in question has not been to school...apparently, while on the phone with my principal the mother of the child said she would pull her kid from our school as part of her list of consequences if the club was not canceled. I'm hoping he is just sick. (That didn't sound right by I think you know what I meant...) We'll see on Monday...

Again, thanks for the suggestions and support,

The Arms and Equipment Guide has a simple looking little candle (Candle, Insectbane) that keeps vermin 5 feet away for one hour. Is it possible to avoid the whole worm issue by buying a pack load of 1sp each candles?! All hail the candlewrights!

I'm just wondering where all my magazines have gone? I'm a teacher and have been busy with report cards, a new term and a new job placement. When the dust settled and I had some time to relax I thought...hey, where are my magazines. Then I log on here and notice I'm not the only one...what's happening to the magazines? Personally I think they're being intercepted by goblin raiders...but that's just my theory. I'm missing Dragon 352 and 353 but I somehow got two issues of 351. I'm also missing Dungeon 143, 144, and if it's been shipped 145. Has my subscription run out or something? It was a Christmas present from my brother so I don't know...

Update: Well, not really...unfortunately the meeting was canceled as my principal and the parent were both involved in a community event and couldn't make it tonight. What a let down... The meeting has yet to be rescheduled as of yet. My principal said it may even happen with just him and the parent. He still fully supports the club and basically just wants to let the parent know that it is harmless and that she has the right to remove her child from it. I'll post the solution to this whole thing when it occurs.
Thanks again,

To begin: Thank you.
I never thought I would get such an enormous amount of support and suggestions. I have so many things to say but, unfortunately, it is very late. (My alarm goes off in 6 hours.) I will definitely respond to the various posts above tomorrow (well, today's after 12). I will also update the community on the proceedings of the meeting. There were so many good suggestions I can't begin to respond to each person just yet. I'll have to type my response in another document and quote all the respective posters. Again I thank you all and look forward to my meeting tomorrow. I'm confident it will be positive experience as my administrator is very supportive. I'm starting to ramble now and must sleep...
Thanks again,
P.S. Tune in tomorrow after 4:00PM Eastern Standard Time for an update.

I'm a teacher and started a D&D club at lunch hour for my students. Guess what...I've been accused of starting a club that promotes violence and is a cult. I'm meeting with the parent (who signed her child's permission form) and my principal on Wednesday. My principal is extremely supportive (especially because he sees kids who were reluctant readers reading books). Anyone else ever have this kind of experience? Personally, I think it's nuts. But I just don't know what to say to this parent if she gets all evangelical on me...any advice would be much appreciated.

Brett Hubbard wrote:

I have a ton of handouts, letters to parents, officer responsibilities, etc. If you'll reply (and we can figure out how to exchange emails without the whole world seeing them), I'll be happy to share everything I have, and pass along anything else I can think of!

Good luck!

Hi Brett,

Just replying to let you know that I really am interested in receiving your materials. My e-mail in posted in the post above this. Thanks,

Hi Brett,

I just finished typing a huge, detailed response to your post and the posts of everyone else here...then the Paizo messageboard gremlins ate it. (Apparently the 'Submit Post' button is also the 'Feed the Gremlins' button!) Arg! Needless to say, I've tried again...and this time I'm copying what I type.

I've already checked with the administration and it's not a problem. I would love to take a look at the forms, handouts, etc. that you have already made to give me some inspiration and ideas. My e-mail is listed below (Just replace the AT with the @ symbol.)

I think the 'Orc and the Pie' will be hilarious to run at the first meet. I'll probably keep my numbers really low to get it started and then have the first group train new members. About the box sets, is there a big transition between the basic game and the full 3.5 rules? Will I have to teach them twice or will they be able to figure out the main rules of the core rules based on what they learn from the basic game?

Thanks in advance,
(And thanks to the other posters on this thread for your ideas and inspiration!)

WtMD (Tyler)

Hello there,
I'm a teacher at an elementary school in a small northern town in Ontario, Canada and I'm thinking about running a D&D club as an extracurricular activity. There are no local hobby shops that deal with D&D and most kids have only played RPGs in a virtual environment. I see a great potential for introducing D&D to my students as an imaginative alternative to 'plugging in'. I was wondering if anyone else has had experience working with kids and teaching them D&D in a school setting. I teach grade six and have a few students who just about flipped when I told them I play and then again when I brought my PHB to class to let them browse it. I vaguely recall either a Paizo or WotC initiative for playing D&D in a school setting...I can't remember where I saw it or anything else. Just wondering if anyone else remembers this or if anyone has any suggestions for beginning a club like this with such a young group (11-12 year olds).

Bathroom Tiles - A collection of white, off white and black bathroom tiles to make your bathroom adventures more exciting!

Hmm...I've been pronouncing it "Mmmountandoo" in "Fly by night mountain dew- Mountain Dew for you!" but that could be wrong...very wrong.

of duergar 'dancemanship'

Lilith wrote:

Where are the Cheetos?!?!

They're right next to you!

"In the fridge, duh!"

Dead Alewives, classic...

some ethereal spaghetti

the leaping rogue

Check out the Dundjinni user created maps. Might be something there.

Oh almighty D&D gods and Demi-gods of the Plane of Paizo Messageboards;
Is there a feat in the vast pile o'feats that would allow a wild shaped druid to speak to her allies while transformed?

Thank you for any responses.

With regards to Gestalt characters, would it be feasible (and probably munchkin) to select a monster class and character class? Would this be balanced? Or, as I am thinking, very munchkin? Just wondering what the wise ones of these boards thought... Thanks for any response.

Falchieyan wrote:

Regarding your idea, I don't know if a small clump of Kyuss Spawn simply out in the middle of the woods would make much sense.

Thanks for the response, thought I was the only one who saw a link between AoW and MH. Anyway, I'm planning more than just sticking some spawn in the marsh. I'm currently working on a back ground story for the 'hunters'. I'm going to have them pass through Diamond Lake while the PC's are resupplying after TFoE. The hunters are going to be on a mission for Loris Raknian of the Free City Arena. They're trying to get a live Wyvern for the games. Of course they're going to fail and somehow contact a Spawn of Kyuss (rumours of unkillable zomies in the hills). I've been writing it using Dungeon's style sheet, and my brother, who's a graphic artist made me a 'Crossover' logo that combines the Monster Hunter look with the Age of Worms look. (Of course the legal rights belong to the owners, this is just for fun, not profit, blah, blah, blah)

Here's a bit of what I have so far...still no concrete title yet...
Since the beginning of history humanity has survived by hunting other species, utilizing their body parts and feeding off of their flesh. Survival demanded the hunt. However, with the advent of the Age of Worms humanity has become the hunted. The Spawn of Kyuss prey upon their human hosts and within the flesh of the fallen lay His worms, waiting to infect those that are unwary or unwise. Now they have become the hunters of humanity, on an endless quest to writhe over the face of Oerth.
“TITLE” is a DUNGEONS & DRAGONS sidetrek suitable for four 4 th-level characters. The events of “TITLE” take place in the Mistmarsh of the Greyhawk Campaign Setting.

The PC's have just defeated the Ebon Aspect and have set in motion the investigation of Ragnolin Dourstone and Balabar Smenk. They have both been charged with a long list of crimes relating to the establishment of a base of operations for the Ebon Triad in the Dark Cathedral below Dourstone Mine. As the events of the investigation unfold the PC's are likely going to require some time to rebuild their supplies. As they are shopping in the limited merchant district of Diamond Lake they hear a commotion in the town square as a rather heavily armoured group of mercenaries march through town. The group leads one pair of workhorses that are pulling a supply wagon and another pair that pulls a very large wood and metal cage...(not finished the rest)

As the PC's are restocking their supplies following the events of TFoE they will witness a minor confrontation between the Diamond Lake militia and a group of four heavily armed and armoured warriors. The militia officer on the scene is attempting to harass the warriors, who simply ignore the puny man. The leader of the warriors steps forward and shoves a scroll into the chest of the officer as he pushes him aside and continues leading his group through town. The officer dusts himself off, gets up, reads the letter and then crumples it up and tosses it on the road. He then skulks off... The PC's find the letter explaining the warriors mission.

As the PC's and Allustan travel through the Mistmarsh to Blackwall Keep they will overcome many challenges of the wild marshland. Environmental obstacles as well as wild animals and monstrous species make travelling through the marshland difficult and hazardous. During the first day the group will cross paths with a travelling merchant who claims to recieve much of his wares from a local tribe of catfolk...(not finished the rest...needless to say, during the nite, the PC's will be looted by the catfolk and will then have to go trade with the merchant to get their stuff back...or hunt down the catfolk hideout...)

As the PC's are trading for their items back (or looting from the catfolk hideout...) they are offered a free barrel of apples from the merchant. He claims the catfolk gave it to him but he found a dead worm in the barrel...(this will somehow become the hook for the party to go find the group of hunters...which shouldn't be difficult considering the size of the warrior's group...)

(In this section the PC's will arrive at the camp of the hunters and notice immediately that something is wrong...the hunters are all missing except for one...the leader. He is currently just outside of the encampment and is sharpening his blade. He will speak with them if approached but his words are garbbled as he is currently beginning to transform and is trying to sharpen his blade to halt the progress of the worm...this part needs lots of work...)

Letter: found on street after confrontation with Diamond Lake militia and hunters, the text is as follows:

With blessings of the office of the Lord Mayor of the Free City Of Greyhawk the bearer of this letter is hereby granted passage through Diamond Lake and the surrounding lands to enter the Mistmarsh on an urgent mission to gather creatures to stock the pens of the Free City Arena for the upcoming Champions Games
of Loris Raknian, Arena Director.

Let me know what you think...

So I've been playing Monster Hunter way too much lately and decided to create a sidetrek for "Encounter At Blackwall Keep". On the way to the keep the PC's are going to come aross a campsite, not unlike those in the PS2 game 'Monster Hunter' from Capcom. They'll find that the hunters have been transformed into Spawn of Kyuss...all but one. He is just on the verge of transfoming and gives them some limited insight just before he turns. Then a Wyvern attacks or something else from Monster Hunter...maybe some theiving cat people or something...heh heh. Just an idea. Wondering what the crowd here thinks of that...maybe I'll share it once it's done.

3FoE - Upon finding the foreboding black pool, the party cleric threatened to toss the dirty dwarven ranger, "Twigwhiskers", in for a bath. Luckily, she didn't. They have just entered the Vecna labyrinth and have come up with a fantastic plan to find their way out. Twigwhiskers just levelled up and has access to some he figured out a plan. He returned to the Temple of Hextor, went to Beasts room and gathered some of the 'generous amount' of dire boar dung and plans on smearing it at key points in the labyrinth. He then plans on casting a spell from the Spell Compendium (can't remember the name of the spell), that turns his nose into that of a wolf. He plans to smell his way out using Beast's dung...should prove interesting.
Just follow Twig's nose...

Awesome work R-type! Thanks a lot. I'll get Twig's player take a look at it. Here's a challenge: Can anyone out there one-up R-type's entry for the background of the infamous Twigwhiskers? Thanks again R-type and thanks in advance for anyone who adds to it or takes it in a totally new direction! (Maybe I should ask for backgrounds for more characters on here...)

I've decided to appeal to the wisdom and creativity of the members of this messageboard for assistance in composing a background worthy of a memorable and extremely well role-played PC in my campaign. My brother is playing a Dwarven Ranger. Simple enough...except his favoured enemy is 'humans' and he occasionally behaves somewhat feral. We need a decent background for "Twigwhiskers". So far we've come up with this: A young dwarf, for reasons undecided, leaves Greysmere, becomes lost in the Mistmarsh, develops ranger like abilities while trying to survive the swamps, makes enemies with the human locals in and around the swamplands (if there are from any Greyhawk players would be appreciated here), stumbles out of the swamps and eventually finds his way to Diamond Lake. Once there he meets another PC dwarf and is eventually convinced to join the party and meet in the abandoned house to head off to the Whispering Cairn.
We would greatly appreciate any assistance in fleshing out this background. I'd also love to hear other ideas as to how "Twigwhiskers" became a human-hating ranger. Thanks for any ideas/help...

Twigwhiskers - Male Dwarven Ranger
Epimetheus XX:XX - Male Warforged Fighter
Gnimish Cinderbeard - Male Dwarven Rogue
Syndraka Moonmeadow - Female Elven Sorcerer