A Civil Religious Discussion

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It's also worth pointing out that Freedom of Religion was only held to apply to Federal laws, not to the states until the 14th Amendment. Several states had state religions until well into the 1800s.

At least on Supreme Court Justice still thinks that would be possible today. Thank you Clarence Thomas.

Well, one thing about laws, regulation, and a precedent-based system is that unless things are specifically overwritten, they tend to remain in force... XD;

The Blaine Amendments (which failed federally, but are in 34 state constitutions) arose in the mid-to-late 1800's when Catholic immigrants began to increase significantly. In 1869, politicians in NY managed to secure $1.5 million in state money for Catholic schools. This caused a backlash that ended up as Blaine Amendments, prohibiting public money from going to religious schools of any kind.

Catholics started Catholic schools, so they could avoid Protestant teachers. Which in turn caused Protestants to worry about Catholic teachers.

State constitutions don't ban public money for religious schools because they wanted to enshrine freedom of religion, but rather because immigrants were coming into the country and starting schools of the wrong religion. While the amendments target all religions, it ensures that the majority religious sect of a region will dominate the public schools (which is typically Protestant).

Was just looking back over the thread and saw this:

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Kirth disputes Creationists' views because they are wrong. It has little to do with [his] understanding or misunderstanding the Bible.

From 2009, and still my favorite quote ever from the Paizo boards.

Kirth Gersen wrote:

Was just looking back over the thread and saw this:

Moff Rimmer wrote:
Kirth disputes Creationists' views because they are wrong. It has little to do with [his] understanding or misunderstanding the Bible.
From 2009, and still my favorite quote ever from the Paizo boards.


Liberty's Edge

This is one of the old threads that I'm positive made Paizo a nice chunk of change. I'm sure I'm not the only one who would routinely visit Paizo just to read the responses in this particular thread, and then head over to buy something in-between posts.

Liberty's Edge


I still miss the old days of these discussion boards. :-(

I just find it weird I get an amendment named after me. :P ;)

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