Call of Cthulhu D20

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I was seaching Wizards and I thought "i wonder if wotc ever did CoC" i sdearched and there it was!! a old news article from WotC relasing CoC D20. But That was it on a pure CoC rpg. Does anyone know what happened to COC D20????

I'a Cthulhu!

The Call of Cthulhu d20 RPG is now out of print. I think the license between WOTC and Chaosium Inc. expired. You can still sometimes find copies of it on e-bay or, but you'll probably pay a bit more than the original cover price.

The Exchange Kobold Press

hexmaven wrote:
The Call of Cthulhu d20 RPG is now out of print. I think the license between WOTC and Chaosium Inc. expired. You can still sometimes find copies of it on e-bay or, but you'll probably pay a bit more than the original cover price.

I'd recommend not going down this road unless you need the d20-ness to get players to the table. I've played a lot of both regular and d20 Cthulhu, and unfortunately the d20 version doesn't work very well (characters can max out all skills, and having high hp makes no sense in the Cthulhu-verse).

Use the 6th edition rules if you can.

Dark Archive

Ive tried both as well.While I agree you should go with the classic CoC, I think with some tweaking the d20 version would be great for a more pulp-action experience.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Yeah; the d20 CoC book WotC put out is GREAT for running Lovecraftian D&D style games. For playing CoC in the traditional settings (1920s/modern day/etc.), the Chaosium verison of the game works MUCH better.

I've found that the Chaosium version (I have the 6th edition) is much easier to teach to new players than the d20 system. Character creation is rather simple, most rolls are resolved via percentages and combat is only a small part of the system, whereas in d20, it's most of the system.

Where else will you find an RPG in which "Library Use" is the most important skill in the game?

Thanks for your tips. Would anyone think it worth doing a horror D20 campian using san pionts (x2Wis+1/2int=San)

If anyones got good ideas please post!!

I'a Cthulhu!!

(P.S Dagon+Hydra suck.)

I'm running CoC using the D20 system. I would use the old rules system but I'm more comfortable with D20 system, which allows me to focus on the other side of the game (rather than the rules).

If you do use the D20 system be careful with the monsters. Most of their stats are way out wrong or incomplete (if by some freak accident the players are actually trying to fight one of them instead of running away!)

The neat thing about Cthulhu D20 is having stats for those creatures to throw into your D&D games :D


Liberty's Edge

Håvard wrote:

The neat thing about Cthulhu D20 is having stats for those creatures to throw into your D&D games :D


That's one of the reasons I bought the Dreamlands Chaosium book a few years back; it's all statted up Chaosium-style, but the reconversion shouldn't be too hard.

It's also a really farout campaign scenario...

hehe I can't be the only making up my own mobs for this setting game in my D&D world; I just read the books and use the guys from the old Dieties and Demigods that has Cthulhu, Newtonian, and the Melnibonian guys.

Valegrim wrote:
hehe I can't be the only making up my own mobs for this setting game in my D&D world; I just read the books and use the guys from the old Dieties and Demigods that has Cthulhu, Newtonian, and the Melnibonian guys.


I have the old Deities & Demigods book (with Odin on the cover) from AD&D, and I thought that was the original...

And I don't remember it having any pantheons that weren't based on "realworld" equivalents (ie. Norse, Greek, etc) other than Leiber's Lankmar (sp?) and the standard demihuman deities (Moradin, etc)

Talion09, the original D&DG had the aforementioned pantheons, but because TSR had asked permission to use such copyrighted material, they had to take those pantheons out of later prints. The original cover (for the one with and the one without the Cthulu etc pantheons) had Erol Otus art- I think- which later changed to the new Odin cover.

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, it was Erol Otus art.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:

Yeah, it was Erol Otus art.


For the drawing of Loviatar alone it was one of the BEST BOOKS EVER!

ericthecleric wrote:
Talion09, the original D&DG had the aforementioned pantheons, but because TSR had asked permission to use such copyrighted material, they had to take those pantheons out of later prints. The original cover (for the one with and the one without the Cthulu etc pantheons) had Erol Otus art- I think- which later changed to the new Odin cover.

Actually to clarify TSR "hadn't" ask permission, and that cover print was reused again after they lightened the book for subsquent printings (I have both versions - one with squids and Elric and one with out).


G3, well spotted. I meant to include the "n't" at the end of "had"; it wouldn't make sense otherwise!

I've used sanity points in with the alienist prestige class, and the cerberant school in Dragon mag. The whole thing works really well in the right system. I didn't use the sanity for the entire party though, just used the dread/fear rules from HoH and kept the sanity info for the alienist himself. It was a pretty fun game - but the party made a bunch of poor saves and poorer choices and most of them are still probably toiling away in some dank aboleth lair to this day, while the lucky ones have nothing to do but decompose.

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