Raising the dead

Savage Tide Adventure Path

I'm curious how everyone handles this. After leaving on the Sea Wyvern (unless the party pooled their limited resources and purchased a scroll of raise dead or two and has a cleric) there's pretty much no way to handle bringing back a dead character.

There's the chance that the party has a cleric with them and at level nine after Farshore is saved the cleric may somehow get ahold of the 5000gp material component for raising someone. Or a cleric might gentle repose someone while they travel all the way back to Sasserine (again after Farshore is saved).

I have an NPC cleric of Fharlanghn with the party. During the voyage south 3 of the party members got turned to stone by the basilisk at Tamoachan. Knowing Urol only had two doses (they asked him point blank) they were pretty much screwed. I can't see any way for them to get more stone salve or raise dead from dying (or failing that save after the stone salve, which could kill) for at least 4 more levels when they can do it themselves. I can have the NPC cleric, in four levels when they reach level nine, break enchantment on the stone, or teleport hop (domain) a couple times back to Sasserine if he's lucky to get material components, then teleport hop back and raise dead.

What is everyone else doing in the interim? Just making lots of new characters? That sucks because I'm taking such pains to build story with each character as we progress.

Scarab Sages

Well, in our group. Before we reached 9th level we had 2 character deaths (both in Tamoachan), we ended up creating new characters for the two of us who died. Kind of sucked as the two deaths were our healer and the captain of the Sea Wyvern. The two new characters were a couple of adventurers who were stranded on a small island after the ship they were on experienced some kind of trouble (never really went in to detail on what happened, just wanted to get back into the game). We just experienced our 3rd character death in Here There Be Monsters. Thankfully, it was at the end of the last fight. The xp from the last encounter pushed us up to 9th level. My DM being nice, has changed some of the wealth we found to be diamonds totalling 5000 gp so the cleric could cast raise dead on the Duskblade who died (I only know he changed it because he gave us the wealth and then we looked over the loot we had gained over the last two sessions and found no diamonds listed on our loot sheet, so he said that some of the loot could be changed into diamonds and told me to mark off the 5000 gp).

We are one session into SWW and in Blackwell we had a fatality. The PCs decided to bring her back to Sasserine and ask Annah Teranaki to cast the spell. They had enough money and as they saved Lavinia's life she agreed to wait for them one moon. Next time the young matriarch won't delay her journey to the IoD any more.

I had Lavinias parents stock up 4 raise dead scrolls in their vault, just in case if an accident happens in the family. As Vanthus could not comprehend them he might have thought they were just part of the extensive notes and journals (partially written in Sylvan) and left it where it was for Lavinia and the players to find it there.

It is being used up quicker then they expected :)

At Renkrue, the party might find an Olman druid if high enough level to Reincarnate a fallen character, though they'll likely have to pay in some form of service rather than gold.

Don't forget that the Jade Ravens' Kaskus Kiel is a competent druid. If the party is on good terms with him, they may be able to convince him to reincarnate a fallen ally.

Kaskus still wouldn't really be high enough level to reincarnate until around Farshore.

I was thinking about changing out some of the loot for a raise dead scroll, and some diamonds later on.

I was thinking maybe some of the tribals could reincarnate too. That or maybe the aranea.

In ToD Kaskus is 7th level. When you play him out of the adventure. :)

*looking forward to have a darfellan or a hadozee in the group*

Ressurection and raise dead are very common in our campaign. My wife had found an herbs list from her LoTR core books (Published by ICE)That listed over a hundred different herbs for healing and such. We converted them to D&D stats and have been using them in our campaigns ever since. One of them does Raise Dead and has a very reasonalble cost of only 1000 Gp. It's an easy way to help lower level characters keep in the fight. I personally don't like to make killing off a PC into something permanent, unless it is something that is a very big deal. My players get very attached, and I feel that if you are quick to permanently kill characters, with just a roll another one up attitude, the character looses it's depth, and just becomes a sheet of paper with a bunch of numbers.

Liberty's Edge

Crazy hermit in a cave somewhere.
Healing well (a la Chichen Itza) with a group of lizardfolk who guard it as "sacred"
Giant Sea Anemone effluvium (I heard somewhere that sea anemones are effectively immortal...)
Crazy merman//sea elf hermit in an underwater cave somewhere, in a complex with a lot of morkoths for "spice"

Liberty's Edge

See my Davey Jones post. this is how i handled bringing back the dead.

Sterling wrote:

I'm curious how everyone handles this. After leaving on the Sea Wyvern (unless the party pooled their limited resources and purchased a scroll of raise dead or two and has a cleric) there's pretty much no way to handle bringing back a dead character.

There's the chance that the party has a cleric with them and at level nine after Farshore is saved the cleric may somehow get ahold of the 5000gp material component for raising someone. Or a cleric might gentle repose someone while they travel all the way back to Sasserine (again after Farshore is saved).

I have an NPC cleric of Fharlanghn with the party. During the voyage south 3 of the party members got turned to stone by the basilisk at Tamoachan. Knowing Urol only had two doses (they asked him point blank) they were pretty much screwed. I can't see any way for them to get more stone salve or raise dead from dying (or failing that save after the stone salve, which could kill) for at least 4 more levels when they can do it themselves. I can have the NPC cleric, in four levels when they reach level nine, break enchantment on the stone, or teleport hop (domain) a couple times back to Sasserine if he's lucky to get material components, then teleport hop back and raise dead.

What is everyone else doing in the interim? Just making lots of new characters? That sucks because I'm taking such pains to build story with each character as we progress.

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