Sterling's page
20 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

The writers wrote that the Sea Wyvern needed 7 full time crew members to function, so that's what I'm going with. I researched the common crew members and tried to work it so each role would be somewhat unique and all the major roles would be filled. This is what I came up with and use:
The roles and duties of a caravel class ship's crew
In order to effectively sail a ship such as the Sea Wyvern, at least seven crewmembers are needed. The party should decide who will fulfil what duties ahead of time and hire the others as needed. The crew role names and duties are:
1. Captain - in charge of hiring men, organizing finding, buying, and loading the supplies, selling cargo, dividing profits, and otherwise leading the ship's daily functions. The best sailor on the ship is usually the captain. Key skills, Profession(sailor) and Profession(merchant).
2. First Mate - in charge of keeping all functions of the ship running in the Captain's absence. Usually the second best sailor on the ship. Key skills, Profession(sailor).
3. Navigator - in charge of charting/plotting the ship's course and
consistently understanding where the ship is. Also usually in charge of
monitoring the weather. Key skills, Knowledge(geography) and Survival.
4. Helmsman - in charge of steering the ship by the ship's wheel for the
most part. Key skills, a strong arm.
5. Deckhand - in charge of aiding w/every other function of all other
jobs. Rather than being the easiest of duties, this is often the most
demanding as it requires the most diversity. Key skills, everything.
6. Boatswain - in charge of directing gear for the captain (much of the
more complicated operations of handling a ship) and relaying orders in
times when weather impairs sound. Key skills, Use Rope and a loud voice.
7. Cook - in charge of food preparation and food dispensation. Key
skills, Profession(cooking).
Those are the main seven roles. Optional functions are as follows:
1. Prelate (for praying)
2. Surgeon (for healing)
3. Artillery Sergeant (for shooting)
4. Marine (for fighting)
5. Page (for serving)
Repair Team
6. Carpenter
7. Caulker
8. Diver
To hire an entire core crew is 20gp/day.

Good suggestions. How about Mayor Manthalay lets it be somewhat widely rumored that he plans on taking one or two of the island villages in the next month. Publicly, he keeps on smiling at the Olmans come to defend against pirates, but everyone kind of knows what he's planning. The Olmans, greatly alarmed, come to the PCs (since the PCs are their go-to people anyway, they're the people they are really helping) and ask if this is true, how likely is it to be true, and pretty much demand that the PCs defend them when the time comes if they are going to help defend against the pirates. Manthalay, if asked, will tell the PCs that he has no such intentions, and I'm sure someone will detect his bluff. The Olmans will try to get a promise of help from the PCs if it comes down to it.
He truly plans on waiting until after the invasion and then taking an Olman prisoner and leaving evidence that it was someone from Farshore. He will hide the prisoner in his basement and wait for an inevitable attack by the Olmans. This attack will come swiftly but it will be soundly defended against. The purpose of this attack is to rally some of the undecided Farshore residents to his cause against the Olman interests because the primitives can't be trusted to so surround the growing civilization. At this point Manthalay starts making public speeches about annexing them.
This sets you up with a few alternatives.. the PCs can be approached by the Olmans right before the attack in response to the missing Olman that Manthalay is hiding in his basement. The Olmans ask the PCs to help find their fellow (i.e., prove that it was Manthalay that took him) and this is kind of a detective/sneaky mission for them.
Another possibility, a diplomatic task of convincing most of the city to NOT go with Manthalay and annex the villages. This may lead to them being thrown in prison, leading an underground rebellion, or any number of things to keep a promise to the Olmans and/or do what's right.
Another possibility, a big battle where the PCs just fight on the side of the Olmans against the actual Farshore militia. Depending on their choices and actions, this could have all sorts of ramifications for their relationships in Farshore and Lavinia's position. For example, if they overkill and slay most of the militia, many of the militia's family members back in Farshore, agreeing with Manthalay or not, will be pretty peeved at them all.
And if they just take out Manthalay, his deputy mayor takes over his legacy, and the PCs can welcome their new leader, Mayor Avner. If he gets assassinated as well, as previously posted in other threads, Lavinia and the PCs start to look pretty bad (assassination usually goes over that way).
To be clear for ya: Nobody got upset/cares if players read these boards. People only care about their own group. What was being -pointed out- was that Tool has made a habit lately of posting on this particular forum looking for meta-game information.
Human beings are free to do as they please, but let's not kid ourselves with the thinly veiled explanations. Nobody cares if some other DM's players go to the bookstore and read the adventure just like nobody cares that terrainmonkey has a player that goes online to garner out-of-game information on a spoiler-filled forum about what his in-game character should do (read: cheats). There are big ways and little ways to cheat in D&D, this is a little way. Like often not erasing wand charges when you use a wand, or not paying much attention to erasing gold you spend. By all means, do as you please, but expect people to call you on some things.

Don't give the PCs any hint as a DM to what the reactions are going to be. Let them get back to Farshore and have them explain what happened to the JR and Lavinia. When they get to the part where they all left Tolin there and didn't even go back and try to fight for him to keep up, have the NPCs focus on that part and repeatedly ask about it. "You.. you didn't even try? Tolin didn't deserve such a fate.." Nothing the PCs can say should "fix" this.
Zan immediately goes out to the tavern and starts ranting about what the PCs did, and everyone hears about it rather quickly. Kaskus and Liamae begin public preparation to go and retrieve their leader's body and give him a proper burial. Zan agrees to join them, but not before he tries his best to ruin the reputation of the party. The people of Farshore solemnly wish Kaskus and Liamae luck on a mission that looks very difficult (think of the people when Faramir is leaving on that hopeless charge of knights in the third Lord of the Rings movie).
If the PCs don't accompany them at all to help, I would have Kaskus and Zan return with Liamae's body, shamed that they couldn't complete their task and lost another member. Zan loudly makes it clear to Lavinia that she needs to either choose the PCs or the Ravens. If she is convinced to refuse Zan and keep the party on staff, Zan joins the Meravanchi cause. Manthalay Meravanchi uses a sending spell to order a cleric teleported from Sasserine to cast raise dead on Liamae. Spending a considerable portion of his personal wealth to do this wins him Liamae and Zan campaigning vigorously for him.
If the PCs do accompany the Ravens to find Tolin's body, they encounter evidence that some dinosaur dragged Tolin back to a nest. Following the trail, they come upon the nest of a large mother carnivore dinosaur (pick one that will challenge the party AND the Ravens together) and some young. A search of the nest shows a mostly eaten body of Tolin and half of his gear, and some ancient gear from other creatures. I suggest even throwing in a single expensive item or a diamond for raise dead, so that the party and the Ravens can argue over who should receive it (of course the Ravens think Tolin should be raised). If they do all that they can to help, I'd let the PCs off the hook.

"Toolbag way don't you just ask the other players In Character for advice, if you need advice. This board isn't a free Augury at will class ability."
"Why do player driven threads seeking info on items, NPC's, or their own actions keep popping up with the ridiculous addition of NO SPOILERS? What else is being solicited, other than spoilers? You need to look to your game (i.e. the other PC's and DM) for guidance and stop trying to glean extra info/advice/feedback (whatever you want to call it) on these boards."
Seriously Toolbag, everyone sees you continue to do this.
For his DM: I understand you can't ban him from the boards as a person, but if I caught my players doing this repeatedly after I asked them not to because there are too many spoilers, I'd drop them from the game. To me it's the same as quickly browsing the adventure in a bookstore as a player. Either way, we feel for ya.
Pre-meditated murder for revenge or self-gain is certainly one of the most clearly evil things there is. If it's not for revenge or self gain but mostly "because I don't like him" it's even worse. Not to mention that since 1/3 of the citizens are strongly Meravanchi and 1/3 are undecided, if they die off due to assassinations in a tiny village and there are no other real players on the scene, most people will simply think it was Lavinia and her employees and someone else will rise to oppose their evil.
My players hate Avner as well. The rogue just stole his gold pouch. The rogue got away with it, but was caught later by lying badly. Avner made it clear that everyone would know of this and that he wanted his gold back. The PCs aren't strongly good, but they understand that as an adventuring group that if they know of the misdeeds of one of their members and don't dismiss him from their party altogether, they are condoning his actions. They also understand that by doing this, ALL of their reputations are brought down by the actions of each member behaving this way. So they made the rogue give hated Avner his gold back, as they don't want to be thought of as thieves.
Since they work for Lavinia and not Rowyn, the majority of your PCs are probably not evil or motivated mostly by self-gain, thus having their reputations destroyed forever is a pretty strong motivator to throw out the crazy rogue murderer who surfaced in their group. If they really are mostly an evil or self-interested party and don't care about being known as 'a band of murderers' there's still the opposition movement in Farshore that would quickly exist due to assassination in a small village leaving almost no other suspects.

BWG: The savage raptor almost killed had everyone on the ground at one point
BWG: The players -split up- upon entering Lavinia's mansion and ALL of them nearly died, the rogue fighting the bullywugs on level 2 in the kitchen, the fighter and druid fighting the huntress and many bullywugs in the dining hall on level one, and the sorceror/fighter and swashbuckler and npc cleric fighting Drevoraz on level 3. The three that were smart enough to stay together VERY narrowly defeated Drevoraz and the bullywug cleric, then went downstairs and saved everyone else. The fight in the basement with the chief again almost TPKed everyone because they were still split. They learned their lesson very well.
SWW: The flotsam ooze almost claimed the lives of the rogue and the druid.
SWW: Sutolore almost destroys everyone until the npc cleric pulls out a scroll of mass resist elements...
SWW: The vine horrors and their vines almost slay the druid, the rogue, and the fighter/sorc.
SWW: The Masher almost slays the druid.
HTBM: The T-Rex eats the fighter and amazingly the rest of the party brings down the T-Rex the next round and very narrowly saves the fighter by cutting him free just before he takes the stomach damage on the T-Rex's turn.
PC: High Citizen Alastair van Orman, human druid 4
Adventure: Side-quest before SWW
Location: Stormy Shore village
Catalyst: Even though he's a druid with good con and wis, two failed saves to phantasmal killer spell (the big one) from a level 7 wizard named Delthis the Mad.
PC: Leah the Red, half-elf rogue 4
Adventure: Sea Wyvern's Wake
Location: Lost Tamoachan
Catalyst: Basilisk's glare petrified her, and 2 other PCs. Unfortunately there were only two stone salves, and she wasn't lucky enough to be chosen. With no way to get rid of this affliction for quite a long time: new PC.

All good ideas, but that's an easy and great solution. When the ship crashes, let them put all the stuff they need in one or two floating sea-chests, then swim to shore (skip the materials-gathering part of the adventure). Give them a couple spots and listens as they quickly swim from the shipwrecked Sea Wyvern to shore in the middle of the storm, and let one or two of them see massive shapes moving amidst the rolling waves during flashes of lightning. When they finally get to shore, soaked, they won't want to even attempt the ocean again. Urol figures out they are a straight short march to the mountains for cover, and if they go back to sea, well almost the entire coast all the way there is cliffs hundreds of feet high and if there was any trouble there would be no where to go. The rain in the jungle shouldn't affect the terror birds or the aranea really, and I already ran them. They should definitely be too scared to go back to sea..
..but then again, getting attacked by a T-Rex as a greeting to being on land might make them neutral again!
Once you outright warn someone not to split the party and they keep on truckin, why keep advising after that? Let him split the party up, the druid and the rogue can go get the sea wyvern. The fighter can go get some help from the phanatons, and the mage can go find some weapons. Saves weeks, that should leave enough time for the dam and maybe even the cave retreat back-up.

I did some research and put some things together. Most of the texts the party gets ingame I typed out, got some yellow card stock paper, and printed it out for the party. Some of it is just info I shared with them, some actual documents. I used old-school fonts which I don't know how to make show up here, but rest assured that it can look a lot more genuine. This is just the sailing info I decided on, some sailing gear I found balanced, and the ship's manifest I threw together. The player's really enjoyed getting titles and distributing jobs, as well as having an easy way to keep track of all their passengers. Feel free to jack it for yourselves or add to the pile.
Sailors in the party knew the following:
In order to effectively sail a ship such as the Sea Wyvern, at least seven crewmembers are needed. The party should decide who will fulfill what duties ahead of time and hire the others as needed. The crew role names and duties are:
1. Captain - in charge of hiring men, organizing finding, buying, and loading the supplies, selling cargo, dividing profits, and otherwise leading the ship's daily functions. The best sailor on the ship is usually the captain. Key skills, Profession(sailor) and Profession(merchant).
2. First Mate - in charge of keeping all functions of the ship running in the Captain's absence. Usually the second best sailor on the ship. Key skills, Profession(sailor).
3. Navigator - in charge of charting/plotting the ship's course and consistently understanding where the ship is. Also usually in charge of monitoring the weather. Key skills, Knowledge(geography) and Survival.
4. Helmsman - in charge of steering the ship by the ship's wheel for the most part. Key skills, a strong arm.
5. Deckhand - in charge of aiding w/every other function of all other jobs. Rather than being the easiest of duties, this is often the most demanding as it requires the most diversity. Key skills, everything.
6. Boatswain - in charge of directing gear for the captain (much of the more complicated operations of handling a ship) and relaying orders in times when weather impairs sound. Key skills, Use Rope and a loud voice.
7. Cook - in charge of food preparation and food dispensation. Key skills, Profession(cooking).
Those are the main seven roles. Optional functions are as follows:
1. Prelate (for praying)
2. Surgeon (for healing)
3. Artillery Sergeants (for shooting)
4. Marines (for fighting)
5. Page (for serving)
Repair Team (necessary for repairs)
6. Carpenter
7. Caulker
8. Diver
To hire an entire core crew is 20gp/day.
Bizwor's Balms in the Azure district has low price seasickness "cures". Various Marketplaces hold a variety of items, listed as follows:
Gnomish Swimming Gear: 100gp, +3 on swim checks, 2lb (the paddles mean 1/2 movement on land, the gloves mean -2 on Disable Device, Open Lock, Sleight of Hand)
Waterproof Scrolls: +10%gp (can cast underwater)
Waterproof Scrollcase: 5gp (or scrolls ruined by water)
Sailor's Wax: 10gp, wax protects armor/weapons from rusting from water
Navigator's Toolkit: 100gp, necessary for plotting courses
Sextent: 250gp, +2 Knowledge(geography)
Float Bladders: 10gp, 3lbs, keep a medium creature afloat
Sea Chest: 25gp, waterproof inside, latching system
Spyglass: 1000gp, magnifies objects to twice size
Very fine bicorne hat: 50gp, looks cool, worn by captains or admirals
Very fine tricorne hat: 35gp, looks cool
Oilskin suits: 10gp, 10 lb, keeps out the chill and wetness
The party calls themselves the Bronze Phoenix. In my word document I have the names of the dead or that have left the ship (Rowyn, Leah, Conrad) strikethrough-ed with a line. I also used block text for the parts of the Manifest that would look the same on a form sheet, and cursive looking text to fill in the rest, the names and Sea Wyvern-specific info.
Ship’s Manifest, Sasserine City Harbor
Destination: Farshore Colony
Ship’s Master: The Bronze Phoenix, Inc.
Ship’s Weight: 216 tonnes
Ship’s Captain: Mr. Mick Hodges (BP)
Prior Owner: Crimson Fleet
Ship’s Name: The Sea Wyvern
Port of Departure: Sasserine
Ship’s First Mate: Ms. Amella Venkalie
Ship’s Navigator: High Citizen Alastair van Orman (BP)
Boatswain: Mr. Alveon (BP)
Helmsman: Mr. Copernicus (BP)
Ship’s Cook: Lady Liriandra of Stormy Shore
Ship’s Surgeon: Father Rupert (BP)
Deckhand: Ms. Sela
Cabinboy: Tavey Nesk
List of Passengers:
High Citizen Avner Meravanchi of the Noble House Meravanchi
Mr. Ronald Freyrks, aid and page to High Citizen Avner
Mr. Gart Rewthfield, aid and page to High Citizen Avner, died at shipwreck
Ms. Leah the Red (BP), turned to stone at Tamoachan, left in care of Lady Lavinia
Ms. Lirith Veldirose, experienced sailor and marine
Mr. Skald, artillery sergeant experience
Father Theo Feres, Conrad Horst, criminal left in care of Chief Ixawhani, Renkrue
Ms. Atyara Woodbridge, herbalist
Mr. Urol Forol, sage
Mr. John Boy Sullivan, artillery experience, died nobly at Journey’s End
Mr. Freddy Franks, artillery experience
Mr. Pischcho, carpenter
Mr. Rolo, caulker, died at shipwreck
Mr. Lerny, diver, died at shipwreck
Rowyn Kellani, stowaway, attempted assassination, left in care of Lady Lavinia
Mr. Ro Laren, Ship’s Intelligence and Bronze Phoenix Applicant
Well it's got access to very rare resources, so perhaps they pool a bit of their efforts and pool some of the rewards from trading. Sort of a communal effort, or at least small groups.
Excellent! Thank you both, very exciting. And the change in Lavinia's actions is a good one too.
"And in reality, I simply cannot, as a DM, keep a non-posting lurker from reading these boards and scrounging for hints, clues and spoilers."
I can't keep my players from cheating either, but when I catch someone cheating I don't keep playing with them. Nothing seems so counter-intuitive or juvenile as to cheat at a game lik D&D, either by lying to the DM about your dice rolls, adding gold to your character sheet, or going online or to the bookstore to get spoilers about the adventure. And every D&D group is better off ridding itself of cheaters.
My PCs bought a light catapult for the Sea Wyvern, a fan feather token, and a scroll of fireball (there's a fighter/sorc). When the Brotherhood Blockade came along, the two ships saw each other a good distance out, enough to play chicken anyway. Right before they rammed each other, the PCs launched their catapult and fireball. The fireball, properly targetted, did do some damage to most of the parts of the enemy ship. But it didn't completely finish off any of those parts either. And since he targetted the spell in the middle of the ship, it didn't quite reach the front hull parts of the enemy ship to do some damage. So the ramming and the fireball spell hit different parts of the ship, and they only holed one part of the enemy hull after unloading.
However, the fireball scroll killed 6 of the enemy pirates, right before the ramming and the melee started.
Until last week I was completely unaware that there had been an overall STAP summary one magazine before the series began. I purchased the first one in the STAP and began my subscription but it can be difficult now and then when I don't know what will happen down the road a little. Is there any way someone can post a summary or is there going to be a halfway point summary update?
I just told my players not to come to these forums at all while we're playing STAP. There's just too many spoilers, even in some thread titles, no good comes of it.
Kaskus still wouldn't really be high enough level to reincarnate until around Farshore.
I was thinking about changing out some of the loot for a raise dead scroll, and some diamonds later on.
I was thinking maybe some of the tribals could reincarnate too. That or maybe the aranea.

I'm curious how everyone handles this. After leaving on the Sea Wyvern (unless the party pooled their limited resources and purchased a scroll of raise dead or two and has a cleric) there's pretty much no way to handle bringing back a dead character.
There's the chance that the party has a cleric with them and at level nine after Farshore is saved the cleric may somehow get ahold of the 5000gp material component for raising someone. Or a cleric might gentle repose someone while they travel all the way back to Sasserine (again after Farshore is saved).
I have an NPC cleric of Fharlanghn with the party. During the voyage south 3 of the party members got turned to stone by the basilisk at Tamoachan. Knowing Urol only had two doses (they asked him point blank) they were pretty much screwed. I can't see any way for them to get more stone salve or raise dead from dying (or failing that save after the stone salve, which could kill) for at least 4 more levels when they can do it themselves. I can have the NPC cleric, in four levels when they reach level nine, break enchantment on the stone, or teleport hop (domain) a couple times back to Sasserine if he's lucky to get material components, then teleport hop back and raise dead.
What is everyone else doing in the interim? Just making lots of new characters? That sucks because I'm taking such pains to build story with each character as we progress.

1. Diamondback (the battle dancer working under Heldrath Kellani that tried to assassinate the party during the festival) had her bleeding stopped by the party (for later inquiry as to who would try to kill them) and taken by the guards. After saving Lavinia and her manor, the party went to Diamondback at the jail. There was an immediate mutual attraction between her and a party fighter. The member skilled in diplomacy convinced her to testify against Heldrath Kellani and assured her that the party would protect her. Though testifying didn't bring down the Kellani House (due to the red tape mentioned in the mag), after the fighter had paid Diamondback visits for weeks and they had fallen for each other, he convinced the rest of his party to drop the charges against her and she accompanied them on the Sea Wyvern, trying to make ammends.
After the mephit attack, that fighter (now Ship's Captain, as he was a whaler from the Azure district) had Sela (formerly Diamondback) investigate the ship for stowaways. Rowyn waited until she was alone and knocked her out. Then Rowyn disguised herself as Sela/Diamondback and got the fighter naked into the water before summoning a creature against him and disappearing. This of course set off another RP interaction because the party already barely trusted Sela. They found her unconscious and not wet at all, but are still suspicious.
2. The party rogue (Leah), a female from Shadowshore, is being pursued by Avner Meravanchi. Avner didn't immediately become unfriendly to the party because the captain gave up his quarters and allowed Thunderstrike on board. Lirith pursues Avner, as the richest person on the ship.
One day while the voyage is underway, Avner approaches Leah and starts to pretty much brag about how wealthy he is, trying to impress her. "One time my father hired a wizard and we all flew around the night sky over Sasserine..." etc.
Lirith is in her room and hears Avner going on about himself, so Lirith steps into the hall to see what's going on and starts to get jealous. Lirith, perhaps temporarily forgetting her own disguise, says, "Why do you care about impressing this piece of trash from Shadowshore? She obviously could care less about you. Avner, just look at her." This of course sets off the rogue.
Lirith addresses the rogue: "I don't speak to those of low birth or even lower means and character. By the way, one of my small blades has gone missing. Any idea where it might have gone, thief?" Avner tries to butt in but is ignored. "I don't know why anyone would trust you, I certainly don't. I've got my eye on you and for your sake, pray to the gods that is the only part of me that is ever on you."
At this point the rogue threatens Lirith's life and says she'll put a blade between her ribs any night she wants. Lirith goes and informs the captain about having her life threatened by one of his people and demands he take care of it.
3. The party rogue went to Lirith's bunk in the middle of the night and was messing with her by putting a couple copper pieces on Lirith's back as she slept. Lirith's bunkmate and friend, an older woman named Atyara, wakes up and demands to know what the rogue is doing there. The rogue stutters something out and leaves.
Atyara seems to have lost an item or two of her things, and Lirith takes the chance to accuse the rogue. Lirith takes it to the captain again and demands to know why he doesn't pay more attention to the thieves he's brought with him that are SUPPOSED to be guaranteeing her safe passage. "We all want to know why you don't keep a closer eye on your comrades, we're starting to think you put her up to stealing people's property! Ye might want to make sure she's not caught red-handed - you'll be held partly responsible for her actions, since you ain't stoppin em."
Atyara suspects the shady-looking Skald, and goes to the hold to accuse him. Some of the party members are there.
Skald says, "I'm sorry about your possessions Atyara, but I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." Atyara continues to accuse Skald, until he stops paying attention to her.
At this point the party, though they suspected Skald of the sabotage, took pains to calm Atyara and explain that people aren't always what they seem and you can't judge a book by its cover and so on, at which point she apologized.
4. After stopping at Fort Blackwell, the party picked up 3 chickens to eat later on in the voyage. After a couple days Avner demanded a chicken for himself and his men. The captain said he knows the chickens look good but... Avner cut him off and invited the captain to share his chicken with him, in his quarters. The captain was finally firm with Avner and said No!
Avner took this as an insult to his authority, so he said, "Do you know whom you address, sir?" and bucked up like he was going to draw his sword (without quite putting his hand on the hilt). The other party fighter had had enough (he perceived that Avner had threatened his friend the captain) and drew his greatsword at Avner and started yelling at him. Avner was doubly insulted that this lowborn scum would draw steel at him, and that the captain didn't immediately call his man off.
Avner drew steel back, as did his men. After standing there shouting insults back and forth, Avner slapped the fighter on the face with his glove and walked up to the deck. The fighter followed him up (as did the growing crowd). Avner was on deck addressing the ship's passengers, diplomacy skill hard at work, trying to convince them of how ridiculous it was that this guardian of theirs would draw steel on him and threaten his life, and that the captain would do nothing. He had also heard that the captain let his friend who was a thief steal from other passengers and threaten their lives. With a good roll he won over a lot of the crowd to grumbling.
The captain told the other fighter to stand down from the duel and go back to man the helm. The other fighter barely obeyed and forfeited the duel to Avner. Avner stomped to his captain's quarters and slammed the door.
This led the party face character to make the rounds with diplomacy trying to win back some of the masses, and the captain to ask the rogue character to sleep in the crow's nest so no one could accuse her anymore.
5. I also had fun with Amella and Urol. During a gruel breakfast, Urol going on and on about how the clouds make rain, Amella explodes at him. "I can't take any more of your gibberish, gnome! Leave me so I can eat my breakfast in peace!"
Urol: "I'm so sorry m'lady. Pardons, but I just get such a thrill to see the natural world at work. For example - "
Amella: "I can honestly say I don't give a good damn about that. Shut your little damnable mouth." She keeps cursing and he keeps trying to make amends, and failing, until the party separates the two and tries to calm them.
Thanks Mando for the work. If you would send to: candlepaladin at yahoo dotcom I would appreciate it.