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Hmm...a Slayer would also have fast healing...
Have you considered a PrC rather than a template? I could see a Slayer getting the power of the Luck domain at a certain level, improvement in fighting style, perhaps a greater proficiency with improvised weapons?
This is a cute idea, let's keep brainstorming!

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There's Slayer powers, and then there's Slayer training.
To see what the powers are, it's probably most useful to examine a character before and after she becomes a Slayer. In the TV show, we've got the examples of Buffy, Kendra (whom we don't see pre-Slayer), Faith (ditto), and the potentials in the final episode.
The powers might be a template (potentials who become slayers get stronger (+4 STR), hardier (+10 to any Healing check attempted on a Slayer), and more keenly aware of their surroundings (+2 on Fortitude and Reflex saves). They get an Exotic Weapon profiency with a particular double-weapon. Given the origin of the Slayer powers, I might add some fiendish flavor-text.
Slayer training depends on the particular mentor. I can imagine a Slayer Sword Sage/Crusader, or Ranger. I can imagine some Slayers taking the Assassin or Vigilante prestige class. (Have any Slayers ever learned any magic?)

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There's Slayer powers, and then there's Slayer training.
To see what the powers are, it's probably most useful to examine a character before and after she becomes a Slayer. In the TV show, we've got the examples of Buffy, Kendra (whom we don't see pre-Slayer), Faith (ditto), and the potentials in the final episode.
The powers might be a template (potentials who become slayers get stronger (+4 STR), hardier (+10 to any Healing check attempted on a Slayer), and more keenly aware of their surroundings (+2 on Fortitude and Reflex saves). They get an Exotic Weapon profiency with a particular double-weapon. Given the origin of the Slayer powers, I might add some fiendish flavor-text.
Slayer training depends on the particular mentor. I can imagine a Slayer Sword Sage/Crusader, or Ranger. I can imagine some Slayers taking the Assassin or Vigilante prestige class. (Have any Slayers ever learned any magic?)
Umm...Buffy did that one ritual that let her see through the illusion the monks set up regarding Dawn... I think Slayers tend to be more of the athletic type, but that's probably more based on what they were trained to do, rather than any actual lack of competence with magic.
Buffyverse magic in general seems to have more the feel of the Incantations optional rule presented in Unearthed Arcana.
I could see the Bloodhound PrC from Complete Adventurer being a good Slayeresque choice, too.

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I'd agree with Courtney!, I'd tend to go for a PrC over a template. Although the Potentials have, well, potential, they don't really have much or any Slayer powers till they start their training.
As well as the ideas already put forward I'd include something akin to a favoured enemy bonus (possibly as broad as against undead and evil outsiders, or as narrow as against vampires) and maybe some sort of "save or die" death attack type thing only usable against vampires.
There was a Sworn Slayer prestige class in an old Dragon issue which might give some inspiration, and a prestige class (Shadow Slayer?) in the Shadow Hunters d20 mini game in an old issue of Polyhedron (this may also be in the d20 Modern book?). That mini-game seemed very "Buffy" to me, and although I don't recall the particulars of the class it might give some ideas.

The Dalesman |

An older issue of Dragon Magazine (Issue #324, p.81)had a prestige class called the Sworn Slayer. It's a class entered into most easily after a few levels in Ranger - it takes the Favored Enemy concept and gives it a major boost. It may be more 'Van Helsing' than 'Buffy', but it might be worth checking out for ideas.
Hope that helps!
Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

RedRobe |

The Shadow Slayer PrC is in the (3.5) d20 Modern RPG book, starting on page 290. It's exactly what you're looking for.
This class may be a bit underpowered for D&D. D20 Modern is, on the whole, designed to be less powerful than regular D&D. You might be able to tweak it some to give it more oomph for your campaign. Also, all special abilities are against "Shadow creatures" which comprise all D&D races/creatures and non-Earthborn humans in that setting. You might want to limit the powers to only applying to evil outsiders, undead, and lycanthropes (and whatever other Buffy monsters you plan on using). Just curious, are you running a medieval Earth-type setting, or a D&D fantasy world?