Sea Wyvern's Wake - NPC roleplay stories

Savage Tide Adventure Path

My group is about to start The Sea Wyvern's Wake and I would love to hear all your NPC interaction stories for this adventure.

This one, in particular, just ooooooozes roleplay, and I am sure there are some great stories about how the PCs interacted with the NPCs on board, how you re-introduced Rowyn, if there were any "love interests", etc.

No one has some stories to tell about the trip south?

Scarab Sages

Disappointedly I was forced to expedite the Rowyn story because the party just knew they had a stowaway on board after the mephit incident. It was taking away from the potential story options and I wish I would have been less descriptive about the jar's appearance. Everyday they were detecting evil, seeing invisibility and detecting magic throughout the ship. She was able to evade for a while (stealing the mages silver dust component after he tried to see invisibility) but didn't succeed long after the Wyvern departed Fort Blackwell.

Liberty's Edge

I'm thinking 2 stowaways, so she can have a little more red herring cover.

Liberty's Edge

Heathansson wrote:
I'm thinking 2 stowaways, so she can have a little more red herring cover.

So do I !!

The illusionnist from the Taxidermist Hall escaped (they had tied him and had taken his spellbook, but he was untied by fleeing thieves), and he is very angry after the PCs (a spellbook is a very precious thing !), and since he was more or less employed by the DL guild, I guess Rowyn will hire him once more...

Liberty's Edge

Cool. An illusionist could really mess with a lot of superstitious sailors.

The rogue PC was, in theory, dating the elf wizard PC. But he spent the whole "dinner scene" flirting with Lavinia. It was fairly shameless, but I led him on a bit, without making any clear statements, using her insanely high Diplomacy mod. Anyway, when Rowyn decided to impersonate someone, it was Lavinia herself; the PC, full of himself, agreed to go skinny dipping with her, and ended up getting mauled by the summoned shark (no gear, etc.). Who should arrive at that point but the wizard PC?
Rogue: "HELP!!!"
Wizard: "Ummm, why are you swimming naked with that shark?"
Rogue: "It's not what you think!" (frantically avoids bite that would reduce him to -20 hp)...
Anyway, she saved him from the shark, but they ended up with an involved dialogue while I consulted with the other 2 PCs regarding the prestige classes they were thinking about for later on.

Scarab Sages

Avner met his match the first day joining the other passengers, when he angered the fighter PC. She is a very imposing charater carrying the greatsword over her shoulder (and a killer intimidate rank). As he was tormenting the other PC's with his primadona outbursts, she hollered from the ship's deck for him to be quiet. Being a cad, he told the woman of obvious lower station that she should heed her own words and get back into the galley.

Her eyes widened with rage and she leaped reckless down upon the docks to confront him face to face. Needless to say, he became sullen and listen to the PC's direction without further comment but has moved into the bitter and cantankerous ranks.

It's been really fun role playing this one out, especially when the water mephit starting attacking the group. Avner cheered loudly for the beasty to give those ninnies what they deserved. With horror he watched the fighter, rather intoxicated at the time, balance on the ship's rail and strike it critically with her great sword. It was hard to role play his back tracking without laughing.

Well, I'm in the middle of sidequests between BG and SWW, but my players have already assembled the crew for the Sea Wyvern.

In a previous post, I detailed how I changed Rowyn Kellani's role in the STAP a bit. She befriended the PCs' leader - a fellow noble - early in TINH, which made the big reveal at the end much more dramatic (phenomenal rolepalying session). She was captured and I had her escape imprisonment as suggested.

Rowyn will be showing up on the Sea Wyvern in SWW, but with a few twists:
First, I've actually had her disguise herself as Lirith Veldirose (I altered her backstory a bit and made it an alias of hers). She is currently having a romance with a party member to help cement her place in the group. Needless to say, when she reveals herself to the party this time, it will be most amusing... ;)

Second, she will not be seeking vengeance on the party. Because of the roleplaying confrontation that happened at the end of TINH, Rowyn will have a change of heart, and is willing to try things her friend's way (the PCs' leader) and see if she is right. The fact that they were leaving Sasserine just helps her get away from the hangman's noose waiting for her there, and give her a fresh start. She's still no angel, but the roleplaying opportunities of trying to help her walk a better path should be numerous!

Your Friendly Neighborhood Dalesman
"Bringing Big D**n Justice to the Bad Guys Since 1369 DR"

1. Diamondback (the battle dancer working under Heldrath Kellani that tried to assassinate the party during the festival) had her bleeding stopped by the party (for later inquiry as to who would try to kill them) and taken by the guards. After saving Lavinia and her manor, the party went to Diamondback at the jail. There was an immediate mutual attraction between her and a party fighter. The member skilled in diplomacy convinced her to testify against Heldrath Kellani and assured her that the party would protect her. Though testifying didn't bring down the Kellani House (due to the red tape mentioned in the mag), after the fighter had paid Diamondback visits for weeks and they had fallen for each other, he convinced the rest of his party to drop the charges against her and she accompanied them on the Sea Wyvern, trying to make ammends.

After the mephit attack, that fighter (now Ship's Captain, as he was a whaler from the Azure district) had Sela (formerly Diamondback) investigate the ship for stowaways. Rowyn waited until she was alone and knocked her out. Then Rowyn disguised herself as Sela/Diamondback and got the fighter naked into the water before summoning a creature against him and disappearing. This of course set off another RP interaction because the party already barely trusted Sela. They found her unconscious and not wet at all, but are still suspicious.

2. The party rogue (Leah), a female from Shadowshore, is being pursued by Avner Meravanchi. Avner didn't immediately become unfriendly to the party because the captain gave up his quarters and allowed Thunderstrike on board. Lirith pursues Avner, as the richest person on the ship.

One day while the voyage is underway, Avner approaches Leah and starts to pretty much brag about how wealthy he is, trying to impress her. "One time my father hired a wizard and we all flew around the night sky over Sasserine..." etc.

Lirith is in her room and hears Avner going on about himself, so Lirith steps into the hall to see what's going on and starts to get jealous. Lirith, perhaps temporarily forgetting her own disguise, says, "Why do you care about impressing this piece of trash from Shadowshore? She obviously could care less about you. Avner, just look at her." This of course sets off the rogue.

Lirith addresses the rogue: "I don't speak to those of low birth or even lower means and character. By the way, one of my small blades has gone missing. Any idea where it might have gone, thief?" Avner tries to butt in but is ignored. "I don't know why anyone would trust you, I certainly don't. I've got my eye on you and for your sake, pray to the gods that is the only part of me that is ever on you."

At this point the rogue threatens Lirith's life and says she'll put a blade between her ribs any night she wants. Lirith goes and informs the captain about having her life threatened by one of his people and demands he take care of it.

3. The party rogue went to Lirith's bunk in the middle of the night and was messing with her by putting a couple copper pieces on Lirith's back as she slept. Lirith's bunkmate and friend, an older woman named Atyara, wakes up and demands to know what the rogue is doing there. The rogue stutters something out and leaves.

Atyara seems to have lost an item or two of her things, and Lirith takes the chance to accuse the rogue. Lirith takes it to the captain again and demands to know why he doesn't pay more attention to the thieves he's brought with him that are SUPPOSED to be guaranteeing her safe passage. "We all want to know why you don't keep a closer eye on your comrades, we're starting to think you put her up to stealing people's property! Ye might want to make sure she's not caught red-handed - you'll be held partly responsible for her actions, since you ain't stoppin em."

Atyara suspects the shady-looking Skald, and goes to the hold to accuse him. Some of the party members are there.

Skald says, "I'm sorry about your possessions Atyara, but I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about." Atyara continues to accuse Skald, until he stops paying attention to her.

At this point the party, though they suspected Skald of the sabotage, took pains to calm Atyara and explain that people aren't always what they seem and you can't judge a book by its cover and so on, at which point she apologized.

4. After stopping at Fort Blackwell, the party picked up 3 chickens to eat later on in the voyage. After a couple days Avner demanded a chicken for himself and his men. The captain said he knows the chickens look good but... Avner cut him off and invited the captain to share his chicken with him, in his quarters. The captain was finally firm with Avner and said No!

Avner took this as an insult to his authority, so he said, "Do you know whom you address, sir?" and bucked up like he was going to draw his sword (without quite putting his hand on the hilt). The other party fighter had had enough (he perceived that Avner had threatened his friend the captain) and drew his greatsword at Avner and started yelling at him. Avner was doubly insulted that this lowborn scum would draw steel at him, and that the captain didn't immediately call his man off.

Avner drew steel back, as did his men. After standing there shouting insults back and forth, Avner slapped the fighter on the face with his glove and walked up to the deck. The fighter followed him up (as did the growing crowd). Avner was on deck addressing the ship's passengers, diplomacy skill hard at work, trying to convince them of how ridiculous it was that this guardian of theirs would draw steel on him and threaten his life, and that the captain would do nothing. He had also heard that the captain let his friend who was a thief steal from other passengers and threaten their lives. With a good roll he won over a lot of the crowd to grumbling.

The captain told the other fighter to stand down from the duel and go back to man the helm. The other fighter barely obeyed and forfeited the duel to Avner. Avner stomped to his captain's quarters and slammed the door.

This led the party face character to make the rounds with diplomacy trying to win back some of the masses, and the captain to ask the rogue character to sleep in the crow's nest so no one could accuse her anymore.

5. I also had fun with Amella and Urol. During a gruel breakfast, Urol going on and on about how the clouds make rain, Amella explodes at him. "I can't take any more of your gibberish, gnome! Leave me so I can eat my breakfast in peace!"

Urol: "I'm so sorry m'lady. Pardons, but I just get such a thrill to see the natural world at work. For example - "

Amella: "I can honestly say I don't give a good damn about that. Shut your little damnable mouth." She keeps cursing and he keeps trying to make amends, and failing, until the party separates the two and tries to calm them.

This is some great stuff! My players were only 2 days out of Sasserine before we had to quit gaming last session. I imagine that this next one will make for some great RP!

We did, however, have the encounter with Lavinia's celebratory dinner and the mephit.

Urol has become the most important NPC aboard the Wyvern. His knowledge of the Isle of Dread has the PC's talking to the gnome daily. During the first evening dinner on the Nixie, the PC's invited Urol to come along. After the sabotaged rope bridge nearly ended the Warforged Scout's night, Urol was immediately off the suspect list because of his close proximity to all the PC's when the rope was cut and the pickled mephit was placed. After Rowyn was dealt with right before the Blue Slaad event (she added a ton of suspense and adventure for all of the PC's), the PC's have newfound respect for Skald the Ranger.

The shrine was our last night of playing prior to this coming weekend, and our PC's gladly escorted the gnome on a treasure/artifact hunt. Great stories and a great adventure path so far! Looking forward to continuing this on Saturday.


Avner got dumped in the ocean by the sabotaged net-chair. He took it personally.

Avner: "It was an assassination attempt! Who would want to kill me?"
Roven (PC): "You're kind of annoying, actually. I hate to break it to you like this, but I've been thinking about killing you for a while."
Roven: "Show of hands -- who *isn't* thinking about killing Avner right now?"

Also one of the PCs is having a romance with the sorceress from the Jade Ravens. Rowyn impersonated her, charmed him on deck for the midnight swim, then stabbed him in the back and tried to push him overboard. He managed to catch himself, but she used hold person on another PC and *did* push him overboard. It was fun.

I posted this about a month ago, and wanted to add this to the thread. I've just finished SWW, it took eight nights of game play an over a month to get through, mainly because my NPC's were a pain in the @$$. Here is the post:

So at this point we are two sessions in on ‘Sea Wyvern’s Wake’ and my PC’s are going out of their minds with what I’ve done with the NPC’s. Starting with the first day I’ve had Avner throw a fit causing the captain (A PC) to throw her first mate (also a PC) out of his private cabin to give it to Avner. I’ve had Tavey brought on board having been purchased as a slave by an NPC that I’ve been running with the group since The first game, giving the little boy to the Captain as a gift. There has been the logistical problem of keeping a horse on board the ship. (The horse keeps getting loose because Instead of using the pickled Mephit, I made it the familiar of the assassin. I didn’t use Rowyn)> A day out to sea, the first mate decides it’s a good time to ask about ships weapons. (I gave the Sea Wyvern four guns, but had them stashed in the cargo hold behind all of the supplies and with almost no ammo.) They find out that Conrad is a mule for a blue slaad and deal with that rather well though they find out that Lirith has a massive supply of narcotics on her (This is my own little twist. One of the PC’s asked her if she had anything to knock Conrad out while they cut the slaad out. It made me giggle.) After the surgery they locked Conrad in a storage room, though no one seemed to know why when they thought about it.
Skald I had being part of the same magical experiments that is a back story for one of the PC’s. he tells her that the Vampire who had done the experiments on them had sent out hunters to find them, and he fled the city. He then promptly barricades himself into the Captain’s quarters and refused to come out.
This was just the first four days of sailing.
The next session begins with my NPC having a argument with Avner followed by the NPC throwing Avner overboard. The first mate (a wereshark) dives in after him and both are quickly left by the boat. The captain stops the ship, and the Wereshark decides to knock Avner out so he can change forms take Avner in his mouth and swim back to the ship. What ends up happening is that Avner is harder to knock out than the PC assumed, and a fist fight ensues in the water. Avner is knocked out six rounds later and is bruised and bleeding. The wereshark changes forms starts swimming toward the boat and Avner wakes up half way back to the ship and starts screaming. Once back on board he locks himself in his room with his servants and refuses to come out. Meanwhile Tavey has taken up stealing anything he can get his hands on in hope of buying his freedom, especially stealing from Avner because he looks like he has a lot of money.
Skip to the dinner with Lavinia, and the Mephit creates a distraction by letting the horse loose again, and then poisons all the food with sleep poison, giving the assassin time to cut a few throats before she was taken down.
In the course of dinner Tavey drugged Avner using the leftover narcotics that the team had from Conrad’s surgery, because the team knew that Avner would tell Lavinia about the whole beating and shark thing. While Avner was drugged, Tavey then proceeded to rob him blind, only to be caught by the first mate (Who Tavey has taken to as his protector).
At this point, the team hasn’t even gotten to point B on the map. My next plan is since no one has checked on Skald in a few days, when they do go looking for him, they will find he’s hung himself in the Captain’s quarters. The Pc’s have really been running, trying to do damage control. I love it.

I could fill six or seven pages with the hell I put my PC's through with the NPC's. Avner was killed 4 times before the PC's left him dead. Tavey was killed at the ruins, and everyone was so busy looting, they forgot to raise him from the dead and left him on the island only to have to row back and get him. Lirith my little junkie, lost her stash so the PC's had to deal with her in detox. Tavey ended up beating one of Avners servants to death with a broom handle due to some badly worded orders from the ships first mate. The Mephit I used as a familiar of a Lotus Dragon Assassin (Not Rowyn)who kept untying Avner's horse and then scaring it.One of the PC's became obsessed about eating the horse, and in the end did. This is all I can think of off the top of my head.

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