All I Want For Christmas...

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Dark Archive The Age Of Worms Adventure Path Hardcover. Please, Paizo, what do you need from us (the consumers) to help you (the publisher) make this thing happen? If there is any way that I may offer my humble services, just let me know.

Is there anything else gaming related that anybody out there would like to see made in the coming year?

kikai13 wrote: The Age Of Worms Adventure Path Hardcover. Please, Paizo, what do you need from us (the consumers) to help you (the publisher) make this thing happen? If there is any way that I may offer my humble services, just let me know.

Is there anything else gaming related that anybody out there would like to see made in the coming year?

I think it's more up to WoTC than Paizo.

All *I* want for Christmas is browseable archives. And another year of Paizo.

Oh, and my two front teeph.

Dark Archive

dungeonblaster wrote:
kikai13 wrote: The Age Of Worms Adventure Path Hardcover. Please, Paizo, what do you need from us (the consumers) to help you (the publisher) make this thing happen? If there is any way that I may offer my humble services, just let me know.

Is there anything else gaming related that anybody out there would like to see made in the coming year?

I think it's more up to WoTC than Paizo.

In that case, who at WOTC is not giving this project the green light and what is that person's e-mail? I would be happy to send them a "please okay this" letter.

Dark Archive

Now, I'm NOT a WotC-hater. I've supported them greatly over the past several years, buying a majority of the non-Forgotten Realms products they've produced, including mass amounts of miniatures.

However, the conspiracy-minded part of me takes a look at their product schedule for 2007, and can't help but feel the powers-that-be would be reluctant to greenlight an "Age of Worms" super-adventure when it'd be in competition with the "Expedition" hardcovers they're releasing this year. It's a shame; I don't at all regret purchasing "Expedition to Castle Ravenloft" and do plan to DM it for friends someday, but it's not nearly as engaging as "Age of Worms".

That ios the precise reason they haven't greenlighted a AoWAP Hardcover. Pazio adventures outsell WOTC adventures, hands down. WOTC wants people to buy the WOTC adventures, but if the AoWAP came out, people would be flocking out to get their paws on it.

I still question the need for an AOW hardcover. We have the magazines and they're still available, what more is needed? Sure, there's some minor things that could be cleaned up but there's plenty concerning that here on the forums (and anyone running AOW should definately look here first).

Don't we want Paizo spending its time working on creating new adventure paths rather than reworking what we already have?

Crazy Duck wrote:

I still question the need for an AOW hardcover. We have the magazines and they're still available, what more is needed? Sure, there's some minor things that could be cleaned up but there's plenty concerning that here on the forums (and anyone running AOW should definately look here first).

Don't we want Paizo spending its time working on creating new adventure paths rather than reworking what we already have?


We would much rather have the AoW Hardcover.
Myself, would give my firstborn to Paizo if they made it so I didn't have to lug all those magazines around all the time. Between the adventures in Dungeon and Wormfood in Dragon, I'm reaching my max capacity to carry around. A hardcover would be so convenient.
*Dreams of not sugarplums, but AoW hardcover for Christmas*

I went back and bought all the magazines for Age of Worms, and I would still like a hard cover for AoWs. Soon as I recover from my magazine spending spree, I will be getting the Shackled City Hardcover, and waiting for the Age of Worms one.

Crazy Duck wrote:

I still question the need for an AOW hardcover. We have the magazines and they're still available, what more is needed? Sure, there's some minor things that could be cleaned up but there's plenty concerning that here on the forums (and anyone running AOW should definately look here first).

Don't we want Paizo spending its time working on creating new adventure paths rather than reworking what we already have?

Good point. "Shackled City", as it appeared in the magazine issues, had a lot more typos and inconsistencies that needed fixing/cleaning up. Plus, the plot didn't flow as smoothly from one installment to the next. In one case, there was a pretty big jump in level - so in the hardcover a new adventure was inserted at that point. Also, the online PDFs weren't being posted back then, so DMs didn't have player's maps or handouts easily available.

When the SC hardcover came out, many people said, "but I already have the magazine issues - why buy what I've already got?"
The answer was that the hardcover added significant value, over and above the existing material. It made the total greater than the sum of the individual parts. It made it a better overall product.

As much as I love AoW - I don't think it suffers from as many of the same short-comings that SC did, so there is less value to be added, making it a harder sell. Having said that, I will still be the first one on my block to pre-order a copy if it ever goes on sale (more for nostalgia/collectiblity reasons).

As for the "WoTC fears competition" theory - I'm not sure I believe that. If people want to play AoW instead of - whatever - they can do so with the backissues. A HC would just be a nice convenience. I think most of the people wanting to buy an AoW hardcover are not new players who've never heard of it, but AoW campaign veterans who want it as a "souvenier". The adventures WoTC is putting out, like "Howling Hoard" and "Shattered Gates..." seem aimed at a totally different demographic: players new to the game, and/or DMs new to the game. The "nostalgia" adventures, like 'Ravenloft" and "Demonweb" will sell to old timers whether or not an AoW HC exists.

That's just my opinion, I could be wrong...

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