The SEVEN Word Game!!!!!

Forum Games

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Liberty's Edge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2012

a wooly mammoth from a mile away.

When he wasnt promoting all things oats,

he was secretly the best vampire slayer

Silver Crusade

who ever worked in Toledo. It was

Wilford who killed Dracula, Strahd, Lestat and

RPG Superstar 2012

all manner of sparkly vampires, thank goodness.

He then dug a silver mine in

Silver Crusade

his basement and slew the Twilight cast

. Nobody knew the truth behind the conspiracy

Scarab Sages

except for that creepy little old lady

Silver Crusade

from Poltergeist. What was her name? Anyway,

RPG Superstar 2012

she said, "Carol Anne, go into the

kitchen and bake me some pie!" She

refused to eat meat there. She'd seen

Silver Crusade

a documentary on cattle breeding and decided

Scarab Sages

that the combination of steriods and carbs

RPG Superstar 2012

caused a condition characterized by its uncontrollable

Silver Crusade

lactation of spinal fluid, and she wanted

none of that. She drank carrot juice

directly from a carrot as the others

Liberty's Edge

watched in awe of her talents. Then,

she farted like a buffalo on a

Scarab Sages

morphine drip, the stench so overwhelmingly powerful

that it tainted every morsel of food

at the Yule Feast, upsetting Odin and

Silver Crusade

Thor while they were trying to have

RPG Superstar 2012

a heart-to-heart discussion about Thor's future. Thor

scratched his nutsack with Mjolinor releasing a

few sparks and a bit of smoke.

Scarab Sages

"Don't do that." lectured Odin, "You could

Silver Crusade

go blind." But everyone knows that saying

Scarab Sages

"Don't do that." is the surest way

to interest Thor. Add the old lady

Scarab Sages

with her knitting into the mix, and

Odin also started getting interested. "Thor," he

said, "Have her knit me some wool

Scarab Sages

knee pads, for I feel the need

for speed and my skateboard is not

Scarab Sages

large enough to accomodate Loki and his

eight-legged son Sleipnir. That damn horse

Scarab Sages

was always running around and getting involved

in my business and I hate it!"

Silver Crusade

Thor replied, "What do I look like?

Some kind of knitter's agent? I'm THOR!"

Scarab Sages

Thunder rolled across the sky, and rain

clouds began to grow. "Not again," groaned

Scarab Sages

Loki. "Every time that nutsack gets upset,

one of my giant relatives gets his

undergarments into a bunch and comes looking

for trouble while riding on an ugly

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