Dragon #349

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

This is the best issue of Dragon IMO I've gotten in a while.
Everything looks useful to me. Everything.

I am especially enjoying the Ogre Mage article. It really got the cogs grinding.

I expect to grind out several new variant Ogre Magi.

The cereborg in particular caught my attention, not just because of the psionics, but also because of the added flavor of living "far to the north in castles carved from solid ice".

Adding that to the History section and making up some connections that led the descendants of that brother to the far north can lead to some fun surprises, maybe like an age-old rivalry between the two groups of ogre magi that the PCs can get caught in the middle of.

Good times.

Liberty's Edge

I think for a Savage Species campaign, it might be nice to do an island loosely based on feudal Japan, with the ogre maji replacing the samurai and noble castes, and humans as eta peasantry.
I think it would go over good for the "monster set" gaming genre.

Yeah. I totally agree with your opinions. I have not finished the magazine yet but this is the first issue in a while that I have total interest in every single article that I've laid my eyes on. Each article seems solidly written and researched. I love the Dagon article especially (although I haven't finished the web enhancement portion of The Horde article yet).

Best issue in a while! Great job guys.

My favourite part of the issue was Mr. Mona's response to the revelations regarding the Cosmos' status as the fifth element.

After that, the hot elven chicks. Green one was butch, but I'd totally mack the flowery one.

Cover was in an unusual artistic style. Dunno if I'm for or against.

Sadly, this issue did not provide anything which resulted in solid inspirations for characters. :/ Though the hordelands section did provide a LOT of campaign ideas. I didn't really read the Crimson Fleet bit or whatever it was.

I rate this issue as being worth 8 of the 11 dollars I paid.

I liked this issue, overall. The Class Acts were top-notch: my paladin players ate up some of those replacement class features. The barbarian ones tickle me too.

The bow guide is useful, though it is stuff I already have in previous sources. The utility is appreciated.

I play in Eberron, so FR articles do little for me. They have their place, of course, and the dzalmus is very cool, so no complaints here. I'll certainly be using that beastie.

The FFXII spread was met with a passing glance and skipped. I'm getting it next week anyway. :P

Ecology of the Ogre Mage was awesome. The art continues to please, and I find that the articles are great for inspiration when I'm creating encounters. This one is no exception, and this trend of including crunch (varient monsters and abilities, sample advanced and/or classed monsters, monster-specific feats, etc.) is much appreciated.

I'd give it an 8 out of 10.

Dark Archive Contributor

N1NJ4 wrote:
The Class Acts were top-notch: my paladin players ate up some of those replacement class features. The barbarian ones tickle me too.

I always like to hear this. Glad you enjoyed the Class Acts this time around. I'll continue to strive to make them excellent every month. :)

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