The Five Word Game!

Forum Games

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the sins of the father

it was a hypnotic pheromone

Made of the urine from

goblin sharks that had been

Liberty's Edge

bereft of friends for a

five year period. It Smelled

so bad, insects dropped dead

Grand Lodge

and skunks fled in panic,

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

leaving only unwashed hippies to

fall in love with you.

"Your politics are, like, uncool",

the office ninja said when

Quinn the Eskimo gets here

everybodie's gonna jump for joy.

Grand Lodge

And that's cool." However, nobody

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

knows what Quinn looks like

cause there aren't any eskimos

Grand Lodge

to draw his picture or

at least, none alive. Quinn

was a wanted man in

Horton "Halfhobbit" Hangnail's farm because

of some films he made

involving Smuckers Strawberry Preserves and

eau d'Rove he tested on

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

kobold fetuses. This testing was

frowned on by clerics of

Iuz, Zuggtmoy and Demogorgon. The

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

priests of St. Cuthbert and

Pelor didn't have much problem

Grand Lodge

with despoiling kobold corpses; instead,

they gutted them and stuffed

their gizzards with potpourri and

sold them on QVC for

Grand Lodge

an outrageous sum. In return,

kobolds everywhere swore to make

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

latex duplicates of themselves to

get in the carpool lane.

Traffic in Seattle was already

beyond the ken of mortals

Grand Lodge

, as it was managed by

Hasbro, although nobody knew this.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

As rush hour rapidly approached,

all major freeways were canceled.

Instead, commuters rode spider eaters

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

and headed home before the

end of all things. Clouds

of smoke covered the valley

,and people couldn't see the

sun exploding in a ball

of fire and energy. Blackness

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