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Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Is it the latest fashion to talk in impossible accents on this thread?

Hmmmm eva note-ice thit ya look like an al-e-gator?

Don't blame me. It was like this when I got to it. Gets fun after the first bit.

Yes I have, now permit me to destroy the witnesses.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:

Yes I have, now permit me to destroy the witnesses.


You say zap, I say...


Nothing important. Carry on.

Brains...wait why did i not get a fort save?

(omnipresent DM respons)
"Because i said so."

Well, yuh see sonnie, back in my day we hads ourselves a grand ol' accent. Plus, we gotses Fortitude saves, and there was still nine planits.

Fasssion; FASS on you saith thar nah; hunh; Har be alz you need ta know about fassion; now lookey har nah;

Lets say; fassion youze a Nightmare k

4 parts gin
2 parts Maderia
2 parts cherry brandy
some orange juice fer color

combine wit cracke parts o ice elemental; git yous a girly with nice jublies ta shake it all up n down lak; pour n drink; kiss da girl. Share wit yer friendlies er use it ta make some friendlies.

youse needz mOr fassion I kin teach yas howda fassion youz all a Zombie or a Leprachaun.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Thankee kindly fer the recipee, VG. But Ah'll stik ta muh PBR.

<opens six pack>
<passes around>

<= plays a trick on Larry and makes his beer can everfull :)
<= takes a PBR and shotguns it, passes around da whiskey bottle fer a chaser.

thanky much

Ah dun heer dat dem kohbalts make good boots, jes lahk alleygatters.

But it takes more kohbalts to make one boot cuzza dere sahz.

Liberty's Edge


Hey, now Cthullu's here...

Scarab Sages


Liberty's Edge

Haw wuz thet nap, feller?

Silver Crusade

Whut's goin' on roun' here?

You have no idea how often I've asked myself that question...

Say. I think I made 1,000 posts. At last.
*Waits for shock to pass*
I can't believe it!!! AT LAST!!! I MADE IT!!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

Liberty's Edge

Celestial Healer wrote:
Whut's goin' on roun' here?

Thar's kits all up in yorr lawn...theh invoker squattin' rights.

hold on a sec...
hey you kids!!! Get the hell out of my yard!!! Yeah you!
okay, I'm back.

Liberty's Edge


They are probably hippie kids.

Dang kids...

Liberty's Edge

ayyup. hippie coblads.

Don't make me sacrifice you to Glittergold.

Liberty's Edge

Hay don't cotton tuh no sackerfising.

He doesn't?
*Turns to victims on alter*
Maybe I've misunderstood something in my god's dogma...


Garjen Soulhammer wrote:

Ah dun heer dat dem kohbalts make good boots, jes lahk alleygatters.

But it takes more kohbalts to make one boot cuzza dere sahz.

Alright, just startin' to translate this.

'I hear that kobolds make good...'

Liberty's Edge


Excuse me while I kill and stuff a certain werepoodle.

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge


hold on a sec...
hey you kids!!! Get the hell out of my yard!!! Yeah you!
okay, I'm back.

Liberty's Edge

ayup. Theh gotcher garden gnome--Garl, er wutnot.

Kobold Cleaver wrote:
Garjen Soulhammer wrote:

Ah dun heer dat dem kohbalts make good boots, jes lahk alleygatters.

But it takes more kohbalts to make one boot cuzza dere sahz.

Alright, just startin' to translate this.

'I hear that kobolds make good...'

They might make good hats too.

Scarab Sages

Meruh Chrismuss fellers, from yer ol Uncle Zombeh!

Merry Christmass indeed...Merry Christmass indeedy... :]

Merreh Christmas, alla ya' gals an' fellers. Mosta ya'll dusserv it.

Lessen yer a hippeh.

I have at last returned to haunt you all!!!!! Bwahahahahahaha!!!!!

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Merreh Chrissmas!

Summun tell dat kolblat feller thet Chrissmas ain't no hauntin' hollerday.

<take sip from everful PBR can>

Thanks, VG!

Liberty's Edge


Liberty's Edge

New Yurr moomshine.

Liberty's Edge


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative


Liberty's Edge


walnaw; weez gitten allreedy fer a snooze yar celabratin; blackeyed peas n cornbread fer all.

Liberty's Edge



Liberty's Edge


Kill da wabbit!

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