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I was out in cow pasture taking a, um..erm.., looking for something I dropped and came across this red and white mushroom circle. The circle was full of little blue insects with white heads and legs of some kind. Anyway I stomped on all of the insects and made the mushrooms into a Garlic mushroom soup. Anybody want some, goes good with PBR?

Kobold Catgirl |

I was out in cow pasture taking a, um..erm.., looking for something I dropped and came across this red and white mushroom circle. The circle was full of little blue insects with white heads and legs of some kind. Anyway I stomped on all of the insects and made the mushrooms into a Garlic mushroom soup. Anybody want some, goes good with PBR?
Sure. I don't suppose you saved any of the blue bugs?

The Witch Hunter General |

adjusting bulette steaks
If anyone likes their landshark rare, they'd better come and get it now....
And would someone please deal with any 'rare and endangered species' busybodies that show up in the next half dozen posts? The bulette should be unrecognisable after that. You would not believe the official hassle that those species officials give you over devilled Tarrasque eggs, claiming that the thing is so rare that it ought to be allowed to hermaphroditically reproduce itself...

The Witch Hunter General |

adjusting bulette steaks
If anyone likes their landshark rare, they'd better come and get it now....
And would someone please deal with any 'rare and endangered species' busybodies that show up in the next half dozen posts? The bulette should be unrecognisable after that. You would not believe the official hassle that those species officials give you over devilled Tarrasque eggs, claiming that the thing is so rare that it ought to be allowed to hermaphroditically reproduce itself...
Hmmm. I seem to be the victim of some PMG humour... Or perhaps it's just te smoke. Did you put anything 'herbal' on this barbecue, Mammy?
Anyway, landshark steaks are served, well and truly charcoaled.
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adjusting bulette steaks
If anyone likes their landshark rare, they'd better come and get it now....
And would someone please deal with any 'rare and endangered species' busybodies that show up in the next half dozen posts? The bulette should be unrecognisable after that. You would not believe the official hassle that those species officials give you over devilled Tarrasque eggs, claiming that the thing is so rare that it ought to be allowed to hermaphroditically reproduce itself...
If ya can't eat em join em. Ayup.

Big Mammy Grillz |

Big Mammy shakes her head again.
"Evertime I look 'round sometin' weird happinin' round heah."
Looks at the three-headed hippeh
"Ghidorah, yew make that soup wif' them mushrooms what yew find in the cowflops? That an' the lil' blue critter's guts mixed up together done messed up my, whatchacall it, perspectaves."
Shakes her large novelty beer mug more violently
"Dagnabbit! Cain't a lady get a refill on this sorry porch?"