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Bring me some a them fancy shells Froggy! If'n I caint have shark liver than hippeh stew is the next bestest thang!

Still aiming at the badly-drawn cartoon shark in his dune buggy

*click* *click*


Ubermench wrote:
Hippie bane, isn't that made from the slime trails left behind at the Republican convention?

Naw hippeh bane is made a' soap, ground up Slayer CDs and job applications!

Scarab Sages

Job applications!!!

*runs for cover*

*Drops bomb*
*Flees to other thread*

Now whut that scaly kowbowld critter drop naow?

Bends down, picks up bomb. Licks fingers with an disturbingly large tongue and douses the bomb's fuse with saliva.

"Stoopid kowbowld hippeh."

Big Mammy Grillz wrote:

Now whut that scaly kowbowld critter drop naow?

Bends down, picks up bomb. Licks fingers with an disturbingly large tongue and douses the bomb's fuse with saliva.

"Stoopid kowbowld hippeh."

Did he not leave two in?

...aw sh*t.

Scarab Sages

Big Mammy Grillz wrote:
Naw hippeh bane is made a' soap, ground up Slayer CDs and job applications!

Ah heard them radikul aktuhvist folk don't lahk job appluhkaeshuns.


Scarab Sages

Aberzombie wrote:
Big Mammy Grillz wrote:
Naw hippeh bane is made a' soap, ground up Slayer CDs and job applications!
Ah heard them radikul aktuhvist folk don't lahk job appluhkaeshuns.

It burns! It burns us! It freezes! Takes it aways from us!

Scarab Sages

Goddang hippeh.

Ees eet safe to come out? Oui?

Ehhh ... Non

*click* *click*


Big Mammy Grillz wrote:

Ehhh ... Non

*click* *click*


Sacre bleu! Un skunk de pew!

Dang cajun hippehs and their bayoo tawk. Caint hardly unnerstan 'em.

*click* *click*


Scarab Sages

Thet shur ain't no cajun Mammy! Cajun's is alraht fellers, not no hippehs. Ah'm thinkin thet chef feller is one uh them Yuropeeun hippehs. They's alwuz cauzin trouble!


Scarab Sages

Ka'BOOM'bayah ya'll, here's something ta help ya push up the daisies.

*Tosses seed bomb at Big Mammy and her little frog too.*

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so.

Durn Ewwropeein' hippehs allus trowin' these here bombs. Lahk they wuz all anarchrists or somethin'.

Tosses seed bomb off the porch, accidentally blowing up a nearby '73 El Camino on cinderblocks in the front yard


Scarab Sages

My cunning hippie plan worked, one more gas guzler off road, forever....BwaHaHaHa.

Shucks Ghidorah, That there El Camino's been off the road since ol Peanut Head wuz the prezident. Durn hippeh.

Scarab Sages

I like peanuts. *Big Smile*

Liberty's Edge

I aint mad.


Scarab Sages


I like peanuts. *Huge grin*

Scarab Sages

…see the whole thing is a world full of rucksack wanderers, Dharma Bums refusing to subscribe to the general demand that they consume production and therefore have to work for the privilege of consuming, all that crap they didn't really want anyway such as refrigerators, TV sets, cars,…and general junk you finally always see a week later in the garbage anyway, all of them imprisoned in a system of work, produce, consume, work, produce, consume, I see a vision of a great rucksack revolution thousands or even millions of young Americans wandering around with rucksacks, going up to mountains to pray, making children laugh and old men glad, making young girls happy and old girls happier, all of 'em Zen Lunatics who go about writing poems that happen to appear in their heads for no reason and also by being kind and also by strange unexpected acts keep giving visions of eternal freedom to everybody and to all living creatures.
Jack Kerouac

Aberzombie wrote:
Thet shur ain't no cajun Mammy! Cajun's is alraht fellers, not no hippehs. Ah'm thinkin thet chef feller is one uh them Yuropeeun hippehs. They's alwuz cauzin trouble!

I am so zhe Cajon! I like eating zhe nutria rats and aleegators. I also leeve een a trailer park on zhe swamp, no? Tres cajon!

Big Mammy looks at Le French Chef

"If'n yew wanna stick around why don't yew git crackin' on some party snacks Frenchie. Make a big mess a mudbugs and jumbalayah if'n yew is 'tres cajon'."

Big Mammy frowns at the three-headed hippy

"Ghidorah yew better skedaddle afore the lich and the zombie come on back from the PBR keg. Nothin' they loves better than hippeh brains for a snack."

Big Mammy looks over at the warwoof

"Sorry 'bout yer 'project race car' there wolfie"

Scarab Sages

Dear me, is this thread still not in the OT forums?

Scarab Sages

You've seen Big Mammy, It'll a couple of semis to move her.

Scarab Sages

Ah'm purty shore ain't nobuddy gonna move this heer thread nowhar. Its one uh them, watchamacallits, truhdishuns. Evybuddy lahks us ceptin mebbe them hippehs, but theys uh bunch uh commies enyhow.

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games

Commies 'n' hippehs??? We dun bin invaded!

*grabs hippeh bane shot*

*fires at 3 headed hippeh*



*fires at imitashun cajun*



*Drinks PBR*

Me is overlooded wid crazy hillbilly talk...can...hardly...follow....

*spiraling eyes*

Dark Archive


Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games


*passes Froggeh a PBR*

Scarab Sages

Don't drink it! It's a trap!

Larry Lichman wrote:

*fires at imitashun cajun*


Non! Do not shoot at mon frere, Aberzombee!

*Drinks PBR, even thou he has no clue what the heck is a PBR...*


Paizo Employee Director of Sales

Butterfrog wrote:

*Drinks PBR, even thou he has no clue what the heck is a PBR...*



Cosmo wrote:

Yummi! Now froggy wuntz mor!


Scarab Sages

Le French Chef! wrote:
Larry Lichman wrote:

*fires at imitashun cajun*


Non! Do not shoot at mon frere, Aberzombee!

Ah ain't shootin at ya Frenchie (least ways not yet). Thet's Larry. Cain't blame im tho, ya are uh dang hippeh.

Scarab Sages

Gentleman! Behold! Teh internets!

Scarab Sages

Ah reckon so

Dark Archive Owner - Johnny Scott Comics and Games



Doggone Gary aint evin lettin me cuss. Worsn bein over tuh Aint Sadie's.

Looks like we got the accent.

I was called here due to suspicious activity. Please present said suspicious acitvity, and let me deal with it. Of course, you could also take your time with it, cause I get paid by the hour.

EDIT: What have you done to me KC?


Scarab Sages

*sneaks up behind Litchman and shakes up his PBR's and slinks away*

heh..heh..heh.. Dang hillbilly, that'll teach him not to feed PBR's to frogs on the endangered animal list.

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