Stirges that can challenge 14th level characters?


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I am running a campaign where I'd really love to run over my players with a really low level critter- the lowly stirge. I have 3 players, 14th level.
I have tried giving the stirge the "ghost brute" template and the "evolved undead(X10)" template from the Liber Mortis. Does anyone have any other cool ideas to make the stirge a challenge for my players? And yes, I am set on the stirge- there are reasons.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative


Scarab Sages

Eternity wrote:

I am running a campaign where I'd really love to run over my players with a really low level critter- the lowly stirge. I have 3 players, 14th level.

I have tried giving the stirge the "ghost brute" template and the "evolved undead(X10)" template from the Liber Mortis. Does anyone have any other cool ideas to make the stirge a challenge for my players? And yes, I am set on the stirge- there are reasons.

You could simply apply the paragon template from the Epic Level Handbook. I believe that adds +10 (give or take) to the CR and you could advance it some with Hit Dice from there.

Daigle wrote:

I want it to be a bit more grand... but that does bear thought!

Daigle wrote:

Definitely a swarm.

You could use a swarm of 'Advanced Fiendish Stirges' - that might get you up to at least a CR7 or 8...perhaps throw a leader into the encounter that will add into the CR?


Bill Hendricks wrote:

You could simply apply the paragon template from the Epic Level Handbook. I believe that adds +10 (give or take) to the CR and you could advance it some with Hit Dice from there.

I will pull out my ELHB and look into that. Thanks for the idea!

Marc Chin wrote:
Daigle wrote:

Definitely a swarm.

You could use a swarm of 'Advanced Fiendish Stirges' - that might get you up to at least a CR7 or 8...perhaps throw a leader into the encounter that will add into the CR?


Yes... and the one with the ghost brute and evolved undead templates would be great as the leader... or the paragon- I'm still looking that up.

Eternity wrote:
Bill Hendricks wrote:

You could simply apply the paragon template from the Epic Level Handbook. I believe that adds +10 (give or take) to the CR and you could advance it some with Hit Dice from there.
I will pull out my ELHB and look into that. Thanks for the idea!

I have looked that over and I love it! An epic level stirge! LOL! Thanks Bill!

And to back him up, a swarm.... Hehehehehe.

Thanks everybody!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Advanced Umbral Fiendish Stirge Swarm.......Mmmm Mmmmm.

Add it to the Stat Block bank when you're done with your Stirgy monstrosities.

Scarab Sages

Eternity wrote:
Bill Hendricks wrote:

You could simply apply the paragon template from the Epic Level Handbook. I believe that adds +10 (give or take) to the CR and you could advance it some with Hit Dice from there.
I will pull out my ELHB and look into that. Thanks for the idea!

I am checking it out now -- you might want to tone it down a bit --

It would only have 29 hit points, but it would have an AC of 52 (plus or minus). It would also have DR 10/Epic. Topped with Fast Healing 20 and Spell Resistance 28, it could really make a mess of the group fast (and I didn't include a lot of the extra features). Per the book it would be an 18 or 19 CR, but with a 52 AC I would probably put it higher.

Lilith wrote:
Add it to the Stat Block bank when you're done with your Stirgy monstrosities.

I am not familiar with the bank. But I will look into it. These stirges will deserve to be remembered and used again!

Bill Hendricks wrote:

I am checking it out now -- you might want to tone it down a bit --

It would only have 29 hit points, but it would have an AC of 52 (plus or minus). It would also have DR 10/Epic. Topped with Fast Healing 20 and Spell Resistance 28, it could really make a mess of the group fast (and I didn't include a lot of the extra features). Per the book it would be an 18 or 19 CR, but with a 52 AC I would probably put it higher.

Yes, you are quite correct. But I am still gleefully rubbing my hands together at the thought of a stirge that can challenge this party!

Daigle wrote:
Advanced Umbral Fiendish Stirge Swarm.......Mmmm Mmmmm.

Yes, that is good...

Or maybe an incorporeal Advanced Umbral Fiendish stirge swarm? I think I read somewhere that you can get like 24 of them in to attack when they're incorporeal.

DAMN I love it when DMs collude :-D

Please put those in the Stat Block Bank - I can throw ONE at my Evil party that's CR17...


Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Eternity wrote:
Daigle wrote:
Advanced Umbral Fiendish Stirge Swarm.......Mmmm Mmmmm.

Yes, that is good...

Or maybe an incorporeal Advanced Umbral Fiendish stirge swarm? I think I read somewhere that you can get like 24 of them in to attack when they're incorporeal.

Wouldn't matter because swarms don't attack in a conventional hit/miss situation. They always deal damage to critters in their 'area of effect' either at the start of their turn or the start of the unfortunate critter's turn. Which is kinda like being attacked by 24 of 'em I guess.

I added the umbral template to make them harder to see and to have the capability to drain both Con and Str. Be wary of your fire chunking wizard though or swarms don't last long.

Liberty's Edge

Is a tauric creature with the head of a stirge and the body of a wyvern out of the question?

Daigle wrote:

Wouldn't matter because swarms don't attack in a conventional hit/miss situation. They always deal damage to critters in their 'area of effect' either at the start of their turn or the start of the unfortunate critter's turn. Which is kinda like being attacked by 24 of 'em I guess.

I added the umbral template to make them harder to see and to have the capability to drain both Con and Str. Be wary of your fire chunking wizard though or swarms don't last long.

Right, but if it weren't a swarm, just a lot of them, it would work.

Oh, they don't have a wizard, lol. A cleric, an archer, and a rogue.

Heathansson wrote:
Is a tauric creature with the head of a stirge and the body of a wyvern out of the question?

Yep. It has to be a stirge.

Marc Chin wrote:

DAMN I love it when DMs collude :-D

Please put those in the Stat Block Bank - I can throw ONE at my Evil party that's CR17...


Me too!

I will, as soon as I get it drawn up. It may be tomorrow though.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Basic Stirge Swarm submitted to the bank. Next step...templated stirge swarms.

Daigle wrote:
Basic Stirge Swarm submitted to the bank. Next step...templated stirge swarms.


How about the much-overused half-dragon template?

A half-dragon stirge would be amazing.

How about making it GARGANTUAN?... The grand daddy of all stirges!!


The progenitor stirge, from which all other stirges descend! An ancient threat, created by Obox-ob, Lord of Vermin!

Grand Lodge

Lilith wrote:
The progenitor stirge, from which all other stirges descend! An ancient threat, created by Obox-ob, Lord of Vermin!

A fiendish kaiju stirge, then, like the carrion crawler in "Kings of the rift"? There was an article about kaiju-izing monsters in Dragon a few years ago, I seem to recall...


Behemoth3 Games has a series of cool books called "Masters and Minions" which offers stats for all different variations on a single monster...they have a stirge one and it is killa!

Vattnisse wrote:
Lilith wrote:
The progenitor stirge, from which all other stirges descend! An ancient threat, created by Obox-ob, Lord of Vermin!
A fiendish kaiju stirge, then, like the carrion crawler in "Kings of the rift"? There was an article about kaiju-izing monsters in Dragon a few years ago, I seem to recall...

A kaiju stirge? For some reason, images of Mothra come to mind. (Not that it's a bad thing...I love kaiju monsters! Rawr! Kaiju stomp!)

And the Dragon issue in question is #289. :)

Lilith wrote:

A kaiju stirge? For some reason, images of Mothra come to mind. (Not that it's a bad thing...I love kaiju monsters! Rawr! Kaiju stomp!)

And the Dragon issue in question is #289. :)

"Mosura! Mosura! Mosura!" (to quote the worshipful natives in the original Japanese movie).

But how does a Mothra-sized stirge suck blood out of anything smaller than a cloud giant? The tip of its beak is bigger than a human's aorta, kind of makes it hard to tap into a vein.

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:
But how does a Mothra-sized stirge suck blood out of anything smaller than a cloud giant?

We're hors d'oeuvres to him...kinda like a sampler platter...

"Have you tried this elf? It's a fantastic year!"

"No, too thin for me, I prefer a more robust dwarf!"

Scarab Sages

Lilith wrote:

We're hors d'oeuvres to him...kinda like a sampler platter...

Hello Lilith -- I have put into the stat block a number of stirges based on this post -- a couple of different paragon stirges, a half dragon stirge and a titanic stirge. Hope that you like them...

I will try and work on the Kaiju Stirge tomorrow -- I don't have my Dragon issue with me right now.


Have the stirges attack when the party is in an enclosed area. PCs swinging swords will have to watch out for eachother.

Have holes in the walls large enough for the stirges to enter and exit but no larger. Have the floor covered with 18 inches of mud to cause severe penalties to movement, dexterity and AC.

Or have the stirges attack while the PCs are climbing the side of a mountain, or standing on a wobbly, wooden bridge that is wide enough for them to walk in single file only.

Give the PCs something like a magical bomb to worry about at the time. Instead of exploding, it will summons a nasty outsider or burst into a cloud of poisonous gas. (For enclosed spaces only)

Have the stirges attack while the PCs fight corporeal undead. The stirges will not bother with the bloodless corpses but will use them for cover and concealment.

Finally, "Stirges on a Plane".

- sorry about that last one.

Grand Lodge

Peruhain of Brithondy wrote:
Lilith wrote:

A kaiju stirge? For some reason, images of Mothra come to mind. (Not that it's a bad thing...I love kaiju monsters! Rawr! Kaiju stomp!)

"Mosura! Mosura! Mosura!" (to quote the worshipful natives in the original Japanese movie).

But how does a Mothra-sized stirge suck blood out of anything smaller than a cloud giant? The tip of its beak is bigger than a human's aorta, kind of makes it hard to tap into a vein.

Ummm... I guess it wouldn't care much for precision draining anymore. Instead, when the giga-stirge inserts its drainer, it just empties out the whole body part, slurping up bones, gristle and everything else. Think of it as less of a needle and more like a souped-up vaccum cleaner. Or as very inconsiderate and indiscriminate liposuction ("Doctor Mothra is ready for you now").

Ohh I got it! advanced fiendish swarm of half vampire Paragon stirges!!!

CR 30 up?
add 5 lvls of frenzied berserkers and myrid

CR 40 up?
umbral, anarchic, half red dragon

CR 50 up?
Make em all titanic...

I know it breaks half the rules but still! It is pretty cool.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Bill Lumberg wrote:

Have the stirges attack when the party is in an enclosed area. PCs swinging swords will have to watch out for eachother.

Have holes in the walls large enough for the stirges to enter and exit but no larger. Have the floor covered with 18 inches of mud to cause severe penalties to movement, dexterity and AC.

Or have the stirges attack while the PCs are climbing the side of a mountain, or standing on a wobbly, wooden bridge that is wide enough for them to walk in single file only.

God I love environmental factors. That plus a swarm equals PC toast.

5 to ten waves of 50 stirge is enough to cause massive problems for any group. They are not a sward, but 50 independant attacks per round.

Ok, I've also added my paragon stirge to the stat block for approval.

Scarab Sages

Bill Hendricks wrote:
Lilith wrote:

We're hors d'oeuvres to him...kinda like a sampler platter...
I will try and work on the Kaiju Stirge tomorrow

It's the flight of the stirges -- I have done a couple of different Kaiju stirges, a couple of pseudonatural stirges, a fiendish stirge and a half-chaos dragon stirge.

There must be a stirge for all occasions -- I will see what else I can come up with.

The Exchange

Wow! Cool! OOOoo, can you guys do gricks next?!? *clapping hands like a giddy school-girl*



Ouch! These striges are horrendous. Can't wait to use the CR 16 critter on my group rubbing hands together and grinning evilly

Scarab Sages

Fake Healer wrote:

Wow! Cool! OOOoo, can you guys do gricks next?!? *clapping hands like a giddy school-girl*


(Not sure about the visual...)

Kaiju Grick waiting for approval from the stat block goddess...

Scarab Sages

Steve Greer wrote:
Can't wait to use the CR 16 ...

Be careful with this one. This was Eternity's Stirge. Don't know if I agree with the CR (AC 51, SR 40, DR 20/epic, fast healing 20 -- seems a bit much for a CR 16 creature).

CRs are really difficult to place on epic creatures -- especially on something like a paragon stirge. VERY high AC, decent SR, not necessarily devastating damage potential, really nice spell-like abilities, low hit points for a CR of this level, etc. One or two of these may not seem like much of a fight (and they will probably "fill up" and leave anyway) while 5 or 6 and you could potentially have a TPK even with 20th level characters. You have been warned...

Grand Lodge

Bill Hendricks wrote:

Kaiju Grick waiting for approval from the stat block goddess...

Nice! What will the mad scientists think of next?

This might not be a possible variant, but how 'bout a kaiju black pudding? That should put some proper respect into cocky PCs, don't you think?

Or (*shudder*) a kaiju rust monster? Bwahahaha!

Fake Healer wrote:

Wow! Cool! OOOoo, can you guys do gricks next?!? *clapping hands like a giddy school-girl*


See, here's the giddy school girl...

The kaiju are here! The kaiju are here!


Bill Hendricks wrote:
Steve Greer wrote:
Can't wait to use the CR 16 ...

Be careful with this one. This was Eternity's Stirge. Don't know if I agree with the CR (AC 51, SR 40, DR 20/epic, fast healing 20 -- seems a bit much for a CR 16 creature).

CRs are really difficult to place on epic creatures -- especially on something like a paragon stirge. VERY high AC, decent SR, not necessarily devastating damage potential, really nice spell-like abilities, low hit points for a CR of this level, etc. One or two of these may not seem like much of a fight (and they will probably "fill up" and leave anyway) while 5 or 6 and you could potentially have a TPK even with 20th level characters. You have been warned...

Very correct, sir. I believe the one I was looking at had the correct DR/epic and other up to date 3.5 mechanics. Moff Riffer's, I believe, but I'll definitely use it with caution.

Edit: Yes, you're right. That was one of Eternity's taken strictly as written from the ELH. I'll do my own tweaking to get it up to snuff. The DR and SR will be tough to get around. However, my players are very tricky. They love foiling me by choosing spells that don't allow SR. I imagine I'll probably make one person's evening miserable briefly until it becomes gooey, crispified, and obliterated.

Vattnisse wrote:
Think of it as less of a needle and more like a souped-up vaccum cleaner. Or as very inconsiderate and indiscriminate liposuction ("Doctor Mothra is ready for you now").


Sorry to be a bit dense, but coming "late to the game" I need guidance to the stat block bank.

Now...who's willin' tae hold an ol' dwarf's hand, eh?

Scarab Sages

Garjen Soulhammer wrote:

Sorry to be a bit dense, but coming "late to the game" I need guidance to the stat block bank.

Now...who's willin' tae hold an ol' dwarf's hand, eh?

A number of people here have contributed ideas and stat blocks, etc. to make this happen, but much of the credit should go to Lilith who has really done a lot of the grunt work. (Don't you hear all that grunting in the background?)

The place to start is here -->

From there you get approved to make submissions, but I believe that you can still browse without being a submitter.

Good luck.


Scarab Sages

Vattnisse wrote:
how 'bout a kaiju black pudding?

Somebody wants to take their players down a couple notches, eh?

Kaiju Black Pudding in and awaiting approval. Have fun with it...

Eternity wrote:

I am running a campaign where I'd really love to run over my players with a really low level critter- the lowly stirge. I have 3 players, 14th level.

I have tried giving the stirge the "ghost brute" template and the "evolved undead(X10)" template from the Liber Mortis. Does anyone have any other cool ideas to make the stirge a challenge for my players? And yes, I am set on the stirge- there are reasons.

Having read many of the other ideas, here are a couple to use without having to go "Epic".

* Make them the "pets" of an evil druid or perhaps the swarm leader could be awakened, that via some ritual made them able aquire traits of cratures that they siphon blood from, for example let us say they may have gained the regneration of a Troll, adn also fed from the veins of both black and dragons as well.

* A swarm of Stirges that are the offspring of a symbiote that was attached to a Rust Monster, and they inherited it's rust based abilities. It won't raise the CR by much they'll be a nasty challenge, that won't get them much Xp. ;;D

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