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Okay, part of your problem might be that 'the Ultimates' and all 'Ultimate [Spidey, X-men, FF, etc.] are not part of the mainstream Marvel universe. They are a complete retooling of the Marvel Universe and have no bearing on what's going on in the Civil War storyline.
Is should go without saying that there are SPOILERS APLENTY!!
In the mainstream universe, the Civil War has started...following an accident where the New Warriors 'caused' an explosion near a school yard that killed 60+ school kids Congress pushed through a Superhero Registration Act. Some heros, such as Iron Man (the lead defender), Mr. Fantastic, Yellowjacket, Spiderman, the Thunderbolts, and many, many others are registering, esentially becoming government agents and publicly known (Spidy unmasked in front of a press conference). Meanwhile, several others are fighting the Act, lead by Captain America (Falcon, Hurcules, Daredevil, Young Avengers are all fightin' the man).
After breaking the Ragnorok cycle, Thor entered 'the sleep of the gods' and has been completely missing for months now. Recently, his hammer was found in a crater in Oooooooooooooooklahoma. Many have tried lifting it, but only last issue of FF did a man carrying a bag with "D. B." on it show up and lift the mighty Mjolnir with a huge crash of lightning. I would say the resistance is going to have a big uplift soon.
Now over in the Ultimates side of things, this second volume of 'the Ultimates' has seen the triumph (so far) of Loki. He tricked the Ultimates into thinking that Thor was cracking up, and even if he wasn't a cracking up god, he was a cracking up man with enormous power, so the group took him out and has in in storage at the Triskeleton. Systematically, Loki subverted the team, had SHIELD take down Captain America, and capture Hawkeye. Then, the Trickster organized an international group of enemies of the U.S./the Ultimates called 'the Liberators' to invade and destroy the team and the nation. They were on the cusp of success, when they made three mistakes...they underestimated Hawkeye resilience(after killing his family and then leaving him with some potential weapons), underestimated Iron Man's deviousness (he gave his squeeze, Black Widow, a Iron (Wo)Man suit and basically deployed nanites over her body shutting her down when she turned on him), and they underestimated Cap's ...well, being Cap (Wasp got in and unhooked him from the sedatives...even drugged, he's just shy of a force of nature). Now the tides are turning against Loki's Liberators... but what of the Odinson? Has he disappeared from his containment vault?
hope this helps some.
Exelcior or Excedrin!

Valegrim |

Thanks so very much; was really confused; perhaps D.B is Donald Blake eh? I really want to start collecting Thor if it gets in print again. I used to collect the Avengers (as well as many others), but after the west coast avengers showed up and all it got to be a bit much with college so I stopped and got lost in the story. I thought maybe Enchantress was involved; some of Thor's best story lines had her as the protagonist; she was responsible for the original Power Man for example; not the second one ie Luke Cage.
Hard to believe Petey unmasked; wow what a surprise. Wonder what the buyline was for Capt to go against the law, hmm there, after all he didnt complain very loudly about the mutant registration act though I know it bothered him.
anyway, thanks again.

KnightErrantJR |

I'm kind of wondering how this moves forward as well. It may not change some heroes (gee, does it bother anyone to know that Mister Fantastic is Reed Richards . . . they have known that for years) but for some this is BIG (i.e. Pete).
Captain America championing the "law breakers" struck me as strange as well, though I never really thought about the fact that he never opposed the Mutant Registration act before now. That just makes him look bad. Then again, I think a lot of a story like this comes from editorial decicions and not logical story development. For example, how much more controversial is it to say that the Sentinel of Liberty is leading the opposition against the government than to say that he is being the "voice of reason" AGAIN as he has for years.
I know, I'm showing my loyalties here, but I thought the Infinate Crisis storyline at DC grew a bit more naturally from the events going on there.

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Captain America championing the "law breakers" struck me as strange as well, though I never really thought about the fact that he never opposed the Mutant Registration act before now. That just makes him look bad. Then again, I think a lot of a story like this comes from editorial decicions and not logical story development.
Well, I think that there is good reason for the break, although I haven't read this as specifically his line of thinking...
Remember several years ago when Cap broke with the then president because he wanted to be a force for liberty and not just a tool of whatever current administration was in office? He quit as Captain America and started up as just 'the Captain'. That was when John Walker got the bump up from Super Patriot to acting C.A. (he takes the U.S. Agent mantle after he steps down as Cap). In the end, Cap (the REAL one) came back and resumed his mantle after making peace with the government.
Essentially, this is the same kind of stance, except that he is breaking a currently passed law which he believes is unethical. He has disclosed his identity and is publically known as Steve Rodgers, so he doesn't have anything to loose on that front. I think that him seeing the Registration Act as reactionary and counter-productive is within the bounds of his established character. But I do agree, Marvel editors are not above milking it for all it's worth.

KnightErrantJR |

Perhaps a clarification . . . I can see him opposing the law, but I always pictured him as the, "lets do everything we can to work within the system first" kind of guy. Of course, since the story assumes that congress somehow immediately agrees on this course of action and okays it faster than . . . well anything in recent memory, they didn't give him a lot of time oppose it. I guess in a way it just feels forced.
Actually, the whole USAgent thing reminds me of how I would have thought he would have acted. Basically he told them that he couldn't just be a government agent doing whatever the government might want him to do without his input, so he resigned as Captain America, which isn't illegal. Leading a group that is about to come into physical conflict with government agents is, and it just feels contrived for the sake of controversy.
But that's just how it struck me. Aside from the overall storyline, I did like how Pete was portrayed after he held the press conference.
Speaking of people not acting the way they should though . . . wasn't Tony the one that started creeping toward the "ends justify the means" a few years back, and NOW he is the paragon of law and order . . . ah well. At least we know that since this is Marvel, anyone that dies in this is likely to come back.
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Oh, and on the original topic. I miss Thor. I also miss Kurse. Kurse is the bomb. Or da bomb. Never quite sure how to phrase that.

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Speaking of Ultimates and Thor and all of that, did anyone see the Ultimate Avengers animated movie, and is it any good?
It's not bad. I enjoyed it and thought it was a good adaptation. The extra material was excellent and well presented (comics creators talking about the history of the Avengers). I haven't picked it up to own yet, but I probably will.

monkey-x |

yup check out civil war 3. as for cap being on the side of the rebels in gues thats where he stands for LIBERTY and justice. hes has his own concept of this and unfortunatly it conflicts with his shield buddies. i thought i was gonna hate civil war but my comic guy slipped issue one into my monthly parcel and im hooked. as for more Thor if youve not read the Loki mini series then thats worth a look. and i agree that i would be interested in a new series when it arrives.

Greedy Smurf |

Don't miss Civil War 3 that came out yesterday. Let's just say it's a suprise ending regarding a MIA thunder god.
But then don't miss Civil War #4, where it is revealed that it actually isn't a certain MIA Thunder God, but a clone thereof. No I'm not kidding.
There is Suspension of Disbelief, and "Suspension of Disbelief" For me, Marvel is very much pushing it with the whole Civil War series.

KnightErrantJR |

Lord Vile wrote:Don't miss Civil War 3 that came out yesterday. Let's just say it's a suprise ending regarding a MIA thunder god.But then don't miss Civil War #4, where it is revealed that it actually isn't a certain MIA Thunder God, but a clone thereof. No I'm not kidding.
There is Suspension of Disbelief, and "Suspension of Disbelief" For me, Marvel is very much pushing it with the whole Civil War series.
I have to agree with you here. I know they are completely differnt universes, but at DC they have a hard time cloning Kryptonian DNA, but for some reason at Marvel Asgardian DNA is fairly simple I guess.

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But then don't miss Civil War #4, where it is revealed that it actually isn't a certain MIA Thunder God, but a clone thereof. No I'm not kidding.
There is Suspension of Disbelief, and "Suspension of Disbelief" For me, Marvel is very much pushing it with the whole Civil War series.
Yeah, I like what Millar has done with most of the Ultimates universe, but I'm starting to think about giving up on the Civil War thing. I think the set up was good enough...rushed (in typical Mighty Marvel fashion), but it's getting pretty stupid pretty quickly. I'm particularly pissed that they killed off Goliath. I had noticed that he had been popping up (pun not specifically intended) a fair amount recently and one of my FLCS workers (who is African American) and I were joking about the likelyhood of him getting killed. "When a B-level, congenial Brother starts showing up casually, his days are growning short." Sometimes I hate being right.

Lord Vile |

Lord Vile wrote:Don't miss Civil War 3 that came out yesterday. Let's just say it's a suprise ending regarding a MIA thunder god.But then don't miss Civil War #4, where it is revealed that it actually isn't a certain MIA Thunder God, but a clone thereof. No I'm not kidding.
There is Suspension of Disbelief, and "Suspension of Disbelief" For me, Marvel is very much pushing it with the whole Civil War series.
You mean you don't like the Mighty Clor (Thor+Clone=Clor)?!?! All in all I have really liked Civil War, but I must admit I was really disappointed with the Thor clone.
All I can say is when Thor does come back I'm going to enjoy his litte talk with Tony and Reed!!!

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I'm enjoying it, this is the first arc thing that i've really been involved in, I'm loving the Fantastic Tension, Loving Baron Zemo, Loving Wolverine's esquapades and even oddly enough the PRince of Atlantis and Loving the whole thing but the above especially.
As for Killing Goliath, well I think cloning Thor opens up a way for thor to awake from the sleep of the gods and come back. I'm interested in seeing what happens and i am so happy for sue leaving richard that i cannot begin to explain how much that is kewl ( I have a hate on for Iron man, and Mr.Fantastic, I hate smart characters who can't come up with smart methods, sure one builds rocket suits and the other portals to the nega zone, but come on sometimes smart men dont need gear they need to apply themselves to thte problem. (Hope Vision rips them a new one)

JuanNavarro |

Remember several years ago when Cap broke with the then president because he wanted to be a force for liberty and not just a tool of whatever current administration was in office? He quit as Captain America and started up as just 'the Captain'. That was when John Walker got the bump up from Super Patriot to acting C.A. (he takes the U.S. Agent mantle after he steps down as Cap). In the end, Cap (the REAL one) came back and resumed his mantle after making peace with the government.
Didn't he have some time as the "Nomad" too, or was that always a separate character?
All in all I am digging Civil War ALOT!
I think the whole stance of the SUperhero Registration Act seems right on cue with both what Americas going through ( the Criminal Patriot Act) and i htink the evolution so far in comics. It's not the first time the ideas come up (Watchmen, X-men, etc.) but it's the sort thing that can to whole "universe" like Marvel and can really drive stories for a while, either as the main focus or as the back drop to them all.
Oh yeah, and the Clor? Holy ZOmbie Jesus! ALl I know is that Asgard is going buck wild over that!
Oh and Reed Richards is a jerk and I'm glad his wife left him. Punk.

Valegrim |

Found this on Aintitcool.com; last sentence about Thor.
In the comic book world, jms will be doing Bullet Points, a six-issue Marvel tale concerning the impact one bullet and one death can have on the Marvel Universe. Jms describes that the bullet that killed the scientist that gave Steve Rogers the super soldier serum. He has the scientist killed just 24 hours earlier. The bullet that killed the scientist also killed a young MP by the name of Ben Parker. The issues cover the sixty years after that event. Sounds like a macro What If, but the idea of Ben Parker dying in WWII brings a big OOOHHH! from the audience. Jms will also be doing something about a guy with a hammer (come on, we know its Thor).
was from and interview with JMS producer/writer/director J. Michael Straczynski (JMS, or "Joe")

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Last I heard the new Thor series (to be done yes by JMS) is scheduled for around Summer 2007. There is concept sketches floating around for this new Thor too. He looks like the young clean shaven Thor with some subtle differences in the helmet and some odd arm armor or fishnet looking arm covering, I don't know.

Michael_Proteau |

The Thor is Civil War was a clone/cyborg created by Hank Pym, Reed Richards, and Tony Stark.
The new Thor series will be released later this summer. The first issue is based on the premise that Asgard reappears above the fields of a farmer int he midwest, and the Asgardians have to aclimatize to being a part of Midgard. There have been some preview art pieces, Thor retains his classic look, but there is an addition of mail to his classic costume in some of the shots. There were some pieces previewed at the panels of the New York Comic Con in February, and as the summer Con session hits full swing there will be more previews. Look at sites like Comic Book Resources of Newsarama for coverage of the cons as they occur.

Michael_Proteau |

Here's a url to a page with some preview art for the new series...
The preview art came from a Marvel Previews released in April, and comics work on a 3 month cycle, so April previews are for July released comics, so I would guess Thor #1 is slated for a release sometime in July. If someone here gets Previews from Diamond Distributos, they might have a more exact date.

Lord Vile |

Here's a url to a page with some preview art for the new series...
The preview art came from a Marvel Previews released in April, and comics work on a 3 month cycle, so April previews are for July released comics, so I would guess Thor #1 is slated for a release sometime in July. If someone here gets Previews from Diamond Distributos, they might have a more exact date.
According to the Marvel website Thor #1 is listed as a release date as July 4th. Which means it will July 5th because of the holiday.

BluePigeon |

Can anyone give a breakdown of what the heck happened to the mighty Thor? I heard he was dead or missing so I bought the Ultimate book thingy and am really confused; can anyone give me the story; the comic book shop guy says they will probably bring him back; but sheesh; what the heck happened?
The Ultimates is a completely seperate line of books published by Marvel comics.
There's a trade paperback called Ragarok, published by Marvel which features the fall and destruction of Asgard in Thor last series. Basicly, the demise of Asgard is initiated by Loki and a small pantheon of Over-Gods called Those-Who-Sit-Above-in-Shadow. They feed for off the energies of dying pantheons and offered a seat at their proverbial dinner table to Thor as he would be the last to survive his realm's destruction. In short, he rejected their offer and destroy the tapestry of fate which had bound his people since their birth. In the end, Asgard and the Norse pantheon awaits a resurrection of sorts.
A condense version can be found here.
Beta Ray bill however, is the last known surviving deity of the Norse Pantheon and was featured in his own limited series called Stormbreaker.
Check it out as its filled with good fantasy and super-hero RPG ideas.
Beta Ray Bill is due for an appearance in this years Omega Flight limited series.
Thor will be back in June in his own new series.
:::Sigh::: Somedays it pays to be the dragon.

BluePigeon |

Can anyone give a breakdown of what the heck happened to the mighty Thor? I heard he was dead or missing so I bought the Ultimate book thingy and am really confused; can anyone give me the story; the comic book shop guy says they will probably bring him back; but sheesh; what the heck happened?
Here's a preview of the new Thor series via Comic Book Resources.
Comic shop, here I come.

BluePigeon |

According to marvel's homepage: IN STORES: 2007-07-04
There's also some new preview pages here. They are way down in the bottom.
Try after July 4th. Any mail, USPS, UPS and comic book stores will eb closed tomorrow. I'll need to get in touch with my comic shop to be sure.

Valegrim |

Well, the new Thor #1 is out; I bought both covers; the art is pretty good, but I can't say much for the story; either Donald Blake doesnt have a clue what he is talking about - my guess, is another being trying to delude Thor, or they rewrote existance and how things work - most probable - as I have a lot of old comics that without a doubt show that Thor exists regardless of the existance of mortals - I have one comic that shows that he was sent to earth - midgard as its protector and that he has failed many times as humans grew in technology and wiped themselves out totally, then Thor sits waiting for life to begin again; humans to develop and begin to destroy themselves; over and over until he learns from his hubris.
well, lets see how this develops when #2 arrives.

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hmm am I the only guys reading the new Thor?
I picked it up, too!
Just one of the two covers, the one with the silver mail highlighted.It's a start. A couple of clever ideas. It is interested to watch writers attempt to reconcile issues, keep continuity, and maintain a semblance of verisimilitude. An epic struggle.
I am considering subscribing so I don't miss any issues.
I love Thor. Loki, too!
Norse mythology beats Christian mythology, hands down. Give me a pantheon!

PocoLoco |

Yeah, I read it, and my only real problem was that it read as if it was written for the Trade. I really don't like these modern comics where hardly anything happens in an issue, there's really no reason not to wait for the trade.
But it had some promise, so I'll give it a few issues more to knock my socks of which I hope it will do soon :)

Valegrim |

your right about that; no cliff hanger or anything; lot of talk then bam the guy shows up then walks off; no clue to where so not much of an attention getter for a first episode mag release type thing; you would have to be a pretty die hard fan to appreciate this issue; well, only about 2.5 weeks to the next one so am holding my proverbial breath.

darkbard |

I liked this first issue. I've never followed the official Marvel take on Thor, really only known about him through Norse mythology and the television cartoon when I was a kid and as he's appeared in recent Marvel crossovers and such (Civil War, etc.). So, while I'm not as familiar with how Marvel has represented the Asgardian cosmology in the past, I find this to be an intriguing opening for the return of the Odinson.
And interior action as it occurred in this issue was plenty enough action for me. For now....

Valegrim |

yep; I am certainly waiting to see what happens; the big differing with Marvel and the myths is that he no longer wished to be a god of war leading others to battle and most of his time on earth (midgard) was in penance per Odin to learn some humility; in Marvel he spent most of his early career battling various Asgardians like Loki and the Enchantress; as matter of fact, the Avengers where gathered and created into a force to battle Loki. It was the Enchantress who always wanted Thor to love her and respect her that made her create various villians such as the original Powerman and the like. What I always enjoyed were the left overs of his language; Thor's formality and how he called the Hulk a misbegotten troll all the time.
I am very curious how the new authors are going to portrea him and what place he will gain or what niche he will fill in the new marvel universe.

Lord Vile |

They STILL do not have a Thor #2 sheesh!
You need a new comic store my friend; not only has Thor 1 and 2 come and gone but I've seen 2nd printings with the Thor Zombie Variant cover to #1 and just last week they came out with the the black and white variant.
I think Thor #3 is in 3 weeks with Iron Man!!! Time for a little pay back!!!