JuanNavarro's page
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I'm pretty much Eberron-ing it up with "Voyage of the Mourning Dawn" by Rich Wulf, and I just got "The Queen of Death" by Matt Forbeck which i'm just itching to finish! The Lost Mark Series has been great!
Finished reading "Give Me a Break: How I Exposed Hucksters, Cheats, and Scam Artists and Became the Scourge of the Liberal Media..." by John Stossel, excellent book, I tells ya!
Thanks so much for this, just what i needed!
I have a CHessex pad myself, but I also tend to print out some key maps in my campaign, TO SIZE. It's a bastard, I know, but once I tile them together (thank you Grpahic Design school for deez skillz!) I got a whole big map with all the funky things I want on it.
If I'm hding stuff, then I either print the overlay ( I had under ground map that was 4 photo paer sheets thick!) to cover them. In the old days, we used to just over the dungeon section by section wiht a solid paper or board and as you looked you took away bits here and there.
Also describe stuff all the time. I'm constantly saying stuff, but not with figure, like "He's about where your car is right now" and then they make adjustments in thier head like a hundred feet, etc.
James Keegan wrote: 1. Hellboy (especially the collected graphic novels)
3. Powers
Those are the monthlies. Graphic novels:
1. 100% by Paul Pope
2. The Marquis by Guy Davis
3. Watchmen by Alan Moore
4. Black Hole by Charles Burnes
5. Jimmy Corrigan by Chris Ware
6. Bighead, Clumsy, Unlikely, Any Easy Intimacy by Jeffrey Brown
7. Blankets by Craig Thompson
There are a lot of other books that I'm leaving off, but those are the ones I like the most. Lately, I tend to find the indie/autobio stuff to be really interesting.
Thumbs up on your whole list!
Zherog wrote: The Order of the Stick is a must read for D&D fans. You can find it at http://www.giantitp.com/cgi-bin/GiantITP/ootscript Helll yeah! Love that comic! Every time we're about to play D&D I think we take like an hour talking about that strip! Oy, it's good!
My comic picks:
1. X-men (All of them!)
2. New Avengers
3. RUnaways (the digest are great!)
4. Young Avengers
5. Green Lantern
6. Loveless ( best western comic out there!)
7. Usagi Yojimbo (Awesome)
8. TMNT (new Mirage Series)
9. 52 ( digging it!)
10. Punisher (Garth Ennis is the best thing to happen to that book)
I also dig a lot of webcomics:
The Second Revolution is about to begin. Can ONE person really change the world? PG-13 RATED
then there's Uncle WHite comics:
and of course, my comic, VIGIL isn't too shabby either...
Shameless....I know.

Gavgoyle wrote:
Remember several years ago when Cap broke with the then president because he wanted to be a force for liberty and not just a tool of whatever current administration was in office? He quit as Captain America and started up as just 'the Captain'. That was when John Walker got the bump up from Super Patriot to acting C.A. (he takes the U.S. Agent mantle after he steps down as Cap). In the end, Cap (the REAL one) came back and resumed his mantle after making peace with the government.
Didn't he have some time as the "Nomad" too, or was that always a separate character?
All in all I am digging Civil War ALOT!
I think the whole stance of the SUperhero Registration Act seems right on cue with both what Americas going through ( the Criminal Patriot Act) and i htink the evolution so far in comics. It's not the first time the ideas come up (Watchmen, X-men, etc.) but it's the sort thing that can to whole "universe" like Marvel and can really drive stories for a while, either as the main focus or as the back drop to them all.
Oh yeah, and the Clor? Holy ZOmbie Jesus! ALl I know is that Asgard is going buck wild over that!
Oh and Reed Richards is a jerk and I'm glad his wife left him. Punk.
I'm a comic book artist, so like every hour I have a new character I want to play in my head! BUT, I do tend to either try to help balance the group or try something, depending the otne of the campaign. I had a player, who was a great player, but died like once every 2 sessions. Everytime he did, he played osmething different just to try it out and see how it works, and they always grew on him. Now he plays everything with a hint of Sorcerer or Wizard since he likes having access to it.
I also tend to play the same class (Thief), or multi-class with it, but each one has thier own personalities really, some smile and laugh, others grimace and scowl, but either way, they stab from the darkness.
I think the best bet is to play with a bit of an open mind and see what are the bunuses of playing a character class.
Except Bards, they suck.
Personally, I think every campaign I've done with my current game group start out at 3rd. Since most of the time, classes get some type of big feat or ability around 4th, it lights a match under thier butt to hustle to that next level.
Though one of the best campaigns I ever played started out with us all being Halflings (2nd edition, when the Halfling/Gnome book came out) and we ended up hiding in a rotted log from a Badger after he seemingly viscerated our mage while we were clearing goblins from a city sewer system. As we sat in the log, hearing the growls of the badger:
"YOU go outside, your the fighter"
(hands the sword to the cleric)
"Well now you're the fighter!"
"No, you!"
"NO, you!"
and so on.
As a DM of such light weights you have to weigh options and even fudge dice ( I do) so that they can still feel suspense, but at the same time, players don't get too cocky ( like a certain halfling mage!)
I fourth it, I guess.
I wish they would stick to a type of schedule on articles that update past worlds, not only Dark SUn(my preferrred but still) but also Planescape, SPelljammer, maybe even Maztica!(and not just creatures, classes and kits too)
Just my 2 cents....