Heathansson |
How high up in the air do you figure sahuagins can jump? I know makos and great whites can get up there. I saw this episode of Wildboys where they were trolling in a sea lion-infested area near South Africa with a sea lion decoy behind the ship, and these great whites were jumping in the air after the lure; it was the best thing I ever saw on t.v.
So you're minding your own business, boating along on your way to the Isle of Dread to fong mighty the servitors of Demogorgon, tacking and swabbing and whatever those sailors do, and all of the sudden a mob sahuagins start hurtling out of the water onto the deck of your ship. I assume weresharks could do it, but what about sahuagins?
Vigil RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |
Well, Sahuagin have str 14, no jump ranks, and a swim speed of 60'. Assuming it swims 20' first to build up speed, it can jump an average of 4' straight up (dc 16, +8 to jump checks, average reult of 18). On a really lucky roll (nat 20), it can leap 7' out of the water. Coupled with it's vertical reach (8' for medium creatures), it is possible for a sahuagin to leap out of the water and grab a bar 12'-15' above the surface, followed by a dc 15 climb check as a move action to pull itself up.
Heathansson |
I've got it!!! An elite commando corps of sahuagin weremako monks who jump onto the deck of the ship with a rope attached to their torso to pull more of their brethren aboard, who then proceed to turn into hybrid form and 'establish a beachhead' with trident-headed nunchaku. Airborne!!! Hua!!!
Monks...trained by...the Scarlet Brotherhood....
Scoti Garbidis |
I think if sahuagins were that interested in taking a ship out at high sea then they might breech the hull first to make the ship start to sink. Then when the ship began to sink and the crew is distracted make their way up the sides of the ship stealthily. Maybe catching the party and and only a couple crewman on deck while several others were either searching for the leak or trying to patch the leak.
Lilith |
I think if sahuagins were that interested in taking a ship out at high sea then they might breech the hull first to make the ship start to sink. Then when the ship began to sink and the crew is distracted make their way up the sides of the ship stealthily. Maybe catching the party and and only a couple crewman on deck while several others were either searching for the leak or trying to patch the leak.
Breaching the hull beneath the waterline much like miners/sappers dig beneath a castle wall? Hmmm...that would be fun!
Heathansson |
there is always rule 0.... your the DM and it make a fun incounter, So they jump on the ship no matter the rules for jump say.
That is true. I kinda just wanted to test the waters (ba dump bump) on this one, because one side of my brain says it sounds cool, and the other one says it sounds cheesy. I'm leaning toward it's cinematically cool, so go with it. Just don't know if I want to go all Crouching Tiger/Hidden Dragon with everybody running up bamboo trees and tiptoeing on the water whilst duelling.
Steve Greer Contributor |
The spell you're looking for is "wings of the sea" in Savage Species and Spell Compendium. It adds +30 to a creature's swim speed. So a sahuagin's swim speed would be 90 ft. equating to a +26 Jump modifier using a standard Monster Manual version of the creature.
An average Jump check would get a sahuagin 9 ft. into the air. Yeah, no problem launching itself onto the deck of most ships.
Heathansson |
The spell you're looking for is "wings of the sea" in Savage Species and Spell Compendium. It adds +30 to a creature's swim speed. So a sahuagin's swim speed would be 90 ft. equating to a +26 Jump modifier using a standard Monster Manual version of the creature.
An average Jump check would get a sahuagin 9 ft. into the air. Yeah, no problem launching itself onto the deck of most ships.
Sekolah's faithful thank thee.
Heathansson |
My next thought for my Savage Tide 'hints from helloise' thread is this:
Take a recently defeated scrag and put his parts in a bag.
Take a catapult and put the bag o' scrag in the spoon of the device.
Dump a bucket or 5 of water on it to get said scrag regenerating.
Hurl said contents at an enemy ship; sit back and enjoy the carnage.
Repeat as often as is personally entertaining, or until said ship hoists the snowy banner.
primemover003 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |
Gavgoyle |
Or you could just you the Shamu technique... get a couple trained sharks to propel you out of the water like Shamu does with it's trainers...
Low tech, non magical, using available resources.
First of all, I love this AP more with each passing day. Period.
Second, I love this hobby and the brilliantly detailed and intricately constructed arguments it generates. No matter how minute the minutia...
Third, I love the fact that primemover003 just suggested that having a trained shark launch a creature onto the deck of a ship is the 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' way of going about it.
My day is made, guys! Thank you!
Steve Greer Contributor |
primemover003 wrote:Or you could just you the Shamu technique... get a couple trained sharks to propel you out of the water like Shamu does with it's trainers...
Low tech, non magical, using available resources.
First of all, I love this AP more with each passing day. Period.
Second, I love this hobby and the brilliantly detailed and intricately constructed arguments it generates. No matter how minute the minutia...
Third, I love the fact that primemover003 just suggested that having a trained shark launch a creature onto the deck of a ship is the 'Keep It Simple, Stupid' way of going about it.
My day is made, guys! Thank you!
LOL :)
Heathansson |
Or you could just you the Shamu technique... get a couple trained sharks to propel you out of the water like Shamu does with it's trainers...
Low tech, non magical, using available resources.
Bwoody Bwiwyant. Now I got this visual of a 35 foot great white jumping up in the air, on his nose is a 4-armed mutant Tars Tarkas looking mo', sporting a battleax, and he just steps off onto the deck of the ship, halves the quartermaster, and starts making kindling out of the mainmast. Time to put the hua into the sahuagin.
primemover003 RPG Superstar 2013 Top 4, RPG Superstar 2011 Top 16 |