
Scoti Garbidis's page

Organized Play Member. 62 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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We have a handful of Pathfinder Society games scheduled for Saturday and Sunday. Check out www.warhorn.net/caesarcon-2013 for more details. Hope to see some of you there!

Brian D. Mooney wrote:

Scoti I spoke with several of the Venture officers close to your region and unfortunately it doesn't seem like any of us can make the whole con.

Several of us might be able to do Saturday and 1st slot Sunday.


Events on Saturday and Sunday would be excellent. Please visit http://www.caesarcon.com/index.php/contacts and shoot me an email with contact info for all the interested judges. There will be no attendance fee for the GMs and I am willing to help with printing character sheets/certs/modules if that is needed or would make judging the sessions easier. As long as I know who/how to forward session results to the proper Venture Officers for official reporting and character advancement I will do that as well.

Cheers and Happy Gaming!

I should add that I am more than willing to print the modules, character sheets that would be needed. I just do not have the familiarity with the rules or the time during the weekend to run/judge the games because I will be covering the registration desk/games signup area a large portion of the weekend. So if there is anything I can do to assist a judge and make running events as easy as possible, please include that in your email via the CaesarCon Website.

We would love to get 1 PFS game for every slot but at least 2 games run on both Friday & Saturday with a single game on Sunday would also be great. Since I have only played a handful of Pathfinder games, I am at the mercy of anyone gracious enough to run/judge some events. Also I don't need 8 unique modules to be run. I figure if we get a couple different modules run a handful of times throughout the weekend, players will be able to get some experience for their characters and enjoy the Pathfinder Society presence at CaesarCon.

If you have any interest in helping to run some PFS games at CaesarCon please visit CaesarCon.com and send a message via the contacts page or register your PFS games via the GM Submission Form.


I am helping to coordinate CaesarCon. CaesarCon is a tabletop gaming convention held every March in Northwest, OH. This year the convention is being held at the Ramada Conference Center in Montpelier, OH. We are hoping to get some Pathfinder Society Games coordinated for the Con but need to find a handful of Judges to run the games. If you are interested or might know somebody who would be, please contact me.

For more information about CaesarCon please check out the Facebook Fanpage at: http://www.facebook.com/CaesarConConvention and the Warhorn Registration Site at: http://warhorn.net/caesarcon-2013/

Happy Gaming!

Matthew McPike

1 person marked this as a favorite.

CaesarCon - Held March 22-24, 2013 in Montpelier, OH is looking to get a handful of PFS games with an experienced Judge or Judges. Information about the Con can be found at http://www.facebook.com/CaesarConConvention Montpelier is close to Northeast Indiana and Southern Michigan and is located in Northwest Ohio. Any help organizing some PFS games for CaesarCon would be great appreciated.

Unless I am crazy I remember a Dungeon Craft segment on DMs making rolls for certain skills versus having players make rolls. I for the life of me cannot find that Dungeon Craft article. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Thank you in advance.

Sydrill wrote:
Scoti Garbidis wrote:
Larry Lichman wrote:
I may be interested. What night of the week are you planning to play?
Right now it is still in the early stages but looking at 5:30pm once a month on Saturdays. Does that work for you? Wednesday nights might be a choice also but that would probably be 5:30 to 10:30 twice a month.

Did you guys ever set this up? I just moved to Streetsboro, OH near Akron and am looking for a group.

Sydrill, yes we have gotten the game going. E-mail me at mcpike4@sbcglobal.net and we will talk. I might be able to get you in as we haven't been playing long. Also, sorry it took me so long to respond but I kinda stopped checking this after we got started playing.

Scoti Garbidis wrote:

I remember there being a Dungeon magazine that had tables for rolling up information for Potions, ie: Smell, Taste, Appearance, etc.

Can anyone remember what issue that was? I can't seem to find it in my stack of magazines and I know I have it. Just can't seem to find it no matter how hard I look.

thanks in advance

Found it! Dungeon 125

I remember there being a Dungeon magazine that had tables for rolling up information for Potions, ie: Smell, Taste, Appearance, etc.

Can anyone remember what issue that was? I can't seem to find it in my stack of magazines and I know I have it. Just can't seem to find it no matter how hard I look.

thanks in advance

Larry Lichman wrote:
I may be interested. What night of the week are you planning to play?

Right now it is still in the early stages but looking at 5:30pm once a month on Saturdays. Does that work for you? Wednesday nights might be a choice also but that would probably be 5:30 to 10:30 twice a month.

Wow, months later and no reply...... anybody out there in the Akron area who plays Greyhawk?

Has this product been cancelled? Just wondering..... waited over a year and haven't seen anything....


Erik Mona wrote:

I can't speak for my cohorts, but my love affair with Greyhawk predates my professional gaming career by more than a decade, and will continue until they put me in a casket. James, Jason, and I just co-wrote "Expedition to the Ruins of Castle Greyhawk" for WotC, which will be releasing in August.

I am on record at WotC as being extremely interested in a Greyhawk license or licensing opportunities related to that property. So we'll see what happens.

I hope you can continue to work on Greyhawk products. After moving away from my Greyhawk group for family and careers reasons in 2005, Dungeon magazine has been my only link to Greyhawk. I have truly appreciated the Paizo staff's hard work and determination toward giving Greyhawk a place to continue to grow.

I plan on using my remaining subscription to buy back issues of your wonderful magazine.

If it doesn't say Greyhawk or Paizo...... I don't think I will be purchasing it. So I guess WotC will get some of my money when EttRoCG comes out but after that, I am not sure.

I am deeply saddened but also glad that Paizo's success in the past will bring them even more in the future. Thank You for a great magazine that gave me my D&D, Greyhawk fix everymonth for the past two years.

Four of us are currently setting up a campaign to start soon. We would like to find a couple more players to round out the adventuring party.

I am looking to join a group of Greyhawkers or get a few more players for my current Greyhawk Campaign.

I moved to Cuyahoga Falls, OH back in January 2006 and have tried twice now to get a Greyhawk game going and it looks as though my second game could be deep-sixed very soon due to things beyond my control. I would love to get some more players for my game but would also love to meet some fellow Greyhawkers.

A few of my current players don't like Greyhawk and think that is isn't any good. I disagree and would love to continue the game but definitely need players.

Mrannah wrote:

i don't remember the issue right off hand, but i do remember it. The monster was a slithering tracker if i remember right

Thanks for the Slithering Tracker tip. I was able to do some searching for references on the web and figured it out.

The issue is Dungeon #29 and the adventure is called "Through the Night!"

Thanks again.

All I remember fromt his adventure is that it takes place in an Inn. All signs point to vampires or some blood sucking enemy but the culprit turns out to be a slime that lives in the crawl space under this inn. I believe this was a side-trek. Can somebody recall what issue this was in? I am searching my old issues and can't seem to find it.

My last group to develop a name for themselves was called, "The Company of the Coppercard."

They had an encounter with a witch in a town called Copperpot and shortly after that encountered a ghoul wielding a Deck of Many Things. They combined the Copper from Copperpot and the Card from the Deck of Many Things.

It was a great name and a great group of characters and the players who played them.

I am looking for a Greyhawk game to get involved in. I currently am playing in a Warhammer game using 3.5 rules but would also like to get my Greyhawk fix.

The miniature that Paizo offered to Dragon and Dungeon subscribers exclusively was an alternate paint version of a mini that is in the WotDQ set.

1994 I had to make a presentation in my English class. The presentation was supposed to be of our favorite hobby. Some people presented woodburning, basketball and writing poetry. When I presented D&D, one girl got up and left the room in horror. She was a religious fanatic and didn't want her soul stripped from her body. The teacher told me that my presentation wasn't acceptable.

We had a heated discussion about why it was or wasn't appropriate. I eventually made my presentation but the teacher totally ruined it because the other kids saw his reaction and didn't seem receptive at all.

On another note, My dad is a teacher and he has always been pretty cool with it. He doesn't play but he always jokingly says, "Going to play Devil's Advocate?" Everytime I go to my buddy's place to play D&D. Still makes me smile. ;)

Okay, I have decided on abilities and they are as follows.


My spellbook looks like this;
0 Lvl=
- All
1 Lvl=
- Magic Missle
- Mage Armor
- Shield
- Burning Hands
- Identify
- Ray of Enfeeblement
- Featherfall (but I am still thinking of switching for Enlarge Person)
- Expeditious Retreat

My familiar is going to be an Owl for flavor. My elven name will be Itharlaudrim which roughly means "Friend of the Night Flyer."

I am figuring I will prep mage armor, magic missle and ray of enfeeblement for my first level spells regularly and swap out when a certain environment calls for it or when i have knowledge of what to expect. I am hoping to play this character completely as a wizard without multiclassing or taking prestige classes. I am looking forward to my first wizard character ever in D&D as a player.

I have played fighters and rangers my entire D&D career, so this should be interesting. Also, i tend to play humans, so once again something new.

Thanks to everyone for the advice so far and keep it coming. The first game should be sometime next week but we haven't set a date yet. I will let you know how it goes. My biggest fear is doing something stupid and getting my 5 hp wizard killed in the first session.

I think if sahuagins were that interested in taking a ship out at high sea then they might breech the hull first to make the ship start to sink. Then when the ship began to sink and the crew is distracted make their way up the sides of the ship stealthily. Maybe catching the party and and only a couple crewman on deck while several others were either searching for the leak or trying to patch the leak.

Fake Healer wrote:
Wait to get Improved Familiar or just don't get one. What books are you using to draw spells from? Don't forget to leave a slot or 2 unprepared so you can memorize a needed spell as needed. Scrolls, lots and lots of scrolls! You have the feat, use it. If you must have a familiar then get a familiar carrier or cast familiar pocket to give it a safe haven when you are in hard-core combat.

I had thought about getting a toad but it doesn't really fit with the Gray Elf IMO. I had thought maybe the raven or owl but the idea of waiting for improved familiar could be nice also.

I am definitely going to be using scrolls and might use my expeditious retreat for scrolls. Will just have to wait and see.

That is similar to what I was thinking for spells. Here is my list.

-Magic Missle
-Mage Armor
-Comprehend Languages
-Ray of Enfeeblement
-Feather Fall
-Expeditious Retreat

The feather will more than likely get swapped out for Enlarge Person and Expeditious Retreat is still in the air but this DM tends to TPK early in campaigns, so I am thinking of keeping it on hand for the get away that will be inevitable.

Right now we are using the three core 3.5 books

I am getting ready to start a new character. This will be my first Wizard PC EVER.

My rolled stats were pretty awesome. 14, 16, 14, 13, 18, 12. I am currently placing my rolls as follows;

STR: 14-2=12
DEX: 14+2=16
CON: 16-2=14
INT: 18+2=20
WIS: 13+0=13
CHA: 12+0=12

I am pretty set with those abilities but welcome advice about where to use my rolls, what familiar to take, what spells to choose. I will get 8 first level spells in my spellbook and I will be able to use 3 a day thanks to my high intelligence.

Just let me know what you think and I will post my final character when I start the new campaign.

I haven't had a problem with any of my starter set dice. I have a blue one that I dubbed Blue Meanie, and Orange from Star Wars IIRC that I call Orange Crush.

I also have a black D20 with white numbering that I call "The Death Die" which is a term i stole from a fellow DM. This dice is used primarily when I DM but have been known to use in demanding player situations.

And then i have a few others that are just your standard d20's. I used to have a great set of dice that were an emerald green color with white numbers. they were beautiful and a guy I knew in college flunked out and took them back home with him, never to be seen again. Those were my first dice and I wish I had them back. Also, i left a pretty awesome D20 that I reserved for Magic the Gathering games, tracking damage points, which I left in a study lounge at college and in a matter of 15 minutes it dissappeared. I returned to the study lounge to get it and it was gone.

I don't talk to my dice but i prefer people don't touch them. ;)

Gavgoyle wrote:

Artifact: Hewerd's Mystical "Insence" Burner. (you can put your weed in there)

Two spells I hope to see:

Otiluke's Frozen Daiquiri and Tenser's Fried Conch Sandwitch (particularly good after using the Mystical "Insence" Burner...)

You can put your Devil Weed in there - Book of Vile Darkness IIRC


I figured i could reply with my webpage also. Not nearly as advanced along as yours and am slow updating it. I am trying to keep a game log online but am already 3 sessions behind.

Anyway, here it is: http://www.geocities.com/rockstar1979/

Throne of Iuz from Dungeon issue #118! That adventure is awesome and I think with some minor development time and then with battles could fill a better part of a marathon session.

I would definitely be interested but unfortunately, i live over an hour away and my time is limited by family and work. I live in Cuyahoga Falls and I am currently running an Age of Worms campaign in Greyhawk.

I checked out your site and all I can say is, Sweet! I wish i lived closer and could be part of a Greyhawk game with such a rich history and knowledgable DM.

hanexs wrote:

Just wanted to say the City of Greyhawk has totally invigorated my players and our game! My players have said that they would totally be for even running a complete CoGH campaign. That said I think one of the strengths of AOW over SC was the setting/characters players can relate to. All of my players have read the Gord novels and meeting Tenser will just blow their minds! Short of doing a Forgotten Realms AP I think keeping with the bread and butter of Greyhawk (circle of eight, CoGH, Flan, Iuz, Grazz't ect) is a great way to hook players.

On a side note? Whats the deal with a lack of Adventure paths for sale? Is this that original of an idea? All I can find are campaign settings that detail the most inane things but give no clear path. I think a FR AP (not neccesarily by Dungeon) would blow the roof off in sales. Instead we get hundreds of books telling us every bartenders name and maps of towns we have no intention of going to... This does not make my job as a DM easier.

By The Way: GREAT JOB ON AOW! Looking forward to Savage Tide!


I know that converting older adventures can be tideous but the City of Greyhawk Boxed Set from AD&D 2ed is chock full of CoGH adventures and info. This would definitely boost your game. I bought myself a copy about a year ago off Ebay and it helped me develop my CoGH for my players immensly.

Also, there have a been some city based adventures in Dungeon in past 3.0/3.5 issues that could easily be adapted for the CoGH.

I agree with you that Greyhawk just has something that I find lacking in other worlds and that the City of Greyhawk is indeed a fascinating place to DM and PC.

Thanis Kartaleon wrote:

Actually, I've had the complete opposite problem. Players I've had will show up with characters that have 3 or more 18s, and claim that they rolled this, with the other player as witness (the other player, of course, being his brother, who likewise has insane ability scores)...

Point Buy fixes this. For example, even with a generous 35 points, sure they can have an 18 Strength and a 17 Intelligence, but that's 16 and 13 points, respectively. That leaves 6 points to distribute amongst 4 abilities, so they'll probably end up with a 10 Con and a 10 Wisdom, leaving a 9 in the other two stats. So sure, they hit like a steam engine and spout theories that might give Einstein pause, but they trip over their own feet and have no friends, as well as being no healthier or intuitive than the average joe.

Since everyone in the party is built off of the same point buy total, everyone should have their own strengths and weaknesses which will match everyone else. That's the important part. Because they're all using the same point buy, the DM knows in advance how powerful they are going to be and can adjust things accordingly. Want to run things out of the book and have them be the challenges they're supposed to be? 26 to 28 point buy gets you ability scores that the Monster Manual uses for the elite array (15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 8), which it assumes that those with PC class levels have. This is...

I have never had a problem with cheater ability scores. I allow my players to roll and for the first time, recently, i let some of the players roll without me around because we couldn't meet before the first session. Nobody cheated.

But if you do have cheaters with 18's or higher in multiple scores.... just make sure those characters have unfortunate accidents *wink, wink* and then have the player roll up a new character right there during the game. That will learn them. ;)

HackMaster: Greyhack

A friend of mine pointed out that the pre-order option is available for this product in the Paizo store. Is this product really being published now? I thought it had been cancelled.

I hope it is going to be published... even if it is a slight spoof Greyhawk book.

My party just finished defeating Filge and are going to be questioning him next game session.

Pug - Barbarian 1/Cleric 1 (Dwarf Pantheon)
Brennus - Druid 1/ Wizard 1
Gregory Goldlock - Paladin 2 of Heironeous
Damen Vass - Rogue 2

All but the Paladin will be level 3 starting next game but the Paladin missed part of the last session and thus didn't acquire as much XP.

Pretty interesting party but it will be interesting to see how the Barbarian/Cleric and Druid/Wizard characters handle being multiclassed in this AP.

You could also have a mini-adventure where they stumble across a room where Tenser has/is making clones. This could be by accident or on purpose depending on what Tenser's motives are for helping them in the Age of Worms.

His castle is massive and he is likely to have magical spaces and teleporters hidden within. I can't even imagine what a party might stumble across if they wandered inside Tenser's castle.

From the SRD 3.5, ". An evil cleric (or a cleric of an evil deity) can spontaneously cast an inflict spell in place of a prepared spell (one that is not a domain spell) of the same level or higher."

The cleric I think you are referring to is Garras. A half-orc cleric of Hextor in 3FoE. That is the inflict spell I found and it is his 1st level Domain spell. So that explains why he would have that in his list, he can't swap it out. Other than Garras, I didn't notice anybody else who had Inflict Spells prepared in their stat blocks.

If I remember correctly the Elves mentioned above from the Amedio Jungle were supposed to be or could have been Dakon. But it was decided to stick with elves.

I believe Erik Mona said this but without remembering the exact link, i do not want to quote him without a source.

Many over at the Wizards - Greyhawk Message Board have talked of replacing the elves with Dakon.

Tsulis wrote:

I particululary wonder about the encounter with the black dragon in the end and the one with Idalla the Succubus.

This may be a no brainer but my players loved it! When i ran the black dragon, I had it duck back underwater and recharge its acid breath. The dragon would surface and spray the acid and then on the next turn do a down and out back into the underground lake.

Also, one of my players was trying to make a break for it and go across the small stone bridge down there. My dragon saw that and exploited the character with an acid breath. It didn't kill the character but the character was afraid to run after that because he thought the dragon might chase him.

Eventually the Dwarf fighter in my group got a critical hit on the dragon right after she took an acid spray to the face. It was awesome and when i got done, the players were so glad that i played the dragon smart.

Just remember that this dragon is just starting and doesn't want anybody coming down and taking his fledgling hoard of gold and items. Have him duck and weave but also remember he probably won't run either because he is still a young dragon.

The Forge of Fury is my personal favorite 3rd Edition WOTC adventure.

The group I currently DM has 4 players and a possible 5th coming soon if he can find time to make it.

The group I game with on occasion now because I recently located has ten players but only about 5 show up every game session. Two of us have moved in the last 2 years. Another is away at college and also runs his own game. Two others just find other things they like more than D&D, I can't figure out what!

The most I ever ran a game for was 8 but have found that 4-5 players is ideal for me and allows all involved to really develop their characters more. Sometimes too many players, means to little time for details. I personally like details and have learned this from my DM. I still can't take exhaustive notes during game play but am working on it.

According to the AD&D Monster Mythology book the holy symbol is either a lobster head or black pearl.

It also states that the avatar of Blibdoolpoolp is that of a nude woman with the head of a lobster, shell covers on the shoulders and lobster claws for the hands. I think this would also work as a holy symbol.

The black pearl seems to generic for me but who am I to judge an insane group of Kuo-toan priests.

Erik Mona wrote:

Age of Worms is my chance to give a hurrah for the type of game I was raised playing, and the type of game that was most popular when the game itself was most popular.

I just want to say that I am loving the Age of Worms AP. I ran a homebrew world for seven years before i even knew what a campaign setting was. I just created my own world and went. When I read Erik's editorials, I can just imagine the flare in his eyes remembering his first days of gaming. That thought then hits me and I see myself buying my first D&D product. A copy of the AD&D PHB in the Denver train station on somewhat of a whim.

Almost ten years later, by a friend of a friend, I was introduced to Greyhawk. I immediately loved the setting, especially since my DM is a meticulous historian of his world and makes it come alive. Since then I have grown more curious of Greyhawk and began running my own Greyhawk campaign.

When Age of Worms came out, I felt that I was finally gonna be able to live my own "Glory Days" of Greyhawk. They truly are memorable already as my current group is just finished with The Whispering Cairn and loving it.

Thank you to the entire Dungeon staff for making the magazine so great and for giving those of us who found Greyhawk shortly before 3rd Edition, a chance to create our own Greyhawk moments.

I recently moved and left a game where the DM did something like this.

He would use a small picture of the magic item and a description and then the 8x11 sheet would also have a description of the magic items powers, who originally created it and any other exciting backstory you might learn about the item.

The really cool thing was that you would get the sheet when the magic item was identified but would get a second sheet that contained all the original info plus the history, only if you contacted a bard or sage to learn about the item.

Also, if you crafted an item or commissioned an item, that info would automatically be on the item's sheet. It was just really cool and like somebody said above, you also know you have the sheet and to lend it to another character, you have to give them the sheet.

Sebastian wrote:

I don't think the poster is questioning the logic of the immunity, but rather its effect on play.

The acid beetle swarm is tough. Here are some tips that I learned the hard way:

Remember AoO's: The swarm provokes attacks of opportunity for moving into a space occupied by a PC. If the PC has a torch, the swarm is going to take a beating.

Knowledge Nature: If you feel like it's metagaming to tell your PC's that the swarm is immune to most attacks, but is effect by torches, make sure to allow them to make a knowledge nature check to discover that fact.

Emphasize Lighting: Make sure to emphasize the dark and ask your players what light source they have. Whenever a character w/o a light source or some form of special vision breaks off from the party, ask them how they are seeing. This will make your players think about lighting more and will mean that more of them have torches and lanterns out when they are attacked.

Save for Half: Don't forget to allow the players to save for half the acid damage caused by the beetles.

Earlier Encounters and Alchemist's Fire: A lot of DM's use the house from Dragon magazine as the site of a mini-encounter with a less dangerous swarm. This is also a good location to add some treasure that will be effective against the swarm - like alchemist's fire.

I hope this helps! The swarm is a tough encounter for first level characters, particularly if they don't have alchemical items or a caster, but if the party has fire and you remember the AoO and saves, it should go fine.

Yes, i wasn't questioning the logic. Just the ability for my party to survive. I am starting the AoW adventure path tomorrow night and the party consists of a Paladin, Rogue, Druid and Ranger/Barbarian. The Ranger/Barbarian hasn't chosen which to start at 1st lvl.

I am definitely considering leaving a stash of alchemist fire at the abadoned mine office. This will give them a fighting chance. Plus all the added tips listed here also. It is gonna be ugly but should also be interesting and also, as Mr. Jacobs stated, they don't necessarily have to encounter the swarm right away in the cairn. They could possibly be 2nd level before ever having to deal with them. Thanks for all the tips everyone.

This should be fun.

I just want to make sure that I am reading the Immunity correctly for the Acid Beetle Swarms in The Whispering Cairn. Are these swarms only able to be damaged by burning torches, weapons with special magic ability modifiers such as fire or frost (only the magic ability damages swarm), a thrown lantern that breaks or a spell that doesn't target a certain number of creatures?

This makes these encounters rather tough considering they also are joined by a madslasher or giant beetle.

Thanks for all your answers. I think I am gonna stick with Harvester for now. It seems it really doesn't matter and I already had weather rolled up for that month. Might not be the best reasoning but what the hey?!?

I start my AoW campaign this wednesday with a group of guys I have never DM'ed for. Should be fun and interesting.

I am getting ready to start my own age of worms adventure path and was wondering what time of year people were starting their groups in.

I am using Greyhawk as the world and was thinking of starting in Harvester 595. My only concern would be that the end of the campaign could have some rather cold temperatures that wouldn't necessarily fit with the end of the campaign.

Just give me your take on it, please.

You all are aware of the Greyhawk Message Boards over at WOTC website I hope and also there is already a few Greyhawk sites on the web.

The best IMO is http://www.canonfire.com/cfhtml/

They have several maps and fanbased materials galore for your enjoyment. They regularly host competitions to create original greyhawk materials and expand the world.