How much is treasure worth in AoW?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

So when treasure is listed in all the various AoW is the amount listed what it can be sold to the vendor for or its base price?

For example, in the second adventure they list "the skeleton's armor is too corroded to be worth anything more than scrap metal. Each suit is worth 100 gp."

Or the first adventure with the statuettes, "each intact statuette is worth 200 gp."

So does that mean the characters will get 100 gp per suit or 50 gp per suit if they try to sell it in town to the local armor? Or with the statuettes, do the characters get 200 gp or 100 gp per statuette? Thanks!

Stonesnake wrote:
So does that mean the characters will get 100 gp per suit or 50 gp per suit if they try to sell it in town to the local armor? Or with the statuettes, do the characters get 200 gp or 100 gp per statuette? Thanks!

I believe that these items will net 100 and 200 gp each, respectively. I think only equipment and magic items are sold for half (or quarter) value.

Essentially, if a gp value is listed in teh adventure, that is what the characters can get for it. If you have to look up its selling price, they'll get one half or one quarter of its selling price.

I usually call for an appraise check to determine what value they THINK they'll get for the items, but that tends to just add a lot of bookkeeping.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Correct. If an item is listed in an adventure as being worth an amount of gp, that's how much the PCs can sell that item for. The only time the "half-cost" rule comes in to play is when the PCs sell magic items, really. For gems, jewelry, art objects, and collectible stuff, they get full price when it's sold.

of course u also need a buyer. we just spent a lot of the last session haggling over prices at Tidwards cos he buys non jewels at 30-50% of there value. the more the pcs move around town lookin to sell stuff the more diamond lake seem to live. we didnt rool anything except bluff, sense motive and diplomacy checks all session. its nice once in a while and hopefully later events have the required impact.

Listed amounts are cannon.
Some items that were not listed went up for auction in Greyhawk.
Note that items with emblems or symbols on them sell for 1/4
because they must be melted down, scratched off, or have the
embroidery cut off.
Note that contacts in the underworld can sell stuff and
buy other stuff for them.
Unique magic items should sell for full price.
Having items made special costs double.
With my game I refused to let them just order the books that
amped traits.
We finally agreed to let the PCs set up a book factory
to make one a week at double price.
As for how long it really takes to make a +6 book,
I ruled that detail would mess up the flow of the adventure path.
I think the Age Of Worms takes place from early spring to
late fall.
Too much garbage like weeks of level training or a year to
make a weapon to kill Kyuss would throw things off.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
monkey-x wrote:
of course u also need a buyer. we just spent a lot of the last session haggling over prices at Tidwards cos he buys non jewels at 30-50% of there value. the more the pcs move around town lookin to sell stuff the more diamond lake seem to live. we didnt rool anything except bluff, sense motive and diplomacy checks all session. its nice once in a while and hopefully later events have the required impact.

Okay, now I'm just confused once again. If the PCs get the rusted Skeleton armor which is worth 100 gp and go to Osgood's do they PCs get 50 gp or 100 gp? Which is it?

And what about those statuettes which are "each worth 200 gp". If the PCs bring those to Tidwoad's do they get 200 gp per statuette or do they only get "30%-50%" of their true value and instead only get 60-100 gp per statuette? I am confused.

The statuette is worth 200. Tidwoad, miserly little gnome that he is, is only interested in paying 30-50% of that (so he can sell it for an outrageous profit) so only offers up to 100 gp for the statuette. Whether your players sell at that price is down to them, a good Appraise check will tell them that they should be able to get 200 gp for it.

Stonesnake wrote:
monkey-x wrote:
of course u also need a buyer. we just spent a lot of the last session haggling over prices at Tidwards cos he buys non jewels at 30-50% of there value. the more the pcs move around town lookin to sell stuff the more diamond lake seem to live. we didnt rool anything except bluff, sense motive and diplomacy checks all session. its nice once in a while and hopefully later events have the required impact.

Okay, now I'm just confused once again. If the PCs get the rusted Skeleton armor which is worth 100 gp and go to Osgood's do they PCs get 50 gp or 100 gp? Which is it?

And what about those statuettes which are "each worth 200 gp". If the PCs bring those to Tidwoad's do they get 200 gp per statuette or do they only get "30%-50%" of their true value and instead only get 60-100 gp per statuette? I am confused.

this is exactly what happened. tidward was happy to pay 45 gp for the ruby worth 50 but didnt really want to pay anything like the 200 gp for each of the statuettes so at this point in time they have held onto them until they can fiund a private buyer. if u wnat to make things simple then by all means payout the full GP worth for non magical treasure i just like playing the stubborn NE gnome.

Stonesnake wrote:

For example, in the second adventure they list "the skeleton's armor is too corroded to be worth anything more than scrap metal. Each suit is worth 100 gp."

Have the party wizard take enough ranks in craft-weaponsmithing so when taking 10 he can hit a DC20 skill check. Then use the 5th level 'fabricate' spell and turn a mountain of corroded/unusable shields and armor into 2 mountains of masterwork daggers. (resale value +/- 151 gp ea.)

(Someone want to figure out how many daggers I can make out of a rusty suite of full plate?) lol!

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