Age of Worms HC for 2007?

Age of Worms Adventure Path

Wouldn't that be cool? I haven't read the AoW because I'm going to get a chance to play in it. I would like a HC so our gaming group can give it to our DM because I don't want to lend him my magazines for that long. There are many adventures in those particular issues that I am running or going to run and I don't want to lend them out.

So, for purely selfish and self-centered reasons, an AOW HC would be an immediate purchase for our group.

I've been running it out of the mags, and I'd still buy it on hardcover just to have everything in one source. And so they could fix the errors and typos. That'd be a good reason also.

Oh yes it would! And I would buy it despite the fact that I possess the magazines and do not have to lend them to anyone. :)

We started the AoW, but our group got split up. Now we try to run the SCAP online, but I am not the DM. :(

I am still waiting for the SCAP hardcover overload.

I would buy it immediatly!

I'm from Italy and Dungeon over there costs the equivalent of 10$ :( too much for a montly magazine!

So I would buy and hardcover of AOW if decide to do it!

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