Help with determining Magic Rod worth

Age of Worms Adventure Path

This may not be AoW specific, but we're finishing up the Wispering Cairn and I've placed a Magic rod with the Red Lantern ad hoc last week. There hasn't been time to even detect magic.... so I've got a lot of lee way. I've got 8 players, so I've been having to 'level- up' all the encounter levels and treasure... I'm afraid I might have overextended the worth. I 've checked the DM guide and most rods are pretty expensive.
At any rate, since most of the players are new to 3E / 3.5 E D&D, my party wizards have been wowed with the new possibilities of spell/metamagic feats. My initial impulse was to create a rod that was a (lesser)'metamagic sampler' ( giving them a taste of the possibilities that they could explore as thier characters progress)- maybe allowing the rod holder to use silent spell, extend spell, enlarge spell, and empower spell each once per day; and maybe even one or two 'greater' feats like widen spell, and/or quicken spell once every three days. I know those greater feats especially will encrease the value of the rod ( a rod that can do the 'smaller' feats alone would be just a little over the DMG listing as a rod of any one feat ( useable 3 times a day) is worth 3000 gp. But the Rules for determining Rod (especially with the feat abilities as opposed to spell/spell-like abilities) worth are a little vague. I'm not too worried about one item exceeding the recomended wealth level by to much as with such a big party... it may be a few levels before I throw another really cool item at my arcane types to keep them intrigued.( BTW- all players are 2nd Level- and will be well past 3rd after the next game)
So, does anybody have any suggestions about the function of the Rod and what it's cost would be- or how to determin the cost of the above listed rod?
Thanks in advance for any help. I've been so impressed, comming back into the D&D fold and the community here has been a fantastic DM aid as far as jumping back into the deep end of DMing.
Also BTW- I'm thinking of calling the rod a 'Rod Of Spell Wierding' and tieing its creation /backstory into a priest of /or (arcane) follower of Wee Jas. I'm anticipating a few more weeks of time, though, to nail down the story as next week, the party will have its hands full with the Kullen and Filge encounters....

Dark Archive

It'd be fabulously expensive, as per the "multiple different effects" factor when creating new, unique magic items. Depending on how many different metamagics you wanted to showcase in one rod, and the total number of uses per day, and the levels of spells (Lesser, Normal, or Greater) you'd like it to effect... the cost could be far, far beyond the treasure recommended for low-level characters.

The following is some pretty dense reading, but in essence, I think you'd just keep multiplying the cost by 1.5 for every different type of metamagic you add to the rod:

ESPECIALLY with a large group, I'd be cautious of over-looting them. Once one player has a character with a super-keen item, others will soon clamor for one, and you're going to have some serious challenges, especially in anticipating Encounter Levels that'll give 'em a good fight without decimating them.

I'd make it a Lesser Rod of Extend; it's not the flashiest application of metamatic, but once they see its usefulness, they might be willing to invest Feats to be able to do even niftier things. Plus, things like an extended Mage Armor can really be a boon to a low-level caster.

Thank you, Golbez. And, of course, you're right.... I've already had to slap my hand several times- reaching for the DMG to add a cool (and overpowered) item. All these new toys are a little overwhelming. If my players could see my impatience with wanting to play with as much of it as possible as soon as possible, they'd never let me utter the words 'game balance' or 'patience' again.

The Rod was originally intended to be a legacy item... its nice how these can be placed into the game fairly early...almost a tease.... then grow as the campaign does. Alas, I'd already put in the WoL 'Flamecaster' ( couldn't resist- i'd just gotten back from seeing Spamalot on Broadway and as I read the description of the previos owner taunting the attacking hordes of goblins I just couldn't get the French Taunters out of my head. That being done, I thought the one WoL was enough.... but forgot that I'd precviosly placed 'Tree Brother" (in an earlier read thru of the dugeon) with the ghouls. Fortunately, i caught myself in describing it from notes and shaved off 18 inches and made it a ( rather large, oddly shaped) Rod.

The lesser rod of Extending barely goes over the'Wealth by level' table for a third level character, so i'll just stick with that. Thanks again.

You could make it an Item of Legacy.
One mundane magic power,
then the good stuff starts at 6th level after a ritual.
Otherwise what you are suggesting sounds like an artifact.
How about scrolls with metamagic feats built in.
Worth more, quickly used up, and not really game imbalencing.

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