How often do you play and when?


Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I imagine there is an existing thread for this topic, but the search isn't working for me today and I need a place to vent.

I've been trying to join a once a month all day Saturday game for several months now. I had to cancel at the last minute this time because a surprise honey-do list from hell.

Anyway, I'm just interested in how often people tend to play and on what day(s).

Liberty's Edge

I am a player in a 2E Ravenloft campaign, where we play (well try to) once a month. As we are all 30+ in years (all in all 5 players, maybe 6 in the future), and we all have demanding jobs, its sometimes hard to find a day where we play. Usually we play on Saturdays, start at 2pm and mostly play until 1am.
The last months have been tough with finding a day on which everybody is able to show up. This sometimes su#*s, and it most of the time it's me, who cannot attend, because I very often work on the weekends...

I DM a 3E Eberron campaign as well, where we play almost once every other week, not at the weekend. We start playing at 6pm (after my players finished their jobs for the day and when I have a free day) and play to 23pm. It's short, but very intense as I have only two players.

I found out, that preparing for those short sessions is much easier (even if we play every other week), because you don't have to prepare so much.

The group that I DM plays once a week (usually wednesday night) for 3-4 hours. We'd probably play more often, but the reality of wives and girlfriends tends to put the kibosh on that.

Bi-weekly Saturday game starting at noon and running until midnight, but two DM's share the duty, splitting the twelve hour day into two six hour sessions. That way both DM's get to play--we play two seperate campaigns.

Weekly casual Wednesday night game from 7pm to about 10pm. Only three players, who all live nearby. This is my favorite, because the logistics are so much easier (no food breaks, none of the Wednesday players smoke, no packs of screaming kids around...) If given a choice, I'd just get rid of the Saturday gaming altogether and just play for 3-4 hours once a week.

as often as I can but right now the group I'm in has fallen apart. Looking for another group in MA

Our gaming group meets Wednesday evening. We play 2-3 hours. Our group is 8 players strong with me as DM. So as you might imagine it takes us a while to play through an adventure. We have been playing the shackled city campaign, off and on, since last march, and we just entered Bahl-Hamatughn in the fourth chapter. We skipped chapter two because it was not available when I started flood season. Anyway we have taken whole months off from gaming. Some of my gaming friends play in two or three other games during the week, people will find the time to play as they wish.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

My group (or different incarnations of it) play weekly on Sundays from around 5pm until 11 or 12pm. Sometimes after the main game, those of us without typical 9-to-5s stay until 4 or 5 am either running side games or just sit around talking shop about gaming. I've been thinking of getting a Monday game started, but haven't worked out the time logistics.

Usually my group plays on Wednesdays once a week. that said every third or fourth week all falls apart as someone is not available for Wednesday.

Generally I find weekdays work a good deal better for my group of adult players and myself because there are way to many things going on in our social lives to manage weekends. Some one always has to attend a Baby shower, Wedding, Stag party or Funeral on the weekends.

One problem with week night games though is they are short. Ours sometimes don't really get going until 8 and then wrap up at midnight. One can end up going home from a session and realizing that nothing but a single room was explored.

Email, message boards and the like help in this regards since a fair bit of mundane stuff can be handled outside of game time thus speeding play - DM organization (not my strong suite - I make tons of material and then manage to get myself lost in the mountains of paper) really have to be addressed for these short sessions - the loss of 45 minutes because the DM can't find his notes is pretty significant.

Our group tries to meet once a week and we lovingly call the sessions "Liliths' wonderful world of doom." One of our group actually said to Lovely Lilith; get this..."Bringith on the Doomith!" What a fool he was...She brought on the doom LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

The Exchange

Once a week, Tuesdays unless there is a schedule conflict which moves us to Thursday 6pm-10pm or so. Its not a long session but it is steady and I have a group with 7 players and a DM. Usually we have 5-6 players on any given night. If I could I would play ever other day but I already don't deserve my wife so why push it;P

This is a good thread. We have a awesom group of four guys, but we only met 5 times all last year, and only once so far this year. Talk about frustrating.

We play on weekends from 1pm until about 8 or 10pm, and it is like that other guy said, something always comes up (funeral, barmitsfa, in-laws in town, etc). So now we are going to try to add a fifth guys and then play whenever at least four can make it.

Dark Archive

For many years, my group played like clockwork on Thursday evenings. I was off work on Thursdays, and ran the game. Everyone else could be there by 4 P.M., and we would play until 10 or 11 P.M.

Six months ago, one of the group moved to the Missouri bootheel. Then, two months ago, two of the players (who are married to each other) moved to Memphis, TN. Then I moved thirty minutes north of Columbia, MO to Moberly.

Needless to say, our little band has broken up. I must admit, I'm totally jonesing for a good game.

Our group of 8 meets every other Saturday, starting around noon and going until 6ish, ocassionally later, depending on what's going on.

My new group banded together two months ago. I DM for 6 people (4 girls and 2 guys) once a week on Fridays nights. So far, it looks like we'll be pretty consistent with the schedule, maybe skipping one night a month on average.

My old high school group, scattered to the four winds, are considering the Fantasy Grounds online program to start up a weeknight game. . . but no go on that yet.

I play every other Saturday afternoon/evening, it has changed to 4-9pm. There are 4-5 of us and the DM we are playing in Greayhawk.
I am also DMing a game every other Saturday evening 5:30-10pm. Got my own goblinoid campaign in Eberron with 4 players.

I'm forced to play on a bi-weekly schedule, due to the hours I work. Our games are generally late as most of us work in the evenings. (I work from 7pm - 7am, so playing early in the day is really not an option for me currently)

We were running three games, one week on Thursday, the next week on Friday and Sunday. The weekday games didn't get started until around 12:30, since one of the players (My girlfriend) works until midnight. We would play from about 12:30 until around 3 - 4am. The sunday game starts and ends earlier, usually getting started around 9 - 9:30pm, running until around 1 - 2am. At this point, every game has collapsed except for the Sunday game. (One campaign ended, and the thursday DM just hasn't wanted to run anything.)

I'm hoping to get onto a more sane schedule in the near future, which will open up more gaming time and possibly the ability to have a set weekly gaming night.

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Blubbernaught wrote:
I'm forced to play on a bi-weekly schedule, due to the hours I work. Our games are generally late as most of us work in the evenings. (I work from 7pm - 7am, so playing early in the day is really not an option for me currently)

Yay! Another nocturnalist! All of my group except two of the guys work night jobs. Three of us at the same restaurant. (It was five of us at one point) It gets hard trying to balance playing times between us and the two 9-to-5ers, but we always work it out. I don't feel nearly as bad about our 5-6hr games seeing some of ya'll's posts about 4hr games. (Although probably you guys get more done in 4hrs than we do in our 6hrs :P)

Sovereign Court

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Fake Healer wrote:

Once a week, Tuesdays unless there is a schedule conflict which moves us to Thursday 6pm-10pm or so. Its not a long session but it is steady and I have a group with 7 players and a DM. Usually we have 5-6 players on any given night. If I could I would play ever other day but I already don't deserve my wife so why push it;P


Exactly. When it comes to plundering treasure, killing baddies and saving the world, or keeping my wife happy, she wins every time.

My wife is one of the people who wants to play more than we currently are. She constantly pesters me when I stop running my game to keep going for "one more hour." I've tried to explain to her that DMing is mentally exhausting, but since she's never DMed she doesn't understand. She's getting better about it because the few times that I did keep going later into the night at her (and some other players' requests) the game just wasn't all that much fun. 5-6 hours is all I'm good for.

The thing I enjoyed about high school and even college was the fact that gaming wasn't on a schedule--we would all phone each other and if no one was doing anything important otherwise, we'd all meet and game for 4-5 hours. Some weeks we gamed every day, but sometimes only a couple of times a month.

My D&D 3.5 Greyhawk group (CY 576, original Slavers campaign) plays every two weeks on mondays for 4 to 5 hours. Four players, me as the DM.
The other mondays are normally reserved for a Midgard (a german RPG) group in which I play and my girlfriend DMs.
Twice a month on wednesday another Midgard group in which I play also.
four or five times a year a weekend-long play, also Midgard.
five or six times a year, perhaps more, I play AD&D2 set in Norwold (Mystara) in 1980 CY or so. Also a weekend each time.
Now and then Vampire, Hunter and other things.
And I´m LARPing also, fantasy and Vampire.
Talk about a busy schedule, next free weekend is in june or so.


We've got 7 that play once every 5-6 weeks on a Saturday from noon till about 2-3 AM.

As ever,

I DM a 3.5 Greyhawk game Mondays from 6-10, and I DM a 1e game set in my own campaign world of Wyrom on Thursdays from 6-10. Unfortunatly I do not get to play as a player very often anymore.

Our group plays every tuesday from 7 to 10 pm. I had to start that session to try and actually get time to play with our hectic schedules.

The rest of the time, we play the 2nd sunday of every month in a homebrew by a newbie DM, and the 3rd sunday of every month in RtToEE by our senior DM. We generally only make slightly above 50% of these last year.

Right now, I'm running Shackled City on the tuesdays, but we alternate chapters with another new DM who runs the Wizards of the Coast modules from Sunless Citadel onward (but converted to 3.5). I'm on chapter 1, he is starting chapter 3 when they complete this one.

I would like to game more, but do to jobs, and girlfriends and such, that is all we can make.

I remember when this group started gaming, i was in college and we played every friday from 6 pm to 2-3am. And sometimes on Saturday or Sunday, from 1 pm to 1-2 am. But most of that group is disbanded and moved away as always happens.


Fake Healer wrote:

If I could I would play ever other day but I already don't deserve my wife so why push it;P


I guess I am lucky in that My signifigant other happens to be a gamer herself. I guess I'm lucky that is :)

Stebehil wrote:

My D&D 3.5 Greyhawk group (CY 576, original Slavers campaign) plays every two weeks on mondays for 4 to 5 hours. Four players, me as the DM.


Wow--I wish I could play in that game!!


Thursday evenings for about 3 hours every week. Unless we get too many cry-offs and we just cancel.

The short time is imposed by childcare neccessities and the lives of the other players.

I was running a Greyhawk 3.5E game using adventures from a variety of sources (currently a Dragon Hunt from a Slayers' Guide) but that's on hiatus and another member of the group is DMing a game on a Homebrew World which reminds me of Middle Earth.

We play two days a week, sometimes as much as four. The joy of not having children.

Tuesdays - 9pm-11pm I DM a Neverwinter Nights campaign online, been playing for almost a year now with 7 players.

Thursdays - 8pm-midnight I DM the Age of Worms via Fantasy Grounds & Ventrilo online with 4 players.

Weekends - Looking for a game to play in my area, I don't really want to DM but can host in my garage. If I can't find anybody soon I will probably post something in local game stores and put inserts into the copies of D&D Basic and PHB I see around town soliciting players.

Every Thursday night 6:30 PM - 10:00ish

We meet around 5:45 for dinner, talk about our weeks, and then get into the game.

Most of us work the night shift at one of the local casinos, so we play from 8am till around 12:30 - 1pm on Friday mornings.

We had another game going on Tuesday afternoons, but it fell through when 50% of the group had to put it on hold. Now we play Magic on Tues.


Back in the good'ol days, we used to play around four times a week.

Alas, now we play once every other Saturday from noonish to five thirty-ish. And even if I wanted to, I couldn't produce more. This third Edition stuff really takes a while (and a lot of effort) to prepare.


The Exchange

Timault Azal-Darkwarren wrote:

Every Thursday night 6:30 PM - 10:00ish

We meet around 5:45 for dinner, talk about our weeks, and then get into the game.

Didn't recognize you with the new Avatar. Guess it'll have to grow on me;)


The Exchange

Ultradan wrote:

Back in the good'ol days, we used to play around four times a week.

Alas, now we play once every other Saturday from noonish to five thirty-ish. And even if I wanted to, I couldn't produce more. This third Edition stuff really takes a while (and a lot of effort) to prepare.


I am considering Fantasy Grounds just to get another game in weekly, even if it is online. I think Lilith just bought it also. I miss the old days, a sheet of graph paper, a plot idea and some notes and Wham! Game on. Hopefully more people put together web based databases to assist DMs like Lilith's npc one.


Fake Healer wrote:
I miss the old days, a sheet of graph paper, a plot idea and some notes and Wham! Game on.

I actually used the "100 Adventure Ideas" table from the DM Guide a couple of times. Now there's a challenge! Roll, check the result, and prepare for tomorrow's game.

I think I'll use it again to start my new campaign in two weeks.


Currently playing AoW with 5 to 8 players each session, sticking to a loose schedule of 1 saturday (marathon; noon until wee hours) & 2 weeknights (6 'til 10 pm) each month. Players are aged 25 - 33, with no kids yet...which seems to explain why we can still run a monthly marathon. We're based in Edmonton, AB (Canada).

And it needs to be said; thank goodness for significant others who understand the need to get together and socialize &/or relax this way!


Our group used to play, on average, once every two weeks on Saturday nights with about five players. We'd start as soon as all the babysitters had arrived and all the kids had been put to bed - so around 8PM. Game sessions would break up between 12 to 2 depending how much sleep the group had or what would be going on the day after. A group of 30 something’s with kids and spouses is increasingly difficult to get together.

Everything came to a stop for me a month ago with the birth of my second son. I had started to DM the AoW and now the players have just finished dealing with Filge (Filge escaped) and are waiting to find out what’s behind door number one in the Whispering Cairn. I've set the game in Oerth but have adapted the locations to Blackmoor. I've been tampering with the geography a bit to accomodate the game. Dantredune is a larger city and acts as "The Free City" and I've relocated it to the north coast of Blackmoor Bay.

I've heard the group has started another game in my absence. They’re playing a D&D style fantasy setting using the rules from Mutants & Masterminds - sounds interesting!


Run an Eberron campain saterdays from 1:00 to about 6:00.

Saturday, start 6-7pm and end between 11pm-2am. Right now doing starwars twice a month, temple of elemental evil (return to) once a month, and shackled city once a month.

Tuesdays from 7 pm to 11 pm, though it usually ends up being more like midnight when we wrap up. While its a weekly game, because of scheduling and the like and weddings (2) and babies (1), we often are off for a few weeks at a time, so we average about to closer to a bi weekly game.

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