kahoolin |

If you pitched to me a 700-word article and I accepted it anytime in the last two years I was clearly fuzzy-headed at the time. Make sure any Class Act article you hand to me is around 1400 words.Sorry for any confusion.
No worries, you probably assumed it was a 1400 word article when you accepted it, and I was assuming 800 words from the old Writer's Guidelines when I wrote it.
Anyway I'll resend it. Thanks again for the valuable feedback :)

BrotherDog |

It would be nice to see some new Skill Tricks geared for each heading. ;;D
Perhaps when you feature a setting theme for the issue, how aboot including tips on flavoring your characters to that setting. ;;D
While not intended as a suggestion of the "substitution level" nature (as some may interpret this so), I'd like to see the occasional alternate class feature. A'la the current web-enhancement on the WotC site for Cityscape for city druids. ;;D

Zherog Contributor |

It would be nice to see some new Skill Tricks geared for each heading. ;;D
My copy of Complete Scoundrel is in the mail as we speak... er, as we type/read. Once I get a better understanding of the idea, you can bet I'll be sending some ideas to Mike around the concept. Oh - I hear the writers of CS are devilishly handsome, and on the cutting edge of game design. Is that rumor true? ;)
Perhaps when you feature a setting theme for the issue, how aboot including tips on flavoring your characters to that setting. ;;D
Interesting idea.
While not intended as a suggestion of the "substitution level" nature (as some may interpret this so), I'd like to see the occasional alternate class feature. A'la the current web-enhancement on the WotC site for Cityscape for city druids. ;;D
I'll have to look that one up...

![]() |

Sir Michael, thanks for this fine explanation of Class Acts. You should update the class acts part of guidelines with it, because explanation there is way outdated.
Tis true, good sir. You're probably the 10th person to ask us to update the guidelines. It's on our to-do list, so eventually it might actually happen. ;D