Place Your Rant Here

Gamer Life General Discussion

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BTW, my post above does not imply that I think the U.S. is a superior society. I just think that putting the basic right to defend oneself against criminals and predators on the back burner and make the person who defended himself the criminal is misguided jurisprudence. Just my opinion. I used to be German and most of my German family and friends don't feel that way. I guess they trust their police's response time more than the U.S. population does.

farewell2kings wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, a Gaming Rant at last !! And a seemingly sanctioned one at that ... oooo goody goody goody ...

That was a great rant, Turin....I can SO sympathize with you!!

Thankya much F2K (if I may abbreviate your forum name). In over 20 years' tabletop gaming, it still never ceases to amaze me how often otherwise intelligent and capable people will do some of the most bone-headed things - or act like asses at the game table and do a most excellent job of utterly demolishing an otherwise very enjoyable game session in a matter of a minute or two.

Sadly, the thread has so far tangoed off into a discussion of the 2nd U.S. Amendment from the otherwise beautiful gaming-related rants.

Valegrim wrote:

didnt want to give the 21 ft thing out just in case; figured 3ft a safe number in case there were any wannabee psychos out there;

They know...that s*%+ gets on the public record of every cop that gets sued because they "should have shot the knife out little Billy's hand" or "they should have wrestled the knife out of his hand like Chuck Norris does."

All those transcripts are public record and the media feeds on them like flies on d~$@*@$.

Turin the Mad wrote:

Sadly, the thread has so far tangoed off into a discussion of the 2nd U.S. Amendment from the otherwise beautiful gaming-related rants.

Gaming rants come and go in this thread. It's meant as overall stress relief, I think that's what Saern intended. I'm very stressed right now--no gaming for a month, studying my ass off for a stupid test I don't really want to take but have to to make more money, my son's having surgery on Friday and it's 700 miles away so I gotta drive 1400 miles round trip with the wife and a 3 year old in pain, so I'm a little more cranky right now than usual and gun issues always crank my shaft, so to speak.

farewell2kings wrote:
Gaming rants come and go in this thread. It's meant as overall stress relief, I think that's what Saern intended. I'm very stressed right now--no gaming for a month, studying my ass off for a stupid test I don't really want to take but have to to make more money, my son's having surgery on Friday and it's 700 miles away so I gotta drive 1400 miles round trip with the wife and a 3 year old in pain, so I'm a little more cranky right now than usual and gun issues always crank my shaft, so to speak.

*hugs F2K, hands him a homebrew*

farewell2kings wrote:
Turin the Mad wrote:

Sadly, the thread has so far tangoed off into a discussion of the 2nd U.S. Amendment from the otherwise beautiful gaming-related rants.
Gaming rants come and go in this thread. It's meant as overall stress relief, I think that's what Saern intended. I'm very stressed right now--no gaming for a month, studying my ass off for a stupid test I don't really want to take but have to to make more money, my son's having surgery on Friday and it's 700 miles away so I gotta drive 1400 miles round trip with the wife and a 3 year old in pain, so I'm a little more cranky right now than usual and gun issues always crank my shaft, so to speak.

Yoiks, that's some brutal RL stress there to have to deal with ... good luck and may the whole of gamerdom transmit benevolent intent to you and yours.

You can pay us back later with a gaming rant ^_^

I've trained with knives early on. Don't worry... I don't go around knife fighting or bear the neat forearm scars James Keegan was talking about. I'm 6'2. This means that when I'm standing and leaning my weight backwards I can suddenly lunge forward almost seven feet with the tip of my blade. I can close this distance in a third of a second and I don't even have to move one of my feet. Knives are VERY dangerous.

That said, I've gone my whole life without stabbing someone on purpose. Then again, you can't play around with those things and not accidently skewer your friends. Am I right? Anyone?

farewell2kings wrote:
my son's having surgery on Friday and it's 700 miles away so I gotta drive 1400 miles round trip with the wife and a 3 year old in pain, so I'm a little more cranky right now than usual and gun issues always crank my shaft, so to speak.

I know there are no minor surgeries, but I'm hoping this isn't a major. My thoughts are with you and yours, friend.

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
Gaming rants come and go in this thread. It's meant as overall stress relief, I think that's what Saern intended. I'm very stressed right now--no gaming for a month, studying my ass off for a stupid test I don't really want to take but have to to make more money, my son's having surgery on Friday and it's 700 miles away so I gotta drive 1400 miles round trip with the wife and a 3 year old in pain, so I'm a little more cranky right now than usual and gun issues always crank my shaft, so to speak.
*hugs F2K, hands him a homebrew*

It's all good, F2K. That's what the rant thread's for.

I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

Heathansson wrote:
Lilith wrote:
farewell2kings wrote:
Gaming rants come and go in this thread. It's meant as overall stress relief, I think that's what Saern intended. I'm very stressed right now--no gaming for a month, studying my ass off for a stupid test I don't really want to take but have to to make more money, my son's having surgery on Friday and it's 700 miles away so I gotta drive 1400 miles round trip with the wife and a 3 year old in pain, so I'm a little more cranky right now than usual and gun issues always crank my shaft, so to speak.
*hugs F2K, hands him a homebrew*

It's all good, F2K. That's what the rant thread's for.

I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

Absolutely. As I've more or less stated before, I feel custody of this thread has basically passed over to the Paizo community in general. It's everyone's baby now. :) Our angry, vengeful, screaming, discontent, rambling, unfocused baby...

F2K, best of wishes.

Turin, if you ever decide to look back over the long history of this thread, you'll probably find that only a small fraction of it has to do with gaming at all. However, if you want to establish any kind of feelings of personal connections and understandings of the people on this messageboard community, this thread is the one to read!

Thanks guys!! I appreciate all the virtual hugs and virtual homebrews and real well wishes and the place to rant. Saern did a good thing by starting this thread.

Heathansson wrote:

It's all good, F2K. That's what the rant thread's for.

I'll keep you guys in my prayers.

Thanks bud...we'll be at Medical City Dallas and should be out Saturday, it's supposed to be only an overnight stay. I'll e-mail you.

Connecticut state law (where I'm originally from) mandates that deadly force is only justified on a breaking and entering if you are literally backed into a corner in your own home about to be killed. That's why I personally advocate something like a baseball bat. Whatever, though.

Best of wishes for your son's surgery, F2K.

James Keegan wrote:
Connecticut state law (where I'm originally from) mandates that deadly force is only justified on a breaking and entering if you are literally backed into a corner in your own home about to be killed. That's why I personally advocate something like a baseball bat. Whatever, though.

Wow!! I can understand your reasoning. EDIT: Sorry about my rant earlier, it wasn't directed at you, you were just the trigger. Hope I didn't offend you. I got a little too into it--my inner Charlton Heston overacting.

James Keegan wrote:

Best of wishes for your son's surgery, F2K.

Thank you, sir.

The Exchange

farewell2kings wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Connecticut state law (where I'm originally from) mandates that deadly force is only justified on a breaking and entering if you are literally backed into a corner in your own home about to be killed. That's why I personally advocate something like a baseball bat. Whatever, though.

Wow!! I can understand your reasoning.

James Keegan wrote:

Best of wishes for your son's surgery, F2K.
Thank you, sir.

I hope I am not sounding weird or anything by asking but what type of procedure is your son having? I have heard alot about his conditions from the board and I am curious as to what his procedure entails. All my thoughts and prayers will be with you and yours.


farewell2kings wrote:
James Keegan wrote:
Connecticut state law (where I'm originally from) mandates that deadly force is only justified on a breaking and entering if you are literally backed into a corner in your own home about to be killed. That's why I personally advocate something like a baseball bat. Whatever, though.

Wow!! I can understand your reasoning. EDIT: Sorry about my rant earlier, it wasn't directed at you, you were just the trigger. Hope I didn't offend you. I got a little too into it--my inner Charlton Heston overacting.

James Keegan wrote:

Best of wishes for your son's surgery, F2K.
Thank you, sir.

"I hate every ape I see from Chimpan-A to Chimpanzee, no you'll never make a monkey out of meee!!!"

(The Statue of Liberty rises behind Troy McClure as Heston.)

"Oh my God! I was wrong! It was Earth all along! So you've finally made a monkey-"

"Yes, we finally made a monkey!"

"You finally made a monkey out of MEEEEEE!!! I love you, Dr. Zaius!!"

Fake Healer wrote:

hope I am not sounding weird or anything by asking but what type of procedure is your son having? I have heard alot about his conditions from the board and I am curious as to what his procedure entails. All my thoughts and prayers will be with you and yours.


A very minor one this time...a tongue suspension surgery to keep his tongue from blocking his airway while he's asleep. He still has a trach tube to help him breathe, but he could get rid of it if we get his sleep apnea under control.

If this surgery is successful, we'll do another sleep study around Christmas time and if all goes well, we can ditch the trach in the spring. Next year, he'll have another major surgery to reconstruct his forehead, which is missing a lot of bone and is deformed from a bone infection contracted during another major surgery in 2003.

Then, he'll hopefully have some peace and not have any more surgeries until he's about 8 or 9, at which time they'll have to do another skull surgery and try to move his upper jaw forward about another inch or so, using distraction.

That'll be repeated again when he's about 16 or 17, and then he should be done and his appearance should be much better as well.

BTW, he has Pfeiffer Syndrome. Fortunately, his intelligence is above normal and he's developing normally intellectually, although his speech is somewhat delayed from his hearing loss. I think his biggest long term challenge is going to be social, because of his appearance people think he's mentally retarded, even though he's far from it. The part that breaks my heart is all the cruelty he'll have to endure from the other kids. The children he hangs out with now all know him and don't think he's weird looking any more, but at school all the snickering and pointing is going to really affect him when he's older.

Thanks for asking and caring and sorry for the off topic and long winded response.

Scarab Sages

My two cents on the whole gun thing - If a person is raised properly, respects the law, and is taught proper and safe gun use, then there is no reason they shouldn't be allowed to own a gun. I know it's been said before, but if you take away the guns from law-abiding citizens, then only the police and criminals will have them. There are a lot more criminals then there are police, so normal citizens would be screwed.

I've also heard and read that taking away guns would make it more difficult for bad people to hurt someone. To that I say, "Try living in the real world for a change." If someone wants to hurt you, they will find a way.

As far as the 2nd Ammendment and how easy it would be for the Gov't to do away with it. Look at political correctness and its effects on free speech. There are words and phrases in the english language that can get you in serious trouble these days. Part of that is because a majority of society has decided that certain words should not be used in polite conversation (a good thing). The other part is a bunch of fascist wannabees who feel it is there job to tell people how to think and feel and be nice to everyone. These are the same people who want to tell us what to eat, how to raise our kids, what we should watch, etc. I'm not being paranoid (despite what everyon says behind my back - ha ha), but just facing facts. I've even read somewhere that over in Britain they can fine you or something like that for saying things they don't like. I'm not sure if that's true or not, but I wouldn't be surprised.

Anyway, I've ramble on long enough. Some people may take exception to things I've said - that's OK. It's a free country and we can all think what we like (for now).

And now on to my Rant: I hate that I am between computers at home right now. (Begin shameless plug) We (people from the boards here, thanks Lilith and all) have this great website where we are building a world together ( and its difficult to contribute without a computer to work from at home. (end shameless plug). We (my chick and I) are saving money for the wedding and don't want to buy somethin new. So my little brother has offered me his old one for nothing. Now we just have to wait for him to send it. I know, I sound ungrateful since he's giving it to us, but you don't know him. He says he'll send it any day now, and it'll be a year or so before he even packs it up.

Anyway, that's all for now. Whew! That's a lot of typing.

Stephen Yeardley wrote:

An Englishman's view on purchasing guns, for what ever purpose.

How about, when you buy any sort of weapon and when you renew your licence, one of the requirements is to have a shell/bullet from that weapon shot into your leg from, say 20 yards, and then you have to deal with the consequences. Just to know what it feels like.

Don't need a license to buy a gun in Texas. The gunstore runs your driver's license through an instant background check database. If you don't have any felony convictions or a history of mental illness, the background database gives a green light. Then, if you're a resident of the state you're buying the gun in and fill out a background check packet that goes to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (love that combination!!), you can buy the gun. You have to be 18 to buy rifle/shotgun, 21 to buy a handgun.

F2K- Hope everything goes well the operation.

Aberzombie- Incitement to murder has long been a crime in the UK. Recently the laws against blasphemy were strengthened. It’s strange that when an extremist said the pope should be killed, that the person wasn’t arrested. Of course, if a Christian or Jew said a similar thing about a prominent Islamic figure, there would be an outcry.
On the radio last week, a different person said that “the pope is an enemy of islam because he’s head of a rival faith.” What a lot of b*****. Christians, jews, and moslems are all “People of the Book” in the Koran.

The Jade wrote:

I've trained with knives early on. Don't worry... I don't go around knife fighting or bear the neat forearm scars James Keegan was talking about. I'm 6'2. This means that when I'm standing and leaning my weight backwards I can suddenly lunge forward almost seven feet with the tip of my blade. I can close this distance in a third of a second and I don't even have to move one of my feet. Knives are VERY dangerous.

That said, I've gone my whole life without stabbing someone on purpose. Then again, you can't play around with those things and not accidently skewer your friends. Am I right? Anyone?

Well, I threw knives, axes, and other stuff; even been in some competitions, never had the desire or have ever thrown one at someone. Some people just dont understand that just because you are capable of doing one thing; it does not translate to doing other things. Most of my friends do some type of sword or dagger or both type fighting; we all have for years; decades really; to date we have never skewered anyone; our injuries come from running into trees; falling down; falling on someone else; slipping, stuff like that.

That whole thing about shooting someone in the hand to get them to drop their weapon is just crazy. Somebody is watching to much tv. My belief is that if someone has a weapon and is pointing it at you; they intend to kill you; you must choose to defend yourself and others or let them kill and hurt your loved ones. No person is an island. While you might be able to take a chance on someone inside your house to rob or whatever; can you really take that chance on behalf of your family that is also at risk. While castles are kinda neat; I dont really want to live in one; I dont want bars on my house so it looks like a prison. I have been doing martial arts, mostly Kung Fu, for over 25 years; and still I would not take the chance of personal hand to hand conflict if my family was at risk. I rant for both sides; wanna be peaceloving; wanna protect my family.

When my gaming buddies come over to my house; they too are their to protect my family; same as when I go to their games. That is all under the defense of others clause against what you believe to be intent to do deadly force. Maybe it is just city I live in; I come from Detroit; not a city with the best reputation; and live in/near Albuquerque; the city that banned the show Cops from coming back because they supposedly put us in a bad light; lol; all bs; per capita this is a very violent city; people always getting beat up; and a lot of domestic violence; and gang crime. The stuff happening in schools is just mad; I stopped reading the paper cause the police blotter takes up nearly half a page and the headlines are always about some corruption in the state or county or city.

life isnt easy; full of hard choices, glad there are great games and people to have good moments with and rant lines like this to vent :)

You know what Valegrim, I wasn't partciularly interested in initiating a flame war. Sometimes in society if you get to loggerheads with someone and no one can break the just have to say "Fine, we can discuss this elsewhere" and let the matter drop. I seriously doubt anyone will change their opinion on guns or constitutional law or anything else by reading something here; I still don't like guns myself and although interesting arguments were raised and gave food for thought I simply decided "it isn't worth arguing here" If we wanted to have a political discussion we'd go to another board. Although I do have to say some of you Americans on here are seeming a little bit...paranoid, lately. Then again everyone in my family has been somewhat grumpy lately, probably just something to do with increased work load or maybe the shortening of days as we head toward winter.

F2K I hope all goes well for you and your family.

Now I do have something that has been bugging me: irresponsible pet owners. My family and I have this wonderful little cat named Spirit but down the street is a house where a big Maine Coon lives and it gets out, comes over to my family's house and if Spirit is outside, it attacks her without any provocation and the last time this happened it caused deep wounds on Spirit's back that have formed abscesses, and we've taken her to the vet and are awaiting results. In the past when the Maine Coon wandered over we tried to blast it with a Super Soaker, but it moved a bit too quickly and we scare it off but it comes back. We talked to the owners of the Maine Coon but they have done NOTHING to control this monster. Others in the neighbourhood have complained as well about this Maine Coon to it's owners, and although I usually don't think this way, I would LOVE for the owners to move away or for the Maine Coon to die or at least become an indoor cat, PERMANENTLY. We know our how our cat behaves and she NEVER bothers other cats on the street. We take responsibility for our cat; can't these jerks do so with theirs?

hmm, interesting; didnt think of any of this as hostile or flaming. All casual to me...

Steven Purcell wrote:
You know what Valegrim, I wasn't partciularly interested in initiating a flame war. Sometimes in society if you get to loggerheads with someone and no one can break the just have to say "Fine, we can discuss this elsewhere" and let the matter drop. I seriously doubt anyone will change their opinion on guns or constitutional law or anything else by reading something here; I still don't like guns myself and although interesting arguments were raised and gave food for thought I simply decided "it isn't worth arguing here" If we wanted to have a political discussion we'd go to another board. Although I do have to say some of you Americans on here are seeming a little bit...paranoid, lately. Then again everyone in my family has been somewhat grumpy lately, probably just something to do with increased work load or maybe the shortening of days as we head toward winter.

1. Where's a flame war? There's no argument here; just gentle, enjoyable discussion. Dig around in the archives for almost any thread with the word "munchkin" in the title. THAT'S a flame war.

2. Re: Taking Political Discussion Elsewhere. No, no we wouldn't. Just scan back a few pages on this very thread. :) There were even talks of going to a CNN messageboard or something and start posting D&D talk just for a joke.

3. Re: Paranoid Americans. Hello? WHO'S our President at the moment? And you wonder why we're paranoid... (now THAT might start a flame war ;P ).

((No offense intended to anyone)).

(((Other than George Bush))).

Steven Purcell wrote:
...In the past when the Maine Coon wandered over we tried to blast it with a Super Soaker, but it moved a bit too quickly and we scare it off but it comes back.

Try vinegar in the Super Soaker. >:)

Liberty's Edge

Lilith wrote:

Try vinegar in the Super Soaker. >:)

Oh, behave!

Paizo Employee Director of Narrative

Once again....
I hate being away for the weekend and then having to catch up on work and house work so that I have to spend so much time catching up here!!!

I miss you guys!

And, y'all go and have a gun rights/topple the government conversation without me.


Scarab Sages

Steven Purcell wrote:
Now I do have something that has been bugging me: irresponsible pet owners. My family and I have this wonderful little cat named Spirit but down the street is a house where a big Maine Coon lives and it gets out, comes over to my family's house and if Spirit is outside, it attacks her without any provocation and the last time this happened it caused deep wounds on Spirit's back that have formed abscesses, and we've taken her to the vet and are awaiting results. In the past when the Maine Coon wandered over we tried to blast it with a Super Soaker, but it moved a bit too quickly and we scare it off but it comes back. We talked to the owners of the Maine Coon but they have done NOTHING to control this monster. Others in the neighbourhood have complained as well about this Maine Coon to it's owners, and although I usually don't think this way, I would LOVE for the owners to move away or for the Maine Coon to die or at least become an indoor cat, PERMANENTLY. We know our how our cat behaves and she NEVER bothers other cats on the street. We take responsibility for our cat; can't...

That's a big pet peeve of mine as well. By Maine Coon do you mean a raccoon? Or is this some sort of breed of dog? Either way, since you've been unsuccessful at getting the owners to cooperate, I'd say you have a pretty compelling case to take to animal control. They'll take the thing away and probably put it to sleep. Good luck with the problem.

Scarab Sages

Saern wrote:

((No offense intended to anyone)).

(((Other than George Bush))).

Now why do you have to go and pick on poor old George? He's not that bad, certainly no worse than President Clinton was (and I mean Bill, not Hillary). Sure he's made some mistakes, and he's definitely no Ronald Reagan (hell, he doesn't even compare to his own old man), but he's tried hard to protect American citizens. And I have to give him serious credit (or at least his advisors) for trying something new in Iraq other than the old policy of just putting the lesser of two evils in place (which is how Saddam got so strong in the first place, not to mention how bin Laden got so well trained). Sure the efforts to create a democracy in Iraq aren't going as well as everyone hoped, but that is not completely Bush's fault (despite what some people want to believe). You can blame those a~*!&!&s in Iran, Syria, and elsewhere for that.

But enough of that. Let's talk about something else, like a good old-fashoned game rant. I hate that they got rid of THAC0. I liked THAC0. I like to say THAC0. It sounds like something you would see splashed across the screen during a fight scene in the old 60s Batman TV show. POW! BAM! THAC0! Not to mention that all the non-gamers didn't know what the hell you were talking about.

The Exchange

Steven Purcell wrote:
Now I do have something that has been bugging me: irresponsible pet owners. My family and I have this wonderful little cat named Spirit but down the street is a house where a big Maine Coon lives and it gets out, comes over to my family's house and if Spirit is outside, it attacks her without any provocation and the last time this happened it caused deep wounds on Spirit's back that have formed abscesses, and we've taken her to the vet and are awaiting results. In the past when the Maine Coon wandered over we tried to blast it with a Super Soaker, but it moved a bit too quickly and we scare it off but it comes back. We talked to the owners of the Maine Coon but they have done NOTHING to control this monster. Others in the neighbourhood have complained as well about this Maine Coon to it's owners, and although I usually don't think this way, I would LOVE for the owners to move away or for the Maine Coon to die or at least become an indoor cat, PERMANENTLY. We know our how our cat behaves and she NEVER bothers other cats on the street. We take responsibility for our cat; can't...

So you let you cat out of the house.....Does it stay strictly in your yard? If not then it is crapping in other people's flowerbeds. Every animal shelter and rescue center I have talked to has always maintained that cats should be kept indoors in order for the cat to remain safe and healthy. I own 2 cats. They have never left my house or screened porches. Every flowerbed I own has cat sh*t in it. My wife used to love gardening until the 3rd or 4th time of picking up a creamy surprise. I live in a very small town but have over 8 different cats who use my yard. I just love when my children aren't allowed to play in their planting beds until I remove the cat feces first.

If you can't keep your cat on your property then your cat shouldn't be allowed to roam.
It sounds like both of you are guilty of not taking good care of your pets.


The Exchange

BTW: the previous was a rant that I am sure some people will disagree with and wish to flame me. Fine. When I adopted my cats the shelter workers all made sure that I had no intentions of letting them roam the neighborhood before agreeing to allow adoption to take place.
Responsibility. Thats all I'm sayin'.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:

That's a big pet peeve of mine as well. By Maine Coon do you mean a raccoon? Or is this some sort of breed of dog? Either way, since you've been unsuccessful at getting the owners to cooperate, I'd say you have a pretty compelling case to take to animal control. They'll take the thing away and probably put it to sleep. Good luck with the problem.

I looked it up on wiki. It's a domestic cat breed, descended from the cats the English brought to New England. The cold weather made the heartiest, biggest cats make Darwin's cut, and they got fluffy water resistant coats to boot.

Wiki said the legend went that they crossed to raccoons, and that was the cause of their size and fluffy pelt, but we all know that's impossible; the cat and the raccoon would have to have first crossed with a dragon, THEN the 1/2 dragon/cat and 1/2 dragon/raccoon could've crossbred.
Also, all animal owners should realize that their little darlings are royal terrors when out and about in the neigbors' flower beds/ rabbit hutches/ what have you. Remember when you were a teenager and your parents weren't around? Well, you are human. They are animals. Also cats and dogs are carnivores. Predation is inherent to their nature.

The Exchange

Hey Aberzombie, which Mead did you get at the PA Ren Faire? Blueberry & honey or plain Honey? I am going next weekend to pickup a bunch of bottles. Probably Saturday.


Liberty's Edge

Fake Healer wrote:

BTW: the previous was a rant that I am sure some people will disagree with and wish to flame me. Fine. When I adopted my cats the shelter workers all made sure that I had no intentions of letting them roam the neighborhood before agreeing to allow adoption to take place.

Responsibility. Thats all I'm sayin'.

I'd be mystified if someone flamed you. The direct result of your behavior is noone's children kneel in your cats' leavings if they play in their own sandbox in their own back yard.

The Exchange

As a cat lover, I think the issue isn't really that cut and dried. Cats like going out, by and large. They can trot about, engage in fairly normal cat behaviour. They have to crap somewhere. And cat crap is less of an issue than dog crap, which leave huge turds all over the place. Cats which stay in probably get less excercise, and while this is less of an issue than it is for dogs it is still an issue.

That said, cats are in much more danger if they go out - they get run over and get into fights. And yes, they do crap about the place. Cats can carry toxicara, so that is a worry around children. They have a big impact on the local wildlife, since they are generally very fit, healthy and well-fed and therefore simply hunt for fun. Lots.

My parent have three cats that stay in. They seem fairly happy, but they do make regular breaks for the freedom of the great outdoors. One is fairly overweight, with the concomitant risk of diabetes (and it is difficult to restrict her feeding with two other cats and their bowls about). My sister had two cats which go out - now she has only one, because one was killed by a car recently.

So it is a toss up. On balance, I agree with FH, though I think the cat crap issue is a bit overstated. But I always think it is a little sad for a cat to be restricted to an indoor life and not be able to roam and hunt. It is what they are designed to do, after all.

The Exchange

Re the Maine Coon - those are BIG cats. If it is howling to go out, there isn't much that the owners can do as it would be pretty intolerable otherwise. If a cat is used to going out, it is difficult to restrict them indoors unless you want a very grouchy, noisy and potentially destructive cat on your hands.

As for it attacking the poster's cat - cats fight. They have to establish daily routines and dominance, and they do that partly through fighting. If it is attacking, there is obviously some problem in the pecking order. It may settle down in time. Abscesses are par for the course in cat fights - their mouths carry bacteria which cause them (never get bitten by a cat if you can ever possibly avoid it).

But getting upset about cats fighting slightly misses the point - it is part of natural cat behaviour. They are territorial predators.

The Exchange

Saern wrote:

1. Where's a flame war? There's no argument here; just gentle, enjoyable discussion. Dig around in the archives for almost any thread with the word "munchkin" in the title. THAT'S a flame war.


*Ducks out of sight*

Told ya!

The "cat" rant seem's to me like it could be solved by the "2nd amendment"rant

Intruding Feline + Firearm = no more problems

or if that makes too much noise for your community I recommend poison blow gun darts.

Fake Healer, Aubrey, perhaps additional information will prove illuminating. First Spirit our cat has ALWAYS been an outdoor cat; in fact in the summer of 2004 she wandered over to our house from a house a few blocks away and initially we took her back to her owners but then a few hours later she wandered back over to our house. At the time she had been living in a house with ten other cats, some of which were her offspring. Anyway this wandering over and taking her back continued for a week but we eventually wanted to keep her and we talked to her former owners and they let us have her. She has been an outdoor cat all her life. We keep her in at night (because there are raccoons and skunks in the neighbourhood) and when we are out and she doesn't do her business on neighbours lawn or flower beds and when she defecates in our flower beds, she digs a hole first and covers it with dirt afterwards. She also doesn't go on the neighbours property all that often and only wanders through when she does. As for fighting it has happened before but NEVER this bad; numerous (1/2 dozen) abscesses on her back this time, when in any previous fight its been one, if any happened at all, which they rarely did.

Scarab Sages

"I want, I want, I want, I want..."

I have been getting this at work as well --

"I want a 5.5% interest rate on a home mortgage 30 year fixed with no closing costs -- because "I like it"."

Ok, so the Skill Points thread has got me going. But what is it with modifying things simply because "I like it"? I think that Monopoly should be played with 3d20. I think that Chess should be played with chess pieces and that the pieces can move on Red and Black squares. I think that Taboo should be played with paper and pencil. -- Because "I like it."

All I ask for is a reason. If you want to mess with the rules of something or get something outside of the norm, then back it up with a well thought out reason -- rather than "I like it".

Valegrim wrote:

Well, I threw knives, axes, and other stuff; even been in some competitions, never had the desire or have ever thrown one at someone. Some people just dont understand that just because you are capable of doing one thing; it does not translate to doing other things. Most of my friends do some type of sword or dagger or both type fighting; we all have for years; decades really; to date we have never skewered anyone; our injuries come from running into trees; falling down; falling on someone else; slipping, stuff like that.

In truth, I've never stabbed a friend but during my teens I have been sliced and diced while attempting to show certain friends and girlfriends a few basic moves. Had you ever seen red jade? Well girls were the usual culprits. The problem was that I would get distracted, look away, and inexplicably they'd thrust their borrowed blade and open me like a ziploc bag. This probably speaks to a paradoxical rapport with the opposite sex early on.


That said, I can remember a rather stupid incident in my early twenties. I stopped drinking a few years ago, just for the heck of it really, but there was a night back in the 90's when a friend and I tied one on while watching The Exorcist with our girlfriends. So there we were laughing through the split pea soup showers and spinning heads when we spur of the moment decided to go out into my backyard in nothing but our blue jeans and charge each other in what I called a Knuckle Joust. The yard became known as The Fist Lists (say that three times fast). It was pre Jackass and Fight Club but we must have appeared the perfect fusion. We took opposite ends of the lawn and charged each other three times. He was so muscled that he was kind of a wide target with a shorter arm span and I rocked him, punches landing squarely on his heart each time like he'd said sumpin about my momma. It sounded like ham haunches being slapped against each other angrily.

After the third five finger drive-by he wrestled me to the ground (RULE BREAKER) and then fell onto his back. He lay there on the grass laughing himself to tears saying, "I can't believe you really hit me. Why did we decide to do that?"
"Cuz it was fun which rhymes with rum."
"I can't feel my chest. Gah."
"You didn't think we were supposed to hit each other?"
"But it was a Knuckle Joust."

Scarab Sages

Fake Healer wrote:

Hey Aberzombie, which Mead did you get at the PA Ren Faire? Blueberry & honey or plain Honey? I am going next weekend to pickup a bunch of bottles. Probably Saturday.


I got the plain honey, but only because I didn't see the Blueberry and Honey. Mmmm Blueberries.....

The Exchange

Aberzombie wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

Hey Aberzombie, which Mead did you get at the PA Ren Faire? Blueberry & honey or plain Honey? I am going next weekend to pickup a bunch of bottles. Probably Saturday.


I got the plain honey, but only because I didn't see the Blueberry and Honey. Mmmm Blueberries.....

Cool, I think I'll get 6 and 6 then. 2 hour trip may as well get a good amount.

Liberty's Edge

Aberzombie wrote:
Fake Healer wrote:

Hey Aberzombie, which Mead did you get at the PA Ren Faire? Blueberry & honey or plain Honey? I am going next weekend to pickup a bunch of bottles. Probably Saturday.


I got the plain honey, but only because I didn't see the Blueberry and Honey. Mmmm Blueberries.....

I thought you liked "boooooo-berries."

Sheesh; it is a conspiracy; my Lions are 0-4 and looks like soon to be 0-5 casue they are really performing averagely sheesh; you would think these guys could do good for a season or two; how can it possible be possible that a team can consistantly do so poorly for over 40 years; must be a scripted conspiracty in the NFL ARGHHH!

yep; now 0-5 ARGHHH! *pant, pant* well, at least hockey has started now so I can watch something interesting.

A follow-up on my first gaming rant :

(As a player, actions remain punishable by way of summary execution : fed feet-first into a horde of ravenous scarab beetles)

9. Being an utter idiot. I know I've commented more than once in my brief time here on these forums about player stupidity as the predominant cause of character deaths. This past Saturday is was demonstrated quite clearly. 3 players, aware that the BBEG of this part of the adventure stroll into a tavern which is a known hang out of said BBEG and his mini-onions. No recon, no nothing, they just stroll thier happy butts right on in. They order drinks for everyone, slam a few shots ... THEN take a look around. Who do they see about 10 or 15 ft away ? The BBEG and one of his Named Mooks who wasted 5 of thier characters last game session. Initiative dice are thrown and in 3 rounds all 3 are messily dispatched. A fourth PC desides to intervene with his ninja ki invisibility, proves himself ineffective and buck-buck-buckaws right back out at full running speed. Much honor damage ensues, the bad guys collect some schwag and xp, use thier dead bodies' money to pay for more drinks - you get the idea. Great, now I have to solo an encounter that's a CR 6 with my 2nd level cleric. Creative solution ? Yep - best one for a dwarf with a good Fortitude save (and a pricey shot of antitoxin in his gear) : drink them all under the table, acquire the information and the xp and leave while the town guard hauls the BBEG and (most) of his crew to the clink.

Being stupid got 3 of the 4 of them seriously, messily dead - 2 of whom were being run by the same player. Said player - who lost one character and had the other one chicken out - has the temerity to be mad at the GM for HIS stupidity ? Get your boots off and jump on in with the scarab beetles sunshine !! It will take them slightly less time to devour you alive that way. Speaking of which ...

10. BWMC'ing 'cause your character died due to your own stupidity. *This is a repeat of # 3 from my earlier rant, I know, but it bears repeating.* I can understand complaining 'cause yer dice hosed you. (Solution ? powder them, get new frickin' dice.) I can understand complaining 'cause the GM's dice hosed you. (Solution ? suck it up, the GM gets lucky sometimes, break out the fallback character or start rolling attributes for the new goober.) No one else should have to put up with a string of verbal self-pitying whining about how " this game suxx eggs " because you keep feeding characters into a frickin meat grinder *because* you haven't *yet* learned impulse control ! Get a grip, use the grey matter inside your skull for something besides pressure control and learn from your mistakes. Failure to learn from your mistakes spells messy character death over and over and over and over ...

11. Vomiting forth supposedly " balanced " home-brewed races, templates ad nauseam 'cause you saw something kewl in the past 10 years in a TV show or on the silver screen somewhere - and you wanna play it in a game. Tell you what o innovative person, get that drek published as official material in a suitable publication, bring THAT to me and THEN I'll let you play it in accordance with the published (and edited) write-up. Virtually ALL of the twinkies that got themselves extremely dead at this last game session had nastier characters than my normally-rolled PHB dwarf cleric ! We're talking stats in the 20 - 22 range (at character level 2), and lots and lots of 18s, 16s etc - and they still died 'cause they played stupid. Here's a free clue fellas : the GM let you play that crud 'cause he knows yer dumber than a bag of hammers and yer gonna rely on that nifty barfed up new doohickie of yours to keep you alive. If you can't keep the twinkied-out uber-kewl-homebrewed self-propelled monster bait of a character alive, please don't offend me by trying to RP with me after I carted you off in a meat-barrel to get sewn back together and raised AGAIN. It's bad enough I had to save your dead kiesters, it's worse that the twinky characters should have been making the game boring for me and it's the last straw that yer gonna try to RP with me when I'm the one who came up with the not-mandatorily-violent-solution to the CR 6 encounter ?! Eat my stank shorts *muttermuttergrumble*

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