Ecology of ?

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

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The RAKASTA pleaseeeeeeeeeee

Dusk Hags

Liberty's Edge

Yeah, rakasta!

Rakasta gangsta!! :)

Otherwise i think almost everything has been done except Ecology of the Fuzzle Wuzzle Woodland Creatures.

Personally I wouldn't mind seeing the Ecology of the Centaur. It could be done with a very modern twist to it.

In the Chronicles of Narnia (Prince Caspian) they make reference to the idea that centaurs need to eat more then the normal person because they have two stomachs.

Now Star Trek TNG fans would know all about Klingon physiology with their duplicating inner organs.

So it would be interesting to toughen up centaurs by applying this same logic. Two hearts, two stomachs, etc. They can fight on for a longer period of time, have stronger endurance. Would make for some good reading.


Sounds like you should send in a query. :)


There was the ecology of the grimlocks in Dragon when there was Three Faces of Evil in Dungeon, there was the ecology of the lizardfolk in Dragon when there was Encounter at Blackwall Keep in Dungeon, spellweavers and Spire of Long Shadows etc., well you get the thing. It would be nice if this was done with STAP-adventures and ecology articles as well. So more infos on bullywugs, perhaps sea hags although they haven't appeared yet and other sea monster ecologies.

Lantern Lodge

Do i dare to say...huuummm...Rakasta?


I'm soon sending a query for a number of monsters. Twenty-seven monsters, actually.

Some prominent ones:

I went for a number of weirder creatures, for I believe that they have both the least information on them, giving them plenty of room for ecology. :D


MaxSlasher26 wrote:

I'm soon sending a query for a number of monsters. Twenty-seven monsters, actually.

Some prominent ones:

I went for a number of weirder creatures, for I believe that they have both the least information on them, giving them plenty of room for ecology. :D

Demodands / Gehreleths have a massive amount of material on them, just not much in 3.x sources. I've pitched stuff on them before under prior editors (one rejection, two lost in transit queries during staff changes), and I've considered pitching them now, but I've held off intentionally. To be honest I suspect that if any major yugoloth article gets done in Dragon, some mention of the linked origin between those fiends would be unavoidable, but because of that shared history if the 'loths haven't gotten the green light yet, something on the trifold spawn of Apomps likely wouldn't either.

Lazaro wrote:
I'd like to see an ecology of the Etherguants.

I proposed that a while back but was rejected at the time. It's on my list to re-try in a few months. You should tell them you would REALLY like one right before I re-tool my query and send it again. ;)

Also, I gotta say that it looks like I will have an article on one of the critters mentioned above, though it's a regular feature not an Ecology per se. I don't have a contract in hand, so it could fall through, but from back at Gen Con Indy to a few weeks ago, Jason has been saying that it's slated for the upcoming April issue so I'm hoping it works out. :)

And since I'm in the mood to send some Ecology queries, I updated the list of published ones in this thread.

EDIT: Just re-read and saw that MaxSlasher26 also proposed ethergaunts. Good luck! If they give you the go ahead and you want some more ideas or anyone to bounce ideas off of, let me know. :)

Ken Marable wrote:
Lazaro wrote:
EDIT: Just re-read and saw that MaxSlasher26 also proposed ethergaunts. Good luck! If they give you the go ahead and you want some more ideas or anyone to bounce ideas off of, let me know. :)

Just edited down my list to less creatures today. Ethergaunts still made the cut. I love them so. They just featured them in Dungeon 143. One was in an adventure and another was drawn by Kyle Hunter at the beginning of a smaller article. I love Kyle Hunter's rendition of an ethergaunt. It looks so sad.

I sure hope that someone gets an ecology of the ethergaunt published.

Scarab Sages

I would be interested in seeing a ecology of the Elan, as well as the unbodied. mostly because they are so mysterious and would be helpful for some things i have planned for a campain.

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