Dark Sun Giant Poster Map

Dragon Magazine General Discussion

I would love it if you did a Giant poster map of Athas (like you did for GreyHawk and FR).

thank you for all your cool articles.

Kimberly Carlock wrote:

I would love it if you did a Giant poster map of Athas (like you did for GreyHawk and FR).

thank you for all your cool articles.

I second that.

And an article on, well anything from Dark Sun, would be great as well!

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Yay for thirds! I know regular support of dead campign settings isn't ya'lls wont, but Athas is neat. I do love maps.

That would be awesome, especially if it covered the areas introduced in the expanded campaign setting as well as all of the little settlements, merchant forts and villages that were added over the years. The late David Tisch did an awesome series of comprehensive Athas maps that showed that this kind of thing is indeed possible (at a resolution of 2210 x 2820, the world map is a thing of beauty).

I fourth it, I guess.
I wish they would stick to a type of schedule on articles that update past worlds, not only Dark SUn(my preferrred but still) but also Planescape, SPelljammer, maybe even Maztica!(and not just creatures, classes and kits too)
Just my 2 cents....

If memory serves didn’t TSR/WOTC provide a “super map” that covered most of the lands beyond the Seven Cities in the revised 2nd edition Dark Sun Campaign (I still have the box set and will check tonight)? Oh yeah I still the cloth map of the Tablelands that was provided with the set as well.

Good times…good times.

Sovereign Court Co-owner - Battlegrounds to Board Games

Lord Vile wrote:
If memory serves didn’t TSR/WOTC provide a “super map” that covered most of the lands beyond the Seven Cities in the revised 2nd edition Dark Sun Campaign

Yes, they did. It is really nice it adds the cities of Elderach and Kurn and a whole bunch of other stuff, like the great obsidian plains to the south. They also offered a cloth map of the original 7 cities from the 1st edition box set. I really like it and it makes a great prop. It's too bad that they never made any other cloth maps.

Brandon Gillespie wrote:
Lord Vile wrote:
If memory serves didn’t TSR/WOTC provide a “super map” that covered most of the lands beyond the Seven Cities in the revised 2nd edition Dark Sun Campaign
Yes, they did. It is really nice it adds the cities of Elderach and Kurn and a whole bunch of other stuff, like the great obsidian plains to the south. They also offered a cloth map of the original 7 cities from the 1st edition box set. I really like it and it makes a great prop. It's too bad that they never made any other cloth maps.

It is indeed a nice prop, but you have to save it for later in the campaign, as it plainly shows a huge number of supposedly secret and hidden locations. Leads to uncomfortable exchanges like:

"Eh, so what's this Pristine Tower place then?"
"Er, that's, er, an elven... er, monument to... something. Yeah, that's it. Nothing special. Don't bother going there."

I too would love to get my hands on the poster map. I still have the 1st edition boxed set, as well as most of the exspansion information, but one giant map would be cool.

Scarab Sages

Another vote for a poster map of Athas.

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