Rambo |

Think back hard....which was your fav character??
You know the one you spent all week thinking about what feat your gonna take because you wanted one that would fit him/her just right.
All the one you spent all that time coming up the back ground just to bring it that little bit more to life!!!
It could have been that goodly good Knight that would have died to save his friends...or that evil Wizard that brought kings to there knees!!
So think back people, post there stats, post there backgronds, post what effect your character had on your group or just write about how much fun you had playing that character.
Just no Munchkin crap please....this is for real gamers:)

Baramay |

Uhh... Baramay.
That is my character's name not my own. lol He is an Athasian half elven bard, neutral in alignment. He survived so many times when others fell to the wayside. All the while he did so by not chosing any sides other than his friends. In the true half elf way he was never fully accepted into most circles. He chose to take up preserving because he did not like to feel the effects of defiling. When he petitioned to get into the Vieled Alliance he was rejected because his girlfriend was known to work with many defilers. When he chose preserving she left him because she had chosen to associate with defilers.
I always think back to the movie Karate Kid, Mr Myagi gives advice,"Walk down this side of road fine, walk down this side of road fine, walk down middle *splat* crushed like grape.- Well Baramay did walk down the middle of the road and he is still walking!

farewell2kings |

Asarol the paladin--I tried to prove that LG paladins and paragons of virtue could still act and talk like Clint Eastwood. He chewed a cheroot under his helmet and acted annoyed every time a bad guy showed his true colors and had to have his ass kicked.
Asarol died at the hands of Strahd in Ravenloft when he was 7th level, but not after giving almost as good as he got.

Xellan |

My absolute favorite character was Jordan, my halfling Thief/Psionicist from 2e. I built him to be the ultimate 'in/out' man; break into and out of anywhere and anything.
In the end, he turned out to be so much more. He was the voice of reason in a party full of unreasonable people. He was the man they came to when they needed something done. He had a network of spies and associates that he used to haul the party loot out of monster lairs to any city he had contacts.
What I found to be most rewarding was his evolution as a character. While the guy definitely had 'good' tendencies, and was decidedly loyal to his friends, I began the game picking True Neutral because I wasn't locked on to his personality. In the end, he was devoutly neutral as a philosophical choice because of his experiences with the extremes of good and evil, law and chaos.
Jordan had style, patience, power, and depth.

Alasanii |

Well on the sheet he went by Novantii, but when he first met the group he was with he used an alias as he didn't know who they were and names are powerful pieces of information, so he went by Alasanii. Then when he finally felt he could trust them they just kept calling him Alasanii. He was a human turned drow (don't ask) monk. He had some sweet powers and with a baldric of regeneration he could kick just about anyones butt. But the best part of him was that he was so manuervarble and could get around easily especially when he got a flying horse as a gift, then he would just fly to wherever he had to go and if need be, just fall until he was a little ways off the ground and then use his ability to pretty much dimension door to the ground. IT was so much fun. Als he was like a jack of all trades. Infiltration, combat, scouting. I don't think there was anything he couldn't do. As well, he had special stones that allowed him to have special operatives in different parts of the world. He could then communicate telepathically with them when he concentrated on them. It allowed him to be kept abroad of what was going on in the world.
He was definitely my most favorite. But lately I have been working on a new character. Using a half-orc template I made a feral barbarian. His backstory is quite impressive and I can't wait to play again.
ANd by the way, my second most favorite character was also a paladin, he just was happy until he was blinded and lost his right hand in battle. Then he was peeved and quite surly all the time:)

Rambo |

Corrupted at a early age by a evil higher plane demi god, Balewolf would easy be my fav character.
To cut a(very)long story short balewolf was the goodly good, blonde hair, hard as nails, lowesh wisdom, barberian fighter type that would die fighting for his child hood friends.
He and his party started adventuring around the world retriving items to release this woman who they just called the mistress, and after releasing her from her prison he became a follower of the mistess.
Slowley but surley she corrupted Balewolf into becoming a paliden and ultimatley a black guard of her......
It was so dam fun roleplaying this nieve hero and the fun our DM must of had sending us on this "mighty" adventures i use to call them which most of us thought where for the greater good!!
I will always remmber this character not only for his realy powerfull Warhammer she gave him(so tough)but the games when we spent 3hrs just roleplaying between the group.
It made it very interesting only having about half the party under her spell which ultimatley led to the characters death.
Best charater to go with my fav campain as well!!!!

Drake_Ranger |

Hikaru Kamisaki, Elven Ranger. 5'6'', 125lbs, Green eyes, long Brown hair (four braided strands in the back, with a gold ring tied at the end of each). His story started in the orients on the world of Alyria, back home. His family's crest (a "daisho"; Katana and Wakizashi bearing the family emblem.) was stolen, the Mother was taken as a slave, and the Father was "killed" by "Dark Orcs". After being flung into a portal in search for revenge, Hikaru found himself in a new world; Khotovar. Although the continent he landed on was close to his motherland, he two worlds barely (if ever) interacted with one another. After making a living, doing odd jobs for commoners (and later Aristocrats as well), Hikaru began piecing together parts of his quest. He later befriended a Great Wyrm Silver Dragon by the name of Zarir, who had unreasonably began killing travelers nearby. Hikaru cured Zarir and was taken in as her son, Drake. Now, Drake goes on with his quest, searching for his family's crest, the secret behind the Blood Shards that change dragons, and the "Dark Orcs" that destroyed his village.

Sexi Golem 01 |

Eiosk Twiddlesprig Gnome wiz 8th, Chaotic neutral. Never thinks twice because he's so full of himself that if someone as bright as him (natural 18 in int now its a 22) couldn't do it the first try it's probably impossible. Loves to cut someone off as they try to tell him what "needs to be done" so he can explain the far more important buisiness of what he is about to do.
He comes up with some nice ideas Mostly involving illutions.
The party was in a seedy little swamp town but hadn't been there long enough to realize the corruption of the local constabulary. The party tries to alert the town guard thaat there are evil cultists in town after our NPC wiz informant ends up splattered all over his house. The local sage, covering his own ass since he was the one who told the cultists where to find our NPC friend, then tries to frame us and the town guard are after us. We run to the local temple of Kord, who we know we can trust, and they say they can get us uot of town but it has to be tonight. Eiosk wasn't yet prepared for a trip so he decides he needs more time. He gets the clerics to play along with his plans.
He decides to let the guards think they were right, the clerics will say the party were indeed cultists that needed a powerful divine focus (the temple alter) to send them to their master. Eiosk hidding in the rafters uses an illusion spell to project the image of the party including himself wreathed in fire and looking as demonic as possible screaming at the foolish mortals trying to disrupt the "masters plan" and then dissapearing throug an illutionary interdemitional portal while the guard trembled in fear.
So the party ended up with just enough time to wrap up there affairs and most importantly exact revenge on the deceitful sage.
He is my favorite character for many reasons but mostly because I still am playing him

Jimmy |

Favourite character was 2e; Elven ranger named Jenai Ra'alin Vaerd. The party couldn't pronounce it so they called him 'Jimmy'. His career & that of the party he belonged to, the Veil of Uncertainty, occupied the majority of our gaming for 12 years. You build a *lot* of character background & history in that amount of time, especially when other players have equal investments in characters alongside yours!
Jimmy started as a sort of tag-along NPC as I did most of the DM'ing. His stats started with a 16 Con & ranger minimums, but that was it. We started with the Haunted Halls of Eveningstar & various homemade adventures, but stuck with Forgotten Realms for the most part (plus planar travel later, and a Ravenloft jaunt).
What made this character stand out for me was a combination of the party dynamics, victories through roleplaying more often than powergaming, and the amount of *detail* thrown into the campaign.
Back to Jimmy. My first chance to play him (someone else DM'd) was level 6, and from there his personality exploded. He was a quiet, mischieveous, clever fellow who was loyal to a fault. Tenacious in battle relying heavily on speed & superior tactics over strength. The party considered him a quiet leader who was often underestimated (5'4", 130 lbs...lacked heavy armour etc.) and had more than a fair share of luck.
He took the road of specialty priest of Mielikki, rising high within the ranks. Eventually (around 20th level) joined the harpers; we used the slow advancement rules and after many more years saw him advance to 40th level (max). At this point I had him seek divine ascension, with hopes to assist Mielikki one day as an associate rather than mortal follower. Using the angellic progression path found in (can't remember...there were 2 books, one describing devils/demons progression & this one for angels) went through 8 levels to become a solar. The final test to gain ascension was a quest (and 2 mil gold...yikes); to reclaim Myth Drannor. This was something we'd already been working at so after another year of playing we'd cleared the pherrimm (sp?) & other denizens, & began rebuilding to complete the quest.
The end result was Jimmy as a lesser power with Cormanthor forest as his 'domain'. His lodge, 'Wayfarer's Ease', appears in different locations within it offering a bastion of safety to those in need.
That's the general outline. Most of our adventures came from Dungeon magazine (you don't know how much we owe to that mag!) and a variety of our own adventures, along with the occassional printed module (ie. Paladin in Hell...excellent!). Most of the fun came from the sense of permanency a long term party creates. We created 'Veildale', a hamlet between Harrowdale & Hillsfar that we had to look out for constantly. It grew as our characters did. Jimmy himself had his lodge (pre-domain, just a log lodge), a trading company in Waterdeep, and an orchard business ;) Our navy consisted of 1 acquired pirate ship, a demon ship from some dungeon adventure, and the mudship from another (all brought their own dangers).
Anyways, perhaps Jimmy's crowning accomplishment (in my eyes) was the network of contacts & friends he created. With each victory, he'd give trustworthy (or not...he got fooled sometimes) NPCs a personal signet ring & incorporate them into his network. This created more adventure hooks, and allies in time of great need. Or it could be argued his manner of dress was his greatest accomplishment; he took to wearing items found in various adventures as part of his garb...for instance, upon his head a flowerpot from Baba Yaga's hut (ruining that puzzle for future adventurers), a lizardman feathered necklace, a bright purple sash from the Marco Volo adventures...you get the idea.
Sorry to write so much, but 12 years of adventuring created a lot of material...and I've just scratched the surface. Thanks for the opportunity to reminisce ;) That gaming group is still around, and we're enjoying v3.5 immensely...and continue to use Dungeon adventures as our primary source of material.

Celric |

My favorite character was the Cavalier Kit from the 2e Complete Book of the Bard. He was so enamered of the romantic version of the fighter that he tried so hard to emulate them through poem, sonet and (unfortunately) deed - he was incredibly bad with weapons but still seemed to love to romantically charge into battle with a lance.
His demise was the result of a failed will save against an illusion of a red dragon perched upon the edge of a cliff. He predictably shouted to the rest of the party that he would save them and charged - through - the illusion. Over the cliff. I remember there was some amount of clapping afterwards, but I'm still not sure why :)

Gwydion |

Hrm. I have lots of characters, but my current favorite is the one I have yet to find a game to play.
Galen Houndstooth, Aasimar Bard/Cleric (Sune). Descendant of a hound archon that served Sune, he was raised in the church and then went on to adventure and give glory to Lady Firehair.
Unfortunately, all the groups around my area tend to kick the door in, and this character is very much a Casanova/social character. One day, one day... =)

![]() |

My favorite character was the first 3E character I made, the bard Daghnean DeGalt. Considering I had a nearly 20 years of D&D (under every incarnation of rules), I was pleasantly surprised with him.
Daghnean was a Forgotten Realms character. He had grown up a cabin boy, then a shanty-man for a crew of pirates. Eventually, the pirates were hunted down, caught and executed by the Cormite Navy. Daghnean managed to slip away during the boarding, and was on the run from the law at the onset of the campaign. He bore a rather unique tattoo on his back of a dancing skeleton playing the harp (which is known to be part of his crew's Jolly ROger), so he never took his shirt off in front of anyone he didn't trust.
He had a swashbuckling fighting style (two-weapon, rapier and dagger) at first, but later switched briefly to dual-longswords and then finally to longsword and dagger.
He also multi-classed as a fighter and then took a couple levels of shadow-dancer.
He was never a great and deadly fighter, but did what every bard should do, talked the party out of a lot of nearly nasty circumstances, while avoiding much personal involvement in messiness. He also made shameless use of the suggestion spell.
Unfortunately that campaign fell apart when he was about 13th level. Only two of the original group members still live nearby, so I doubt we'll ever finish it.

Cade Darkhouse |

My fav char was Brotter, An epic fighter with a +5 flaming burst something or another B. Sword. He had a mount, a giant advanced dragonfly. He liberatred a kingdom after leaving a clan of freedom fighters who gave him some legendary equipment to wear in this battle. I had to fight an evil king and died once but got revived by a fairy that could use true ressurection (the DM had an obsession wit The Legend of Zelda games) After al;l that I was a Demi god with about a 60 somrthing for str.

VedicCold |

My favorite character was the namesake of my login name here on the boards. Vedic was an orphaned grey elf who grew up alone on a remote island, on the outskirts of a small fishing village. He was old enough to remember his parents when he was orphaned, and was a very bitter individual. His parents were both powerful necromancers, but not necessarily evil (certainly not in his eyes). They were slain by a small church-sponsored army led by an elven paladin who happened to be his own uncle (mother's elder brother). Vedic bore witness to his uncle slaying his father, and then saw his mother destroy herself in a wave of necromantic power that slew many of the holy warriors that had seiged his parents' tower. Vedic still being young, his uncle decided to spare him and took him to the island where he was eventually raised, leaving him there amongst the human villagers in an effort to keep him as far removed from his parents' legacy as possible, hoping that he would not grow up to emulate them. The uncle then returned to his duties serving the church and leading its armies, and it was well over a century before they met again.
This notion backfired; Vedic grew up isolated and withdrawn, passed from one human household to another until he finally abandoned the village altogether, taking shelter in the cemetery in the woods further inland. Here, he pursued the rudimentary magic that his parents had taught him, using his natural genius to expand upon those lessons and self-teach himself the art of wizardry, particularly necromancy. He also nursed a cold and bitter hatred for his uncle and for all those who served gods of any fashion, which only fuelled his drive to learn as much as he could and then find a way off the island.
When he was nearing his first century of life, he began to be visited by a young human girl from the village. Often the children of the village would come to the cemetery to dare each other to talk to the spooky elf, but he would always frighten them away with the skeletal rodents and vermin he'd animated in his experiments. This girl, though, who called herself Whipper, wasn't frightened. In fact, she seemed to find the skuttling, animated rat skeletons funny and would often play with them. Finally they began to have conversations, and as she grew older, he began to think of her as his only family and friend. She learned how to handle weapons from the village militia, and even mastered the very unusual chain-weapon they had developed in the village from the old lengths of chain that were inevitably tossed aside from old or salvaged fishing vessels.
This was the background of my character, Vedic, and the character of my sister in the campaign run by my brother-in-law. Much of the game revolved around Vedic and Whipper seeking out the legacy of his father's research into necromancy, tracking down the many towers and lairs his parents had established around the world, and seeking revenge on his uncle. Eventually, he became a lich and set in motion long-range plans that steadily altered the climate of the world, plunging it into an eternal winter, in which his abominations of undeath and utter cold roamed freely, building armies of spawn and tearing down the idols of what he called "false gods." He retired when those plans came to fruition, with Whipper forever at his side as a vampire general, confidante, and companion. There were many high points in that game, with tons of fun-to-remember stories and battles, which is why he's my favorite character... because he was the character I played in the best campaign I ever experienced.

Francois424 |

Think back hard....which was your fav character??
You know the one you spent all week thinking about what feat your gonna take because you wanted one that would fit him/her just right.
All the one you spent all that time coming up the back ground just to bring it that little bit more to life!!!
It could have been that goodly good Knight that would have died to save his friends...or that evil Wizard that brought kings to there knees!!
So think back people, post there stats, post there backgronds, post what effect your character had on your group or just write about how much fun you had playing that character.
GO NUTS!!Just no Munchkin crap please....this is for real gamers:)
in 2nd AD&D back in early 1984, I made an half-elvan fighter/mage/cleric named "Mariah Clairdelune". I wrote a story, past present, what motivates her. Stats werent all that great, so I didnt like her because she was a powerhouse.
She had an arrogant attitude most of the time, and during the first few months of the expedition on the sword coast, didnt do much exept filling her part of the deal; keeping everyone alive and the likes. The as fate would want it, The group stumbled uon one of her old ennemies that had killed most of her family, forcing her to become an adventurer at a young age. RPed it and really accepted the rest of the party as close friend after that incident. Had everything planned for RP and DM kept a copy, putting elements of in the campaign as we went along. That was awesome 2nd AD&D, and I never had a campaign quite like it afterward.
Her dream was to become the Lady of a small keep, and Become a kind of "King" arthur; helping the needy and all that. Unfortunately, She finished in stones after a bad encounter with a few basilisk. The group almost didnt made it out, and they RP'ed the entire funeral in the next session. I had *no* idea about that until I withnesses it on the spot... Brought tears to my eyes, as each character expressed 100% rolepay how much they like her despise her arrogance and pig-headed attitude (heh). (was in late 1985, so almost 2 years playing a character. never ever equalled mark)
Yup unforgettable Campaign and that first and only time I played as tripple-classed in AD&D2. I miss that character... So far, i've been unable to reproduce the experience.
Ahh the memories.

Sanael Idelien |

Sanael Idelien was born Golanth Elgion, a minor cog in one of the various wheels of the Silvanesti's House Servitor (So now you know this is a Dragonlance campaign). As a servant in the home of Rinill, a House Mystic wizard, Sanael chafed under the rigid caste system and dreamed of weilding the kind of freedoms enjoyed by those elves higher on the pecking order...he turned to a life of petty theft, until he was caught breaking into his master's home to steal a minor magical item. He was, as you might guess, thrown out of Silvanost.
He took the name Sanael and began travelling Ansalon, eventually holing up in Palanthas. That's where the campaign began, more or less, and there was much fun to be had as Sanael ducked notice by the party's Silvanesti Bladesinger, became good friends with the outcast dwarf paladin of Reorx, held a kender's shirt-collar and burned Palanthas' thieves' guild to the ground. Sanael was killed at least twice in the illusion/dream of Silvanost, although he actually survived all the way through (including a major encounter in which he climbed the back of Cyan Bloodbane!). Finally, while the party moved on (and I took over as DM), Sanael took the Elf Maiden NPC to safety in Tarsis.
Since then, Sanael has come back as an NPC in various games (some of which I wasn't running), and I've played him in various circumstances at various levels in brief one-shots as future continuations of the original campaign. He and the Elf Maiden have a stormy semiromantic history, he helps take care of the kids at the dwarf's Orphanage, and he steals back stolen magic items for the conclave (a job given him by none other than Everyone's Favorite Dark Elf, Dalamar)...
Sanael's a lot of fun. Obviously. Most recently, in third edition, he's at 20th level, 10ROG/10Shadowdancer. His alignment was originally CN and, over the course of the original campaign it changed to LN. That's one of my favorite things about him. He started as the annoying constant pickpocket (at which he failed miserably) and evolved into a voice of reason and often served as one of the party leaders.